The Truth
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Jesus. Nothing More. Nothing Less. — Jesus the way // “Use your college years to make your relationship with God your top priority.”
Re-read John 14:6 — the way, the truth, the life
Context + Read John 18:28-40 — what is truth?
Relative truth is a farce
“Speak your truth”, “That’s your truth”, etc
“No one has all the truth”
Blind men and the elephant (they’re claiming to have all the truth)
“There’s no such thing as absolute truth” Are you absolutely certain about that?
Some things about the world, about life, about you are just true and others aren’t!
Well how can we know what’s true then? Why should I trust Jesus?
The Christian faith is not a fairy tale; it’s based on historical facts.
The empty tomb was discovered on Sunday by women (invalid testimony)
Jesus appeared in multiple places within the same city he’d been crucified to hundreds of eyewitnesses. (no spiritual hysteria)
Those eyewitnesses have substantially more written testimony than anything else from the same time period which we assume as historically valid.
His disciples publish biographical accounts of everything within a generation, appealing to people to ask the eyewitnesses if they’re lying.
The disciples were willing to die for it.
Lying is Satan’s native tongue.
Scott Sager’s story about the dad telling the boy to jump off the fridge + how Satan’s lies tell you to trust them only to back out of the way
Suicides on campus last year
We all know what it’s like to be promised something by the world only to have it back out of the way and leave us falling to the ground.
Jesus is the only one worth trusting. “Come to me…and I will give you rest.”
Knowing the truth takes careful listening to Jesus.
“Everyone on the side of the truth listens to me.”
What voices are loudest in your life?
Does your understanding of purpose come from Christ or from the world?
Does your understanding of your worth come from Christ or from social media? Does your understanding of joy come from Christ or from the campus?
Is your identity rooted in what you achieve, how you look, who you spend time with, and what you own or is it rooted in what God says about you?
This is why things like reading and memorizing Scripture are so important. It’s so much more than checking something off a list; it’s preventing your mind from being warped by lies about you and the world around you.
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
Use your college years to anchor your life on the truth that lasts.