Jesus is Christ

Mark Part 2  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Last week we saw that Jesus gave a blind man sight but he did this gradually. This was an odd thing because most all of his healings occur immediately. The reason behind this gradual giving of sight is representative of the disciples gradually beginning to see who Jesus truly is.
This passage here tonight is a major turning point in the book of Mark and begins our division of part 2 of the book. This is a turning point because we see that this sight has been given and they know who Jesus truly is. Much of the book has been building to this point we see in Mark 4.11 that these men have been given more sight where it says “And he said to them, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables,” They have had the secret but are just now coming to the full realization of it.
In this passage there are 2 questions asked by Jesus, one of these questions is at the heart of the gospel and the answer that Peter gives is at the heart of saving faith. Lets read this passage of Gods word as we begin to see it’s implications in our lives.
Mark 8:27–30 ESV
And Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And on the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” And they told him, “John the Baptist; and others say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets.” And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” And he strictly charged them to tell no one about him.
What a powerful statement, it is easy to see why this is such a turning point in this book. It starts out with their journey, this was not a short walk but rather closer to a full days walk from Bethsaida. This region that they were walking through was a lowland near the mouth of the Jordan river and was at the base of Mount Hermon. This is often regarded as one of the most beautiful regions in this part of the world. This beauty is marred by the history or pain that Israel has incurred from the people of this area and the pagan worship of false gods that takes place here. All of this was overcome though because this is the first place that a man confesses Jesus as the Christ.
This moment of scripture carries some gravity with it and we should ask ourselves the same questions that Jesus asked the disciples. Who do people say that Jesus is? Who do you think that Jesus is?

Who do people say that he is?

The first question that Jesus ask is who do people say that he is? This is a simple question and it is an easy one because it does not pertain to themselves. The answer that they give was a popular answer for the day and we have even seen it before in Mark 6.14-16 where it says “King Herod heard of it, for Jesus’ name had become known. Some said, “John the Baptist has been raised from the dead. That is why these miraculous powers are at work in him.” But others said, “He is Elijah.” And others said, “He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of old.” But when Herod heard of it, he said, “John, whom I beheaded, has been raised.”” This is what the people of the day thought to make sense of Jesus. As we said before these answers are wrong but they do recognize that there is something special about Jesus.
Who do people say that Jesus is today? Everyone has an opinion about who he was. Some say he was a significant figure in history, some say he was a good moral teacher, some say that he was just a good guy. All of these are true but they all fall short of who he actually is. Some say things like that he didn’t exist and that holds no grounds on the truth.
Knowing the identity of Jesus is vitally important for our lives and knowing what the world around us thinks of him helps us see the real issue in the world. It is the name of Jesus as the Christ that our faith is built and with these answers that fall so short we have no foundation for faith.
This question is the easy one to answer because it is about others but it is still one that is good to think about. I want you in your small groups here in a little bit to discuss some of the ways that people think about Jesus around you today. The next question is not as easy though because it gets a bit more personal, so let’s look at it now.

Who do you say that he is?

Jesus next ask the disciples who they say that he is. Their answer must break away from the popular opinion of the day here at this moment. It is still understandable that the rest of the people around don’t get it yet because it has not been revealed to them but we see in Mark 4.11 “And he said to them, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables,” These guys have the privilege to know, they have been given the secret. They must break away from the rest of the world and confess Christ as he truly is.
Here as the representative for them all Peter exclaims that Jesus is the Christ. This is the first time that a man has stated this and this is the confession that our faith is built on. So what does it mean to be the Christ? Christ simply means anointed one or messiah. This means that he is the savior that was predicted in the Old Testament that the people of Israel have been long awaiting. When we think of it as anointed one we can look through the history of Israel and see that there are only three groups of people that are anointed; prophets, priest, and kings. In the prophecies about the Christ that is to come we see that he will fill all of these offices for all time, Jesus is the final prophet, the final priest, and the final king. What a bold proclamation from Peter in this moment all the while they are in a pagan place where worship of false God’s runs rampant.
This question that Jesus ask is the central question to Mark’s gospel but it is also the central question in any presentation of the gospel, faith is contained in the answer given. Is Jesus just some guy or is he your savior? To answer this you may have to go against popular opinion and I can ensure you that you too would be doing it in a pagan land. Jesus being the savior of the world is not the popular answer in our world today and even though we live in the “Bible belt” the world around us is evil.
Who do you say that Jesus is? Saving faith may be found in your answer.


Here we find two simple questions but they open up a major turning point in the book of Mark and in the lives of the disciples. They finally get it, at least for the most part. They still don’t understand what the Christ is supposed to do and they think it will be liberation from their oppressors but they will soon begin to learn the truth.
These simple questions not only provide a major turning point in the lives of these men but they can also offer a major turning point in our own lives. Because of our problem of sin we need forgiveness and that is what Jesus came to make a way for. We find this forgiveness in putting our faith in him but when we do this we are not putting our faith in just some guy or a prophet, we are putting our faith in the savior of the world, the Christ. It is upon our confession of Jesus as Lord that our faith is placed in him and salvation is achieved in our lives.
In Matthews account of the same story we see Jesus say that on this rock I will build my church. Many people think that the rock is Peter but from my reading of the text I think the rock is the confession that he made that we saw here in Mark. The church is built on this statement that Jesus is Christ. Our faith is built on this same thing. Don’t miss out on the significance of this, putting your faith in Christ as your savior is the biggest, most important, decision that you can ever make in your whole life. This is no small thing and nothing makes my heart leap for joy more than someone putting their faith in Jesus. I know I have said this quite a few times recently as well but I never have met a person that went all in for Jesus and regretted it. It has never happened and it never will happen for someone that is truly changed. Know this, Jesus loves you and through his perfection this is how he has shown his love for you. Put your faith in Jesus today.
If you have never done this and would like to know more talk to me or one of the other adults and we would love to help you further understand.
For those of you that have put your faith in Jesus remember your confession of who Jesus is. It is foundational in your life. Think about what all that means for your life and how you have been changed because of it. Then seek to share this with others around you and show them that the answer that the world gives is not the right one but rather the right answer is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and that salvation is found in him alone.
Who do you say that Jesus is?
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