How to Not Be a Heretic
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“Asking for a Friend” — not too late to submit questions, we’ll take a break and start back up on 10/1
Lay a foundation by giving you the framework for answering hard questions
Using 3 shapes — a square, a triangle, and a circle
First, what is theology?
Wesleyan Quadrilateral
Wesleyan Quadrilateral
How to interpret Scriptures about these and other issues
Sola scriptura v. the Wesleyan quadrilateral — why we never just use Scripture
Scripture is on top — use Scripture to interpret Scripture
Tradition is next — Tradition is like the guardrails on the interstate that keeps you from driving into a ditch or the oncoming traffic.
You can’t believe something that (at least a minority of) Christians haven’t always believed. Even if there is a minority, you need to be careful to believe that (only 2 issues for me).
Difference in Catholics and Evangelicals + why I disagree
Reason is 3rd — some things are beyond reason (Trinity, 1+1+1=1), but we also use reason in most ways.
It’s part of why I’m not a Calvinist (mostly because Scripture doesn’t teach it, but also because free will and absolutely predetermined everything don’t logically go together)
Experience is last — the dangers of experience today v. Dr. Hicks’ learning to lament with Psalms through experience of suffering.
Experience is less about interpreting Scripture and more about it sinking from our head to our hearts.
1 Cor. 15 and 1st Priorities
1 Cor. 15 and 1st Priorities
Read from 1 Cor. 15
Apparently, Paul felt some beliefs about God are more important than others
1st importance beliefs (non-negotiable) — those listed, Trinity, etc.
2nd importance beliefs (really big deals)— predestination, gender roles, etc.
3rd importance beliefs/opinions (small deals) — Moses’ hair color, styles of worship, etc.
It’s a triangle because the 1st importance things are the fewest and the 3rd importance are the most numerous.
There’s a million things we care about and have a tendency to turn into 1st importance things.
It goes against the type of thinking that says it really doesn’t matter if we all believe in Jesus and get along.
First importance also means second importance.
It also goes against the type of thinking that says you have to believe everything about God right to go to heaven, as if it’s our intellectual ability that saves us instead of the blood of Jesus.