God's got big plans for you
David and Goliath
David and Goliath
Our life is a lot like this event tonight.
We grow, we grow in a bigger and better way.
Like the paper clips that transformed into a _______
we too are being transformed into something bigger and better then yesterday.
Listen I know sometimes you might feel like your not signifigant or important.
You may feel small or passed by, but god has great plans for you.
See for the next two weeks we are talking about Champions and what it means to be a champion. More specificly what does it mean to play a vital role in God’s plan.
Now God has plans for each of you, however God has one great plan for all of the world and that plan is in motion if you decide to jump on board with it or not. So I am going to jump over something really quick, I hope you want to jump on board with God’s plans, they are better then our own plans and we will talk about that a bit but really I want to tell you more about how to be a champion in God’s plans.
Lets look at david and Goliath,
two characters in the Bible with huge physical differences.
See the Philistines (goliath’s team) and the Israelites (David’s team) were at odds, the Philistines called out to Israel and asked if they would like to only have one person fight in a arena type combat in order to end the war. They would have to take down their best champion, Goliath who was 9 feet tall, a literal giant of the day.
Israel was frightened by this, but the king named Saul was even more frightened, here is why.
If nobody stepped up to fight against Goliath then Saul was the one everyone was looking to, he was to be the leader of his nation and so if that meant fighting a duel then that was what he was to do.
but he hides! This happened for a few days too, until we meet david;
Grade 7 and Tim - a big difference in size.
David is a shepherd and the youngest of his family, and David goes to deliever a meal to his brothers who were old enough and strong enough and just better then david at that time.
See David had his role, deliver the food and go back home. However God calls him to another role. This role being a king, and this is just the first step, Here listen to what David says to Goliath;
David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
God goes to battle for God, and this is Davids posture in all that he does. That he would go into the battle against a foe that he knew he could not conquer on his own so that God’s name would be known through the victory.
God wants to be one of his soliders but not in a actual war. Not with weapons but with honor.
Honor is when you protect the reputation of someone else by your words and your actions.
When you Honor God you are choosing to live his way even when it is tough or there is a momment where your faith might get compromised.
Honor comes in these forms;
When your friends at school decide they are doing something that you clearly can’t becuase your parents said no; thats honoring your parents and it’s a command by God and so following that it’s honoring to God.
Honor God is also when you choose to keep hurtful or harmful language out of your mouth, choosing not to jump in with a crowd that is picking on someone, or choosing to stand up for that person.
God is honored by what you do, when you help others you honor God.
For David that is what he was looking to do, He was not concerned about being the king at the time; he even puts on the Kings gear to go into battle but takes it off because it does not suit him.
David wants to follow God first.
To be a champion for God is to honor him, that’s putting him first in all that you do.
So this week I want to challenge you that you would put Jesus first in what you do.
Before you enter class on Monday say how will I honour Jesus today,
Before you go to clubs or sports, ask yourself “Will I compete in a way that honours Jesus”
Before you do house work this weekend ask “will I honour God by following my parents”
I want you to ask yourself before you do something this week “will I honour God in doing this”. The thing is that you will have to first choose if that activity honours God, so it might be a matter of giving something up. HOWEVER, school does not count (sorry) so how can you honour God when you are there is the next question.
There might be things you also need to do, there might be things you shouldn’t do.
My vision for you guys, if you choose to accept it is that you live like champions. Champions Honour thier King and if Jesus is our King then we need to look for ways to Honour him in whatever we do and wherever we are.