Dr. Mark G.
Th.B., Th.M., Th.D., D.D., L.L.D., Litt.D., Is one of the foremost theologians of our times.
Born in Fayetteville, Tennessee, h educated in the schools of Chattanooga and attended the University of ChaT tanooga, Tennessee Temple College, | Northwestern Bible College, and Northwestern Evangelical Seminary. He pastored churches in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Tennessee. He is Founder and President of Seaside Mission in North Miami Beach, and is heard weekly and in some areas, daily, over the Messiah Broadcast. Dr. Cambron is a nationally known speaker and author of many books: ^ Bible Doctrines-Hie Beliefs That Matter, New Testament Survey, Pro-' gressh/e Program of Prophecy, Daniel and Revelation Made Plain, r Come Lord Jesus, Mastering the Bible: A Text on Biblical Hermeneu-1 tics, Two Thirds Complete, and various tracts and pamphlets.The world is looking for a Superstar, a leader who will bring peace, a god... SON OF SATAN is a book that willgive you some insight from Scripture as to who this man is..."that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of Satan; who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I
was yet with you, I told you these things?"
The world is looking for a Superstar, a leader who will bring peace, a god... SON OF SATAN is a book that willgive you some insight from Scripture as to who this man is..."that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of Satan; who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I
was yet with you, I told you these things?"
give you some insight from Scripture as to who this man is..."that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of Satan; who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I
was yet with you, I told you these things?"
Grace Publishing Company
Tampa, Florida 33622
Hermeneutics is the science of interpretation of the Scriptures.
A. The Bible (most familiar).
From the Greek, "ta biblia", .meaning, the Books.
Unity - 66 books, yet ONE.
Tl-E Book.
a. Psalm 4O:S7 and Hebrews 1O:7 -' "Then .said I, Lo, I come
(in the volume of the book it is written of me)."
b. It is the pre-eminefi,t Book.
Bp The Word of God.
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12). "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." (II Cor.2:17) "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." (I Thes. 2:13).
The Word of God is made up of the "words of God", God's message to man. Men, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote His Word.
We need never be'- ashamed of it or apologize for it, for it is PERFECT] There are no errors, no mistakes, no contradictions. It is reliable! It is PERFECT] The reason for such men as inger-
A. The Bible (most familiar).
From the Greek, "ta biblia", .meaning, the Books.
Unity - 66 books, yet ONE.
Tl-E Book.
a. Psalm 4O:S7 and Hebrews 1O:7 -' "Then .said I, Lo, I come
(in the volume of the book it is written of me)."
b. It is the pre-eminefi,t Book.
Bp The Word of God.
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12). "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." (II Cor.2:17) "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." (I Thes. 2:13).
The Word of God is made up of the "words of God", God's message to man. Men, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote His Word.
We need never be'- ashamed of it or apologize for it, for it is PERFECT] There are no errors, no mistakes, no contradictions. It is reliable! It is PERFECT] The reason for such men as inger-
A. The Bible (most familiar).
From the Greek, "ta biblia", .meaning, the Books.
Unity - 66 books, yet ONE.
Tl-E Book.
a. Psalm 4O:S7 and Hebrews 1O:7 -' "Then .said I, Lo, I come
(in the volume of the book it is written of me)."
b. It is the pre-eminefi,t Book.
Bp The Word of God.
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12). "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." (II Cor.2:17) "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." (I Thes. 2:13).
The Word of God is made up of the "words of God", God's message to man. Men, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote His Word.
We need never be'- ashamed of it or apologize for it, for it is PERFECT] There are no errors, no mistakes, no contradictions. It is reliable! It is PERFECT] The reason for such men as inger-
soii is s-i-n, sin:
C. The Scriptures
"And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner." (MarK 12:10). "And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors." (Mark 15:28). "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." (John 5:39).
The word Scripture comes from the Latin word meaning "writings". It is found 52 times in the New Testament and only once in the Old Testament.
D. The Old and New Testaments
"Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." (II Cor. 3:6). "And for this cause He
C. The Scriptures
"And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner." (MarK 12:10). "And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors." (Mark 15:28). "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." (John 5:39).
The word Scripture comes from the Latin word meaning "writings". It is found 52 times in the New Testament and only once in the Old Testament.
D. The Old and New Testaments
"Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." (II Cor. 3:6). "And for this cause He
is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance," (Heb. 9:15). "But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same Vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ," (II Cor. 3:14).
Testament means covenant: Old Covenant and New Covenant. Therefore, the Old and New Covenants show the "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GOD AND MAN.
The Old (Testament) Covenant is the relationship of God with Moses (Mosaic Law). The New (Testament) Covenant is the shed Blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary; thus, it is God's relationship with the sinner.' The Old Covenant was for His people (jews) only; the New Covenant is for the Jews, but also for believing Gentiles. Thus, the Bible is ONE Book with TWO Covenants.
E. The Oracles.
The original meaning is "the place where the Word of God was kept." "And the counsel of Ahithophel, which he counselled in those days, was as if a man had enquired at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom," (II Sam. 16:23).
It is used 16 times in the Old Testament and 4 times in the New Testament. The other meaning of the Oracles is the "Holy Scriptures," (psalms 119).
A. inspiration
"Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work," (II Tim. 3; 16,17 R. V.).
it is more than human genius and human qualification.
Inspirations are endowments from God. No man has been inspired to
write since John finished the Book of Revelation
it is more than illumination.
a. Illumination means the influence of the Holy Spirit
which enables one to understand spiritual truth. Only yielded
believers are illuminated.
b. Some are more yielded, and their illumination is
greater, for God can work in them.
3. It is more than a revelation. The expose of records:
things revealed by God. Only God knew the record of the creation.
Men of God have records of men's lives, thus proving that the Bible
is the Word of God; for when mere man is recording the life of men,
he leaves out the bitter and bad. God doesn't!
4. It literally means "God-breathed«. The Word is the breath of God in a person (chosen of Him) that inspired the person. Today God is breathing to man by means of the written*-Wdrd. If the Bible is not what it claims to be, it cannot be a "gpod book". It is the same in the case of our Lord. If Jesus wasn't what* He claimed to be, He couldn't be a "good Man". IF THE BIBLE IS "NOT WHAT IT CLAIMS TO BE, THEN IT IS THE BIGGEST LIE EVER PRINTED.
Alone man is ppwerless to know God's Word. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private inter-i pretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost " (II Pet. 1:20,21). Man needs the* Holy Spirit to lead him and to interpret the Word. The same Spirit leads men, but no two are led alike.
We believe in a full, complete, inspired-of-God-Bible. Not a partly inspired Bible, but ALL-inspiredJ One who says that the Bible contains some parts that are inspired means that the Bible contains some things that are not inspired, some falsehoods, etc. They are wrong]
B. Extent of Inspiration (Verbal)
"Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow," (I peter 1:10,11). Men were inspired to write the Word of God, but they did not always understand what they wrote, proving that it is God's Word only. "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end " (Daniel 12:8,9). "The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in my tongue (II Sam. 23:2 - David)." Exodus 20:1; Isaiah 1:2; Jeremiah 1:4; Ezekiel 1:3; Amos 1:1; Daniel 9:21.
A. inspiration
"Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work," (II Tim. 3; 16,17 R. V.).
it is more than human genius and human qualification.
Inspirations are endowments from God. No man has been inspired to
write since John finished the Book of Revelation
it is more than illumination.
a. Illumination means the influence of the Holy Spirit
which enables one to understand spiritual truth. Only yielded
believers are illuminated.
b. Some are more yielded, and their illumination is
greater, for God can work in them.
3. It is more than a revelation. The expose of records:
things revealed by God. Only God knew the record of the creation.
Men of God have records of men's lives, thus proving that the Bible
is the Word of God; for when mere man is recording the life of men,
he leaves out the bitter and bad. God doesn't!
4. It literally means "God-breathed«. The Word is the breath of God in a person (chosen of Him) that inspired the person. Today God is breathing to man by means of the written*-Wdrd. If the Bible is not what it claims to be, it cannot be a "gpod book". It is the same in the case of our Lord. If Jesus wasn't what* He claimed to be, He couldn't be a "good Man". IF THE BIBLE IS "NOT WHAT IT CLAIMS TO BE, THEN IT IS THE BIGGEST LIE EVER PRINTED.
Alone man is ppwerless to know God's Word. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private inter-i pretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost " (II Pet. 1:20,21). Man needs the* Holy Spirit to lead him and to interpret the Word. The same Spirit leads men, but no two are led alike.
We believe in a full, complete, inspired-of-God-Bible. Not a partly inspired Bible, but ALL-inspiredJ One who says that the Bible contains some parts that are inspired means that the Bible contains some things that are not inspired, some falsehoods, etc. They are wrong]
B. Extent of Inspiration (Verbal)
"Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow," (I peter 1:10,11). Men were inspired to write the Word of God, but they did not always understand what they wrote, proving that it is God's Word only. "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end " (Daniel 12:8,9). "The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in my tongue (II Sam. 23:2 - David)." Exodus 20:1; Isaiah 1:2; Jeremiah 1:4; Ezekiel 1:3; Amos 1:1; Daniel 9:21.
The Old Testament contains 39 books. The New Testament contains 27. There are a total of 66 books.
The Hebrew Old Testament contains 24 books. The reason for that is that there was just one book for Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, etc. When the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into the Greek it was found that these books were too large for one scroll, so the bboks were divided into two books, or two scrolls.
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, made up of 31,163 verses. All are man-made divisions. All punctuations (periods, commas, question marks, etc.) are man-made. None are by God. All capitals
are man-made.
The Old Testament contains 39 books. The New Testament contains 27. There are a total of 66 books.
The Hebrew Old Testament contains 24 books. The reason for that is that there was just one book for Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, etc. When the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into the Greek it was found that these books were too large for one scroll, so the bboks were divided into two books, or two scrolls.
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, made up of 31,163 verses. All are man-made divisions. All punctuations (periods, commas, question marks, etc.) are man-made. None are by God. All capitals
are man-made.
The Old Testament contains 39 books. The New Testament contains 27. There are a total of 66 books.
The Hebrew Old Testament contains 24 books. The reason for that is that there was just one book for Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, etc. When the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into the Greek it was found that these books were too large for one scroll, so the bboks were divided into two books, or two scrolls.
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, made up of 31,163 verses. All are man-made divisions. All punctuations (periods, commas, question marks, etc.) are man-made. None are by God. All capitals
are man-made.
A. Personal Preparation
A personal relation with Christ. A Bible student
must be a regenerated person in order to know the Scriptures,
(I Cor. 2:11-14).
A positive persuasion concerning inspiration. This
BLESSED BOCK must be recognized as such; it must be studied. As
Moses came to the burning bush with unshod feet, we should come
to the BOOK with heads bowed, looking unto the Heavenly Father
for divine guidance.
A passionate desire to know the BOOK. A real appetite
for the Scriptures is needed.
A prayer for discernment. Pray when going to study;
ask the Holy Spirit to direct. Martin Luther said, '^fl^have prayed^
well is <to have studied well,"A predisposition to obedience. Keep your heart and
mind open to every message; for reproach, if necessary (Timothy,
for example). "The Great Teacher will not teach them who do not
obey Him." Some parts of the Bible are never studied, or even
read, because they hit, or convict, of some personal sin.
A persistence of study, unfailing industry, hard work,
and keeping at it.. Truth is found by study. You can get the truth
yourself. Dig out the truth. Verify the teaching by the Word!
B. Practical Preparation
A good Bible.
A good concordance.
Other good books. Right now is the time to start a
good library: commentaries, special books on one book of the
Bible, sermons, books on types, books on illustrations.
Will become a possessor of profound knowledge. Romans 15:4-
"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our
learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might
have hope."
Wise unto salvation. "And that from a child thou hast
known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto
salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scriptureis given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works " (II Tim. 3:15-17). "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever " (I Peter 1:23). Other scripture: I Cor. 15:1-4;
Luke 24:25-27; John 1:45; John 5:46.
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
'^fl^have prayed^
well is <to have studied well,"A predisposition to obedience. Keep your heart and
mind open to every message; for reproach, if necessary (Timothy,
for example). "The Great Teacher will not teach them who do not
obey Him." Some parts of the Bible are never studied, or even
read, because they hit, or convict, of some personal sin.
A persistence of study, unfailing industry, hard work,
and keeping at it.. Truth is found by study. You can get the truth
yourself. Dig out the truth. Verify the teaching by the Word!
B. Practical Preparation
A good Bible.
A good concordance.
Other good books. Right now is the time to start a
good library: commentaries, special books on one book of the
Bible, sermons, books on types, books on illustrations.
Will become a possessor of profound knowledge. Romans 15:4-
"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our
learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might
have hope."
Wise unto salvation. "And that from a child thou hast
known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto
salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scriptureis given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works " (II Tim. 3:15-17). "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever " (I Peter 1:23). Other scripture: I Cor. 15:1-4;
Luke 24:25-27; John 1:45; John 5:46.
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
salvation. "And that from a child thou hast
known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto
salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scriptureis given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works " (II Tim. 3:15-17). "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever " (I Peter 1:23). Other scripture: I Cor. 15:1-4;
Luke 24:25-27; John 1:45; John 5:46.
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
Luke 24:25-27; John 1:45; John 5:46.
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
To gain God's approval we must study His Word. "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth lifo (II Cor. 3:6).
"It shall greatly help ye to understand Scripture if thou not only knoweth what is spoken, but what is written of whom, and to whom, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstance."
-M. Coverdale
>a period of time during which God deals in
a particular way with man in respect to sin and to man's responsibility. Distinguish the dispensations and you will understand the Word of God. Ephesians 1;10 - "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in Him." Ephesians 3:2 - "if ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward." Ephesians 3:5-"Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles I'and prophets by the Spirit." I Cor. 9:17 - "For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me."
Time is an island in the Sea of God's Eternity. It begins with man and ends with man. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but His dealings with man are different. Each dispensation is different, and each proves man's failure. Dispensations were made in order to give man another chance. (See Hebrews 1:2; 11:3).
The literal meaning of a dispensation is a stewardship or administration. In the Word we see that it is used as the administration of the affairs of a house, property, or nation; the rule of a house, the administration of a household, stewardship. A steward is one who has been entrusted with household goods. (Luke 6:2-4.)
>a period of time during which God deals in
a particular way with man in respect to sin and to man's responsibility. Distinguish the dispensations and you will understand the Word of God. Ephesians 1;10 - "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in Him." Ephesians 3:2 - "if ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward." Ephesians 3:5-"Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles I'and prophets by the Spirit." I Cor. 9:17 - "For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me."
Time is an island in the Sea of God's Eternity. It begins with man and ends with man. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but His dealings with man are different. Each dispensation is different, and each proves man's failure. Dispensations were made in order to give man another chance. (See Hebrews 1:2; 11:3).
The literal meaning of a dispensation is a stewardship or administration. In the Word we see that it is used as the administration of the affairs of a house, property, or nation; the rule of a house, the administration of a household, stewardship. A steward is one who has been entrusted with household goods. (Luke 6:2-4.)
A. Designation (Term): Dispensation of Innocence.
Man was ignorant of good and evil, but was not an ignorant person. Adam was not holy, for he was living an untested life. Innocence is negative, and righteousness is positive. This period proves to be man's most disastrous failure. The fall of man (Gen. 1:26; 2:16-17; 3:7; 3:22-24).
B. Citation: Genesis 1-3.
C. Limitation: From the Creation to the Expulsion.
D. Duration: Unknown.
E. Condition: Genesis 1:26-29.
At the beginning of this dispensation man lived under the most favorable conditions. He lived in Eden, a park of Paradise, and was given a helpmeet. Hai^gjjjjg^^Dgfy^MU^ipfeHriMr". Therefore, Eve was "fit for" Adam.F. Obligation: Man's responsibility: not to eat the forbidden
fruit (Genesis 2:8,9,16,17). The fruit was all right, only it had
God's prohibition against it. The test was to see if man would be
obedient to the will of God. Would Adam obey God? Consequence
plainly states his obligation.
G. Transgression: Man deliberately disobeyed the will of
God (Gen. 3:6). Man was not deceived (I Tim. 2:14; I John 2:16). The whole program of Satan was given.
H. Condemnation: Consequence of sin (Genesis 3:14-19). Climax: Genesis 3:24.
I. .Prediction: -Genesis 3:15 - the promise of a Redeemer.
J. Correction: That we today are on probation. Wrong.' Man is NOT on probation today. Modern Theology is all wrong.'
A. Designation: Conscience.
B. Citation: Genesis 3-8.
C. Limitation: From the fall to the flood.
D. Duration: 1656 years.
E. Condition: Fallen race. In the second dispensation man
came under a "sin-conscience". In the first dispensation man was
under a "God-conscience." THERE WAS NO LAW, just conscience in
the second dispensation.
F. Obligation: Since knowing the difference between good and
evil, man was to do things right (Gen. 4:7) and to avoid evil. God
made the way of approach to Him by way of the sacrifice.
G. Transgression: Man goes on sinning. He goes from bad to
worse (Gen. 6:5, 11, 12). The first .child born became a murderer.
H. Destruction: God's orders disobeyed (Gen. 6:12).
I. Culmination: Closes with the flood of judgment. Eight were saved.
J. Prediction: Matt. 24:37-39. The apostasy of Genesis 6 will be the same when the Lord Jesus comes again.
K. Correction: Two present-day errors; (1) "Conscience is a sufficient guide". Conscience does not keep man from doing wrong. Conscience says to do right but doesn't say what is right. Conscience will not bring a man back to God. (2) Anarchy: "All that is needed to elevate mankind is to throw off the old restraints. Give him his absolute freedom, and he will take care of himself." Anarchy - absolute freedom. But this is what took place in the second dispensation, and man failedl
A. Designation (Term): Dispensation of Innocence.
Man was ignorant of good and evil, but was not an ignorant person. Adam was not holy, for he was living an untested life. Innocence is negative, and righteousness is positive. This period proves to be man's most disastrous failure. The fall of man (Gen. 1:26; 2:16-17; 3:7; 3:22-24).
B. Citation: Genesis 1-3.
C. Limitation: From the Creation to the Expulsion.
D. Duration: Unknown.
E. Condition: Genesis 1:26-29.
At the beginning of this dispensation man lived under the most favorable conditions. He lived in Eden, a park of Paradise, and was given a helpmeet. Hai^gjjjjg^^Dgfy^MU^ipfeHriMr". Therefore, Eve was "fit for" Adam.F. Obligation: Man's responsibility: not to eat the forbidden
fruit (Genesis 2:8,9,16,17). The fruit was all right, only it had
God's prohibition against it. The test was to see if man would be
obedient to the will of God. Would Adam obey God? Consequence
plainly states his obligation.
G. Transgression: Man deliberately disobeyed the will of
God (Gen. 3:6). Man was not deceived (I Tim. 2:14; I John 2:16). The whole program of Satan was given.
H. Condemnation: Consequence of sin (Genesis 3:14-19). Climax: Genesis 3:24.
I. .Prediction: -Genesis 3:15 - the promise of a Redeemer.
J. Correction: That we today are on probation. Wrong.' Man is NOT on probation today. Modern Theology is all wrong.'
A. Designation: Conscience.
B. Citation: Genesis 3-8.
C. Limitation: From the fall to the flood.
D. Duration: 1656 years.
E. Condition: Fallen race. In the second dispensation man
came under a "sin-conscience". In the first dispensation man was
under a "God-conscience." THERE WAS NO LAW, just conscience in
the second dispensation.
F. Obligation: Since knowing the difference between good and
evil, man was to do things right (Gen. 4:7) and to avoid evil. God
made the way of approach to Him by way of the sacrifice.
G. Transgression: Man goes on sinning. He goes from bad to
worse (Gen. 6:5, 11, 12). The first .child born became a murderer.
H. Destruction: God's orders disobeyed (Gen. 6:12).
I. Culmination: Closes with the flood of judgment. Eight were saved.
J. Prediction: Matt. 24:37-39. The apostasy of Genesis 6 will be the same when the Lord Jesus comes again.
K. Correction: Two present-day errors; (1) "Conscience is a sufficient guide". Conscience does not keep man from doing wrong. Conscience says to do right but doesn't say what is right. Conscience will not bring a man back to God. (2) Anarchy: "All that is needed to elevate mankind is to throw off the old restraints. Give him his absolute freedom, and he will take care of himself." Anarchy - absolute freedom. But this is what took place in the second dispensation, and man failedl
B. Citation: Genesis 1-3.
C. Limitation: From the Creation to the Expulsion.
D. Duration: Unknown.
E. Condition: Genesis 1:26-29.
At the beginning of this dispensation man lived under the most favorable conditions. He lived in Eden, a park of Paradise, and was given a helpmeet. Hai^gjjjjg^^Dgfy^MU^ipfeHriMr". Therefore, Eve was "fit for" Adam.F. Obligation: Man's responsibility: not to eat the forbidden
fruit (Genesis 2:8,9,16,17). The fruit was all right, only it had
God's prohibition against it. The test was to see if man would be
obedient to the will of God. Would Adam obey God? Consequence
plainly states his obligation.
G. Transgression: Man deliberately disobeyed the will of
God (Gen. 3:6). Man was not deceived (I Tim. 2:14; I John 2:16). The whole program of Satan was given.
H. Condemnation: Consequence of sin (Genesis 3:14-19). Climax: Genesis 3:24.
I. .Prediction: -Genesis 3:15 - the promise of a Redeemer.
J. Correction: That we today are on probation. Wrong.' Man is NOT on probation today. Modern Theology is all wrong.'
A. Designation: Conscience.
B. Citation: Genesis 3-8.
C. Limitation: From the fall to the flood.
D. Duration: 1656 years.
E. Condition: Fallen race. In the second dispensation man
came under a "sin-conscience". In the first dispensation man was
under a "God-conscience." THERE WAS NO LAW, just conscience in
the second dispensation.
F. Obligation: Since knowing the difference between good and
evil, man was to do things right (Gen. 4:7) and to avoid evil. God
made the way of approach to Him by way of the sacrifice.
G. Transgression: Man goes on sinning. He goes from bad to
worse (Gen. 6:5, 11, 12). The first .child born became a murderer.
H. Destruction: God's orders disobeyed (Gen. 6:12).
I. Culmination: Closes with the flood of judgment. Eight were saved.
J. Prediction: Matt. 24:37-39. The apostasy of Genesis 6 will be the same when the Lord Jesus comes again.
K. Correction: Two present-day errors; (1) "Conscience is a sufficient guide". Conscience does not keep man from doing wrong. Conscience says to do right but doesn't say what is right. Conscience will not bring a man back to God. (2) Anarchy: "All that is needed to elevate mankind is to throw off the old restraints. Give him his absolute freedom, and he will take care of himself." Anarchy - absolute freedom. But this is what took place in the second dispensation, and man failedl
Hai^gjjjjg^^Dgfy^MU^ipfeHriMr". Therefore, Eve was "fit for" Adam.F. Obligation: Man's responsibility: not to eat the forbidden
fruit (Genesis 2:8,9,16,17). The fruit was all right, only it had
God's prohibition against it. The test was to see if man would be
obedient to the will of God. Would Adam obey God? Consequence
plainly states his obligation.
G. Transgression: Man deliberately disobeyed the will of
God (Gen. 3:6). Man was not deceived (I Tim. 2:14; I John 2:16). The whole program of Satan was given.
H. Condemnation: Consequence of sin (Genesis 3:14-19). Climax: Genesis 3:24.
I. .Prediction: -Genesis 3:15 - the promise of a Redeemer.
J. Correction: That we today are on probation. Wrong.' Man is NOT on probation today. Modern Theology is all wrong.'
A. Designation: Conscience.
B. Citation: Genesis 3-8.
C. Limitation: From the fall to the flood.
D. Duration: 1656 years.
E. Condition: Fallen race. In the second dispensation man
came under a "sin-conscience". In the first dispensation man was
under a "God-conscience." THERE WAS NO LAW, just conscience in
the second dispensation.
F. Obligation: Since knowing the difference between good and
evil, man was to do things right (Gen. 4:7) and to avoid evil. God
made the way of approach to Him by way of the sacrifice.
G. Transgression: Man goes on sinning. He goes from bad to
worse (Gen. 6:5, 11, 12). The first .child born became a murderer.
H. Destruction: God's orders disobeyed (Gen. 6:12).
I. Culmination: Closes with the flood of judgment. Eight were saved.
J. Prediction: Matt. 24:37-39. The apostasy of Genesis 6 will be the same when the Lord Jesus comes again.
K. Correction: Two present-day errors; (1) "Conscience is a sufficient guide". Conscience does not keep man from doing wrong. Conscience says to do right but doesn't say what is right. Conscience will not bring a man back to God. (2) Anarchy: "All that is needed to elevate mankind is to throw off the old restraints. Give him his absolute freedom, and he will take care of himself." Anarchy - absolute freedom. But this is what took place in the second dispensation, and man failedl
A. Designation: Human Government.
B. Citation: Genesis 8-11.
C. Limitation: Flood to Babel.
D. Duration: 427 years.
E. Condition: Genesis 8:1. Noah is to be head of the earth,
as Adam started out to be. Noah is head of the Government. The
first government is introduced here.
F. Obligation: Man's responsibility is to govern the earth
(world) (Gen. 9:5,6). Capital punishment is introduced. Reason
why: Gen. 9:6. A man slays another man, kills one who is made in the image of God; this is a direct thrust at God.
G. Transgressions; Failed at the start. Noah sinned. If
the governor sinneth, one whom he rules will sin. At this time
there is a united "red union", the first communistic government
(Gen. 9:1; 11:4). This was the beginning of Idolatry at the
Tower of Babel. Man built this tower as an image to worship. All
images, idols, etc. are held up and supported by Satan.
H. Condemnation; Dispersion (Gen. 11:6,7 - the beginning of the nations ).
I. Prediction: Babylon has never been completely overthrown but it will be (Jeremiah 51:8; Rev. 18:8,10,17).
J. Correction: "Our hope is in human government." WrongJ Our hope is not in any man, but in God. "Capital punishment is not right." WrongJ God introduced it, and it is still His law given to man.
A. Designation: Promise.
B. Citation: Genesis 11 - Exodus 15.
C. Duration: 430 years.
D. Conditions; Has to do, primarily, with the Seed of
Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3 ; 13:14-17; 15;6). "And he believed in the
LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness" (Gen. 15:6).
God called Abraham from Ur of the Caldees, and he left a land
seen for a land unseen.
E. Limitations-. Call of Abraham to Bondage in Egypt.
F. Obligation: To abide in the land. Genesis 26:1-3; a
famine comes after obeying God] Abraham didn't have to go to
Egypt. When God calls or leads, He will provide.' It would
have been better if he hadn't gone. Like man today, he looked
to the flesh, rather than to God. He should have stayed in the
land. He brought Hagar back with him, and through her has sprung
up the greatest enemy of Israel today - the Mohammedans. "Every
time you go to Egypt you will have trouble."
G. Transgression: Genesis 47:1. All of Abraham's descendants
were in Egypt, and there they fell into unbelief and turned from
God (Ezekiel 20:7-9); but they were spared for His sake (promise
to Abraham).
H. Subjection: Exodus 1:8-14. All this time they had hard
ships and they were servants of the EJgjfptians; they were under
I. Prediction: The land to go t>a6k to the "Seed of Abraham."
It will be fulfilled when Jesus comefe again.'
j. Correction: "When God called Abraham He ^Bb^ndoned the
*• world." WrongJ
A. Designation: Law.
B. Citation: Exodus.
C. Limitation: From the Exodus to the Cross, or from Sinai
to Calvary.
D. Duration: 1491 years.
E. Condition: Exodus 19-.1-8. God proposed the Law before
giving it to man. When God gave th<a Law by means of Moses, they
all voiced, "All that the Lord hath sooken we will do."
F. Obligation: Exodus 19:1-5; Romans 10:5 - "To render a
perfect obedience unto the Law."
G. Transgression: II Kings 17:7-17,19; Matt. 15:6. They put
the word of man in front of the Law of God (John 19:15, Romans 3:
19,20). Failure was seen.
H. Condemnation: II Kings 17:1-6,20,23; II Kings 25:1-11; a world-wide depression (Amos 9:9); Qursed of all nations, but not destroyed ( Zechariah 8:23; Romans 11:23; Amos 9:13-15).
I. Correction: "Man is saved by the Law" - Wrong (Romans 10:5; Galatians 5:1; Acts 15:1-10).
A. Designation: Grace.'
B. Citation: Acts and Epistles.
C. Limitation: From the descent of the Holy {fpirif; to the
ascent of the Church.
D. Duration: 1900 years plus.
E. Condition: All under sin. Under Innocerfca God dealt with
one man. Under Promise He dealt with one nation., Praise the Lord,
under Grace, He deals with the world again (Rom. 3:19,20; Eph. 2:2).
All the world is guilty before God (Rom. 3:10-18). "All have sinned
and come short of the glory of God." When a picture is taken of
man, he has the picture retouched; God does not retouch anyone.
Man is open before Him, as he is. Moody said that man is a murderer at heart. A dentist heard him make this statement and took exception to it, but a later experience with a patient proved the truth of Moody's statement. Someone has said tnat the reason man hunts and fishes is to kill. By nature man is n sinner, a born liar. He is "born in iniquity". All have sinned.1' >ies, but all can be saved by believing on the Lamb of Calvary, God's Son, our Lord and Master, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
F. Obligation: John 1:11-13. Must be born (of the Spirit)
again (John 3:36; Romans 4:5; Qalatians 5:6; Ephesians 2:8,9;
Titus 3:5). A sinner cannot cone to God alone; he must come by
the only WAY, the Lord Jesus Christ. "No man cometn unto the Father but by me". There's a difference between praying to God and yelling at God. Can a person talk to God? Yes, if he has a connection. Man is saved because he believes by FAITH, not because he seeks God and confesses his sins (I John 5:10). A man (saved forever!) is saved as soon as he believes in Jesus Christ.' You don't have to pay a thing, for JESUS HAS PAID IT ALL. We are never saved because we deserve it, but we are saved through grace; it is all of grace. "By grace are ye saved, through faith." There is only one way to be saved. When man tries to add to the requirement, he fails.
G. Transgression: Failure of man: II Tim. 3:1-7; II Thes. 2:3;
I John 5:10. The FALLING AWAY is the apostasy, and not the Body
of Christ (the true Church turning away); that is impossible. It is NON-CHRISTIANS in power in the churches turning away unto their reasoning, from God's teaching.
H. Culmination: Rapture of the TRUE CHURCH from a world of sin (I Thes. 4:16-18).
F. Obligation: John 1:11-13. Must be born (of the Spirit)
again (John 3:36; Romans 4:5; Qalatians 5:6; Ephesians 2:8,9;
Titus 3:5). A sinner cannot cone to God alone; he must come by
the only WAY, the Lord Jesus Christ. "No man cometn unto the Father but by me". There's a difference between praying to God and yelling at God. Can a person talk to God? Yes, if he has a connection. Man is saved because he believes by FAITH, not because he seeks God and confesses his sins (I John 5:10). A man (saved forever!) is saved as soon as he believes in Jesus Christ.' You don't have to pay a thing, for JESUS HAS PAID IT ALL. We are never saved because we deserve it, but we are saved through grace; it is all of grace. "By grace are ye saved, through faith." There is only one way to be saved. When man tries to add to the requirement, he fails.
G. Transgression: Failure of man: II Tim. 3:1-7; II Thes. 2:3;
I John 5:10. The FALLING AWAY is the apostasy, and not the Body
of Christ (the true Church turning away); that is impossible. It is NON-CHRISTIANS in power in the churches turning away unto their reasoning, from God's teaching.
H. Culmination: Rapture of the TRUE CHURCH from a world of sin (I Thes. 4:16-18).
A. Designation: Tribulation or Judgment.
B. Citation: Revelation 6-19; Dan. 12:1; Jeremiah 30:7.
C. Limitation: From ascent of the Church to the descent of
D. Duration: Some think it is 7 years; some think it is
only 3^ years, while there are those who think it is 40 years (for
4O is the number of testing, or trial in Scripture: Moses upon the
mount 4O days; Israel in the wilderness 4O years; Christ tempted
in the wilderness 40 days).
E. Condition: I Thessalonians 4:16-18; II Thessalonians 2:10-12.
Israel is the central object during this dispensation.
F. Obligation: Revelation 7:14; 14:6,7. People to be saved
after the rapture of the Church. All are saved by the precious
blood of Christ.
G. Transgression: Revelation 9:20,21. picture of man during
this time: great masses of people hardening their hearts.
H. Condemnation: Psalm 2:1-6; Revelation 14:20. The winepress is the judgment of Revelation 20:1,2; Rev. 19:17-21; Zech. 14:4.
I. Correction: "Restitution of all things" - "everyone will be saved, including the Devil." Wrong.1 We don't know of anywhere in the Scriptures, or out of the Scriptures, where judgment will make anyone believe or obey.
C. Limitation: From ascent of the Church to the descent of
D. Duration: Some think it is 7 years; some think it is
only 3^ years, while there are those who think it is 40 years (for
4O is the number of testing, or trial in Scripture: Moses upon the
mount 4O days; Israel in the wilderness 4O years; Christ tempted
in the wilderness 40 days).
E. Condition: I Thessalonians 4:16-18; II Thessalonians 2:10-12.
Israel is the central object during this dispensation.
F. Obligation: Revelation 7:14; 14:6,7. People to be saved
after the rapture of the Church. All are saved by the precious
blood of Christ.
G. Transgression: Revelation 9:20,21. picture of man during
this time: great masses of people hardening their hearts.
H. Condemnation: Psalm 2:1-6; Revelation 14:20. The winepress is the judgment of Revelation 20:1,2; Rev. 19:17-21; Zech. 14:4.
I. Correction: "Restitution of all things" - "everyone will be saved, including the Devil." Wrong.1 We don't know of anywhere in the Scriptures, or out of the Scriptures, where judgment will make anyone believe or obey.
A. Designation: Tribulation or Judgment.
B. Citation: Revelation 6-19; Dan. 12:1; Jeremiah 30:7.
C. Limitation: From ascent of the Church to the descent of
D. Duration: Some think it is 7 years; some think it is
only 3^ years, while there are those who think it is 40 years (for
4O is the number of testing, or trial in Scripture: Moses upon the
mount 4O days; Israel in the wilderness 4O years; Christ tempted
in the wilderness 40 days).
E. Condition: I Thessalonians 4:16-18; II Thessalonians 2:10-12.
Israel is the central object during this dispensation.
F. Obligation: Revelation 7:14; 14:6,7. People to be saved
after the rapture of the Church. All are saved by the precious
blood of Christ.
G. Transgression: Revelation 9:20,21. picture of man during
this time: great masses of people hardening their hearts.
H. Condemnation: Psalm 2:1-6; Revelation 14:20. The winepress is the judgment of Revelation 20:1,2; Rev. 19:17-21; Zech. 14:4.
I. Correction: "Restitution of all things" - "everyone will be saved, including the Devil." Wrong.1 We don't know of anywhere in the Scriptures, or out of the Scriptures, where judgment will make anyone believe or obey.
A. Designation: Kingdom.
B. Citation: Isaiah 2:11.
C. Limitation: From descent of Christ to the Great White Throne,
D. Duration: 1,000 years, plus.
E. Condition: Acts 15:14-17. It is the condition in which man
A. Designation: Kingdom.
B. Citation: Isaiah 2:11.
C. Limitation: From descent of Christ to the Great White Throne,
D. Duration: 1,000 years, plus.
E. Condition: Acts 15:14-17. It is the condition in which man
is under the personal reign of Christ (Matt. 24:29,30; Isaiah 24:23; Psalms 2:6; Revelation 19:6,16). Man will be under the personal reign of Jesus Christ. Men will be free from the temptation of Satan; yet, the kingdom will not be a world of perfection.
F. Obligation: Psalm 2;2 - means to submit to Him, to His
reign (Psalm 67:4; 86:9; Zechariah 14:17).
G. Transgression: psalm 66:3 - a feigned obedience. Jeremiah 3:10-
a pretense obedience, more of compulsion than of love. Rev. 20:7-9
gives to us the Great Apostasy of the Kingdom.
H. Culmination: Revelation 20:9-15. Two Books; (1) Life ( no name); (2) Works (their names are in it). The Destruction: II Pet.3:10.
I. Correction: "The Kingdom is only a spiritual sense". Wrong.' It is a literal Kingdom to be established on earth, with Jesus Christ as its King.
Man was tried by God at the ideal time, under ideal conditions: "Believe and obey God". At the close of every dispensation God gives man up to his own way.
Innocence: Knowledge of sin.
Conscience: Imagination of Evil.
Human Government: Lawlessness.
Promise: Food in Egypt.
Law: Formalism.
Grace: Love of the world.
Judgment: (Tribulation:) Judicial blindness.
Kingdom: Following after Satan.
In every dispensation Evil is headed up in a person, or persons.
Innocence: Fallen Woman. Conscience: Sinful Angels. Human Government: Nirorod. Promise: King who knew not God. Law; Judas, Scribes and Pharisees. Grace; Modernists.
Judgment (Tribulation): Antichrist Kingdom: Satan.
Each dispensation ends with world-wide destruction or judgment.
world-wide destruction or judgment.Innocence: Expulsion.
Conscience: Flood.
Human Government: Dispersion.
Promise: Bitter Bondage.
Law: Beheading of John the Baptist and Cross of Christ.
Grace: Rapture of Church.
Judgment (Tribulation): Chaining of Satan
Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.In every dispensation Evil is headed up in a person, or persons.
Innocence: Fallen Woman. Conscience: Sinful Angels. Human Government: Nirorod. Promise: King who knew not God. Law; Judas, Scribes and Pharisees. Grace; Modernists.
Judgment (Tribulation): Antichrist Kingdom: Satan.
Each dispensation ends with world-wide destruction or judgment.
world-wide destruction or judgment.Innocence: Expulsion.
Conscience: Flood.
Human Government: Dispersion.
Promise: Bitter Bondage.
Law: Beheading of John the Baptist and Cross of Christ.
Grace: Rapture of Church.
Judgment (Tribulation): Chaining of Satan
Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.In each dispensation God comes down to earth.Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Grace: Love of the world.
Judgment: (Tribulation:) Judicial blindness.
Kingdom: Following after Satan.
In every dispensation Evil is headed up in a person, or persons.
Innocence: Fallen Woman. Conscience: Sinful Angels. Human Government: Nirorod. Promise: King who knew not God. Law; Judas, Scribes and Pharisees. Grace; Modernists.
Judgment (Tribulation): Antichrist Kingdom: Satan.
Each dispensation ends with world-wide destruction or judgment.
world-wide destruction or judgment.Innocence: Expulsion.
Conscience: Flood.
Human Government: Dispersion.
Promise: Bitter Bondage.
Law: Beheading of John the Baptist and Cross of Christ.
Grace: Rapture of Church.
Judgment (Tribulation): Chaining of Satan
Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Law: Beheading of John the Baptist and Cross of Christ.
Grace: Rapture of Church.
Judgment (Tribulation): Chaining of Satan
Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.In each dispensation God comes down to earth.Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
A. Do not confuse one dispensation with another dispensation.
Take Matthew 10:5,6. If this command is binding, there are no
grounds for us to preach the Gospel. If Matthew 1O;5,6 is for today
then it contradicts Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15. Luke 9:3 ("Take
not") contradicts Luke 22:36 ("Take").
B. Necessity of Distinguishing the Truths in Different Dispen
1. The past dispensation must not be brought into the
present. Deut. 6:25 (Law) with Romans 3:2O (Grace). Deut. 6:25
is under the covenant of works to Israel only: "Thou shalt not"
("Do and live"). Romans 3:20 is under Grace to the Jew and Gentile;
"Believe upon the Lord Jesus" ("Done").
Priesthood; Exodus 29:9 (Law) with Heb. 8:4 (Grace).
2. The Future Dispensation must not be brought into the
Present. Isaiah 2;4 (Kingdom) with Joel 3:10 (Grace).
Romans 11:26 (Kingdom) with Rom. 11:28 (Grace); lsa.2;4 (Kingdom)with II Tim. 3:1 (Grace).
The Kingdom is different from the Church. Acts 15 was the first Bible Conference; here James tells of Amos 9:11,12, which was written in a past dispensation (Law) to be fulfilled in the future (Kingdom).
3. The Present must not be read into the past.
The secret (the Church) of the Body of Christ was revealed first unto the Apostle Paul. Scripture of the Old Testament has no reference to the Church (this truth found in Eph. 3:1-10). Someone may ask, "Why didn't God reveal the Church by Jesus?" John 16:12-15 answers this.
4. The Present Dispensation must not be read into the Future.
None of the Church is to go through the tribulation. It
is a rapture, not a rupture. in Jeremiah 30:4-7 it is called "Jacob's Trouble", not the Church's. Jer. 30:3 tells us that this time of Jacob's Trouble will occur when many Jews return to the land.
5. One part of the Future is not to be read into another part
of the Future.
John 5:25 with II Cor. 5:10.
* **** * ** ** -X- ** *-**
3. The Present must not be read into the past.
The secret (the Church) of the Body of Christ was revealed first unto the Apostle Paul. Scripture of the Old Testament has no reference to the Church (this truth found in Eph. 3:1-10). Someone may ask, "Why didn't God reveal the Church by Jesus?" John 16:12-15 answers this.
4. The Present Dispensation must not be read into the Future.
None of the Church is to go through the tribulation. It
is a rapture, not a rupture. in Jeremiah 30:4-7 it is called "Jacob's Trouble", not the Church's. Jer. 30:3 tells us that this time of Jacob's Trouble will occur when many Jews return to the land.
5. One part of the Future is not to be read into another part
of the Future.
John 5:25 with II Cor. 5:10.
* **** * ** ** -X- ** *-**
* **** * ** ** -X- ** *-**
The Word "covenant" means compact, or fetter; that which binds together. In the Word the written covenants were made between God and man, binding them together.
There are two kinds of covenants: (1) "CONDITIONAL", its formula being: "If thou will" (Exodus 19:5). It is based upon the faithfulness of man. (2) "UNCONDITIONAL", its formula being: "I will" (Gen. 9:11). It is not based upon what man will do, but rather, upon the faithfulness of God.
Dispensations and Covenants are linked together.
A. Constitution: Gen. 1: 28-30; 2: 15-17- Order of life of unf alien man in the Garden.
B. Content:
to replenish the earth.
To subdue the earth.
To have dominion over the animal kingdom (Psa. 8:3-9).
There is no headship in man today. The Lord Jesus exercised it.
To restrict themselves to a vegetable diet.
a. Animals will one day eat vegetables.
b. Not wrong for man to eat meat today (Col. 2:16).
To dress the Garden.
To keep the Garden (translated "guard").
C. Condition: A Conditional covenant I Man was to abstain from
eating of the tree of good and evil; man was also warned of the
enemy to come.
D. Conclusion: Expulsion.
B. Content:
to replenish the earth.
To subdue the earth.
To have dominion over the animal kingdom (Psa. 8:3-9).
There is no headship in man today. The Lord Jesus exercised it.
To restrict themselves to a vegetable diet.
a. Animals will one day eat vegetables.
b. Not wrong for man to eat meat today (Col. 2:16).
To dress the Garden.
To keep the Garden (translated "guard").
C. Condition: A Conditional covenant I Man was to abstain from
eating of the tree of good and evil; man was also warned of the
enemy to come.
D. Conclusion: Expulsion.
A. Constitution: Made with Adam, in Eden, before expulsion.
An UNCONDITIONAL covenant. Includes a curse and a promise.
B. Contents: Genesis 3:14-19.
Curse on the Serpent. "That old serpent, the devil".
He came as an angel of light. He was seen by unfalien man as he
appeared and was seen by our Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness.
Verse 14; a record of utter defeat. This account is not a "snake
and apple" story, but rather, a true account of a curse being
placed upon Satan.
Judgment on the woman.
a. Multiplied conception. Many children born at the
time. To God's command to "replenish" the earth, intermarriage was
performed. All people came or descended from Adam. Cain married
his niece, or most likely, his sister.
b. Maternal sorrows. Not only pains of childbirth,
but of sorrow that some were even born.
c. Wifely Subordination* The headship was given to
the man in the family. It belongs to the man (no two-headed
institution). Go to China, India, Africa, and to our own North
American Indians, or any pagan country, and you will see what is
meant. Woman can thank Jesus Christ and His Gospel for making
her burden as light as it is now in America.
Judgment upon the man. The ground is cursed on account
of man's sake, to make man tired, worn out.
Curse on creation.
The Promisej Genesis 3:15 (greatest verse in the Bible,
many think). The coming, suffering, and triumph of the Seed of the
C. Conclusion: Did not end with the Flood, but continues until
the world is destroyed by fire.
A. Constitution: Genesis 8:20-9:17. Adam could say, "God
can create". Noah could say, "God can destroy."
B. Contents:
God would not again curse the earth by water.
God would not again destroy all living.
Natural order of the season to be preserved.
4. Noah and descendants to multiply and replenish the
earth; this was the same command that was given to Adam.
Dominion over animal kingdom.
Diet changed to include flesh (meat).
a. Flesh must be drained of blood.
b. Life in the blood.
Law of capital punishment established (Human Government
Dispensation). It is binding to the end of time.
This covenant includes animal creation.
*ADAM1C COVENANTA. Constitution: Made with Adam, in Eden, before expulsion.
An UNCONDITIONAL covenant. Includes a curse and a promise.
B. Contents: Genesis 3:14-19.
Curse on the Serpent. "That old serpent, the devil".
He came as an angel of light. He was seen by unfalien man as he
appeared and was seen by our Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness.
Verse 14; a record of utter defeat. This account is not a "snake
and apple" story, but rather, a true account of a curse being
placed upon Satan.
Judgment on the woman.
a. Multiplied conception. Many children born at the
time. To God's command to "replenish" the earth, intermarriage was
performed. All people came or descended from Adam. Cain married
his niece, or most likely, his sister.
b. Maternal sorrows. Not only pains of childbirth,
but of sorrow that some were even born.
c. Wifely Subordination* The headship was given to
the man in the family. It belongs to the man (no two-headed
institution). Go to China, India, Africa, and to our own North
American Indians, or any pagan country, and you will see what is
meant. Woman can thank Jesus Christ and His Gospel for making
her burden as light as it is now in America.
Judgment upon the man. The ground is cursed on account
of man's sake, to make man tired, worn out.
Curse on creation.
The Promisej Genesis 3:15 (greatest verse in the Bible,
many think). The coming, suffering, and triumph of the Seed of the
C. Conclusion: Did not end with the Flood, but continues until
the world is destroyed by fire.
A. Constitution: Genesis 8:20-9:17. Adam could say, "God
can create". Noah could say, "God can destroy."
B. Contents:
God would not again curse the earth by water.
God would not again destroy all living.
Natural order of the season to be preserved.
4. Noah and descendants to multiply and replenish the
earth; this was the same command that was given to Adam.
Dominion over animal kingdom.
Diet changed to include flesh (meat).
a. Flesh must be drained of blood.
b. Life in the blood.
Law of capital punishment established (Human Government
Dispensation). It is binding to the end of time.
This covenant includes animal creation.
C. Conclusion: This runs on until earth is destroyed with fire (Gen. 9:12). The SIGN: Rainbow. Every time it rains there is a rainbow, and He sees it. The Rainbow has been described as a joint product of storm and sunlight. God's sign has been hanging in the skies for 40 centuries (Gen. 9:14). It is blessed to know that every cloud that comes into our lives is brought by God; and remember, every cloud has a rainbow.
This is an UNCONDITIONAL covenant. A man's dark cloud is SIN, and the rainbow is JESUS I This is the only cloud that God does not bring.
A. Constitution: Genesis 12:1-3.
Great nation.
All nations to be blessed through Him.
Unconditional covenant - Gen. 13:14,15; 15:1-16.
covenant - Gen. 13:14,15; 15:1-16.a. Called from ur. (Abraham's father worshipped idols.)
b. Making of a covenant: Jer. 34:18.
B. Contents:
1. "I will make of thee a great nation." God gave added details: Gen. 13:16; Gen. 15:5; Gen. 17:6. A spiritual blessing, as well as a posterity blessing, is found in Genesis 22;18.
Made to a childless man, an old man of 99 years, to become a father of (1) a great nation; (2) of many nations; (3) of kings. At this time his name was changed from Abram to Abraham.
To be a "father" of nations, not a founder. Abraham's nation (Israel) was to be the greatest nation in all the world, instead of being the "tail", as she is today.
"Israel is a standing miracle; no land; no country; no cities; no towns; no buildings; no houses; no ruler; no king; no flag. Though she is scattered to all four corners of the globe, she is united as a people (separated from other nations) of 20,000,000 souls, controlling a great deal of the wealth today." These facts were brought out 29 years ago (this writing in 1964). Now these facts are outdated, bringing only to our hearts the soon appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Israel is 4,000 years old; 3,50O years ago Egypt tried to whip her, and did so in bondage; but, where is the glory of Egypt today? The Medes and Persians, and the Babylonians passed away, but Israel has not passed away, and she will never pass away, for God is with Israel.
A great nation shall arise from ishmael (Gen. 17:20);
that was promised to ishmael's father, Abraham. Ishmael, the father, did have a great nation divided into twelve tribes, or smaller nations (Gen. 25:16).
The seed of Isaac was to bring peace. The seed of ishmael was to be the opposite, a thorn in the side of Israel. ishmael is indeed a great nation. No nation has ever captured the Arabians
(ishmael's seed). Mohammed (622 A.D.) rose to greatness and proclaimed his religion to his people, the Arabians (the seed of Ishmael, the children, whose father is Abraham). Their greatest reward is in killing Christians, who are the spiritual seed of Isaac, whose father is Abraham. Therefore, the seed of Ishmael is a thorn in the side of the seed of Isaac.
One thousand years changes people. Today Rome is not what she was 1,OOO years ago; England is not the same, but for 4,OOO years the Arabians have remained the same. The Arabians are living exactly as their father, Ishmael, lived 4,000 years ago. Arabians circumcize their male children at the age of 13 years, the same as under Ishmael, 4,000 years ago.
Abraham had EIGHT sons. The Great Promise came only through Isaac. "Salvation is of the JEW", for we are saved by the SON of Abraham.
2. "I will bless thee." He was blessed by God with wealth
(Gen. 13,15,24,34,35.) He was blessed, blessed, blessed, and not
only with wealth, but with victory over four kings, and he brought
back Lot and the people of Sodom who had been captured by these
four kings.
He was the only one ever called "a friend of God."
"And make thy name great." Next to Jesus Christ,
Abraham's name is mentioned more in the Bible than any other. It
is mentioned 300 times in the Scriptures. Out of the Scriptures
he is better known than Jesus Christ. Abraham's name is mentioned
by people who never mention Jesus' name. He is the best-known
person in history. "He wandered around" - worshipped God in
simplicity; no tabernacle; no temple. He just "wandered around."
"I will make thee a blessing." Every nation which has
treated the Jew with kindness has been blessed, and those which have
not have been cursed (Zech. 2:8). America's prosperity is due to
her treatment of the Jew. Egypt (Ezekiel 29:15,16; Joel 3:19) was
once a glorious nation, but look at her now. All this because of
her treatment of the Jew. Look at the Atnalekites (I Chron. 4:43);
the Moabites and the Ammonites (Zeph. 2:9,10), who were once nations
of repute, but not now, because of their treatment of the Jews.
Also, look at the Edomites (Amos 1:11,12) ... all because of their
treatment of the jews. Glance at modern nations of today. Turkey
is called the sick man of Europe - all because of its treatment of
the Jews.
the Jews."I will give to thee and thy seed the land of Canaan as
an everlasting possession."
Genesis 13 records the words of Abraham, "Let us not have trouble for we are brethren." Abraham wasn't concerned about Lot's decision, for it was all his. God gave a promise to Abraham, renewed it to Isaac, and confirmed it again to Jacob.
The Jews have six (6) titles to the Land of Canaan: (1) By Homestead Law (Deut. 23:8); (2) By Gift; (3) By Covenant; (4) By Conquest; (5) By right of Tenure; (6) By Purchase.
6. "In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.".
• All the monotheism in the world has had contact with the
seed of Abraham. America is not Christian, but monotheistic (belief in one God). Those of monotheistic belief are the Jews, Mohammedans,
Mk —^^-—
and Christians.
The population of the world numbers over 3,300,000,000. The Abrahamic influence numbers over 2,000,000,000, about half of the world's population.
7. The promise is to the SEED (singular, not plural); not
to Seeds, but SEED (the Lord Jesus Christ). "Now to Abraham and
his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as
of many : but as of one, And thy seed, which is Christ " (Gal. 3:16). Thus, it was a SPIRITUAL BLESSING, also, which includes the Gentiles.
C. Condition: An Unconditional covenant - standing even today.
D. Conclusion: Abrahamic Covenant to Jews only.
E. Sign: Circumcision.Designation - God's man.
Separation unto Him.
Purity unto Him.
Possession by Him.
Designation - God's man.
Separation unto Him.
Purity unto Him.
Possession by Him.
(Note: this covenant was made only with Israel.' It was never made with the Gentiles or the Church).
It was made 430 years after Abraham. Moses was a founder, not a father, of a nation. He was the greatest law-giver in the world; it was God who gave the Law to him.
A. Constitution: Given to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus, Deut.33).
The word "Moses" means "drawn out". He became the son of
Pharaoh's daughter, who was a virgin. After he was "drawn out" he became the Saviour; and when Jesus was "drawn out" of the tomb He became the Saviour of the world.
B. Contents:
Moral Law (ten commandments) - Exodus 20.
Civil Law - Exodus 21-24.
Ceremonial Law - Exodus 25-31.
Moses broke the tables of the law, signifying that if we break one law, we break them all (James 2:10).
The Institution of the Tabernacle was established so that God could dwell in the midst of His people.
C. Condition: A Conditional Covenant.
Responsibility (Exodus 19:5,6; Leviticus 26:3; Deut.28:
1; 29:9.)
Blessings for obedience (Exodus 19:5,6; Lev. 26:3-18;
Deut. 28:1-14).
Punishment for disobedience (Exodus 19:5-8; Lev. 26:14-46;
Deut. 11:10-17; 28:15-68). Deut. 28:37 - "byword" is the Hebrew
"sheniynah"', pronounced "sheneenaw", from whence we sometimes say,
"Sheeny" (I Kings 9:7; II Chron. 7:20).
and Christians.
The population of the world numbers over 3,300,000,000. The Abrahamic influence numbers over 2,000,000,000, about half of the world's population.
7. The promise is to the SEED (singular, not plural); not
to Seeds, but SEED (the Lord Jesus Christ). "Now to Abraham and
his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as
of many : but as of one, And thy seed, which is Christ " (Gal. 3:16). Thus, it was a SPIRITUAL BLESSING, also, which includes the Gentiles.
C. Condition: An Unconditional covenant - standing even today.
D. Conclusion: Abrahamic Covenant to Jews only.
E. Sign: Circumcision.Designation - God's man.
Separation unto Him.
Purity unto Him.
Possession by Him.
Designation - God's man.
Separation unto Him.
Purity unto Him.
Possession by Him.
(Note: this covenant was made only with Israel.' It was never made with the Gentiles or the Church).
It was made 430 years after Abraham. Moses was a founder, not a father, of a nation. He was the greatest law-giver in the world; it was God who gave the Law to him.
A. Constitution: Given to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus, Deut.33).
The word "Moses" means "drawn out". He became the son of
Pharaoh's daughter, who was a virgin. After he was "drawn out" he became the Saviour; and when Jesus was "drawn out" of the tomb He became the Saviour of the world.
B. Contents:
Moral Law (ten commandments) - Exodus 20.
Civil Law - Exodus 21-24.
Ceremonial Law - Exodus 25-31.
Moses broke the tables of the law, signifying that if we break one law, we break them all (James 2:10).
The Institution of the Tabernacle was established so that God could dwell in the midst of His people.
C. Condition: A Conditional Covenant.
Responsibility (Exodus 19:5,6; Leviticus 26:3; Deut.28:
1; 29:9.)
Blessings for obedience (Exodus 19:5,6; Lev. 26:3-18;
Deut. 28:1-14).
Punishment for disobedience (Exodus 19:5-8; Lev. 26:14-46;
Deut. 11:10-17; 28:15-68). Deut. 28:37 - "byword" is the Hebrew
"sheniynah"', pronounced "sheneenaw", from whence we sometimes say,
"Sheeny" (I Kings 9:7; II Chron. 7:20).
» -17-
Deut. 11:1-17: the branch of Kidron has water for the first time in 1800 years. Joel 2:21-27: the time when God shall restore Palestine for Israel, the time of prosperity. Palestine is growing
more productive just a sign of the times. When Joel says rain
he means rain; not the Holy Spirit, but rain.Deut. 28:49,50: The enemy shall come; the Romans fulfilled this prophecy 1,5OO years after it was made.
rain; not the Holy Spirit, but rain.Deut. 28:49,50: The enemy shall come; the Romans fulfilled this prophecy 1,5OO years after it was made.
REMARKABLE FACTS ABOUT THE JEW:a. Deut. 28:63: Plucked out of the land. The Romans
completely plucked them off. Moses said it 3,50O years ago.
Plucked out of the land. The Romans
completely plucked them off. Moses said it 3,50O years ago.b. Deut. 28:64: Scattered among all nations. What
country is there without the Jew?
Scattered among all nations. What
country is there without the Jew?c. Deut. 28:65: Unrest among the nations; they were per
secuted by so-called Christian nations; yea, even by the so-called
28:65: Unrest among the nations; they were per
secuted by so-called Christian nations; yea, even by the so-called
Church.d. Lev. 26:44-46: Would not utterly destroy the Jews.
Treatment in Germany: the Jews were charged as being the killers
of the Son of God. The Black Death of 1348 was laid to their
charge and blame; one-third of the Jewish population was put to
death. Who really put Christ to death? THE WHOLE WORLD.1 During
World War n 6,000,OOO Jews are reported to have been put to death.
Before the war the Jews numbered around 20,000,000, but now about
16,OOO,OOO.Treatment in Spain and France: both nations were spillers of Jewish blood, Jew murderers. The Jews were driven out of their homes and businesses, stripped of their possessions and wealth, and then allowed to come back again. The Jews were at one time cut down to a mere 1,000,000.Why destroy the Jew for what he has done, or has not done? Look at what he has given to the world: The SAVIOUR I The Devil hates nothing worse than the Bible, God and His Son. If the Devil could destroy the Jew, he could prove a lying Bible. There is only ONE way to destroy the Jew and that is the Scriptural way: Jeremiah 31:35-37. Thus, it is impossible to destroy the Jew. Jonah (type of Israel): the water could not drown him and the fish couldn't digest him.
D. Conclusion: Merged with Palestinian Covenant.
E. Sign: The Sabbath. It was never given to the Gentiles
(Romans 2:12,14); Exodus 31:12,13; Ezekiel 20:12,20; Deut. 5:12-15;
man should rest on the Sabbath.
THE SABBATH HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED , BUT ABOLISHED! What did Jesus do on the first day of the week?
A. Constitution: Deut. 30:1-10. The years of wandering (for Israel) are over; ready now to enter into the land.-18-
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
26:44-46: Would not utterly destroy the Jews.
Treatment in Germany: the Jews were charged as being the killers
of the Son of God. The Black Death of 1348 was laid to their
charge and blame; one-third of the Jewish population was put to
death. Who really put Christ to death? THE WHOLE WORLD.1 During
World War n 6,000,OOO Jews are reported to have been put to death.
Before the war the Jews numbered around 20,000,000, but now about
16,OOO,OOO.Treatment in Spain and France: both nations were spillers of Jewish blood, Jew murderers. The Jews were driven out of their homes and businesses, stripped of their possessions and wealth, and then allowed to come back again. The Jews were at one time cut down to a mere 1,000,000.Why destroy the Jew for what he has done, or has not done? Look at what he has given to the world: The SAVIOUR I The Devil hates nothing worse than the Bible, God and His Son. If the Devil could destroy the Jew, he could prove a lying Bible. There is only ONE way to destroy the Jew and that is the Scriptural way: Jeremiah 31:35-37. Thus, it is impossible to destroy the Jew. Jonah (type of Israel): the water could not drown him and the fish couldn't digest him.
D. Conclusion: Merged with Palestinian Covenant.
E. Sign: The Sabbath. It was never given to the Gentiles
(Romans 2:12,14); Exodus 31:12,13; Ezekiel 20:12,20; Deut. 5:12-15;
man should rest on the Sabbath.
THE SABBATH HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED , BUT ABOLISHED! What did Jesus do on the first day of the week?
A. Constitution: Deut. 30:1-10. The years of wandering (for Israel) are over; ready now to enter into the land.-18-
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
a mere 1,000,000.Why destroy the Jew for what he has done, or has not done? Look at what he has given to the world: The SAVIOUR I The Devil hates nothing worse than the Bible, God and His Son. If the Devil could destroy the Jew, he could prove a lying Bible. There is only ONE way to destroy the Jew and that is the Scriptural way: Jeremiah 31:35-37. Thus, it is impossible to destroy the Jew. Jonah (type of Israel): the water could not drown him and the fish couldn't digest him.
D. Conclusion: Merged with Palestinian Covenant.
E. Sign: The Sabbath. It was never given to the Gentiles
(Romans 2:12,14); Exodus 31:12,13; Ezekiel 20:12,20; Deut. 5:12-15;
man should rest on the Sabbath.
THE SABBATH HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED , BUT ABOLISHED! What did Jesus do on the first day of the week?
A. Constitution: Deut. 30:1-10. The years of wandering (for Israel) are over; ready now to enter into the land.-18-
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
Constitution: Deut. 30:1-10. The years of wandering (for Israel) are over; ready now to enter into the land.-18-
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*classes it is seen that God is no Respecter of persons, but He is a REGARDER of classes.
The jew is mostly spoken of in the Old Testament and in the first part of the New Testament. The New Testament speaks mostly of the Church. God deals with the nations (all races) in the first ten chapters of Genesis, but from Genesis 11 through the four Gospels, the Bible speaks of the Jewish nation as the theme of the Book, only mentioning the Gentile races. Then, from Acts through Revelation, the Bible speaks of the Church.
The Bible is written FOR everybody, but the Bible does not speak TO everybody (Romans 15:4). ALWAYS ASK WHEN READING THE SCRIPTURES, "To whom was this written?"
The whole book of Isaiah was written to the Jews. Ephesians was written to the Church. Matthew 25:31,32 speaks of the nations. In Eph. 2:11,14,15 all three are mentioned. The first eight chapters of Romans deal with the Church, and only the Church: no guilt, no condemnation, no separation; but in Romans 11:22,23, there is the "cut-off". Thus, it seems like a contradiction. Explanation: (1) Chapter 8--those who are in Christ. (2) Chapter 9--to Paul's brethren in the flesh (Jews, Israelites). (3) Chapter 10--still talking about Israel. (4) Chapter ll--still to Israel. (5) Chapter ll:13--to the Gentiles. There is your "cut-off".
THE FIG TREE is the emblem of Israel and speaks of her national privileges.
is the emblem of Israel and speaks of her national privileges.THE OLIVE TREE speaks of Israel's religious privileges.
THE VINE is the symbol of her spiritual privileges.
John 4;22 - Salvation is of the Jew; Romans 3:1,2 -Given the Oracles of God; chosen to be (1) Witnesses, (2) Writers of Scripture, (3) A channel through which Christ came into the world.
Ephesians 2:11,12 Ephesians 4:17-19 Mark 7:27,28
Ephesians 1:22,23 Ephesians 2;14,15 Ephesians 5:29-33 & I Peter 2:9.
Matthew 25:32 (Foundation)
Genesis 12:7 (Revelation)
Ephesians 1:4 Ephesians 3:3; II Cor.12:'
Ephesians 1:4 Ephesians 3:3; II Cor.12:'
God chose Israel for His earthly glory (isa. 43:7,21).
Israel chosen after the foundation of the earth - revealed unto Abraham.
God's purpose was to establish a nation distinct from any other nation (Gen. 12:2; 46:3; Num.23: 9; Ex. 33:16).
Israel called out from among the nations (Gen. 18:18).
Israel was called when only ONE, to be many (Isa. 51:2).
Israel, as the Nation, is yet to be called back to the land, (jer. 33:7).
God chose the Church for His heavenly glory (Eph.l:14).
Church chosen before the foundation of the earth.
God's purpose of the Church was to make a separate and distinct body from any other body (Eph 1:15-23).
Church called out from among the individuals ("he that believeth").
Church called from many, to be ONE (Eph. 1:10; 4:4).
The Church,as the Body, is yet
to be called on high (I Thes. 4:13-15)
Relation of Christ is King (Zech. Christ's relation to the Church is its
14:9,17; John 12:12-15).
The inheritance of Israel is the earth.
Blessings of Israel are CONDITIONAL.
Israel had seven great feasts (Lev. 23).
Israel was put under a dietary law (Ex. 12:20; Lev. 3:17; Deut. 14:3; Acts 15:29; Lev. 10: 9-11).
Israel's hope is for National Salvation.
As earthly things are concerned, nothing will excel Israel.
Head, Lord of Glory (Eph. 22; 4:15).
The inheritance of the Church is heavenly (Eph. 1:3).
The blessings of the Church are UNCONDITIONAL.
Church had none.
The Church has no diet (Col. 2:16-3:17).
The Church's hope is for her presentation.
As heavenly things are concerned, nothing will excel the Church.
Psalm 37:25
Genesis 12:1; 13:15
Psalm 137:8,9
Deut. 7:1,2; 20:16,17; Josh.
6:21; I Sam. 15:33. GEN. 12:2; 13:2; 23:6 Exodus 21:23-25
I Cor. 4:11
Phil. 3: 2O
Romans 12 : 19, 20
II Cor. 10:4; Eph. 6:12; Gal. 5; 22
II Tim. 2:24.
Rom. 12:16; I Cor. 1:26; 4:12,13. Ephesians 4; 32.
, 23;
That principle by which we should divide the Word of Truth so as to make a distinction when God makes a difference.
All men are not children of God, but all are the creatures of God. There is more than one father (John 8:41-44; Gal. 3;26). In Matthew 13 there is the wheat, which is the children of God. In Acts 13:10 is the tare, which is the child of the Devil. God is God of all men, but He is the Father of only saved men. God makes a distinction between His children and those of Satan. All people are creatures; all are races that were created by Adam. We all were in the loins of Adam. Man is a creature of God by creation, and man is a child of God by re-creation. Why repeat so much? "Repetition is theological mucilage."
Only the saved person can call Him "Father". The sinner can only call Him God. The creature of God is a ruined creation. Scripture used by those who call themselves apostles of the new thought and preach "the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man" is found in Acts 17:24-29. They fail to read the next few verses. There is none good that is born of Adam. By natural birth we are of the Devil. By regeneration we are of God (John 1:11-13). Salvation does not run in the blood; it is not the will of man; he is only saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8,9), through faith in Jesus Christ. II Peter 1:4: a child is born the first time of his father's nature; he is born again the second time with the nature of the Father (John 3:1-6). All children are not alike (I Cor. 3:1). Babies are carnal, and not spiritual; they walk after the flesh, and not after the Spirit. You can always tell the spiritual state of people by what they want to play with. Babies haven't much sense. They are selfish. We all start out as babies. God does not want babies to remain babies. He wants them to grow. perfection is not gained in a short time. We must grow (I John 3:2; John 3); we ought to grow to be like HIM. The only brotherhood in the world is in Jesus
Christ. The only thing that will bring the races together is Christ. The only brotherhood is in Christ.'
II Cor. 5:9).
A. Acceptable in Christ: Our Position.
Eph . 1:6 means "identification". II Cor. 5:21: He represents us in glory. Gal. 2:20 is also "identification". Romans 6:2,8 reveals what we are. It would do us a lot of good if we could (or would) see ourselves as God sees us. Rom. 7:11: What profit is it to reckon you are dead? Answer: if you count one dead, you won't make any provision for him. (Example of Bob Young (Jew) who took Christ and was reckoned by his family to be dead. His mother knew he was not dead.)
Romans 6:5; Col. 3:1 - in Christ - wrapped up in Him. (Example of a piece of paper in the Bible). As far as our position is concerned, God looks upon us as perfect, as Jesus Himself, for we are in Him. God loves us, and we are as dear to God as Jesus is. Ephesians 1:4 - we are as holy and blameless as the Son of God Himself. You can say this and not be boastful. God looks upon us as in Him.
Our position is in heaven (in Jesus); our condition is on the earth. Paul said he was perfect, and then said he was not perfect. He was perfect in position and imperfect in condition (Phil. 3:10-15). We are saved by Grace, by matter of faith. No man has ever been saved unless he has received the gospel (Rom. 10:13; Eph. 1:13). When God saves you, you will be a new creature in Christ.
B. Acceptableness for Christ; Our Condition (II Cor. 5:9).
Acceptableness means to live a life acceptable unto God,
approved unto Him. Be constant in effort in living a life acceptable unto Him. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet suffer loss (in rewards) (I Cor. 3:15). (Example of the young couple who lose everything in their home, yet a jewel is found unharmed in the ashes. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet be a castaway (I Cor. 9:27). It is possible to be saved and still be chastized (Col. 3:25). It is possible to be saved and yet sow to the flesh (Gal. 6:7,8).
We are accepted the moment we believe; our works are acceptable if according to His Word and Will.
Clearance means "cleansed of all guilt" (Rom. 8:1). God could have cleared us without accepting us.
A saved man has two natures: (1) carnal; (2) spiritual. A. Walk I_n the Spirit (Gal. 5:16,25). That means saying "yes" to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God can communicate with the Saved One. Some think that victory through Christ over an
appetite is greater and more glorious than never having the
appetite at all. ,
B. Walk in Newness of Life (Rom 6:4).
C. Walk Circumspectly (Eph. 5:5). Circumspectly means
"accurately" ( G. Campbell Morgan's illustration of a cat walking
the fence with two dogs, one on either side). "Be sure to be
D. Walk Worthy of the Lord Unto All Pleasing (Col. 1:1O).
The sin of David brings contempt on God even today. Abraharo was
willing that Sarah, his wife, lose her honor just to save his
life; a pagan ruler rebuked him for it.
E. Walk In Love (Eph. 5:2). We are to be ruled by love toward
God and fellow man. This is not a natural love, but a supernatural
love. Man does not love God or fellow man, but loves SELF.
Man is selfish* "Walk in love".
F. Walk in Wisdom and Prudence (Col 4:5). Walk tactfully
so that you will not cause those outside to stumble. Walk so that those who are lost will want Christ.
G. Walk in Truth (III John,vs. 4). It does not make any
difference what people think, but it makes plenty of difference
what God says.
H. Walk in Christ (Col. 2:6; I Peter 2:21).
I. Walk with God (Gen. 5:24; 6:9). To walk with God means "fellowship". When you have fellowship with someone, you want .to do something for Him. You love Him; you obey Him. It is His will, not your will. As in marriage; "His wife for life". To walk with God means "progress".
J. Walk Before God (Gen. 17:1; 24:40). Walk through life knowing that God's eyes are upon you.
K„ Walk After God - Walking with your eyes upon Him, walking in His steps.
L. Walk in the Light (I John 1:7).
M. Walk rn Good Works (Eph. 2:10).
N. Walk Honestly (Rom. 13:13).
O. Walk Worthy of Our Vocation (Eph. 4:1).
Daily cleansing through the washing of the Word of God (Eph. 5:26). Moody wrote in his Bible, "Sin will keep you from this Book, or this Book will keep you from sin."
Compare Phil. 3:15 with 3:12. Paul claimed perfection. Our perfection will be manifested (it is not now) when Christ comes again, both our physical as well as our spiritual bodies. In Phil. 3:11 Paul confesses his imperfection. Resurrection is not an attainment, but an obtainment. Matthew 5:48 is the text; Matthew 5:44,45 is the context. The principle of perfection here is the walk in grace toward our fellow man.
There is a difference between possessors and professors. There are many today who do not have the assurance of salvation.
NOTE: "Never take what seems to be a doubtful passage of Scripture and use it to contradict a dozen clear passages, such as comparing Hebrews 6:4-10 with John 3:16; 5:24; 3:36; 10:28."
Armenianiam believes a man can be saved today and lost tomorrow. Calvinism believes once saved, always saved - saved forever.' The Arian always uses Heb. 6, but he does not believe it, for he says a saved man can be lost after being saved, and then be saved again. Hebrews 6 (if it has to do with being lost after being saved) says, "It is impossible to renew again." Hebrews 6 is talking about the saved person. It does not mention the word "lost". When it talks about tasting, the same Book talks about Jesus tasting death for every man.
Phil. 2:12; "Work out your own salvation". It does not say, "Work for your salvation". Read the context (Verse 13) - God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved - God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot un-son a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God's Word by man's experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for "he brought an offering unto God".
"Work out your own salvation". It does not say, "Work for your salvation". Read the context (Verse 13) - God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved - God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot un-son a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God's Word by man's experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for "he brought an offering unto God".In Matthew 13:24-30 the tares equal the "professors". Tares look like wheat while growing and can only be distinguished at harvest time. There are only a few hypocrites in the Church (those who join only for gain of this world, and not as an act of obedience after salvation) > but there are many in the Church who are lost. The meaning of Christ is unreal to those who are not born-again, but are only members of a church.
God calls us sheep. Sheep is a good word, for we are just like sheep, following someone else in joining the church, not saved, but going through a ritual, a ceremony] It is not regeneration
Only the true possessor can worship God. Worship is the praising of His goodness to us. Some people show by their worship their unreality to God. (By the way, the place for short prayers is in public.)
We need to think of our brethren and their souls' salvation. The rich man fared sumptuously every day; only when he died and went to hades did he think of his brethren.
Abraham believed God; Paul believed God. Do you believe God? Do you believe the Gospel? Do you believe that it is the only
power of God unto salvation? Do you live it? As far as the "good man" (one who is a member of the church, and to whom Christ is unreal) is concerned, he is as much lost as the biggest bum in town.
Christ. The only thing that will bring the races together is Christ. The only brotherhood is in Christ.'
II Cor. 5:9).
A. Acceptable in Christ: Our Position.
Eph . 1:6 means "identification". II Cor. 5:21: He represents us in glory. Gal. 2:20 is also "identification". Romans 6:2,8 reveals what we are. It would do us a lot of good if we could (or would) see ourselves as God sees us. Rom. 7:11: What profit is it to reckon you are dead? Answer: if you count one dead, you won't make any provision for him. (Example of Bob Young (Jew) who took Christ and was reckoned by his family to be dead. His mother knew he was not dead.)
Romans 6:5; Col. 3:1 - in Christ - wrapped up in Him. (Example of a piece of paper in the Bible). As far as our position is concerned, God looks upon us as perfect, as Jesus Himself, for we are in Him. God loves us, and we are as dear to God as Jesus is. Ephesians 1:4 - we are as holy and blameless as the Son of God Himself. You can say this and not be boastful. God looks upon us as in Him.
Our position is in heaven (in Jesus); our condition is on the earth. Paul said he was perfect, and then said he was not perfect. He was perfect in position and imperfect in condition (Phil. 3:10-15). We are saved by Grace, by matter of faith. No man has ever been saved unless he has received the gospel (Rom. 10:13; Eph. 1:13). When God saves you, you will be a new creature in Christ.
B. Acceptableness for Christ; Our Condition (II Cor. 5:9).
Acceptableness means to live a life acceptable unto God,
approved unto Him. Be constant in effort in living a life acceptable unto Him. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet suffer loss (in rewards) (I Cor. 3:15). (Example of the young couple who lose everything in their home, yet a jewel is found unharmed in the ashes. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet be a castaway (I Cor. 9:27). It is possible to be saved and still be chastized (Col. 3:25). It is possible to be saved and yet sow to the flesh (Gal. 6:7,8).
We are accepted the moment we believe; our works are acceptable if according to His Word and Will.
Clearance means "cleansed of all guilt" (Rom. 8:1). God could have cleared us without accepting us.
A saved man has two natures: (1) carnal; (2) spiritual. A. Walk I_n the Spirit (Gal. 5:16,25). That means saying "yes" to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God can communicate with the Saved One. Some think that victory through Christ over an
appetite is greater and more glorious than never having the
appetite at all. ,
B. Walk in Newness of Life (Rom 6:4).
C. Walk Circumspectly (Eph. 5:5). Circumspectly means
"accurately" ( G. Campbell Morgan's illustration of a cat walking
the fence with two dogs, one on either side). "Be sure to be
D. Walk Worthy of the Lord Unto All Pleasing (Col. 1:1O).
The sin of David brings contempt on God even today. Abraharo was
willing that Sarah, his wife, lose her honor just to save his
life; a pagan ruler rebuked him for it.
E. Walk In Love (Eph. 5:2). We are to be ruled by love toward
God and fellow man. This is not a natural love, but a supernatural
love. Man does not love God or fellow man, but loves SELF.
Man is selfish* "Walk in love".
F. Walk in Wisdom and Prudence (Col 4:5). Walk tactfully
so that you will not cause those outside to stumble. Walk so that those who are lost will want Christ.
G. Walk in Truth (III John,vs. 4). It does not make any
difference what people think, but it makes plenty of difference
what God says.
H. Walk in Christ (Col. 2:6; I Peter 2:21).
I. Walk with God (Gen. 5:24; 6:9). To walk with God means "fellowship". When you have fellowship with someone, you want .to do something for Him. You love Him; you obey Him. It is His will, not your will. As in marriage; "His wife for life". To walk with God means "progress".
J. Walk Before God (Gen. 17:1; 24:40). Walk through life knowing that God's eyes are upon you.
K„ Walk After God - Walking with your eyes upon Him, walking in His steps.
L. Walk in the Light (I John 1:7).
M. Walk rn Good Works (Eph. 2:10).
N. Walk Honestly (Rom. 13:13).
O. Walk Worthy of Our Vocation (Eph. 4:1).
Daily cleansing through the washing of the Word of God (Eph. 5:26). Moody wrote in his Bible, "Sin will keep you from this Book, or this Book will keep you from sin."
Compare Phil. 3:15 with 3:12. Paul claimed perfection. Our perfection will be manifested (it is not now) when Christ comes again, both our physical as well as our spiritual bodies. In Phil. 3:11 Paul confesses his imperfection. Resurrection is not an attainment, but an obtainment. Matthew 5:48 is the text; Matthew 5:44,45 is the context. The principle of perfection here is the walk in grace toward our fellow man.
There is a difference between possessors and professors. There are many today who do not have the assurance of salvation.
NOTE: "Never take what seems to be a doubtful passage of Scripture and use it to contradict a dozen clear passages, such as comparing Hebrews 6:4-10 with John 3:16; 5:24; 3:36; 10:28."
Armenianiam believes a man can be saved today and lost tomorrow. Calvinism believes once saved, always saved - saved forever.' The Arian always uses Heb. 6, but he does not believe it, for he says a saved man can be lost after being saved, and then be saved again. Hebrews 6 (if it has to do with being lost after being saved) says, "It is impossible to renew again." Hebrews 6 is talking about the saved person. It does not mention the word "lost". When it talks about tasting, the same Book talks about Jesus tasting death for every man.
Phil. 2:12; "Work out your own salvation". It does not say, "Work for your salvation". Read the context (Verse 13) - God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved - God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot un-son a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God's Word by man's experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for "he brought an offering unto God".
"Work out your own salvation". It does not say, "Work for your salvation". Read the context (Verse 13) - God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved - God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot un-son a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God's Word by man's experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for "he brought an offering unto God".In Matthew 13:24-30 the tares equal the "professors". Tares look like wheat while growing and can only be distinguished at harvest time. There are only a few hypocrites in the Church (those who join only for gain of this world, and not as an act of obedience after salvation) > but there are many in the Church who are lost. The meaning of Christ is unreal to those who are not born-again, but are only members of a church.
God calls us sheep. Sheep is a good word, for we are just like sheep, following someone else in joining the church, not saved, but going through a ritual, a ceremony] It is not regeneration
Only the true possessor can worship God. Worship is the praising of His goodness to us. Some people show by their worship their unreality to God. (By the way, the place for short prayers is in public.)
We need to think of our brethren and their souls' salvation. The rich man fared sumptuously every day; only when he died and went to hades did he think of his brethren.
Abraham believed God; Paul believed God. Do you believe God? Do you believe the Gospel? Do you believe that it is the only
power of God unto salvation? Do you live it? As far as the "good man" (one who is a member of the church, and to whom Christ is unreal) is concerned, he is as much lost as the biggest bum in town.
power of God unto salvation? Do you live it? As far as the "good man" (one who is a member of the church, and to whom Christ is unreal) is concerned, he is as much lost as the biggest bum in town.
The fundamental difference is that we are to rest upon the facts and plead the promises.
Fact: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them " (Matt . 18:20). This is a divine fact. You need not plead for His presence; you can rest and know that He is there, if at least two or three are gathered together in His name.
Promise: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come - this means a certain condition. "Come" is the condition.
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come - this means a certain condition. "Come" is the condition.Fact: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" -a divine statement, an eternal fact. No believing sinner is to plead for eternal life. Eternal life is bestowed the moment one believes. Too many times we ask God to do something that He has already accomplished.
Distinction between fact and promise will enrich our prayer life. We will learn more of consecration.
The fundamental difference is that we are to rest upon the facts and plead the promises.
Fact: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them " (Matt . 18:20). This is a divine fact. You need not plead for His presence; you can rest and know that He is there, if at least two or three are gathered together in His name.
Promise: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come - this means a certain condition. "Come" is the condition.
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come - this means a certain condition. "Come" is the condition.Fact: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" -a divine statement, an eternal fact. No believing sinner is to plead for eternal life. Eternal life is bestowed the moment one believes. Too many times we ask God to do something that He has already accomplished.
Distinction between fact and promise will enrich our prayer life. We will learn more of consecration.
Faith: Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: "I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead". "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God " (Rom. 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Eph. 2:8,9), then cometh works (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Eph. 2:10).
Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works(Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, "If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?" Man is not saved by works, but by faithj What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone.' Salvation bringeth good works (Heb. 13: 16; Gal. 6:9,10).
Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: "I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead". "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God " (Rom. 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Eph. 2:8,9), then cometh works (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Eph. 2:10).
Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works(Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, "If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?" Man is not saved by works, but by faithj What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone.' Salvation bringeth good works (Heb. 13: 16; Gal. 6:9,10).
Faith: Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: "I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead". "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God " (Rom. 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Eph. 2:8,9), then cometh works (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Eph. 2:10).
Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works(Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, "If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?" Man is not saved by works, but by faithj What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone.' Salvation bringeth good works (Heb. 13: 16; Gal. 6:9,10).
Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: "I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead". "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God " (Rom. 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Eph. 2:8,9), then cometh works (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Eph. 2:10).
Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works(Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, "If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?" Man is not saved by works, but by faithj What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone.' Salvation bringeth good works (Heb. 13: 16; Gal. 6:9,10).
Works: Works done by man before salvation never have been accepted by God (Example of the man with leprosy, bringing a glass of water; you would not drink it.). What kind of a God do you think we have? Only what we do as saved people will be rewarded, and that, alone, in the flesh (alive in the body).
Works done by man before salvation never have been accepted by God (Example of the man with leprosy, bringing a glass of water; you would not drink it.). What kind of a God do you think we have? Only what we do as saved people will be rewarded, and that, alone, in the flesh (alive in the body).IX.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SALVATION AND Rewards are '*£ or the saved Salvation is an obtainment Salvation is a free gift Salvation is a present gift
is emancipation Salvation is unmerited Salvation is never lost Salvation secures heaven
Salvation depends upon God's faithfulness.
Judgment is for th'e sinner , Reward is an attainment Rewards are earned Rewards have to do with the
compensation of the future Reward is compensation Rewards are merited Rewards can be lost Rewards secure a position in
heaven Rewards depend upon man's
Luke 19: 12-19; I Cor. 3: 11-13; II Cor. 5:1_0; Rev. 2J2:1_2; i Thes. 2; 19.
They may be confused, but they cannot be mixed (John 1:17).
Law; That legal system instituted at Sinai through the mediator, Moses.
Grace: By this we mean the expression of righteousness and favor of God in Christ Jesus. "'Tis grace of God that gives for nothing."
Law; In its principle it demands righteousness of men.
Grace; Its principle bestows righteousness upon man (Rom. 3: 21,22; 8:4; Phil. 3:9).
Law: Demands works.
Grace: Asks for faith.
Law; Blesses the good and obedient (Eph. 2;1,2).
Differs in Purpose
Law was never given to save anyone. No one has ever been saved by Law, nor has it ever made a bad man good, or a good man better.
The Law is for perfect beings and grace for imperfect beings (Psa. 9:7,8; Romans 7:12). The Law is holy, good, and just unto God. The purpose of the law is to show man his sins and how hopeless he is.
It is easy to make people believe they are saved by grace, but it is terribly Jfard to make people believe they are saved by grace alone.' But there is Ephesians 2:8,9.' Man always adds works. This is true of every man-made religion - saved by works. When you add to grace, grace loses grace, and grace is no more grace.'
By grace alone are we saved.'
19: 12-19; I Cor. 3: 11-13; II Cor. 5:1_0; Rev. 2J2:1_2; i Thes. 2; 19.X. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAW AND GRACE
They may be confused, but they cannot be mixed (John 1:17).
Law; That legal system instituted at Sinai through the mediator, Moses.
Grace: By this we mean the expression of righteousness and favor of God in Christ Jesus. "'Tis grace of God that gives for nothing."
Law; In its principle it demands righteousness of men.
Grace; Its principle bestows righteousness upon man (Rom. 3: 21,22; 8:4; Phil. 3:9).
Law: Demands works.
Grace: Asks for faith.
Law; Blesses the good and obedient (Eph. 2;1,2).
Differs in Purpose
Law was never given to save anyone. No one has ever been saved by Law, nor has it ever made a bad man good, or a good man better.
The Law is for perfect beings and grace for imperfect beings (Psa. 9:7,8; Romans 7:12). The Law is holy, good, and just unto God. The purpose of the law is to show man his sins and how hopeless he is.
It is easy to make people believe they are saved by grace, but it is terribly Jfard to make people believe they are saved by grace alone.' But there is Ephesians 2:8,9.' Man always adds works. This is true of every man-made religion - saved by works. When you add to grace, grace loses grace, and grace is no more grace.'
By grace alone are we saved.'
Law; That legal system instituted at Sinai through the mediator, Moses.
Grace: By this we mean the expression of righteousness and favor of God in Christ Jesus. "'Tis grace of God that gives for nothing."
Law; In its principle it demands righteousness of men.
Grace; Its principle bestows righteousness upon man (Rom. 3: 21,22; 8:4; Phil. 3:9).
Law: Demands works.
Grace: Asks for faith.
Law; Blesses the good and obedient (Eph. 2;1,2).
Differs in Purpose
Law was never given to save anyone. No one has ever been saved by Law, nor has it ever made a bad man good, or a good man better.
The Law is for perfect beings and grace for imperfect beings (Psa. 9:7,8; Romans 7:12). The Law is holy, good, and just unto God. The purpose of the law is to show man his sins and how hopeless he is.
It is easy to make people believe they are saved by grace, but it is terribly Jfard to make people believe they are saved by grace alone.' But there is Ephesians 2:8,9.' Man always adds works. This is true of every man-made religion - saved by works. When you add to grace, grace loses grace, and grace is no more grace.'
By grace alone are we saved.'
Law shows you what you* are; grace shows you what God is. Salvation is all of grade, and grace alone.
Gal. 3:19 - The Law was added because God wanted sin to become transgression ... Romans 4:15; 5:20; 7:7,13 all combined equal Gal. 3:19.
There was no sin before there was a law. From Adam to Moses men sinned, but there was no transgression; then law was given, and sin took on transgression. We are conscious of sin when we break God's law.
Sin without transgression: Example of a little boy writing upon the new wall paper; he was not spanked until after he was told not to write upon it.
Romans 3:19,20 - The law will shut their mouths; no one will shout his own praises and his own good when the law is read. The only ONE who could open His mouth was the Lord Jesus, but He opened not His mouth. Why? Because He was taking your place and mine upon the Cross.
- The law will shut their mouths; no one will shout his own praises and his own good when the law is read. The only ONE who could open His mouth was the Lord Jesus, but He opened not His mouth. Why? Because He was taking your place and mine upon the Cross.The Law was to reveal sin and bring out sin in man. Remember, the Law cannot remove sin.' It is a looking glass to see how dirty we are. You can look into a looking glass and see your dirty face, but you do not wash your face with a looking glass, and you do not wash your sins away by the law.
You never needed anyone to teach you to lie. Man is a natural-born liar. The law brings out the fact of sin. When law says, "Don't," man then begins to "do". Man thinks he is a sinner because he murders, gets drunk, etc.; man is a sinner because he sins, but the Law reveals that man sins because he is a sinner.
When the law shines in our hearts it shows the dirt, just as the sun shines in a room, revealing the dust. The law is a microscope that shows what is in man. Law is a plumb line. Law reveals the heart of man. Grace reveals the heart of God. Law is a straightedge, showing how crooked we are. Grace straightens us up (Romans 7: 13; also verse 12).
Twenty-one times the Bible speaks of Moses - "he was faithful". Moses^we know, sinned once. God demands perfection. Compare Rom. 8 with Gal. 3:23-27. We are not under law, but we are under grace (Rom. 6:14).
People say, "After one is saved, he can do anything he wants to." If a person has been saved, born of the Spirit, he is a child of God. What will a child of God want to do? No child has a heart to go and do wrong. If every man loved his fellow man there would be no need for any law. NO CHRISTIAN NEEDS ANY LAW. You will not break the law if you have love in your heart. You will break the law if you do have a heart full of lust.
There is a law of our State saying that parents must take care of their children. What kind of people do we have, anyway? Go into a Christian home and see the mother loving and caring for her babe. Does she love it on account of the law of the State? Love will do what law will never do. Do you want to get perfection of the law? Keep your eyes upon Christ (as one rowing toward the opposite shore with eyes to the other side); Jesus is the focal point. Keep your eye upon the place from which you started • CALVARY.'
A man has a pet cat and a pet goat. The goat has to be chained. Why? To be kept out of the posy bed. Some people have to be chained by the law to be kept out of the posy bed. PERFECTION IN THE EYES OF THE LAW IS CAUSED THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST.
The righteousness of God in Romans is not the righteousness "of" God, but the righteousness"bestowed" by God. Remember, every Christian will say, "Oh, how I love thy law". I cannot keep the law, for it is perfect. I cannot, but the Lord can (Romans 8:1-4). The law is strong, but weak through the flesh, as a fork is weak through an over-done beef roast. The law is a ten-pronged fork that is weak through our flesh. The law is not weak, but our flesh is weak.
The law of gravity pulls a book down, but the hand keeps it from falling; the Holy Spirit is He Who is holding us up. Law is the enemy of Grace. The man who puts himself under the law "FALLS FROM GRACE" (Gal. 5:4). The fact is that everybody is too good; now the problem is to find people bad enough to be saved. Every Seventh Day Adventist is an enemy to the grace of God. Sabbath-keepers are Law-keepers. it is Law and no Grace. Another enemy of Grace is works; ritualism is also an enemy of Grace. Character is an enemy of grace. All are enemies that place themselves as substitutes for the grace of God. The character we talk about in these so-called good men is in Romans 3:9-21. There is no such thing as a good man out of Christ I If one is saved it is because of Christ. Only when you become saved do you have character. For Scripture against being saved by character, read Romans 5,6,7 and 8. Unitarism, Eddyism, etc. speak much about character.
While not under the law, you are not to be a spiritual anarchist (Romans 12:9; I Cor. 11:31,32).
God's wisdom guarantees against mistakes: (1) Chastisement for correction; (2) Discipline for purification; (3) Purging for fruit-bearing (I Cor. 9:19-25).
Dr. Pettingill tells how he thought that if he were a Christian he would not be able to go where he wanted to go, or do what he wanted to do; but after he became a Christian, he found that he could do what he wanted to do and go where he wanted to go. Again, what will a child of God want to do? He should do Service with denial of self. Love went to Calvary, where a denial of the truth would have saved Him from the agony of the Cross.
Law came by Moses. 1. Grace came by Christ.
Law reveals sin of man. 2. Grace reveals love of God.
Law sentences a living man 3. Grace brings dead men to
to death. life.
4. Law tells man what he must 4. Grace tells man what God
do. has done.
Do and live. 5. Live and do.
Law shuts man out. 6. Grace brings men in.
A man has a pet cat and a pet goat. The goat has to be chained. Why? To be kept out of the posy bed. Some people have to be chained by the law to be kept out of the posy bed. PERFECTION IN THE EYES OF THE LAW IS CAUSED THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST.
The righteousness of God in Romans is not the righteousness "of" God, but the righteousness"bestowed" by God. Remember, every Christian will say, "Oh, how I love thy law". I cannot keep the law, for it is perfect. I cannot, but the Lord can (Romans 8:1-4). The law is strong, but weak through the flesh, as a fork is weak through an over-done beef roast. The law is a ten-pronged fork that is weak through our flesh. The law is not weak, but our flesh is weak.
The law of gravity pulls a book down, but the hand keeps it from falling; the Holy Spirit is He Who is holding us up. Law is the enemy of Grace. The man who puts himself under the law "FALLS FROM GRACE" (Gal. 5:4). The fact is that everybody is too good; now the problem is to find people bad enough to be saved. Every Seventh Day Adventist is an enemy to the grace of God. Sabbath-keepers are Law-keepers. it is Law and no Grace. Another enemy of Grace is works; ritualism is also an enemy of Grace. Character is an enemy of grace. All are enemies that place themselves as substitutes for the grace of God. The character we talk about in these so-called good men is in Romans 3:9-21. There is no such thing as a good man out of Christ I If one is saved it is because of Christ. Only when you become saved do you have character. For Scripture against being saved by character, read Romans 5,6,7 and 8. Unitarism, Eddyism, etc. speak much about character.
While not under the law, you are not to be a spiritual anarchist (Romans 12:9; I Cor. 11:31,32).
God's wisdom guarantees against mistakes: (1) Chastisement for correction; (2) Discipline for purification; (3) Purging for fruit-bearing (I Cor. 9:19-25).
Dr. Pettingill tells how he thought that if he were a Christian he would not be able to go where he wanted to go, or do what he wanted to do; but after he became a Christian, he found that he could do what he wanted to do and go where he wanted to go. Again, what will a child of God want to do? He should do Service with denial of self. Love went to Calvary, where a denial of the truth would have saved Him from the agony of the Cross.
Law came by Moses. 1. Grace came by Christ.
Law reveals sin of man. 2. Grace reveals love of God.
Law sentences a living man 3. Grace brings dead men to
to death. life.
4. Law tells man what he must 4. Grace tells man what God
do. has done.
Do and live. 5. Live and do.
Law shuts man out. 6. Grace brings men in.
*7. Law shuts every mouth 7. Grace opens every mouth
before God. to praise God.
8. Law brings knowledge of sin. 8. Grace brings knowledge of
a Son.
9. Law is a remembrance of sin. 9. Grace is a remembrance of
a Sin-Bearer.
Law blots out the sinnet. 10. Grace blots out the sins.
Law tells (commands) us to 11. Grace tells us that God
love God.
12. Law: sheep die for the Shepherd.
loves us.
12. Grace; Shepherd dies for the Sheep.
*DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD.God has but ONE kingdom, and that is the "Kingdom of God". There are different phases of that one Kingdom.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a phase of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of Heaven is to be in the future, to be established here on this earth. The Kingdom of God began with man and will end with man (Daniel 4:3), as far as eternity is concerned; but as far as God is concerned, it has been from Eternity, throughout Eternity. The Kingdom of Heaven is the reign of the Son of God on this earth for a thousand years.
1. Messiah for its King.
Kingdom of Heaven is
under heaven. Limited.
Political in its sphere
God for its Ruler. Ruler
of all beings in Heaven
and on earth.
Kingdom of God is universal
from all time to all time.
Moral and spiritual in its
The Church is a called-out body of people in Jesus Christ. The Church is a heavenly people and a living organism. The Church is never spoken of, or mentioned, as a Kingdom in the Scriptures (Exception: Col. 1:13). Nowhere in the Old Testament can be found the prophecy of the Church (Eph. 3; 1-10). The Church is in the Kingdom of God, but it is not the Kingdom of Heaven.
1. Subjects are mentioned as heirs of the Kingdom, receivers of the Kingdom.
God for its Ruler. Ruler
of all beings in Heaven
and on earth.
Kingdom of God is universal
from all time to all time.
Moral and spiritual in its
The Church is a called-out body of people in Jesus Christ. The Church is a heavenly people and a living organism. The Church is never spoken of, or mentioned, as a Kingdom in the Scriptures (Exception: Col. 1:13). Nowhere in the Old Testament can be found the prophecy of the Church (Eph. 3; 1-10). The Church is in the Kingdom of God, but it is not the Kingdom of Heaven.
1. Subjects are mentioned as heirs of the Kingdom, receivers of the Kingdom.
Kingdom of Heaven
Subjects are not mentioned as heirs of the Church.
2. Kingdom is not spoken of as a body. The Kingdom shall be ruled.
The Kingdom of Heaven is
not here now, but will come,
The Kingdom is the one
subject of prophecy.
The Kingdom is to be set
up (Acts 15:16).
Christ is called the King <
of the Kingdom.
of the Kingdom.The Kingdom has to do with
the nations of the world.
Kingdom of Heaven
Subjects are not mentioned as heirs of the Church.
2. Kingdom is not spoken of as a body. The Kingdom shall be ruled.
The Kingdom of Heaven is
not here now, but will come,
The Kingdom is the one
subject of prophecy.
The Kingdom is to be set
up (Acts 15:16).
Christ is called the King <
of the Kingdom.
of the Kingdom.The Kingdom has to do with
the nations of the world.
2. Kingdom is not spoken of as a body. The Kingdom shall be ruled.
The Kingdom of Heaven is
not here now, but will come,
The Kingdom is the one
subject of prophecy.
The Kingdom is to be set
up (Acts 15:16).
Christ is called the King <
of the Kingdom.
of the Kingdom.The Kingdom has to do with
the nations of the world.
• ;
Spoken of as a body
The Church, with Christ, 3.
will reign over that kingdom.
The Church is now in the
world, waiting to be raptured
out of the world.
There is not one prophecy
concerning the Church in
the Old Testament.
The Church is to be built
up (Eph. 4).
Christ is called the Head
of the Church (see #2).
The Church has to do with
saints of all nations.
The study of Predictive Prophecy. Exodus 7:12 is the prophecy; Exodus 4:15,16 is the divine spokesman. His sole mission is to speak the message God has given him.
We think that a prophet is one who only FORETELLS, but primarily, prophecy is FORTHTELLING. A prophet is one who is a FORTHTELLER, a spokesman for God, a forthteller (John 3:34). A prophet always came at a time of apostasy. He was one who spoke to his people in his day concerning the moral and spiritual affairs of his own people. Some prophets spoke, and what they said was NOT written. If Israel would not repent and turn from her wicked way, then God had men to write His prophecies. The nations of the earth were only mentioned when they rejoiced in the judgment of and upon Israel.
The Prophet
The study of Predictive Prophecy. Exodus 7:12 is the prophecy; Exodus 4:15,16 is the divine spokesman. His sole mission is to speak the message God has given him.
We think that a prophet is one who only FORETELLS, but primarily, prophecy is FORTHTELLING. A prophet is one who is a FORTHTELLER, a spokesman for God, a forthteller (John 3:34). A prophet always came at a time of apostasy. He was one who spoke to his people in his day concerning the moral and spiritual affairs of his own people. Some prophets spoke, and what they said was NOT written. If Israel would not repent and turn from her wicked way, then God had men to write His prophecies. The nations of the earth were only mentioned when they rejoiced in the judgment of and upon Israel.
The Prophet
(1) Prophet's Own Day; (2) 70-year captivity (into Babylon);
(3) Restoration; (4) Messiah (Christ); (5) World-Wide Dispersion;
(6) Tribulation; (7) The Kingdom.
The study of Predictive Prophecy. Exodus 7:12 is the prophecy; Exodus 4:15,16 is the divine spokesman. His sole mission is to speak the message God has given him.
We think that a prophet is one who only FORETELLS, but primarily, prophecy is FORTHTELLING. A prophet is one who is a FORTHTELLER, a spokesman for God, a forthteller (John 3:34). A prophet always came at a time of apostasy. He was one who spoke to his people in his day concerning the moral and spiritual affairs of his own people. Some prophets spoke, and what they said was NOT written. If Israel would not repent and turn from her wicked way, then God had men to write His prophecies. The nations of the earth were only mentioned when they rejoiced in the judgment of and upon Israel.
The Prophet
(1) Prophet's Own Day; (2) 70-year captivity (into Babylon);
(3) Restoration; (4) Messiah (Christ); (5) World-Wide Dispersion;
(6) Tribulation; (7) The Kingdom.
(1) As for the prophet's day, the Word abounds with references to it. (2) jer. 23:11. (3) jer. 29:10; Dan. 9:2. (4) The Old Testament is filled with Messianic prophecies. (5) Amos 9:9; Ezek. 36:24,28; 37:14. (6) Jer. 30:4-7; Dan. 12:1. And Jesus Christ, our Lord, spoke of it (Matt. 24:21,22); (7) Isaiah 2:11; 11:11; Amos 9:14,15.
Practically all prophecy has to do with these seven heads, and has to do primarily with Israel. NOTE: Again we emphasize the fact that there were no prophecies concerning the Church in the Old Testament. The Church is the Mystery, hidden until revealed first unto the Apostle Paul (Eph. 3).
The Minor Prophets are shorter in length than the Major Prophets The best way to study the prophets is by the Chronological Order:
Judah Israel
Isaiah Jonah (Nineveh)
Micah 100 years Amos
Nahum Hosea
(silence for 70 years)
Jeremiah Joel
Habakkuk Obadiah
Exile Daniel Ezekiel
(Ezekiel was carried off at the first deportation. Daniel followed. Jeremiah was at Jerusalem at the same time.)
(Silence for 14 years)
Post Exile Haggai Zechariah
(Silence for 29 years) Malachi (known as the "seal of the prophets")
The next was JOHN THE BAPTIST. Then came the Messiah Himself.' God points to prediction as evidence of His Word as Truth.'
(Isaiah 42:9; 44:6,8; 45:21; 41:21-29). "MAN WOULD NOT WRITE THE
A. Remoteness of time. (Must be so far into the future that
the one predicting cannot fulfill it himself.)
B. Minuteness of detail. No guesswork . When Christ was
crucified twenty-five details in prophecy were fulfilled.
C. Novelty of combination. Something peculiar and strange.
D. Mystery of prediction (I Peter 1:11).
E. Clearness of forecast. History will fulfill the prophecy.
The next was JOHN THE BAPTIST. Then came the Messiah Himself.' God points to prediction as evidence of His Word as Truth.'
(Isaiah 42:9; 44:6,8; 45:21; 41:21-29). "MAN WOULD NOT WRITE THE
A. Remoteness of time. (Must be so far into the future that
the one predicting cannot fulfill it himself.)
B. Minuteness of detail. No guesswork . When Christ was
crucified twenty-five details in prophecy were fulfilled.
C. Novelty of combination. Something peculiar and strange.
D. Mystery of prediction (I Peter 1:11).
E. Clearness of forecast. History will fulfill the prophecy.
A. The prophet gives his own interpretation (Ezek. 37:1-14;
Jer. 18:1-10); Daniel 8 (the horn of the he-goat was Alexander and
Grecian Empirejj always read enough of the Scripture to find the
interpretation) ... (John 2:19-22). Do not become a speculator;
do not be afraid to say, "I don't know."
B. The facts of history often give interpretation. The dreams
of Joseph were predictive dreams. Twenty-twlo years later Joseph's
dream came true when his brothers bowed down to him (Genesis 37, 44
and 45). The tablets on the remains of the storehouses of Egypt
reveal the truthfulness of the Biblical story. Every part of the
world shows signs of a universal flood. The city of Tyre (Ezekiel
26). The doom is pronounced. Nebuchadnezzar conquered Tyrus.
People (skeptics) might say that Ezekiel wrote this during the
siege of Nebuchadnezzar. Tell them what follows. After the
Babylonians left, the Tyrians returned, but forsook their old city
and built a new one a half-mile offshore on an island. Two hundred
and forty-two years after Ezekiel, Alexander the Great fcame and
fulfilled God's prophecy.,
C. Inspiration may give interpretation.
Prophecy Fulfilled
Psalm 41:9 • Acts 1:1-18
psalm 16 (David) Acts 2
Isaiah 6:9,10 (Judgment on Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Israel). Isaiah 29:14
D. Here is an illustration which includes all three; Daniel 2.
The four metals are four empires - world empires. There has never
been any world empire since. Luke 21:24 - "Time of the Gentiles"
is that period of time in which Jerusalem is politically in the hands of the Gentiles. The "Time of the Gentiles" started with Nebuchadnezzar and is still existing today; Israel is without her King.
Babylon, the greatest city of all time, had a wall 300 feet high and 90 feet thick, so that six chariots could pass each other on top. It had 60 gates and 250 towers, which were 50 feet higher on the walls. The River Euphrates flowed through the city, entering one side (under the wall) and passing on through (under the wall) on the other side; the banks were enclosed (under the walls) by marble. Babylon was the first country to be a world Empire, the only real monarchy. Babylon is the Head of Gold.
Daniel 5 tells of the arms of Silver. The two arms, of course, represent the two-headed kingdom, or government, of the Medes and Persians.
The Brazen Empire is the Grecian Empire (Brazen-coated Greece).
Daniel 2, 5, and 8 give us the history of the gold, silver and brass empires. Luke 2:1 gives us the history of the Iron Empire (Rome)J Who has not heard of the Iron Legions of Rome? The nation
of Roae o*»e to dam 1,OOO years After Daniel «ade this prophecy, tbe Ronan Bwpire split in two, becoming the two legs, with on* headquarter in Rone and the other in Constantinople. Then cane the ten-toe Enpire.
*of Roae o*»e to dam 1,OOO years After Daniel «ade this prophecy, tbe Ronan Bwpire split in two, becoming the two legs, with on* headquarter in Rone and the other in Constantinople. Then cane the ten-toe Enpire.
Daniel 7 gives the description of the Antichrist in the Little Horn. Before the Antichrist cones, the ten-toe Kingdon wust cose first. Mussolini introduced the old Rowan symbol of the Fasce. You say Roae is dead? Take a dive and look at it; the picture you see is the head of the Rowan god, Mercury. The days and the nonths are nataed after Ronan gods and nen. Before World War IX Mussolini drew on large naps the proposed New Old Rowan Empire. England and the rest of Europe were included. Of course, England opposed it. Has Rove passed out of the picture, she who united with Germany and plunged the world into the last war? is it not strange that Rove has gotten out of the war with as little trouble and expense as she has? Rone is alive today, and kicking. Doctors write in the language of old Rone. She is coning back into power soon.
The Rock (which is Christ Jesus) will, however, break the Ronan Bapire.
Clay nixed with iron in the toes is communism, the rule of the people. It is not found in the Head or Legs, but in the toes. Zhe Head of Gold was absolute nonarchy. The feet and toes nark the rule of the people.
nixed with iron in the toes is communism, the rule of the people. It is not found in the Head or Legs, but in the toes. Zhe Head of Gold was absolute nonarchy. The feet and toes nark the rule of the people.»****«***««*****
The Application Principle is defined as that principle by which an application of truth nay be nade only after the correct interpretation has been learned. Since the Bible has to do with the salvation of nan, all care nust be taken in interpreting the sane. The reason why the Bible needs interpreting is that nan is a creature of sin.
Good common sense is needful in applying the Bible to the gospel truth.One who does not have connon sense would not know the difference between Mohannedanisn and Christianity, Law and Grace, etc.
is needful in applying the Bible to the gospel truth.One who does not have connon sense would not know the difference between Mohannedanisn and Christianity, Law and Grace, etc.Mental industry nust be applied (Eph. 3:3,4,8,9; Phil. 3:14-18; Col. 4:16; I Thes. 5:27).
nust be applied (Eph. 3:3,4,8,9; Phil. 3:14-18; Col. 4:16; I Thes. 5:27).x
A. A desire for the applause of the world.
B. Vanity on one hand and flattery on the other. Any
flattery is an ungodly bribe. If an old sinner cones up and
says, "That was a good sernon", you had better go hone and
get down upon your knees and find out what is wrong.
C. Sectarianisn.
*A. A desire for the applause of the world.
B. Vanity on one hand and flattery on the other. Any
flattery is an ungodly bribe. If an old sinner cones up and
says, "That was a good sernon", you had better go hone and
get down upon your knees and find out what is wrong.
C. Sectarianisn.
A. Mystical Method - originated in heathenism - Catholicism.
B. Allegorical Method - Swedenborginism is today's believer in
allegorical spiritual interpretation.
C. Rationalism Method - modernism; (Modernism = not Exegesis,
but Exit Jesus).
B. Allegorical Method - Swedenborginism is today's believer in
allegorical spiritual interpretation.
C. Rationalism Method - modernism; (Modernism = not Exegesis,
but Exit Jesus).
D. Apologetic Method - maintains every statement as truth.
Always ask, "Who said this?" When a person is inspired, he was
always inspired (Peter at Antioch, or Balaam's ass).
E. Literal Method - Sometimes it is good to take everything
literally.F. inductive Method - Get all facts together and let them
speak for themselves.
speak for themselves.A. Mystical Method - originated in heathenism - Catholicism.
B. Allegorical Method - Swedenborginism is today's believer in
allegorical spiritual interpretation.
C. Rationalism Method - modernism; (Modernism = not Exegesis,
but Exit Jesus).
but Exit Jesus).D. Apologetic Method - maintains every statement as truth.
Always ask, "Who said this?" When a person is inspired, he was
always inspired (Peter at Antioch, or Balaam's ass).
E. Literal Method - Sometimes it is good to take everything
literally.F. inductive Method - Get all facts together and let them
speak for themselves.
speak for themselves.III. THE APPLICATIONS:
THE KINDNESS OF ODD - GRACE (Mephibosheth) II Sam. 9
(Mephibosheth) II Sam. 9David was Saul's bitterest enemy after the death of Goliath. David began with a staff and ended with a scepter. II Samuel 9:1 shows kindness and grace. David would not have been judged if he had killed all the members of Saul's family. All of the blessings that came to the lame man came by the authoritative word of David. Our grace comes by the authoritative Word of God.
The lame man was totally incapacitated. So it is with the sinner. He is incapacitated - can't walk] How did he get lame? He had a. fall - at the hands of another (II Sam. 4; 4). So it was with man. Sinful man had a fall by another ... even Adam (Rom. 5:12) Mephibosheth came from a family of failures. We, who came from Adam, came from a family of failures. A sinner cannot walk. After Adam sinned, the Lord walked through the garden in the cool of the evening and asked, "Adam, where art thou?" David had asked, "Where is he?" The Lord always seeks us; we do not seek Him. If David had not sought out Mephibosheth, Mephibosheth would not have sought out David. Man will not seek the Lord.
Salvation, from first to last, is the work of God. "Where art thou, Adam?" Adam hid himself from God. David asked, "Where is Mephibosheth?" "Behold, he is in the house of Machir." It is the same with the sinner; he is in the house of bondage, the house of slavery - SIN. Sin is the greatest slave-holder. "Behold, he is in the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, in Lodebar." "Lodebar" means "no pasture", beyond Jordan - no pasture. The sinner is in Lodebar - no pasture. When you see cattle resting under the trees near a brook, in a grassy meadow, chewing their cuds, you see a perfect picture of peace. They are satisfied. They would not be, nor could they be satisfied, if there were no pasture. It is the same with the sinner; he is not satisfied if there is no pasture - Lodebar.
*David said, "Go fetch him." "Fetch" is a wonderful word. Go fetch him out of the land of Lodebar. The lame man was afraid of the King. The sinner is always afraid of God, afraid that God will take everything good away from him, including his filthy, ragged clothes. But it is not subtraction; it is addition; not only that, but, it is multiplication.
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
*David said, "Go fetch him." "Fetch" is a wonderful word. Go fetch him out of the land of Lodebar. The lame man was afraid of the King. The sinner is always afraid of God, afraid that God will take everything good away from him, including his filthy, ragged clothes. But it is not subtraction; it is addition; not only that, but, it is multiplication.
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
THE KINDNESS OF ODD - GRACE (Mephibosheth) II Sam. 9
(Mephibosheth) II Sam. 9David was Saul's bitterest enemy after the death of Goliath. David began with a staff and ended with a scepter. II Samuel 9:1 shows kindness and grace. David would not have been judged if he had killed all the members of Saul's family. All of the blessings that came to the lame man came by the authoritative word of David. Our grace comes by the authoritative Word of God.
The lame man was totally incapacitated. So it is with the sinner. He is incapacitated - can't walk] How did he get lame? He had a. fall - at the hands of another (II Sam. 4; 4). So it was with man. Sinful man had a fall by another ... even Adam (Rom. 5:12) Mephibosheth came from a family of failures. We, who came from Adam, came from a family of failures. A sinner cannot walk. After Adam sinned, the Lord walked through the garden in the cool of the evening and asked, "Adam, where art thou?" David had asked, "Where is he?" The Lord always seeks us; we do not seek Him. If David had not sought out Mephibosheth, Mephibosheth would not have sought out David. Man will not seek the Lord.
Salvation, from first to last, is the work of God. "Where art thou, Adam?" Adam hid himself from God. David asked, "Where is Mephibosheth?" "Behold, he is in the house of Machir." It is the same with the sinner; he is in the house of bondage, the house of slavery - SIN. Sin is the greatest slave-holder. "Behold, he is in the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, in Lodebar." "Lodebar" means "no pasture", beyond Jordan - no pasture. The sinner is in Lodebar - no pasture. When you see cattle resting under the trees near a brook, in a grassy meadow, chewing their cuds, you see a perfect picture of peace. They are satisfied. They would not be, nor could they be satisfied, if there were no pasture. It is the same with the sinner; he is not satisfied if there is no pasture - Lodebar.
*David said, "Go fetch him." "Fetch" is a wonderful word. Go fetch him out of the land of Lodebar. The lame man was afraid of the King. The sinner is always afraid of God, afraid that God will take everything good away from him, including his filthy, ragged clothes. But it is not subtraction; it is addition; not only that, but, it is multiplication.
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
*David said, "Go fetch him." "Fetch" is a wonderful word. Go fetch him out of the land of Lodebar. The lame man was afraid of the King. The sinner is always afraid of God, afraid that God will take everything good away from him, including his filthy, ragged clothes. But it is not subtraction; it is addition; not only that, but, it is multiplication.
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
evidence of life. Eph. 1:17 - "Walk not as other Gentiles walk". He commanded that she should be given something to eat; she was given an appetite. She needed food for nourishment; it is the same with the newly-born child of God; he needs to feed upon the Word of God.
(2) The young man - Jesus was moved with compassion. John 3:16-
"For God". Our salvation moved the heart of God. Jesus saith
unto him, "Arise". Luke 7:15 - "began to speak" - testimony.
"And he delivered him to his mother." What makes separation today?
(3) Lazarus - "If thou hadst been here." "You're too late!"
The old down-and-out sinner may be considered too far gone.' No
one is too far gone for God. Jesus commanded, "Take ye away the
stone"; there was something for them to do. Have a revival, prayer
meeting, give out tracts, etc., but be sure to remove the stone.
"Lazarus, come forth.'" He came forth, although bound up. He
came forth by the Words of the Lord Jesus. There is no one saved without the Word of God. Lazarus was alive, but not free from his bonds. Plenty of people in the Church have not gotten out of their grave clothes. Their hands are bound with work, all bound up. "Loose him." "Who?" YOU.' Help the convert. The Lord made him alive and they unwrapped him. His face was bound, so he could not see; his feet were bound, so he could not walk; he was all bound up. The sinner, too, is bound up, but in sin (Rom. 6:23). Thus, we are to preach the Word, which liberates men from sin. The miracle was performed by Jesus. It was nothing to roll away the stone and unwrap the grave clothes. Christ will save; we can only point men to Christ, and after they are saved, help them to walk the Christian life.
"Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over-wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself?" (Eccl. 7:16).
"Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?" (Eccl. 7:17).
"There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour," Eccl. 2:24a.
"A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance " (Eccl. 3:4).
"For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them; as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast; for all is vanity " (Eccl. 3:19).
Erdman says, "The Book of the natural man." A natural man is a lost man. There is a difference between the carnal man and the natural man. The natural man is lost, and the carnal man is a saved man, but lives like a lost man. Elohim is used 40 times; man is used 40 times; (Adam) man of the earth is used 28 times;
"under the sun" is used 3 times; "under heaven" is used 4 times; "on earth" is used 12 times.
"I said in mine heart," speaks of the natural man. This is not what God says, but what a lost man says in his heart.
Key: Ecclesiastes 6:12 - "For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? For who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun."
sun."Vanity is emptiness - to toil, to suffer. Feel unsatisfied with things under the sun and on earth. One night of bliss, and one thousand nights of hell.
Dr. Neighbors says that the word "vanity" should be translated "soap bubbles". Our cities are filled with chasers of soap bubbles. A man who had $3,000,000 put a bullet in his brain; $3,000,000 is a soap bubble without Christ.
Alexander the Great became the world's conqueror at 3O years of age and said, "Oh, for other worlds to conquer.'" This old world we live in is a soap bubble without Christ.
Ecclesiastes 1:5 - "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose." "Sunrise" - always comes back to the same place of emptiness.
Ecclesiastes 1:7 - "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again," - God's water works. Things of the world bring you back where you started from. Take all the rivers today of wealth, amusement, etc.; all of them without Christ lead back to a life of remorse.
Ecclesiastes is the darkest book in the Bible. Judgment.' Ecclesiastes is the most up-to-date piece of literature today. Where Ecclesiastes ends with "under heaven", Ephesians begins with "man in the Heavens."
The climax of the Book is found in the 12th Chapter, the 1st, 13th and 14th verses: "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them ... Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
The Scarlet Cord Joshua 2:21
Entrance of the children of Israel into the land of Canaan.
Rahab dwelt in a condemned place. The world is condemned by God.
The purpose of the Christian is to save men out of the world. Jericho means a "city of fragrance."
"under the sun" is used 3 times; "under heaven" is used 4 times; "on earth" is used 12 times.
"I said in mine heart," speaks of the natural man. This is not what God says, but what a lost man says in his heart.
Key: Ecclesiastes 6:12 - "For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? For who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun."
sun."Vanity is emptiness - to toil, to suffer. Feel unsatisfied with things under the sun and on earth. One night of bliss, and one thousand nights of hell.
Dr. Neighbors says that the word "vanity" should be translated "soap bubbles". Our cities are filled with chasers of soap bubbles. A man who had $3,000,000 put a bullet in his brain; $3,000,000 is a soap bubble without Christ.
Alexander the Great became the world's conqueror at 3O years of age and said, "Oh, for other worlds to conquer.'" This old world we live in is a soap bubble without Christ.
Ecclesiastes 1:5 - "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose." "Sunrise" - always comes back to the same place of emptiness.
Ecclesiastes 1:7 - "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again," - God's water works. Things of the world bring you back where you started from. Take all the rivers today of wealth, amusement, etc.; all of them without Christ lead back to a life of remorse.
Ecclesiastes is the darkest book in the Bible. Judgment.' Ecclesiastes is the most up-to-date piece of literature today. Where Ecclesiastes ends with "under heaven", Ephesians begins with "man in the Heavens."
The climax of the Book is found in the 12th Chapter, the 1st, 13th and 14th verses: "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them ... Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
The Scarlet Cord Joshua 2:21
Entrance of the children of Israel into the land of Canaan.
Rahab dwelt in a condemned place. The world is condemned by God.
The purpose of the Christian is to save men out of the world. Jericho means a "city of fragrance."
The spies came at Barley harvest; harvest equals Judgment. Jericho's reaping time had come.
Rahab was a harlot, a woman of bad character, a scarlet woman. Scarlet is a symbol of sin, the color of sin. Scarlet men and women are sinful men and women. There was nothing in her to commend her to God, and there is nothing in you to commend you to the Lord.
Man is not imperfect; he is unperfect. Rahab's grace did not save her; she was a disgrace. She was a sinner. We are sinners (Romans 3:23). She was saved by Joshua's grace. She was a liar. We are all liars. A sinner is a bad character, a scarlet character, living in a condemned place (the world). Rahab had faith-"faith cometh by hearing". "I know the Lord hath given you the land " Joshua 2;9. Rahab was interested and concerned about her family. Are you concerned over the salvation of your families, including your parents, brothers and sisters? She had faith; then came salvation. She was assured, then secured. she was assured by the spies and secured by the scarlet thread in the window. The scarlet cord was her salvation. The scarlet of the Cross of Christ is our salvation. It was not the looking upon her by the spies, but the looking upon the scarlet cord that saved her. God looks upon the scarlet Cross, and not us, which turns to our salvation.
The two spies spent three days in the mountain; then they went into the presence of Joshua. It was the same with the Lord Jesus; He spent three days in the tomb and arose to appear before God on our behalf. Rahab's salvation was sure and complete, just as our salvation is sure and complete - "There is therefore now no condemnation ..." (Rom. 8:1).
She married Salmon and had a son named Boaz. Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David ... on down to the living Saviour today, Jesus Christ, our Lord. The conclusion is, therefore, that when God saves you, He not only saves you from something, but saves you to something.'
The "400" Club I Samuel 22:1,2
David, the anointed king, was driven away from his throne. Jesus has also been anointed and driven away from His throne. Read the text again. This is an account of the 400 (not the society of the upper-crust of New York), but the 400 who followed David.
The spies came at Barley harvest; harvest equals Judgment. Jericho's reaping time had come.
Rahab was a harlot, a woman of bad character, a scarlet woman. Scarlet is a symbol of sin, the color of sin. Scarlet men and women are sinful men and women. There was nothing in her to commend her to God, and there is nothing in you to commend you to the Lord.
Man is not imperfect; he is unperfect. Rahab's grace did not save her; she was a disgrace. She was a sinner. We are sinners (Romans 3:23). She was saved by Joshua's grace. She was a liar. We are all liars. A sinner is a bad character, a scarlet character, living in a condemned place (the world). Rahab had faith-"faith cometh by hearing". "I know the Lord hath given you the land " Joshua 2;9. Rahab was interested and concerned about her family. Are you concerned over the salvation of your families, including your parents, brothers and sisters? She had faith; then came salvation. She was assured, then secured. she was assured by the spies and secured by the scarlet thread in the window. The scarlet cord was her salvation. The scarlet of the Cross of Christ is our salvation. It was not the looking upon her by the spies, but the looking upon the scarlet cord that saved her. God looks upon the scarlet Cross, and not us, which turns to our salvation.
The two spies spent three days in the mountain; then they went into the presence of Joshua. It was the same with the Lord Jesus; He spent three days in the tomb and arose to appear before God on our behalf. Rahab's salvation was sure and complete, just as our salvation is sure and complete - "There is therefore now no condemnation ..." (Rom. 8:1).
She married Salmon and had a son named Boaz. Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David ... on down to the living Saviour today, Jesus Christ, our Lord. The conclusion is, therefore, that when God saves you, He not only saves you from something, but saves you to something.'
The "400" Club I Samuel 22:1,2
David, the anointed king, was driven away from his throne. Jesus has also been anointed and driven away from His throne. Read the text again. This is an account of the 400 (not the society of the upper-crust of New York), but the 400 who followed David.
Saul, a choice young man, a 1.
goodly person (I Sam. 9:2).
Saul was blameless for a 2.
Saul in rebellion. .He be- 3.
came a self-approved man. The king
dom rent from him (I Sam. 15:23).
Saul is rejected; in re- 4.
jection (I Sam. 15:23).
Lucifer was perfect (Ezek.
Lucifer was blameless for
a time (Ezek. 28:15).
Lucifer in rebellion (Isa.
14:14). Kingdom is rent from
him (Isa. 14:15).
Lucifer in rejection (Ezek.
David anointed (I Sam.
16:1,11-13). Seven sons passed
by Saul (I Sam. 16:7).
Saul clung to his throne
after it was taken away from him
(22 years) .
The anointed king driven
out. Saul cast out David.
In the place of rejection:
David in the cave of Adullam - the
gathering of the "40O". Look at
verse 2 (of text) - what manner of
men. David took them in and became
a captain over them.
9. Both Kingdoms brought to the
9. Both Kingdoms brought to the
Israel was defeated by her enemies. Saul lost out and so did Israel.
The Reign: Saul overthrown.
David became King over Judah, then
over Israel.
What became of the "40O"?
(II Sam. 2:3). They came back with
David and lived with him.
Jesus anointed (Acts 10:38;
Mark 1:10,11; John 12:2,3).
Jesus was born in a stable,
born King of the Jews.
Lucifer's time has come; yet
he still rules (John 14:30;
Lucifer, with the aid of
Judas, cast out Christ.
Christ is cast out. Look at
those who followed the Lord.
Christ's 4OO are the salt of
the earth. Look at the ones
who have come unto the Lord.
He took them all in and frank
ly forgave them. Parable:
Luke 7:41-43; I Cor. 5:9-11.
depth of distress with both Kings
ss with both KingsThe world is in a dreadful state and is being destroyed because her real King is not on the throne. The rejected King (of God) is in power, nevertheless.
The Reign: Lucifer shall
be overthrown.
So shall the Redeemed come
and live with Christ for
1,000 years.
Emancipation Exodus 10:21-23
The plague of Darkness came before the last plague of Death. Men today are smitten with darkness before they taste of the second death. The plague of Darkness was an intense darkness, one that could be felt. Sometimes the darkness of man's sin, the darkness of man's superstition, and the darkness of man's lawlessness can be felt. Darkness in Scripture is a symbol of "God's Abandonment". Ephesians 6:12 shows us that there is a dense darkness in the world today.
1. Why was it dark in Egypt? Because Pharaoh would not believe in Jehovah.
Jesus anointed (Acts 10:38;
Mark 1:10,11; John 12:2,3).
Jesus was born in a stable,
born King of the Jews.
Lucifer's time has come; yet
he still rules (John 14:30;
Lucifer, with the aid of
Judas, cast out Christ.
Christ is cast out. Look at
those who followed the Lord.
Christ's 4OO are the salt of
the earth. Look at the ones
who have come unto the Lord.
He took them all in and frank
ly forgave them. Parable:
Luke 7:41-43; I Cor. 5:9-11.
depth of distress with both Kings
ss with both KingsThe world is in a dreadful state and is being destroyed because her real King is not on the throne. The rejected King (of God) is in power, nevertheless.
The Reign: Lucifer shall
be overthrown.
So shall the Redeemed come
and live with Christ for
1,000 years.
Emancipation Exodus 10:21-23
The plague of Darkness came before the last plague of Death. Men today are smitten with darkness before they taste of the second death. The plague of Darkness was an intense darkness, one that could be felt. Sometimes the darkness of man's sin, the darkness of man's superstition, and the darkness of man's lawlessness can be felt. Darkness in Scripture is a symbol of "God's Abandonment". Ephesians 6:12 shows us that there is a dense darkness in the world today.
1. Why was it dark in Egypt? Because Pharaoh would not believe in Jehovah.
1. Why is there darkness in the world today? Because the world does not believe in Jehovah (Jesus).
1. Why is there darkness in the world today? Because the world does not believe in Jehovah (Jesus).
Israel had light - super
natural light - a light from God.
Here is a people having light in
its dwellings.
Blood - then light.
Is there light in your dwelling? (Matthew 5:16.)
The Blood of Jesus Christ for redemption; then the Light of the Holy Spirit for revelation. What is earthly light? Culture,etc, Earthly light is not supernatural. The Light of the world is supernatural.
Parents, are your lights shining in the home?
, are your lights shining in the home?The Egyptian I Samuel 30
The Egyptian was in the 1,
Everything is taken and 2
he is left to die by his master.
He was an Egyptian. 3
4. He was sick and needed a 4, physician; he was starving to death; thus, he needed bread and water.
What was he eating? 5.
Nothing.1 Vanity.
He was deserted; he had 6.
a terrible master.
Helpless. 7,
He was a slave (although 8,
he was an Egyptian), a slave of an
He was found in a field of 9,
seekers of sinners.
10. They brought him to David. 10.
The Sinner is in the field
(the world).
The sinner is stripped of all
he has by his taskmaster, the
When a sinner goes to Egypt,
he goes down, not up to Egypt.
Egypt in Scripture always
means bondage.
The sinner has the disease of
the heart (sin) and needs the
Great Physician. The man of
the world needs the Bread and
Water of Life.
The sinner is feeding on
nothing: ashes and soap
The Devil is a hard master,
one who works and receives
wages (Romans 6:23).
Sinners have two masters-.
inner and outer, sin and
Christians, are you seeking
the sinners?
Philip brought Nathanael to
They sought him. He did 11.
not seek them. He was helpless.
David received him. it 12.
is a wonder that David didn't kill
him. That's gracej David saved him.
He not only received him, 13.
but gave him something to eat and
drink. (
He then entered into the 14.
service of David.
Verse 15 - Assurance of 15.
Security, then service.
His security was not 16.
secured by his service, but through
the grace of David.
17. The Amalekites were under 17.
a curse (Ex. 17:14-16). They were
having a merry time with things
that did not belong to them.
Judgment came upon the 18.
Spoils taken by the 19.
Amalekites regained.
The Egyptian became the 20.
servant of David.
Christians, are you seeking
the sinners?
"Him that cotneth to me I will
in no wise cast out "
(John 6:37).
This is what the sinner gets
when he is received by Jesus.
??????????How aboht you??????? John 3:16; Romans 19:9.
Eph. 2:8,9 - no "boasters" in Heaven.
Sinners are living under the curse (Gal. 3:10), living on things that do not belong to them.
Judgment is coming upon the Devil and sinners. Through Christ everything taken by sin can be restored. We should become "bond slaves" for Jesus.
That principle by which God initiates the believer into His truth through the mysteries revealed in His Word.
The mysteries in Scripture do not mean that knowledge is withheld, but that knowledge is revealed. Truth is revealed by God. Man would never have known of a Redeemer unless it was revealed by God in His Word. Abraham would never have known that he would have seed as the sands of the sea unless God had revealed it.
The Church was never revealed to Old Testament prophets. I Cor. 4:1: God does not want His people to be ignorant; therefore, let us be "stewards of the mysteries of God."
Church: the Body of Christ (Eph. 3: 1-30; Eph. 1:22,23). This mystery is the uniting of the Jew and Gentile into the body (Body of Christ). God makes the Lord Jesus the Head of the Body . In Ephesians 5 the truth emphasized is the Headship of Christ over the Church. This Scripture does not reveal the secret of marriage, for marriage is revealed in Genesis 2.
I Thessalonians '4:13-18: This was indeed a new truth revealed. The rapture is revealed for the first time.
I Cor. 15:51-58 reveals for the first time the fact that we
shall not all die.
II Thessalonians 2:7; I John 4:3 - "Not of God"; Spirit
of Antichrist. The lawlessness will consutnate in the lawless
man, in the one who will set himself up as God. It has to do with
a man who claims to be equal with God - THE ANTICHRIST.
It is revealed to us by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 13.
The mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are not found in the Old Testament. The prophets foretold the Kingdom, the suffering, the rejection of the King, and later, the rule of the King. They did not foretell what was between the two.
A mystery in the Word means a truth revealed for the first time.
First parable: The Sower (Matthew 13:1-22). The son of Man is Sower.
LSecond Parable: Tares (Matthew 13:24-30). What happens to the seed which does produce? Tares are sown in the good ground. Tares look like wheat. Tares are wheat of the world; they are not in the Church. Paul says to put the wicked persons out of the Church (I Cor. 5:13).
(Matthew 13:24-30). What happens to the seed which does produce? Tares are sown in the good ground. Tares look like wheat. Tares are wheat of the world; they are not in the Church. Paul says to put the wicked persons out of the Church (I Cor. 5:13).Third parable: Mustard Seed (Matt. 13:31,32). it grows into a tree from a very small seed. Who ever heard of a mustard tree? Untimely growth is what it is speaking about. It is not speaking of, or referring to the Gospel, which the Church preaches and converts the world with, for the world shall never be converted as a whole. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church that Christ is speaking of.
(Matt. 13:31,32). it grows into a tree from a very small seed. Who ever heard of a mustard tree? Untimely growth is what it is speaking about. It is not speaking of, or referring to the Gospel, which the Church preaches and converts the world with, for the world shall never be converted as a whole. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church that Christ is speaking of.Fourth Parable: The Leaven (Matt. 13:33-35). Leaven is always spoken of in Scripture as evil (Exodus 12:5; Lev. 2:11; 6:17; Matt. 16:5; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). Woman (in the Bible) is a common sign of evil. Look at the "isms" of today. Most of them have been started by women. Leaven is corruption. The Leaven will take place fully after the Church is taken away out of the world.
(Matt. 13:33-35). Leaven is always spoken of in Scripture as evil (Exodus 12:5; Lev. 2:11; 6:17; Matt. 16:5; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). Woman (in the Bible) is a common sign of evil. Look at the "isms" of today. Most of them have been started by women. Leaven is corruption. The Leaven will take place fully after the Church is taken away out of the world.Fifth parable-. The Hidden Treasure (Matt. 13:44). God's people (Israel) are the Hidden Treasure. (Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4). Remember, this is talking of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church.
(Matt. 13:44). God's people (Israel) are the Hidden Treasure. (Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4). Remember, this is talking of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church.Sixth Parable: The Pearl (Matt. 13:45,46). The Pearl is a choice jewel and speaks of the elect remnant of Israel.
Seventh Parable: The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.
The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.VI. MYSTERY OF ISRAEL'S BLINDNESS
Seventh Parable: The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.
The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.VI. MYSTERY OF ISRAEL'S BLINDNESS
It is revealed to us by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 13.
The mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are not found in the Old Testament. The prophets foretold the Kingdom, the suffering, the rejection of the King, and later, the rule of the King. They did not foretell what was between the two.
A mystery in the Word means a truth revealed for the first time.
First parable: The Sower (Matthew 13:1-22). The son of Man is Sower.
LSecond Parable: Tares (Matthew 13:24-30). What happens to the seed which does produce? Tares are sown in the good ground. Tares look like wheat. Tares are wheat of the world; they are not in the Church. Paul says to put the wicked persons out of the Church (I Cor. 5:13).
(Matthew 13:24-30). What happens to the seed which does produce? Tares are sown in the good ground. Tares look like wheat. Tares are wheat of the world; they are not in the Church. Paul says to put the wicked persons out of the Church (I Cor. 5:13).Third parable: Mustard Seed (Matt. 13:31,32). it grows into a tree from a very small seed. Who ever heard of a mustard tree? Untimely growth is what it is speaking about. It is not speaking of, or referring to the Gospel, which the Church preaches and converts the world with, for the world shall never be converted as a whole. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church that Christ is speaking of.
(Matt. 13:31,32). it grows into a tree from a very small seed. Who ever heard of a mustard tree? Untimely growth is what it is speaking about. It is not speaking of, or referring to the Gospel, which the Church preaches and converts the world with, for the world shall never be converted as a whole. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church that Christ is speaking of.Fourth Parable: The Leaven (Matt. 13:33-35). Leaven is always spoken of in Scripture as evil (Exodus 12:5; Lev. 2:11; 6:17; Matt. 16:5; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). Woman (in the Bible) is a common sign of evil. Look at the "isms" of today. Most of them have been started by women. Leaven is corruption. The Leaven will take place fully after the Church is taken away out of the world.
(Matt. 13:33-35). Leaven is always spoken of in Scripture as evil (Exodus 12:5; Lev. 2:11; 6:17; Matt. 16:5; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). Woman (in the Bible) is a common sign of evil. Look at the "isms" of today. Most of them have been started by women. Leaven is corruption. The Leaven will take place fully after the Church is taken away out of the world.Fifth parable-. The Hidden Treasure (Matt. 13:44). God's people (Israel) are the Hidden Treasure. (Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4). Remember, this is talking of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church.
(Matt. 13:44). God's people (Israel) are the Hidden Treasure. (Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4). Remember, this is talking of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church.Sixth Parable: The Pearl (Matt. 13:45,46). The Pearl is a choice jewel and speaks of the elect remnant of Israel.
Seventh Parable: The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.
The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.VI. MYSTERY OF ISRAEL'S BLINDNESS
Seventh Parable: The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.
The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.VI. MYSTERY OF ISRAEL'S BLINDNESS
See Romans 11:25. Sometimes it is called the "Mystery of the Olive Tree". The truth that is revealed is the duration of Israel's blindness (Isaiah 6:9,10). Israel's blindness is foretold by Isaiah, but the duration is not given to the Old Testament, but to |£he Apostle Paul. Israel was blinded only in part; not al], of Israel was blinded. Some were and are blind. Elijah thought he was the , only one left who loved God, but the Lord held back 7,000 who worshipped Him. Even now God has) His few (remnant) (Rom. 11:5).' (1) Blindness not to all Israel (John 1:11,12). (2) Temporarily, until the FULNESS OF THE „ GENTILES BE COME IN. (There is the difference between the fulness of the^. Gentiles and the time of the Gentiles).
See Revelation 17:5,18. Babylon is Babylon, not the Roman ,< Catholic Church. She could be in it along with others who are left after the rapture. The Scripture tells you the Mystery.' The seven kings reign one after another. The ten kings are those who reign at the same time. One of the seven kings shall die, but will be raised again - the Antichrist.
See Revelation 17:5,18. Babylon is Babylon, not the Roman ,< Catholic Church. She could be in it along with others who are left after the rapture. The Scripture tells you the Mystery.' The seven kings reign one after another. The ten kings are those who reign at the same time. One of the seven kings shall die, but will be raised again - the Antichrist.
The Godhead of Christ (Colossians 2: 1-11 )- 'Mystery of God, even Christ ' .
The Godhead of Christ (Colossians 2: 1-11 )- 'Mystery of God, even Christ ' .
See Revelation 17:5,18. Babylon is Babylon, not the Roman ,< Catholic Church. She could be in it along with others who are left after the rapture. The Scripture tells you the Mystery.' The seven kings reign one after another. The ten kings are those who reign at the same time. One of the seven kings shall die, but will be raised again - the Antichrist.
See Revelation 17:5,18. Babylon is Babylon, not the Roman ,< Catholic Church. She could be in it along with others who are left after the rapture. The Scripture tells you the Mystery.' The seven kings reign one after another. The ten kings are those who reign at the same time. One of the seven kings shall die, but will be raised again - the Antichrist.
The Godhead of Christ (Colossians 2: 1-11 )- 'Mystery of God, even Christ ' .
The Godhead of Christ (Colossians 2: 1-11 )- 'Mystery of God, even Christ ' .
Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory". Not only is Christ at the right hand of God; not only is Christ coming again in glory, but Christ is living in every Christian.'
See I Tim. 3:9. If it had not been for the Word you would not have known that salvation comes by faith. Faith demands acceptance. A Christian becomes a member in the body of Christ the moment he is saved. This is revealed through the Word (Eph. 3). It was revealed to Paul first; it is not in the Old Testament.
Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory". Not only is Christ at the right hand of God; not only is Christ coming again in glory, but Christ is living in every Christian.'
See I Tim. 3:9. If it had not been for the Word you would not have known that salvation comes by faith. Faith demands acceptance. A Christian becomes a member in the body of Christ the moment he is saved. This is revealed through the Word (Eph. 3). It was revealed to Paul first; it is not in the Old Testament.
I Tim. 3:16 - it is without controversy. It means "how men
I Tim. 3:16 - it is without controversy. It means "how men
Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory". Not only is Christ at the right hand of God; not only is Christ coming again in glory, but Christ is living in every Christian.'
See I Tim. 3:9. If it had not been for the Word you would not have known that salvation comes by faith. Faith demands acceptance. A Christian becomes a member in the body of Christ the moment he is saved. This is revealed through the Word (Eph. 3). It was revealed to Paul first; it is not in the Old Testament.
/MYSTERY OF THE CHRISTIANColossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory". Not only is Christ at the right hand of God; not only is Christ coming again in glory, but Christ is living in every Christian.'
See I Tim. 3:9. If it had not been for the Word you would not have known that salvation comes by faith. Faith demands acceptance. A Christian becomes a member in the body of Christ the moment he is saved. This is revealed through the Word (Eph. 3). It was revealed to Paul first; it is not in the Old Testament.
I Tim. 3:16 - it is without controversy. It means "how men
I Tim. 3:16 - it is without controversy. It means "how men
become Godly, how Godliness is restored unto us". it is restored only by Imroanuel, which means "God with us".
Six things were declared: (1) His Incarnation, which is, "God was manifest in the flesh", and the name of the Incarnate One is JESUS (Luke 1:35; John 1:1,14). Without incarnation in the flesh there is no salvation (I John &-:*)_. Man may have religion but not have salvation. (2) His Resurrection: . "justified in the Spirit" (Rom. 6:1-11). (3) His Manifestation: "seen of angels". Angels means "God's messengers". (4) His Proclamation: vpreached unto the Gentiles", to all people of all nations. (5) His Salvation: "believed on in the world", salvation that came from Him, salvation which is free and eternal (Eph. 2:8,9). (6) His Ascension; "Received up into glory";
That Principle by which God explains the reason or grounds for His action through the use of the words "wherefore" and "therefore".
Luke 1:35 - "Therefore" - Because the humanity was created by God.
Acts 13:35 - "Wherefore" - To give us an ever-living Saviour, an all-powerful Saviour.
Phil. 2:9 - "Wherefore" - He took the steps down to humilia-tion, and God takes Him up to exaltation.
~Heb. 10:4,5 - "Wherefore" - the blood of bulls and goats could not take away sin, so One had to come Who had a sinless life and sinless blood to give and shed for sinful people.
Heb. 13:12,13 - "Wherefore" - He went to the place of death to die as the Lamb of God. "Therefore" (vs. 13). if our lives are to tell for Him, we must be willing to suffer reproach for Him, serving Him outside and away from those who think we are abnormal.
The word "therefore" is found 27 times in the book of Romans. Romans is the foundation epistle.
Romans 2:1 - "therefore" - a shame to glory in one's own
Condemnation. The first chapter of Romans speaks of moral corruption, the blackness of sin, men who would not worship God, but made idols to bow down to. Jews (in chapter 2) are just as bad. judgment upon all men - (2:6). No man living has the knowledge to sit in judgment upon his fellow man. In judging another, he judges himself. Take a liar, for example: you do not like a liar, but when you condemn a liar, you condemn yourself. You hate the Jew because he delivered Christ up to die? Who nailed Him to the tree? You did.1 When you condemn
another for it, you condemn yourself.
g^"Romans 3:28 - "therefore" - brings to us "justification by faith". It means to clear the slate of any record against us. It is by faith and not by works.
Romans 3: 20 - "therefore" - take a look at yourself in
the light of the Law and you will be condemned. The law of
God never saves a man; it condemns him. The law pronounces
a curse upon him (Gal. 3:10). t
- "therefore" - take a look at yourself in
the light of the Law and you will be condemned. The law of
God never saves a man; it condemns him. The law pronounces
a curse upon him (Gal. 3:10). tRomans 4: 16 - "therefore" - justification is by faith so that it can be by grace, a gift of God's love; never earned.
- "therefore" - justification is by faith so that it can be by grace, a gift of God's love; never earned.Romans 5:1 - "therefore" - having been justified by our simple faith in the finished work of Christ upon the cross, there is peace in our hearts; it is the peace with God. justification does not mean the feeling in your heart , but peace with God.' In Egypt there was the blood on the door posts; no doubt there were many of the first-born of the Israelites who were very restless during the night the LORD passed over. The same is true that there were many of the firstborn of the Egyptians who were not even troubled at all, although living under the curse and soon coming to destruction. Man is not safe because he thinks he is safe.
- "therefore" - having been justified by our simple faith in the finished work of Christ upon the cross, there is peace in our hearts; it is the peace with God. justification does not mean the feeling in your heart , but peace with God.' In Egypt there was the blood on the door posts; no doubt there were many of the first-born of the Israelites who were very restless during the night the LORD passed over. The same is true that there were many of the firstborn of the Egyptians who were not even troubled at all, although living under the curse and soon coming to destruction. Man is not safe because he thinks he is safe.Romans 8: 1 - "therefore" - throws back to what? - to the Cross of Calvary I
- "therefore" - throws back to what? - to the Cross of Calvary IRomans 12: 1 - "therefore" - to do something for Christ, because He did everything for us.
- "therefore" - to do something for Christ, because He did everything for us.Romans 14:19 - "therefore" - saved by grace through faith; this is true, but let us work as Children of God.
- "therefore" - saved by grace through faith; this is true, but let us work as Children of God.THE EXHORTATION PRINCIPLE
That principle by which God makes an appeal to the heart and conscience of the individual to do something that is worthy and important and that leads to a practical end.
"Let us" starts the exhortation.
Rom. 13: 12 - Things to put off (vs. 14); then put on the armour of God.
- Things to put off (vs. 14); then put on the armour of God.Gal. 6:9 - The child of God can sow to the Spirit and to the flesh.
I The s . 5:6 - Sleep is the wrong condition of the soul (vs. 8).
- Sleep is the wrong condition of the soul (vs. 8).Heb. 4:11 - There is a rest from sin; there is a rest from the power of sin.
Heb. 4:11 - Give up our unbelief.'
Heb. 6:1 - We are to grow into maturity.
- We are to grow into maturity.Heb. 10:22,23,24 - Draw near to God always in sweet communion; stand for your faith, and cooperate with one another in the
- Draw near to God always in sweet communion; stand for your faith, and cooperate with one another in the-47-
service of love.
Heb. 12;1 - Unbelief is the besetting sin of the believer.Heb. 12:28 - Exhortation to service.
- Unbelief is the besetting sin of the believer.Heb. 12:28 - Exhortation to service.
- Exhortation to service.Heb. 13:1 - Let us love everyone.'
- Let us love everyone.'Heb. 13:5 - Praise God for what He has provided.
- Praise God for what He has provided.Heb. 13:13 - We are urged to pick up the cross daily.
- We are urged to pick up the cross daily.THE SUBSEQUENT MENTION PRINCIPLE (Sometimes called "The Subsequent Narrative" principle)
That principle by which,, in later Scripture, adds details
of prior events, or gives events never before recorded.
service of love.
Heb. 12;1 - Unbelief is the besetting sin of the believer.Heb. 12:28 - Exhortation to service.
- Unbelief is the besetting sin of the believer.Heb. 12:28 - Exhortation to service.
- Exhortation to service.Heb. 13:1 - Let us love everyone.'
- Let us love everyone.'Heb. 13:5 - Praise God for what He has provided.
- Praise God for what He has provided.Heb. 13:13 - We are urged to pick up the cross daily.
- We are urged to pick up the cross daily.THE SUBSEQUENT MENTION PRINCIPLE (Sometimes called "The Subsequent Narrative" principle)
That principle by which,, in later Scripture, adds details
of prior events, or gives events never before recorded.
Acts 7:23,30,36 - Is there a contradiction? No.' Genesis 31:7,8 - Nothing before this tells of Jacob's wages being changed ten times. Revealed for the first time.
I Sam. 12: 12 - An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling of
- An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling ofJoseph being put in irons.
Amos 1: 1 - Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.
- Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.Amos 2 : 1 - Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.
- Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.Amos 5:25,26 - Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).
- Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).Ezekiel 20 (especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Matt. 2:23 - Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.
- Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.Acts 9*22,24 - The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —
- The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —II Tim. 3:8 -[jhe magicians' names given.
-[jhe magicians' names given.Heb . 9:19 - The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.
- The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.-48-
- Is there a contradiction? No.' Genesis 31:7,8 - Nothing before this tells of Jacob's wages being changed ten times. Revealed for the first time.I Sam. 12: 12 - An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling of
- An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling ofJoseph being put in irons.
Amos 1: 1 - Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.
- Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.Amos 2 : 1 - Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.
- Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.Amos 5:25,26 - Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).
- Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).Ezekiel 20 (especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Matt. 2:23 - Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.
- Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.Acts 9*22,24 - The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —
- The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —II Tim. 3:8 -[jhe magicians' names given.
-[jhe magicians' names given.Heb . 9:19 - The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.
- The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.-48-
Acts 7:23,30,36 - Is there a contradiction? No.' Genesis 31:7,8 - Nothing before this tells of Jacob's wages being changed ten times. Revealed for the first time.
I Sam. 12: 12 - An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling of
- An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling ofJoseph being put in irons.
Amos 1: 1 - Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.
- Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.Amos 2 : 1 - Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.
- Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.Amos 5:25,26 - Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).
- Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).Ezekiel 20 (especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Matt. 2:23 - Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.
- Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.Acts 9*22,24 - The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —
- The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —II Tim. 3:8 -[jhe magicians' names given.
-[jhe magicians' names given.Heb . 9:19 - The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.
- The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.-48-
- Is there a contradiction? No.' Genesis 31:7,8 - Nothing before this tells of Jacob's wages being changed ten times. Revealed for the first time.I Sam. 12: 12 - An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling of
- An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling ofJoseph being put in irons.
Amos 1: 1 - Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.
- Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.Amos 2 : 1 - Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.
- Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.Amos 5:25,26 - Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).
- Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).Ezekiel 20 (especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Matt. 2:23 - Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.
- Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.Acts 9*22,24 - The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —
- The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —II Tim. 3:8 -[jhe magicians' names given.
-[jhe magicians' names given.Heb . 9:19 - The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.
- The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.-48-
•q.aqdo;id ib sbm qooug 3-ieqq. apnr ut xoj pai^aAaj sbm ^i "[aTjqBO q.ou '^.aduin st laeqotw 'apnr ut ^t paicaAaz q.ou pieq poo j ^.,up-[noM aM fiacqoTW st laSu^qoav ^^X 'TS^aTW puie uaaMq.aq aq.ndsTp aq^. 3.0 (^uaaa«q.sax MaN JO ^.uauie^sax PTO ut asxa ajaqAvAuc jo) Xmouoja^naa ut PTO^. ^.oN - 6
Bible Doctrines-Hie Beliefs That Matter, New Testament Survey, Pro-' gressh/e Program of Prophecy, Daniel and Revelation Made Plain, r Come Lord Jesus, Mastering the Bible: A Text on Biblical Hermeneu-1 tics, Two Thirds Complete, and various tracts and pamphlets.The world is looking for a Superstar, a leader who will bring peace, a god... SON OF SATAN is a book that willgive you some insight from Scripture as to who this man is..."that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of Satan; who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I
was yet with you, I told you these things?"
The world is looking for a Superstar, a leader who will bring peace, a god... SON OF SATAN is a book that willgive you some insight from Scripture as to who this man is..."that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of Satan; who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I
was yet with you, I told you these things?"
give you some insight from Scripture as to who this man is..."that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of Satan; who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I
was yet with you, I told you these things?"
Grace Publishing Company
Tampa, Florida 33622
Hermeneutics is the science of interpretation of the Scriptures.
A. The Bible (most familiar).
From the Greek, "ta biblia", .meaning, the Books.
Unity - 66 books, yet ONE.
Tl-E Book.
a. Psalm 4O:S7 and Hebrews 1O:7 -' "Then .said I, Lo, I come
(in the volume of the book it is written of me)."
b. It is the pre-eminefi,t Book.
Bp The Word of God.
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12). "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." (II Cor.2:17) "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." (I Thes. 2:13).
The Word of God is made up of the "words of God", God's message to man. Men, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote His Word.
We need never be'- ashamed of it or apologize for it, for it is PERFECT] There are no errors, no mistakes, no contradictions. It is reliable! It is PERFECT] The reason for such men as inger-
A. The Bible (most familiar).
From the Greek, "ta biblia", .meaning, the Books.
Unity - 66 books, yet ONE.
Tl-E Book.
a. Psalm 4O:S7 and Hebrews 1O:7 -' "Then .said I, Lo, I come
(in the volume of the book it is written of me)."
b. It is the pre-eminefi,t Book.
Bp The Word of God.
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12). "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." (II Cor.2:17) "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." (I Thes. 2:13).
The Word of God is made up of the "words of God", God's message to man. Men, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote His Word.
We need never be'- ashamed of it or apologize for it, for it is PERFECT] There are no errors, no mistakes, no contradictions. It is reliable! It is PERFECT] The reason for such men as inger-
A. The Bible (most familiar).
From the Greek, "ta biblia", .meaning, the Books.
Unity - 66 books, yet ONE.
Tl-E Book.
a. Psalm 4O:S7 and Hebrews 1O:7 -' "Then .said I, Lo, I come
(in the volume of the book it is written of me)."
b. It is the pre-eminefi,t Book.
Bp The Word of God.
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12). "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." (II Cor.2:17) "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." (I Thes. 2:13).
The Word of God is made up of the "words of God", God's message to man. Men, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote His Word.
We need never be'- ashamed of it or apologize for it, for it is PERFECT] There are no errors, no mistakes, no contradictions. It is reliable! It is PERFECT] The reason for such men as inger-
soii is s-i-n, sin:
C. The Scriptures
"And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner." (MarK 12:10). "And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors." (Mark 15:28). "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." (John 5:39).
The word Scripture comes from the Latin word meaning "writings". It is found 52 times in the New Testament and only once in the Old Testament.
D. The Old and New Testaments
"Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." (II Cor. 3:6). "And for this cause He
C. The Scriptures
"And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner." (MarK 12:10). "And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors." (Mark 15:28). "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." (John 5:39).
The word Scripture comes from the Latin word meaning "writings". It is found 52 times in the New Testament and only once in the Old Testament.
D. The Old and New Testaments
"Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." (II Cor. 3:6). "And for this cause He
is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance," (Heb. 9:15). "But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same Vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ," (II Cor. 3:14).
Testament means covenant: Old Covenant and New Covenant. Therefore, the Old and New Covenants show the "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GOD AND MAN.
The Old (Testament) Covenant is the relationship of God with Moses (Mosaic Law). The New (Testament) Covenant is the shed Blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary; thus, it is God's relationship with the sinner.' The Old Covenant was for His people (jews) only; the New Covenant is for the Jews, but also for believing Gentiles. Thus, the Bible is ONE Book with TWO Covenants.
E. The Oracles.
E. The Oracles.
The original meaning is "the place where the Word of God was kept." "And the counsel of Ahithophel, which he counselled in those days, was as if a man had enquired at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom," (II Sam. 16:23).
It is used 16 times in the Old Testament and 4 times in the New Testament. The other meaning of the Oracles is the "Holy
Scriptures," (psalms 119).
A. inspiration
"Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work," (II Tim. 3; 16,17 R. V.).
it is more than human genius and human qualification.
Inspirations are endowments from God. No man has been inspired to
write since John finished the Book of Revelation
it is more than illumination.
a. Illumination means the influence of the Holy Spirit
which enables one to understand spiritual truth. Only yielded
believers are illuminated.
b. Some are more yielded, and their illumination is
greater, for God can work in them.
3. It is more than a revelation. The expose of records:
things revealed by God. Only God knew the record of the creation.
Men of God have records of men's lives, thus proving that the Bible
is the Word of God; for when mere man is recording the life of men,
he leaves out the bitter and bad. God doesn't!
4. It literally means "God-breathed«. The Word is the breath of God in a person (chosen of Him) that inspired the person. Today God is breathing to man by means of the written*-Wdrd. If the Bible is not what it claims to be, it cannot be a "gpod book". It is the same in the case of our Lord. If Jesus wasn't what* He claimed to be, He couldn't be a "good Man". IF THE BIBLE IS "NOT WHAT IT CLAIMS TO BE, THEN IT IS THE BIGGEST LIE EVER PRINTED.
Alone man is ppwerless to know God's Word. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private inter-i pretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost " (II Pet. 1:20,21). Man needs the* Holy Spirit to lead him and to interpret the Word. The same Spirit leads men, but no two are led alike.
We believe in a full, complete, inspired-of-God-Bible. Not a partly inspired Bible, but ALL-inspiredJ One who says that the Bible contains some parts that are inspired means that the Bible contains some things that are not inspired, some falsehoods, etc. They are wrong]
B. Extent of Inspiration (Verbal)
"Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow," (I peter 1:10,11). Men were inspired to write the Word of God, but they did not always understand what they wrote, proving that it is God's Word only. "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end " (Daniel 12:8,9). "The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in my tongue (II Sam. 23:2 - David)." Exodus 20:1; Isaiah 1:2; Jeremiah 1:4; Ezekiel 1:3; Amos 1:1; Daniel 9:21.
A. inspiration
"Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work," (II Tim. 3; 16,17 R. V.).
it is more than human genius and human qualification.
Inspirations are endowments from God. No man has been inspired to
write since John finished the Book of Revelation
it is more than illumination.
a. Illumination means the influence of the Holy Spirit
which enables one to understand spiritual truth. Only yielded
believers are illuminated.
b. Some are more yielded, and their illumination is
greater, for God can work in them.
3. It is more than a revelation. The expose of records:
things revealed by God. Only God knew the record of the creation.
Men of God have records of men's lives, thus proving that the Bible
is the Word of God; for when mere man is recording the life of men,
he leaves out the bitter and bad. God doesn't!
4. It literally means "God-breathed«. The Word is the breath of God in a person (chosen of Him) that inspired the person. Today God is breathing to man by means of the written*-Wdrd. If the Bible is not what it claims to be, it cannot be a "gpod book". It is the same in the case of our Lord. If Jesus wasn't what* He claimed to be, He couldn't be a "good Man". IF THE BIBLE IS "NOT WHAT IT CLAIMS TO BE, THEN IT IS THE BIGGEST LIE EVER PRINTED.
Alone man is ppwerless to know God's Word. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private inter-i pretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost " (II Pet. 1:20,21). Man needs the* Holy Spirit to lead him and to interpret the Word. The same Spirit leads men, but no two are led alike.
We believe in a full, complete, inspired-of-God-Bible. Not a partly inspired Bible, but ALL-inspiredJ One who says that the Bible contains some parts that are inspired means that the Bible contains some things that are not inspired, some falsehoods, etc. They are wrong]
B. Extent of Inspiration (Verbal)
"Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow," (I peter 1:10,11). Men were inspired to write the Word of God, but they did not always understand what they wrote, proving that it is God's Word only. "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end " (Daniel 12:8,9). "The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in my tongue (II Sam. 23:2 - David)." Exodus 20:1; Isaiah 1:2; Jeremiah 1:4; Ezekiel 1:3; Amos 1:1; Daniel 9:21.
4. It literally means "God-breathed«. The Word is the breath of God in a person (chosen of Him) that inspired the person. Today God is breathing to man by means of the written*-Wdrd. If the Bible is not what it claims to be, it cannot be a "gpod book". It is the same in the case of our Lord. If Jesus wasn't what* He claimed to be, He couldn't be a "good Man". IF THE BIBLE IS "NOT WHAT IT CLAIMS TO BE, THEN IT IS THE BIGGEST LIE EVER PRINTED.
Alone man is ppwerless to know God's Word. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private inter-i pretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost " (II Pet. 1:20,21). Man needs the* Holy Spirit to lead him and to interpret the Word. The same Spirit leads men, but no two are led alike.
We believe in a full, complete, inspired-of-God-Bible. Not a partly inspired Bible, but ALL-inspiredJ One who says that the Bible contains some parts that are inspired means that the Bible contains some things that are not inspired, some falsehoods, etc. They are wrong]
B. Extent of Inspiration (Verbal)
"Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow," (I peter 1:10,11). Men were inspired to write the Word of God, but they did not always understand what they wrote, proving that it is God's Word only. "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end " (Daniel 12:8,9). "The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in my tongue (II Sam. 23:2 - David)." Exodus 20:1; Isaiah 1:2; Jeremiah 1:4; Ezekiel 1:3; Amos 1:1; Daniel 9:21.
The Old Testament contains 39 books. The New Testament contains 27. There are a total of 66 books.
The Hebrew Old Testament contains 24 books. The reason for that is that there was just one book for Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, etc. When the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into the Greek it was found that these books were too large for one scroll, so the bboks were divided into two books, or two scrolls.
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, made up of 31,163 verses. All are man-made divisions. All punctuations (periods, commas, question marks, etc.) are man-made. None are by God. All capitals
are man-made.
The Old Testament contains 39 books. The New Testament contains 27. There are a total of 66 books.
The Hebrew Old Testament contains 24 books. The reason for that is that there was just one book for Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, etc. When the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into the Greek it was found that these books were too large for one scroll, so the bboks were divided into two books, or two scrolls.
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, made up of 31,163 verses. All are man-made divisions. All punctuations (periods, commas, question marks, etc.) are man-made. None are by God. All capitals
are man-made.
The Old Testament contains 39 books. The New Testament contains 27. There are a total of 66 books.
The Hebrew Old Testament contains 24 books. The reason for that is that there was just one book for Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, etc. When the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into the Greek it was found that these books were too large for one scroll, so the bboks were divided into two books, or two scrolls.
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, made up of 31,163 verses. All are man-made divisions. All punctuations (periods, commas, question marks, etc.) are man-made. None are by God. All capitals
are man-made.
A. Personal Preparation
A personal relation with Christ. A Bible student
must be a regenerated person in order to know the Scriptures,
(I Cor. 2:11-14).
A positive persuasion concerning inspiration. This
BLESSED BOCK must be recognized as such; it must be studied. As
Moses came to the burning bush with unshod feet, we should come
to the BOOK with heads bowed, looking unto the Heavenly Father
for divine guidance.
A passionate desire to know the BOOK. A real appetite
for the Scriptures is needed.
A prayer for discernment. Pray when going to study;
ask the Holy Spirit to direct. Martin Luther said, '^fl^have prayed^
well is <to have studied well,"A predisposition to obedience. Keep your heart and
mind open to every message; for reproach, if necessary (Timothy,
for example). "The Great Teacher will not teach them who do not
obey Him." Some parts of the Bible are never studied, or even
read, because they hit, or convict, of some personal sin.
A persistence of study, unfailing industry, hard work,
and keeping at it.. Truth is found by study. You can get the truth
yourself. Dig out the truth. Verify the teaching by the Word!
B. Practical Preparation
A good Bible.
A good concordance.
Other good books. Right now is the time to start a
good library: commentaries, special books on one book of the
Bible, sermons, books on types, books on illustrations.
Will become a possessor of profound knowledge. Romans 15:4-
"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our
learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might
have hope."
Wise unto salvation. "And that from a child thou hast
known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto
salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scriptureis given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works " (II Tim. 3:15-17). "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever " (I Peter 1:23). Other scripture: I Cor. 15:1-4;
Luke 24:25-27; John 1:45; John 5:46.
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
'^fl^have prayed^
well is <to have studied well,"A predisposition to obedience. Keep your heart and
mind open to every message; for reproach, if necessary (Timothy,
for example). "The Great Teacher will not teach them who do not
obey Him." Some parts of the Bible are never studied, or even
read, because they hit, or convict, of some personal sin.
A persistence of study, unfailing industry, hard work,
and keeping at it.. Truth is found by study. You can get the truth
yourself. Dig out the truth. Verify the teaching by the Word!
B. Practical Preparation
A good Bible.
A good concordance.
Other good books. Right now is the time to start a
good library: commentaries, special books on one book of the
Bible, sermons, books on types, books on illustrations.
Will become a possessor of profound knowledge. Romans 15:4-
"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our
learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might
have hope."
Wise unto salvation. "And that from a child thou hast
known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto
salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scriptureis given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works " (II Tim. 3:15-17). "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever " (I Peter 1:23). Other scripture: I Cor. 15:1-4;
Luke 24:25-27; John 1:45; John 5:46.
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
salvation. "And that from a child thou hast
known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto
salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scriptureis given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works " (II Tim. 3:15-17). "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever " (I Peter 1:23). Other scripture: I Cor. 15:1-4;
Luke 24:25-27; John 1:45; John 5:46.
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
Luke 24:25-27; John 1:45; John 5:46.
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
B. Personal Faith.
Faith based upon His Book (Scriptural Faith) comes only through the study of THE BOCK. »By faith, through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
C. Purification of Life.
"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you " (John 15:3). "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth " (John 17:17). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of watar by the word " (Ephesians 5:25,26); thus, a cleansing by the Word. Moody said. "THIS BOOK will keep you from sin, or SIN will keep you from this BOOK." This is the Living Book.
D. Preparation of Study.
A student is not equipped for service until he knows the Word. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2:15). \
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). Peter used the Word at Pentecost. The World today needs ministers who know and preach the Word.
E. Power in Ministry.Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
Put emphasis on the Word of God.'
A. Practice its Truth.
B. Preach its Truth.
The Word must be rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth " (II Tim. 2; 15),
Who is to study? The workman in the ministry. Everyone is to be in the ministry. Study is hard work. These words are addressed to workmen; thus, it is no child's play, nor is it a hobby.
Study to receive commendation of God, rather than to receive the commendation of man. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened roe; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion " (II Tim. 4:17). DO NOT FEAR MAN!
To gain God's approval we must study His Word. "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth lifo (II Cor. 3:6).
"It shall greatly help ye to understand Scripture if thou not only knoweth what is spoken, but what is written of whom, and to whom, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstance."
-M. Coverdale
>a period of time during which God deals in
a particular way with man in respect to sin and to man's responsibility. Distinguish the dispensations and you will understand the Word of God. Ephesians 1;10 - "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in Him." Ephesians 3:2 - "if ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward." Ephesians 3:5-"Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles I'and prophets by the Spirit." I Cor. 9:17 - "For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me."
Time is an island in the Sea of God's Eternity. It begins with man and ends with man. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but His dealings with man are different. Each dispensation is different, and each proves man's failure. Dispensations were made in order to give man another chance. (See Hebrews 1:2; 11:3).
The literal meaning of a dispensation is a stewardship or administration. In the Word we see that it is used as the administration of the affairs of a house, property, or nation; the rule of a house, the administration of a household, stewardship. A steward is one who has been entrusted with household goods. (Luke 6:2-4.)
>a period of time during which God deals in
a particular way with man in respect to sin and to man's responsibility. Distinguish the dispensations and you will understand the Word of God. Ephesians 1;10 - "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in Him." Ephesians 3:2 - "if ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward." Ephesians 3:5-"Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles I'and prophets by the Spirit." I Cor. 9:17 - "For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me."
Time is an island in the Sea of God's Eternity. It begins with man and ends with man. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but His dealings with man are different. Each dispensation is different, and each proves man's failure. Dispensations were made in order to give man another chance. (See Hebrews 1:2; 11:3).
The literal meaning of a dispensation is a stewardship or administration. In the Word we see that it is used as the administration of the affairs of a house, property, or nation; the rule of a house, the administration of a household, stewardship. A steward is one who has been entrusted with household goods. (Luke 6:2-4.)
A. Designation (Term): Dispensation of Innocence.
Man was ignorant of good and evil, but was not an ignorant person. Adam was not holy, for he was living an untested life. Innocence is negative, and righteousness is positive. This period proves to be man's most disastrous failure. The fall of man (Gen. 1:26; 2:16-17; 3:7; 3:22-24).
B. Citation: Genesis 1-3.
C. Limitation: From the Creation to the Expulsion.
D. Duration: Unknown.
E. Condition: Genesis 1:26-29.
At the beginning of this dispensation man lived under the most favorable conditions. He lived in Eden, a park of Paradise, and was given a helpmeet. Hai^gjjjjg^^Dgfy^MU^ipfeHriMr". Therefore, Eve was "fit for" Adam.F. Obligation: Man's responsibility: not to eat the forbidden
fruit (Genesis 2:8,9,16,17). The fruit was all right, only it had
God's prohibition against it. The test was to see if man would be
obedient to the will of God. Would Adam obey God? Consequence
plainly states his obligation.
G. Transgression: Man deliberately disobeyed the will of
God (Gen. 3:6). Man was not deceived (I Tim. 2:14; I John 2:16). The whole program of Satan was given.
H. Condemnation: Consequence of sin (Genesis 3:14-19). Climax: Genesis 3:24.
I. .Prediction: -Genesis 3:15 - the promise of a Redeemer.
J. Correction: That we today are on probation. Wrong.' Man is NOT on probation today. Modern Theology is all wrong.'
A. Designation: Conscience.
B. Citation: Genesis 3-8.
C. Limitation: From the fall to the flood.
D. Duration: 1656 years.
E. Condition: Fallen race. In the second dispensation man
came under a "sin-conscience". In the first dispensation man was
under a "God-conscience." THERE WAS NO LAW, just conscience in
the second dispensation.
F. Obligation: Since knowing the difference between good and
evil, man was to do things right (Gen. 4:7) and to avoid evil. God
made the way of approach to Him by way of the sacrifice.
G. Transgression: Man goes on sinning. He goes from bad to
worse (Gen. 6:5, 11, 12). The first .child born became a murderer.
H. Destruction: God's orders disobeyed (Gen. 6:12).
I. Culmination: Closes with the flood of judgment. Eight were saved.
J. Prediction: Matt. 24:37-39. The apostasy of Genesis 6 will be the same when the Lord Jesus comes again.
K. Correction: Two present-day errors; (1) "Conscience is a sufficient guide". Conscience does not keep man from doing wrong. Conscience says to do right but doesn't say what is right. Conscience will not bring a man back to God. (2) Anarchy: "All that is needed to elevate mankind is to throw off the old restraints. Give him his absolute freedom, and he will take care of himself." Anarchy - absolute freedom. But this is what took place in the second dispensation, and man failedl
A. Designation (Term): Dispensation of Innocence.
Man was ignorant of good and evil, but was not an ignorant person. Adam was not holy, for he was living an untested life. Innocence is negative, and righteousness is positive. This period proves to be man's most disastrous failure. The fall of man (Gen. 1:26; 2:16-17; 3:7; 3:22-24).
B. Citation: Genesis 1-3.
C. Limitation: From the Creation to the Expulsion.
D. Duration: Unknown.
E. Condition: Genesis 1:26-29.
At the beginning of this dispensation man lived under the most favorable conditions. He lived in Eden, a park of Paradise, and was given a helpmeet. Hai^gjjjjg^^Dgfy^MU^ipfeHriMr". Therefore, Eve was "fit for" Adam.F. Obligation: Man's responsibility: not to eat the forbidden
fruit (Genesis 2:8,9,16,17). The fruit was all right, only it had
God's prohibition against it. The test was to see if man would be
obedient to the will of God. Would Adam obey God? Consequence
plainly states his obligation.
G. Transgression: Man deliberately disobeyed the will of
God (Gen. 3:6). Man was not deceived (I Tim. 2:14; I John 2:16). The whole program of Satan was given.
H. Condemnation: Consequence of sin (Genesis 3:14-19). Climax: Genesis 3:24.
I. .Prediction: -Genesis 3:15 - the promise of a Redeemer.
J. Correction: That we today are on probation. Wrong.' Man is NOT on probation today. Modern Theology is all wrong.'
A. Designation: Conscience.
B. Citation: Genesis 3-8.
C. Limitation: From the fall to the flood.
D. Duration: 1656 years.
E. Condition: Fallen race. In the second dispensation man
came under a "sin-conscience". In the first dispensation man was
under a "God-conscience." THERE WAS NO LAW, just conscience in
the second dispensation.
F. Obligation: Since knowing the difference between good and
evil, man was to do things right (Gen. 4:7) and to avoid evil. God
made the way of approach to Him by way of the sacrifice.
G. Transgression: Man goes on sinning. He goes from bad to
worse (Gen. 6:5, 11, 12). The first .child born became a murderer.
H. Destruction: God's orders disobeyed (Gen. 6:12).
I. Culmination: Closes with the flood of judgment. Eight were saved.
J. Prediction: Matt. 24:37-39. The apostasy of Genesis 6 will be the same when the Lord Jesus comes again.
K. Correction: Two present-day errors; (1) "Conscience is a sufficient guide". Conscience does not keep man from doing wrong. Conscience says to do right but doesn't say what is right. Conscience will not bring a man back to God. (2) Anarchy: "All that is needed to elevate mankind is to throw off the old restraints. Give him his absolute freedom, and he will take care of himself." Anarchy - absolute freedom. But this is what took place in the second dispensation, and man failedl
B. Citation: Genesis 1-3.
C. Limitation: From the Creation to the Expulsion.
D. Duration: Unknown.
E. Condition: Genesis 1:26-29.
At the beginning of this dispensation man lived under the most favorable conditions. He lived in Eden, a park of Paradise, and was given a helpmeet. Hai^gjjjjg^^Dgfy^MU^ipfeHriMr". Therefore, Eve was "fit for" Adam.F. Obligation: Man's responsibility: not to eat the forbidden
fruit (Genesis 2:8,9,16,17). The fruit was all right, only it had
God's prohibition against it. The test was to see if man would be
obedient to the will of God. Would Adam obey God? Consequence
plainly states his obligation.
G. Transgression: Man deliberately disobeyed the will of
God (Gen. 3:6). Man was not deceived (I Tim. 2:14; I John 2:16). The whole program of Satan was given.
H. Condemnation: Consequence of sin (Genesis 3:14-19). Climax: Genesis 3:24.
I. .Prediction: -Genesis 3:15 - the promise of a Redeemer.
J. Correction: That we today are on probation. Wrong.' Man is NOT on probation today. Modern Theology is all wrong.'
A. Designation: Conscience.
B. Citation: Genesis 3-8.
C. Limitation: From the fall to the flood.
D. Duration: 1656 years.
E. Condition: Fallen race. In the second dispensation man
came under a "sin-conscience". In the first dispensation man was
under a "God-conscience." THERE WAS NO LAW, just conscience in
the second dispensation.
F. Obligation: Since knowing the difference between good and
evil, man was to do things right (Gen. 4:7) and to avoid evil. God
made the way of approach to Him by way of the sacrifice.
G. Transgression: Man goes on sinning. He goes from bad to
worse (Gen. 6:5, 11, 12). The first .child born became a murderer.
H. Destruction: God's orders disobeyed (Gen. 6:12).
I. Culmination: Closes with the flood of judgment. Eight were saved.
J. Prediction: Matt. 24:37-39. The apostasy of Genesis 6 will be the same when the Lord Jesus comes again.
K. Correction: Two present-day errors; (1) "Conscience is a sufficient guide". Conscience does not keep man from doing wrong. Conscience says to do right but doesn't say what is right. Conscience will not bring a man back to God. (2) Anarchy: "All that is needed to elevate mankind is to throw off the old restraints. Give him his absolute freedom, and he will take care of himself." Anarchy - absolute freedom. But this is what took place in the second dispensation, and man failedl
Hai^gjjjjg^^Dgfy^MU^ipfeHriMr". Therefore, Eve was "fit for" Adam.F. Obligation: Man's responsibility: not to eat the forbidden
fruit (Genesis 2:8,9,16,17). The fruit was all right, only it had
God's prohibition against it. The test was to see if man would be
obedient to the will of God. Would Adam obey God? Consequence
plainly states his obligation.
G. Transgression: Man deliberately disobeyed the will of
God (Gen. 3:6). Man was not deceived (I Tim. 2:14; I John 2:16). The whole program of Satan was given.
H. Condemnation: Consequence of sin (Genesis 3:14-19). Climax: Genesis 3:24.
I. .Prediction: -Genesis 3:15 - the promise of a Redeemer.
J. Correction: That we today are on probation. Wrong.' Man is NOT on probation today. Modern Theology is all wrong.'
A. Designation: Conscience.
B. Citation: Genesis 3-8.
C. Limitation: From the fall to the flood.
D. Duration: 1656 years.
E. Condition: Fallen race. In the second dispensation man
came under a "sin-conscience". In the first dispensation man was
under a "God-conscience." THERE WAS NO LAW, just conscience in
the second dispensation.
F. Obligation: Since knowing the difference between good and
evil, man was to do things right (Gen. 4:7) and to avoid evil. God
made the way of approach to Him by way of the sacrifice.
G. Transgression: Man goes on sinning. He goes from bad to
worse (Gen. 6:5, 11, 12). The first .child born became a murderer.
H. Destruction: God's orders disobeyed (Gen. 6:12).
I. Culmination: Closes with the flood of judgment. Eight were saved.
J. Prediction: Matt. 24:37-39. The apostasy of Genesis 6 will be the same when the Lord Jesus comes again.
K. Correction: Two present-day errors; (1) "Conscience is a sufficient guide". Conscience does not keep man from doing wrong. Conscience says to do right but doesn't say what is right. Conscience will not bring a man back to God. (2) Anarchy: "All that is needed to elevate mankind is to throw off the old restraints. Give him his absolute freedom, and he will take care of himself." Anarchy - absolute freedom. But this is what took place in the second dispensation, and man failedl
A. Designation: Human Government.
B. Citation: Genesis 8-11.
C. Limitation: Flood to Babel.
D. Duration: 427 years.
E. Condition: Genesis 8:1. Noah is to be head of the earth,
as Adam started out to be. Noah is head of the Government. The
first government is introduced here.
F. Obligation: Man's responsibility is to govern the earth
(world) (Gen. 9:5,6). Capital punishment is introduced. Reason
why: Gen. 9:6. A man slays another man, kills one who is made in the image of God; this is a direct thrust at God.
G. Transgressions; Failed at the start. Noah sinned. If
the governor sinneth, one whom he rules will sin. At this time
there is a united "red union", the first communistic government
(Gen. 9:1; 11:4). This was the beginning of Idolatry at the
Tower of Babel. Man built this tower as an image to worship. All
images, idols, etc. are held up and supported by Satan.
H. Condemnation; Dispersion (Gen. 11:6,7 - the beginning of the nations ).
I. Prediction: Babylon has never been completely overthrown but it will be (Jeremiah 51:8; Rev. 18:8,10,17).
J. Correction: "Our hope is in human government." WrongJ Our hope is not in any man, but in God. "Capital punishment is not right." WrongJ God introduced it, and it is still His law given to man.
A. Designation: Promise.
B. Citation: Genesis 11 - Exodus 15.
C. Duration: 430 years.
D. Conditions; Has to do, primarily, with the Seed of
Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3 ; 13:14-17; 15;6). "And he believed in the
LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness" (Gen. 15:6).
God called Abraham from Ur of the Caldees, and he left a land
seen for a land unseen.
E. Limitations-. Call of Abraham to Bondage in Egypt.
F. Obligation: To abide in the land. Genesis 26:1-3; a
famine comes after obeying God] Abraham didn't have to go to
Egypt. When God calls or leads, He will provide.' It would
have been better if he hadn't gone. Like man today, he looked
to the flesh, rather than to God. He should have stayed in the
land. He brought Hagar back with him, and through her has sprung
up the greatest enemy of Israel today - the Mohammedans. "Every
time you go to Egypt you will have trouble."
G. Transgression: Genesis 47:1. All of Abraham's descendants
were in Egypt, and there they fell into unbelief and turned from
God (Ezekiel 20:7-9); but they were spared for His sake (promise
to Abraham).
H. Subjection: Exodus 1:8-14. All this time they had hard
ships and they were servants of the EJgjfptians; they were under
I. Prediction: The land to go t>a6k to the "Seed of Abraham."
It will be fulfilled when Jesus comefe again.'
j. Correction: "When God called Abraham He ^Bb^ndoned the
*• world." WrongJ
A. Designation: Law.
B. Citation: Exodus.
C. Limitation: From the Exodus to the Cross, or from Sinai
to Calvary.
D. Duration: 1491 years.
E. Condition: Exodus 19-.1-8. God proposed the Law before
giving it to man. When God gave th<a Law by means of Moses, they
all voiced, "All that the Lord hath sooken we will do."
F. Obligation: Exodus 19:1-5; Romans 10:5 - "To render a
perfect obedience unto the Law."
G. Transgression: II Kings 17:7-17,19; Matt. 15:6. They put
the word of man in front of the Law of God (John 19:15, Romans 3:
19,20). Failure was seen.
H. Condemnation: II Kings 17:1-6,20,23; II Kings 25:1-11; a world-wide depression (Amos 9:9); Qursed of all nations, but not destroyed ( Zechariah 8:23; Romans 11:23; Amos 9:13-15).
I. Correction: "Man is saved by the Law" - Wrong (Romans 10:5; Galatians 5:1; Acts 15:1-10).
A. Designation: Grace.'
B. Citation: Acts and Epistles.
C. Limitation: From the descent of the Holy {fpirif; to the
ascent of the Church.
D. Duration: 1900 years plus.
E. Condition: All under sin. Under Innocerfca God dealt with
one man. Under Promise He dealt with one nation., Praise the Lord,
under Grace, He deals with the world again (Rom. 3:19,20; Eph. 2:2).
All the world is guilty before God (Rom. 3:10-18). "All have sinned
and come short of the glory of God." When a picture is taken of
man, he has the picture retouched; God does not retouch anyone.
Man is open before Him, as he is. Moody said that man is a murderer at heart. A dentist heard him make this statement and took exception to it, but a later experience with a patient proved the truth of Moody's statement. Someone has said tnat the reason man hunts and fishes is to kill. By nature man is n sinner, a born liar. He is "born in iniquity". All have sinned.1' >ies, but all can be saved by believing on the Lamb of Calvary, God's Son, our Lord and Master, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
F. Obligation: John 1:11-13. Must be born (of the Spirit)
again (John 3:36; Romans 4:5; Qalatians 5:6; Ephesians 2:8,9;
Titus 3:5). A sinner cannot cone to God alone; he must come by
the only WAY, the Lord Jesus Christ. "No man cometn unto the Father but by me". There's a difference between praying to God and yelling at God. Can a person talk to God? Yes, if he has a connection. Man is saved because he believes by FAITH, not because he seeks God and confesses his sins (I John 5:10). A man (saved forever!) is saved as soon as he believes in Jesus Christ.' You don't have to pay a thing, for JESUS HAS PAID IT ALL. We are never saved because we deserve it, but we are saved through grace; it is all of grace. "By grace are ye saved, through faith." There is only one way to be saved. When man tries to add to the requirement, he fails.
G. Transgression: Failure of man: II Tim. 3:1-7; II Thes. 2:3;
I John 5:10. The FALLING AWAY is the apostasy, and not the Body
of Christ (the true Church turning away); that is impossible. It is NON-CHRISTIANS in power in the churches turning away unto their reasoning, from God's teaching.
H. Culmination: Rapture of the TRUE CHURCH from a world of sin (I Thes. 4:16-18).
F. Obligation: John 1:11-13. Must be born (of the Spirit)
again (John 3:36; Romans 4:5; Qalatians 5:6; Ephesians 2:8,9;
Titus 3:5). A sinner cannot cone to God alone; he must come by
the only WAY, the Lord Jesus Christ. "No man cometn unto the Father but by me". There's a difference between praying to God and yelling at God. Can a person talk to God? Yes, if he has a connection. Man is saved because he believes by FAITH, not because he seeks God and confesses his sins (I John 5:10). A man (saved forever!) is saved as soon as he believes in Jesus Christ.' You don't have to pay a thing, for JESUS HAS PAID IT ALL. We are never saved because we deserve it, but we are saved through grace; it is all of grace. "By grace are ye saved, through faith." There is only one way to be saved. When man tries to add to the requirement, he fails.
G. Transgression: Failure of man: II Tim. 3:1-7; II Thes. 2:3;
I John 5:10. The FALLING AWAY is the apostasy, and not the Body
of Christ (the true Church turning away); that is impossible. It is NON-CHRISTIANS in power in the churches turning away unto their reasoning, from God's teaching.
H. Culmination: Rapture of the TRUE CHURCH from a world of sin (I Thes. 4:16-18).
A. Designation: Tribulation or Judgment.
B. Citation: Revelation 6-19; Dan. 12:1; Jeremiah 30:7.
C. Limitation: From ascent of the Church to the descent of
D. Duration: Some think it is 7 years; some think it is
only 3^ years, while there are those who think it is 40 years (for
4O is the number of testing, or trial in Scripture: Moses upon the
mount 4O days; Israel in the wilderness 4O years; Christ tempted
in the wilderness 40 days).
E. Condition: I Thessalonians 4:16-18; II Thessalonians 2:10-12.
Israel is the central object during this dispensation.
F. Obligation: Revelation 7:14; 14:6,7. People to be saved
after the rapture of the Church. All are saved by the precious
blood of Christ.
G. Transgression: Revelation 9:20,21. picture of man during
this time: great masses of people hardening their hearts.
H. Condemnation: Psalm 2:1-6; Revelation 14:20. The winepress is the judgment of Revelation 20:1,2; Rev. 19:17-21; Zech. 14:4.
I. Correction: "Restitution of all things" - "everyone will be saved, including the Devil." Wrong.1 We don't know of anywhere in the Scriptures, or out of the Scriptures, where judgment will make anyone believe or obey.
C. Limitation: From ascent of the Church to the descent of
D. Duration: Some think it is 7 years; some think it is
only 3^ years, while there are those who think it is 40 years (for
4O is the number of testing, or trial in Scripture: Moses upon the
mount 4O days; Israel in the wilderness 4O years; Christ tempted
in the wilderness 40 days).
E. Condition: I Thessalonians 4:16-18; II Thessalonians 2:10-12.
Israel is the central object during this dispensation.
F. Obligation: Revelation 7:14; 14:6,7. People to be saved
after the rapture of the Church. All are saved by the precious
blood of Christ.
G. Transgression: Revelation 9:20,21. picture of man during
this time: great masses of people hardening their hearts.
H. Condemnation: Psalm 2:1-6; Revelation 14:20. The winepress is the judgment of Revelation 20:1,2; Rev. 19:17-21; Zech. 14:4.
I. Correction: "Restitution of all things" - "everyone will be saved, including the Devil." Wrong.1 We don't know of anywhere in the Scriptures, or out of the Scriptures, where judgment will make anyone believe or obey.
A. Designation: Tribulation or Judgment.
B. Citation: Revelation 6-19; Dan. 12:1; Jeremiah 30:7.
C. Limitation: From ascent of the Church to the descent of
D. Duration: Some think it is 7 years; some think it is
only 3^ years, while there are those who think it is 40 years (for
4O is the number of testing, or trial in Scripture: Moses upon the
mount 4O days; Israel in the wilderness 4O years; Christ tempted
in the wilderness 40 days).
E. Condition: I Thessalonians 4:16-18; II Thessalonians 2:10-12.
Israel is the central object during this dispensation.
F. Obligation: Revelation 7:14; 14:6,7. People to be saved
after the rapture of the Church. All are saved by the precious
blood of Christ.
G. Transgression: Revelation 9:20,21. picture of man during
this time: great masses of people hardening their hearts.
H. Condemnation: Psalm 2:1-6; Revelation 14:20. The winepress is the judgment of Revelation 20:1,2; Rev. 19:17-21; Zech. 14:4.
I. Correction: "Restitution of all things" - "everyone will be saved, including the Devil." Wrong.1 We don't know of anywhere in the Scriptures, or out of the Scriptures, where judgment will make anyone believe or obey.
A. Designation: Kingdom.
B. Citation: Isaiah 2:11.
C. Limitation: From descent of Christ to the Great White Throne,
D. Duration: 1,000 years, plus.
E. Condition: Acts 15:14-17. It is the condition in which man
A. Designation: Kingdom.
B. Citation: Isaiah 2:11.
C. Limitation: From descent of Christ to the Great White Throne,
D. Duration: 1,000 years, plus.
E. Condition: Acts 15:14-17. It is the condition in which man
is under the personal reign of Christ (Matt. 24:29,30; Isaiah 24:23; Psalms 2:6; Revelation 19:6,16). Man will be under the personal reign of Jesus Christ. Men will be free from the temptation of Satan; yet, the kingdom will not be a world of perfection.
F. Obligation: Psalm 2;2 - means to submit to Him, to His
reign (Psalm 67:4; 86:9; Zechariah 14:17).
G. Transgression: psalm 66:3 - a feigned obedience. Jeremiah 3:10-
a pretense obedience, more of compulsion than of love. Rev. 20:7-9
gives to us the Great Apostasy of the Kingdom.
H. Culmination: Revelation 20:9-15. Two Books; (1) Life ( no name); (2) Works (their names are in it). The Destruction: II Pet.3:10.
I. Correction: "The Kingdom is only a spiritual sense". Wrong.' It is a literal Kingdom to be established on earth, with Jesus Christ as its King.
Man was tried by God at the ideal time, under ideal conditions: "Believe and obey God". At the close of every dispensation God gives man up to his own way.
Innocence: Knowledge of sin.
Conscience: Imagination of Evil.
Human Government: Lawlessness.
Promise: Food in Egypt.
Law: Formalism.
Grace: Love of the world.
Judgment: (Tribulation:) Judicial blindness.
Kingdom: Following after Satan.
In every dispensation Evil is headed up in a person, or persons.
Innocence: Fallen Woman. Conscience: Sinful Angels. Human Government: Nirorod. Promise: King who knew not God. Law; Judas, Scribes and Pharisees. Grace; Modernists.
Judgment (Tribulation): Antichrist Kingdom: Satan.
Each dispensation ends with world-wide destruction or judgment.
world-wide destruction or judgment.Innocence: Expulsion.
Conscience: Flood.
Human Government: Dispersion.
Promise: Bitter Bondage.
Law: Beheading of John the Baptist and Cross of Christ.
Grace: Rapture of Church.
Judgment (Tribulation): Chaining of Satan
Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.In every dispensation Evil is headed up in a person, or persons.
Innocence: Fallen Woman. Conscience: Sinful Angels. Human Government: Nirorod. Promise: King who knew not God. Law; Judas, Scribes and Pharisees. Grace; Modernists.
Judgment (Tribulation): Antichrist Kingdom: Satan.
Each dispensation ends with world-wide destruction or judgment.
world-wide destruction or judgment.Innocence: Expulsion.
Conscience: Flood.
Human Government: Dispersion.
Promise: Bitter Bondage.
Law: Beheading of John the Baptist and Cross of Christ.
Grace: Rapture of Church.
Judgment (Tribulation): Chaining of Satan
Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.In each dispensation God comes down to earth.Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Grace: Love of the world.
Judgment: (Tribulation:) Judicial blindness.
Kingdom: Following after Satan.
In every dispensation Evil is headed up in a person, or persons.
Innocence: Fallen Woman. Conscience: Sinful Angels. Human Government: Nirorod. Promise: King who knew not God. Law; Judas, Scribes and Pharisees. Grace; Modernists.
Judgment (Tribulation): Antichrist Kingdom: Satan.
Each dispensation ends with world-wide destruction or judgment.
world-wide destruction or judgment.Innocence: Expulsion.
Conscience: Flood.
Human Government: Dispersion.
Promise: Bitter Bondage.
Law: Beheading of John the Baptist and Cross of Christ.
Grace: Rapture of Church.
Judgment (Tribulation): Chaining of Satan
Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Law: Beheading of John the Baptist and Cross of Christ.
Grace: Rapture of Church.
Judgment (Tribulation): Chaining of Satan
Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.Kingdom: Loosing of Satan and world-wide rebellion against God: Hence, the wrath of God.
God: Hence, the wrath of God.In each dispensation God comes down to earth.Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Innocence; Walked in the Garden.
Conscience: Talked with Noah.
Human Government: "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7).
Promise: "Burning Bush" - "I Am" came down (Exodus 3:8).
Law: Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Grace: Holy Spirit,
judgment (Tribulation): Second Coming of Christ to earth.
Kingdom: Christ Still Upon Earth.
Each dispensation mars ability of man.
Innocence-. Man could see.
Conscience: Able to Know.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
Human Government: To Judge.
Promise: To trust.
Law: To Obey.
Grace: To Believe.
Judgment (Tribulation): To Repent.
Kingdom: To Dominate.
A. Do not confuse one dispensation with another dispensation.
Take Matthew 10:5,6. If this command is binding, there are no
grounds for us to preach the Gospel. If Matthew 1O;5,6 is for today
then it contradicts Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15. Luke 9:3 ("Take
not") contradicts Luke 22:36 ("Take").
B. Necessity of Distinguishing the Truths in Different Dispen
1. The past dispensation must not be brought into the
present. Deut. 6:25 (Law) with Romans 3:2O (Grace). Deut. 6:25
is under the covenant of works to Israel only: "Thou shalt not"
("Do and live"). Romans 3:20 is under Grace to the Jew and Gentile;
"Believe upon the Lord Jesus" ("Done").
Priesthood; Exodus 29:9 (Law) with Heb. 8:4 (Grace).
2. The Future Dispensation must not be brought into the
Present. Isaiah 2;4 (Kingdom) with Joel 3:10 (Grace).
Romans 11:26 (Kingdom) with Rom. 11:28 (Grace); lsa.2;4 (Kingdom)with II Tim. 3:1 (Grace).
The Kingdom is different from the Church. Acts 15 was the first Bible Conference; here James tells of Amos 9:11,12, which was written in a past dispensation (Law) to be fulfilled in the future (Kingdom).
3. The Present must not be read into the past.
The secret (the Church) of the Body of Christ was revealed first unto the Apostle Paul. Scripture of the Old Testament has no reference to the Church (this truth found in Eph. 3:1-10). Someone may ask, "Why didn't God reveal the Church by Jesus?" John 16:12-15 answers this.
4. The Present Dispensation must not be read into the Future.
None of the Church is to go through the tribulation. It
is a rapture, not a rupture. in Jeremiah 30:4-7 it is called "Jacob's Trouble", not the Church's. Jer. 30:3 tells us that this time of Jacob's Trouble will occur when many Jews return to the land.
5. One part of the Future is not to be read into another part
of the Future.
John 5:25 with II Cor. 5:10.
* **** * ** ** -X- ** *-**
3. The Present must not be read into the past.
The secret (the Church) of the Body of Christ was revealed first unto the Apostle Paul. Scripture of the Old Testament has no reference to the Church (this truth found in Eph. 3:1-10). Someone may ask, "Why didn't God reveal the Church by Jesus?" John 16:12-15 answers this.
4. The Present Dispensation must not be read into the Future.
None of the Church is to go through the tribulation. It
is a rapture, not a rupture. in Jeremiah 30:4-7 it is called "Jacob's Trouble", not the Church's. Jer. 30:3 tells us that this time of Jacob's Trouble will occur when many Jews return to the land.
5. One part of the Future is not to be read into another part
of the Future.
John 5:25 with II Cor. 5:10.
* **** * ** ** -X- ** *-**
* **** * ** ** -X- ** *-**
The Word "covenant" means compact, or fetter; that which binds together. In the Word the written covenants were made between God and man, binding them together.
There are two kinds of covenants: (1) "CONDITIONAL", its formula being: "If thou will" (Exodus 19:5). It is based upon the faithfulness of man. (2) "UNCONDITIONAL", its formula being: "I will" (Gen. 9:11). It is not based upon what man will do, but rather, upon the faithfulness of God.
Dispensations and Covenants are linked together.
A. Constitution: Gen. 1: 28-30; 2: 15-17- Order of life of unf alien man in the Garden.
B. Content:
to replenish the earth.
To subdue the earth.
To have dominion over the animal kingdom (Psa. 8:3-9).
There is no headship in man today. The Lord Jesus exercised it.
To restrict themselves to a vegetable diet.
a. Animals will one day eat vegetables.
b. Not wrong for man to eat meat today (Col. 2:16).
To dress the Garden.
To keep the Garden (translated "guard").
C. Condition: A Conditional covenant I Man was to abstain from
eating of the tree of good and evil; man was also warned of the
enemy to come.
D. Conclusion: Expulsion.
B. Content:
to replenish the earth.
To subdue the earth.
To have dominion over the animal kingdom (Psa. 8:3-9).
There is no headship in man today. The Lord Jesus exercised it.
To restrict themselves to a vegetable diet.
a. Animals will one day eat vegetables.
b. Not wrong for man to eat meat today (Col. 2:16).
To dress the Garden.
To keep the Garden (translated "guard").
C. Condition: A Conditional covenant I Man was to abstain from
eating of the tree of good and evil; man was also warned of the
enemy to come.
D. Conclusion: Expulsion.
A. Constitution: Made with Adam, in Eden, before expulsion.
An UNCONDITIONAL covenant. Includes a curse and a promise.
B. Contents: Genesis 3:14-19.
Curse on the Serpent. "That old serpent, the devil".
He came as an angel of light. He was seen by unfalien man as he
appeared and was seen by our Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness.
Verse 14; a record of utter defeat. This account is not a "snake
and apple" story, but rather, a true account of a curse being
placed upon Satan.
Judgment on the woman.
a. Multiplied conception. Many children born at the
time. To God's command to "replenish" the earth, intermarriage was
performed. All people came or descended from Adam. Cain married
his niece, or most likely, his sister.
b. Maternal sorrows. Not only pains of childbirth,
but of sorrow that some were even born.
c. Wifely Subordination* The headship was given to
the man in the family. It belongs to the man (no two-headed
institution). Go to China, India, Africa, and to our own North
American Indians, or any pagan country, and you will see what is
meant. Woman can thank Jesus Christ and His Gospel for making
her burden as light as it is now in America.
Judgment upon the man. The ground is cursed on account
of man's sake, to make man tired, worn out.
Curse on creation.
The Promisej Genesis 3:15 (greatest verse in the Bible,
many think). The coming, suffering, and triumph of the Seed of the
C. Conclusion: Did not end with the Flood, but continues until
the world is destroyed by fire.
A. Constitution: Genesis 8:20-9:17. Adam could say, "God
can create". Noah could say, "God can destroy."
B. Contents:
God would not again curse the earth by water.
God would not again destroy all living.
Natural order of the season to be preserved.
4. Noah and descendants to multiply and replenish the
earth; this was the same command that was given to Adam.
Dominion over animal kingdom.
Diet changed to include flesh (meat).
a. Flesh must be drained of blood.
b. Life in the blood.
Law of capital punishment established (Human Government
Dispensation). It is binding to the end of time.
This covenant includes animal creation.
*ADAM1C COVENANTA. Constitution: Made with Adam, in Eden, before expulsion.
An UNCONDITIONAL covenant. Includes a curse and a promise.
B. Contents: Genesis 3:14-19.
Curse on the Serpent. "That old serpent, the devil".
He came as an angel of light. He was seen by unfalien man as he
appeared and was seen by our Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness.
Verse 14; a record of utter defeat. This account is not a "snake
and apple" story, but rather, a true account of a curse being
placed upon Satan.
Judgment on the woman.
a. Multiplied conception. Many children born at the
time. To God's command to "replenish" the earth, intermarriage was
performed. All people came or descended from Adam. Cain married
his niece, or most likely, his sister.
b. Maternal sorrows. Not only pains of childbirth,
but of sorrow that some were even born.
c. Wifely Subordination* The headship was given to
the man in the family. It belongs to the man (no two-headed
institution). Go to China, India, Africa, and to our own North
American Indians, or any pagan country, and you will see what is
meant. Woman can thank Jesus Christ and His Gospel for making
her burden as light as it is now in America.
Judgment upon the man. The ground is cursed on account
of man's sake, to make man tired, worn out.
Curse on creation.
The Promisej Genesis 3:15 (greatest verse in the Bible,
many think). The coming, suffering, and triumph of the Seed of the
C. Conclusion: Did not end with the Flood, but continues until
the world is destroyed by fire.
A. Constitution: Genesis 8:20-9:17. Adam could say, "God
can create". Noah could say, "God can destroy."
B. Contents:
God would not again curse the earth by water.
God would not again destroy all living.
Natural order of the season to be preserved.
4. Noah and descendants to multiply and replenish the
earth; this was the same command that was given to Adam.
Dominion over animal kingdom.
Diet changed to include flesh (meat).
a. Flesh must be drained of blood.
b. Life in the blood.
Law of capital punishment established (Human Government
Dispensation). It is binding to the end of time.
This covenant includes animal creation.
C. Conclusion: This runs on until earth is destroyed with fire (Gen. 9:12). The SIGN: Rainbow. Every time it rains there is a rainbow, and He sees it. The Rainbow has been described as a joint product of storm and sunlight. God's sign has been hanging in the skies for 40 centuries (Gen. 9:14). It is blessed to know that every cloud that comes into our lives is brought by God; and remember, every cloud has a rainbow.
This is an UNCONDITIONAL covenant. A man's dark cloud is SIN, and the rainbow is JESUS I This is the only cloud that God does not bring.
A. Constitution: Genesis 12:1-3.
Great nation.
All nations to be blessed through Him.
Unconditional covenant - Gen. 13:14,15; 15:1-16.
covenant - Gen. 13:14,15; 15:1-16.a. Called from ur. (Abraham's father worshipped idols.)
b. Making of a covenant: Jer. 34:18.
B. Contents:
1. "I will make of thee a great nation." God gave added details: Gen. 13:16; Gen. 15:5; Gen. 17:6. A spiritual blessing, as well as a posterity blessing, is found in Genesis 22;18.
Made to a childless man, an old man of 99 years, to become a father of (1) a great nation; (2) of many nations; (3) of kings. At this time his name was changed from Abram to Abraham.
To be a "father" of nations, not a founder. Abraham's nation (Israel) was to be the greatest nation in all the world, instead of being the "tail", as she is today.
"Israel is a standing miracle; no land; no country; no cities; no towns; no buildings; no houses; no ruler; no king; no flag. Though she is scattered to all four corners of the globe, she is united as a people (separated from other nations) of 20,000,000 souls, controlling a great deal of the wealth today." These facts were brought out 29 years ago (this writing in 1964). Now these facts are outdated, bringing only to our hearts the soon appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Israel is 4,000 years old; 3,50O years ago Egypt tried to whip her, and did so in bondage; but, where is the glory of Egypt today? The Medes and Persians, and the Babylonians passed away, but Israel has not passed away, and she will never pass away, for God is with Israel.
A great nation shall arise from ishmael (Gen. 17:20);
that was promised to ishmael's father, Abraham. Ishmael, the father, did have a great nation divided into twelve tribes, or smaller nations (Gen. 25:16).
The seed of Isaac was to bring peace. The seed of ishmael was to be the opposite, a thorn in the side of Israel. ishmael is indeed a great nation. No nation has ever captured the Arabians
(ishmael's seed). Mohammed (622 A.D.) rose to greatness and proclaimed his religion to his people, the Arabians (the seed of Ishmael, the children, whose father is Abraham). Their greatest reward is in killing Christians, who are the spiritual seed of Isaac, whose father is Abraham. Therefore, the seed of Ishmael is a thorn in the side of the seed of Isaac.
One thousand years changes people. Today Rome is not what she was 1,OOO years ago; England is not the same, but for 4,OOO years the Arabians have remained the same. The Arabians are living exactly as their father, Ishmael, lived 4,000 years ago. Arabians circumcize their male children at the age of 13 years, the same as under Ishmael, 4,000 years ago.
Abraham had EIGHT sons. The Great Promise came only through Isaac. "Salvation is of the JEW", for we are saved by the SON of Abraham.
2. "I will bless thee." He was blessed by God with wealth
(Gen. 13,15,24,34,35.) He was blessed, blessed, blessed, and not
only with wealth, but with victory over four kings, and he brought
back Lot and the people of Sodom who had been captured by these
four kings.
He was the only one ever called "a friend of God."
"And make thy name great." Next to Jesus Christ,
Abraham's name is mentioned more in the Bible than any other. It
is mentioned 300 times in the Scriptures. Out of the Scriptures
he is better known than Jesus Christ. Abraham's name is mentioned
by people who never mention Jesus' name. He is the best-known
person in history. "He wandered around" - worshipped God in
simplicity; no tabernacle; no temple. He just "wandered around."
"I will make thee a blessing." Every nation which has
treated the Jew with kindness has been blessed, and those which have
not have been cursed (Zech. 2:8). America's prosperity is due to
her treatment of the Jew. Egypt (Ezekiel 29:15,16; Joel 3:19) was
once a glorious nation, but look at her now. All this because of
her treatment of the Jew. Look at the Atnalekites (I Chron. 4:43);
the Moabites and the Ammonites (Zeph. 2:9,10), who were once nations
of repute, but not now, because of their treatment of the Jews.
Also, look at the Edomites (Amos 1:11,12) ... all because of their
treatment of the jews. Glance at modern nations of today. Turkey
is called the sick man of Europe - all because of its treatment of
the Jews.
the Jews."I will give to thee and thy seed the land of Canaan as
an everlasting possession."
Genesis 13 records the words of Abraham, "Let us not have trouble for we are brethren." Abraham wasn't concerned about Lot's decision, for it was all his. God gave a promise to Abraham, renewed it to Isaac, and confirmed it again to Jacob.
The Jews have six (6) titles to the Land of Canaan: (1) By Homestead Law (Deut. 23:8); (2) By Gift; (3) By Covenant; (4) By Conquest; (5) By right of Tenure; (6) By Purchase.
6. "In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.".
• All the monotheism in the world has had contact with the
seed of Abraham. America is not Christian, but monotheistic (belief in one God). Those of monotheistic belief are the Jews, Mohammedans,
Mk —^^-—
and Christians.
The population of the world numbers over 3,300,000,000. The Abrahamic influence numbers over 2,000,000,000, about half of the world's population.
7. The promise is to the SEED (singular, not plural); not
to Seeds, but SEED (the Lord Jesus Christ). "Now to Abraham and
his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as
of many : but as of one, And thy seed, which is Christ " (Gal. 3:16). Thus, it was a SPIRITUAL BLESSING, also, which includes the Gentiles.
C. Condition: An Unconditional covenant - standing even today.
D. Conclusion: Abrahamic Covenant to Jews only.
E. Sign: Circumcision.Designation - God's man.
Separation unto Him.
Purity unto Him.
Possession by Him.
Designation - God's man.
Separation unto Him.
Purity unto Him.
Possession by Him.
(Note: this covenant was made only with Israel.' It was never made with the Gentiles or the Church).
It was made 430 years after Abraham. Moses was a founder, not a father, of a nation. He was the greatest law-giver in the world; it was God who gave the Law to him.
A. Constitution: Given to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus, Deut.33).
The word "Moses" means "drawn out". He became the son of
Pharaoh's daughter, who was a virgin. After he was "drawn out" he became the Saviour; and when Jesus was "drawn out" of the tomb He became the Saviour of the world.
B. Contents:
Moral Law (ten commandments) - Exodus 20.
Civil Law - Exodus 21-24.
Ceremonial Law - Exodus 25-31.
Moses broke the tables of the law, signifying that if we break one law, we break them all (James 2:10).
The Institution of the Tabernacle was established so that God could dwell in the midst of His people.
C. Condition: A Conditional Covenant.
Responsibility (Exodus 19:5,6; Leviticus 26:3; Deut.28:
1; 29:9.)
Blessings for obedience (Exodus 19:5,6; Lev. 26:3-18;
Deut. 28:1-14).
Punishment for disobedience (Exodus 19:5-8; Lev. 26:14-46;
Deut. 11:10-17; 28:15-68). Deut. 28:37 - "byword" is the Hebrew
"sheniynah"', pronounced "sheneenaw", from whence we sometimes say,
"Sheeny" (I Kings 9:7; II Chron. 7:20).
and Christians.
The population of the world numbers over 3,300,000,000. The Abrahamic influence numbers over 2,000,000,000, about half of the world's population.
7. The promise is to the SEED (singular, not plural); not
to Seeds, but SEED (the Lord Jesus Christ). "Now to Abraham and
his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as
of many : but as of one, And thy seed, which is Christ " (Gal. 3:16). Thus, it was a SPIRITUAL BLESSING, also, which includes the Gentiles.
C. Condition: An Unconditional covenant - standing even today.
D. Conclusion: Abrahamic Covenant to Jews only.
E. Sign: Circumcision.Designation - God's man.
Separation unto Him.
Purity unto Him.
Possession by Him.
Designation - God's man.
Separation unto Him.
Purity unto Him.
Possession by Him.
(Note: this covenant was made only with Israel.' It was never made with the Gentiles or the Church).
It was made 430 years after Abraham. Moses was a founder, not a father, of a nation. He was the greatest law-giver in the world; it was God who gave the Law to him.
A. Constitution: Given to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus, Deut.33).
The word "Moses" means "drawn out". He became the son of
Pharaoh's daughter, who was a virgin. After he was "drawn out" he became the Saviour; and when Jesus was "drawn out" of the tomb He became the Saviour of the world.
B. Contents:
Moral Law (ten commandments) - Exodus 20.
Civil Law - Exodus 21-24.
Ceremonial Law - Exodus 25-31.
Moses broke the tables of the law, signifying that if we break one law, we break them all (James 2:10).
The Institution of the Tabernacle was established so that God could dwell in the midst of His people.
C. Condition: A Conditional Covenant.
Responsibility (Exodus 19:5,6; Leviticus 26:3; Deut.28:
1; 29:9.)
Blessings for obedience (Exodus 19:5,6; Lev. 26:3-18;
Deut. 28:1-14).
Punishment for disobedience (Exodus 19:5-8; Lev. 26:14-46;
Deut. 11:10-17; 28:15-68). Deut. 28:37 - "byword" is the Hebrew
"sheniynah"', pronounced "sheneenaw", from whence we sometimes say,
"Sheeny" (I Kings 9:7; II Chron. 7:20).
» -17-
Deut. 11:1-17: the branch of Kidron has water for the first time in 1800 years. Joel 2:21-27: the time when God shall restore Palestine for Israel, the time of prosperity. Palestine is growing
more productive just a sign of the times. When Joel says rain
he means rain; not the Holy Spirit, but rain.Deut. 28:49,50: The enemy shall come; the Romans fulfilled this prophecy 1,5OO years after it was made.
rain; not the Holy Spirit, but rain.Deut. 28:49,50: The enemy shall come; the Romans fulfilled this prophecy 1,5OO years after it was made.
REMARKABLE FACTS ABOUT THE JEW:a. Deut. 28:63: Plucked out of the land. The Romans
completely plucked them off. Moses said it 3,50O years ago.
Plucked out of the land. The Romans
completely plucked them off. Moses said it 3,50O years ago.b. Deut. 28:64: Scattered among all nations. What
country is there without the Jew?
Scattered among all nations. What
country is there without the Jew?c. Deut. 28:65: Unrest among the nations; they were per
secuted by so-called Christian nations; yea, even by the so-called
28:65: Unrest among the nations; they were per
secuted by so-called Christian nations; yea, even by the so-called
Church.d. Lev. 26:44-46: Would not utterly destroy the Jews.
Treatment in Germany: the Jews were charged as being the killers
of the Son of God. The Black Death of 1348 was laid to their
charge and blame; one-third of the Jewish population was put to
death. Who really put Christ to death? THE WHOLE WORLD.1 During
World War n 6,000,OOO Jews are reported to have been put to death.
Before the war the Jews numbered around 20,000,000, but now about
16,OOO,OOO.Treatment in Spain and France: both nations were spillers of Jewish blood, Jew murderers. The Jews were driven out of their homes and businesses, stripped of their possessions and wealth, and then allowed to come back again. The Jews were at one time cut down to a mere 1,000,000.Why destroy the Jew for what he has done, or has not done? Look at what he has given to the world: The SAVIOUR I The Devil hates nothing worse than the Bible, God and His Son. If the Devil could destroy the Jew, he could prove a lying Bible. There is only ONE way to destroy the Jew and that is the Scriptural way: Jeremiah 31:35-37. Thus, it is impossible to destroy the Jew. Jonah (type of Israel): the water could not drown him and the fish couldn't digest him.
D. Conclusion: Merged with Palestinian Covenant.
E. Sign: The Sabbath. It was never given to the Gentiles
(Romans 2:12,14); Exodus 31:12,13; Ezekiel 20:12,20; Deut. 5:12-15;
man should rest on the Sabbath.
THE SABBATH HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED , BUT ABOLISHED! What did Jesus do on the first day of the week?
A. Constitution: Deut. 30:1-10. The years of wandering (for Israel) are over; ready now to enter into the land.-18-
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
26:44-46: Would not utterly destroy the Jews.
Treatment in Germany: the Jews were charged as being the killers
of the Son of God. The Black Death of 1348 was laid to their
charge and blame; one-third of the Jewish population was put to
death. Who really put Christ to death? THE WHOLE WORLD.1 During
World War n 6,000,OOO Jews are reported to have been put to death.
Before the war the Jews numbered around 20,000,000, but now about
16,OOO,OOO.Treatment in Spain and France: both nations were spillers of Jewish blood, Jew murderers. The Jews were driven out of their homes and businesses, stripped of their possessions and wealth, and then allowed to come back again. The Jews were at one time cut down to a mere 1,000,000.Why destroy the Jew for what he has done, or has not done? Look at what he has given to the world: The SAVIOUR I The Devil hates nothing worse than the Bible, God and His Son. If the Devil could destroy the Jew, he could prove a lying Bible. There is only ONE way to destroy the Jew and that is the Scriptural way: Jeremiah 31:35-37. Thus, it is impossible to destroy the Jew. Jonah (type of Israel): the water could not drown him and the fish couldn't digest him.
D. Conclusion: Merged with Palestinian Covenant.
E. Sign: The Sabbath. It was never given to the Gentiles
(Romans 2:12,14); Exodus 31:12,13; Ezekiel 20:12,20; Deut. 5:12-15;
man should rest on the Sabbath.
THE SABBATH HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED , BUT ABOLISHED! What did Jesus do on the first day of the week?
A. Constitution: Deut. 30:1-10. The years of wandering (for Israel) are over; ready now to enter into the land.-18-
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
a mere 1,000,000.Why destroy the Jew for what he has done, or has not done? Look at what he has given to the world: The SAVIOUR I The Devil hates nothing worse than the Bible, God and His Son. If the Devil could destroy the Jew, he could prove a lying Bible. There is only ONE way to destroy the Jew and that is the Scriptural way: Jeremiah 31:35-37. Thus, it is impossible to destroy the Jew. Jonah (type of Israel): the water could not drown him and the fish couldn't digest him.
D. Conclusion: Merged with Palestinian Covenant.
E. Sign: The Sabbath. It was never given to the Gentiles
(Romans 2:12,14); Exodus 31:12,13; Ezekiel 20:12,20; Deut. 5:12-15;
man should rest on the Sabbath.
THE SABBATH HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED , BUT ABOLISHED! What did Jesus do on the first day of the week?
A. Constitution: Deut. 30:1-10. The years of wandering (for Israel) are over; ready now to enter into the land.-18-
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
Constitution: Deut. 30:1-10. The years of wandering (for Israel) are over; ready now to enter into the land.-18-
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
B. Contents;
Return of the Lord if repentance of people (Verse 3).
promise of the regathering of the people (Jews) from
all lands (Verses 3-5).
Promise of the conversion of all of the nation of Israel (Vs,
promise of judgment upon all nations who have persecuted
Israel(Verse 7).
Promise of great blessings and prosperity to Israel (Vs. 9).
C. A Conditional Covenant (verse 2) based upon repentance of
scattered Israel. The only conditional covenant that will be kept.
A. Constitution: 500 years from Moses to David (II Sam. 7:5-19;
Psalm 89).
B. Contents: II Samuel 7:10-13.
Provided for a Davidic House. The House God is going
to build for David is not material or spiritual, but political.
provides for a Davidic Throne (II Samuel 7:13).
A Davidic Kingdom, NEVER to be destroyed.
These three are unending, established forever.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant.'
II Samuel 7:13-15; verse 14: last part translated, "When iniquity is laid upon,I will chasten him with rods of men." Parallel with Isaiah 53.
D. Sign: The Son (Isaiah 7:14). Sign finally comes (Luke 1:
30-33; 2:12).
The question is, "How can a man live forever?" A throne that is perpetual does not seem odd; but one to rule forever and ever? How can this be? David asked, "What manner of man is this?"
1. Two natures of David's Son.
a. God.
b. Man.
Complication (II Sam. 7:14). David's Son and David's Lord (Psalm 2). It is not incredible 1900 years after the fulfillment, but how incredible it seemed when promised. In Psalm 110 David speaks of this Son as His Lord. Hebrews 1 is written of no angel, but of the Son of David (Matthew 22:43).
2. David's Son is to have two experiences.
a. Suffering and death ( and resurrection ).
b. Reign. Psalms 22; 2:1-6; 69:4; these Scriptures
speak of His enemies. This is what puzzled John the Baptist. He
could not understand the sufferings of the Messiah. God made it
plain to David that the Son of God was to die (Psa. 40). Levitical
sacrifices were not acceptable unto God.
3. David's Son to sit upon two thrones.
a. Heavenly throne (Psa. 11O; Heb. 1:13).
b. Earthly throne (Revelation 3:21; Luke 1:32,33).
4. David's Son to hold two sways.
a. Kingly
b. Priestly, (Hebrews 7:11-22).
5. David's Son's two-fold act:
a. Descent of the King from Heaven.
b. Judgment upon His enemies (Psalms 72; 96:10-13; 97:
1-6,9; 99:1-4).
6. David's Son's Kingdom to have two-fold aspect.
a. Jews (national)
b. World (universal).
Only one family has ruled over Judah, whereas there were seven families, with 19 kings, ruling over the 10 upper tribes.
It is not a renewed covenant, but is new in character and contents.
A. Constitution: Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 26:27,28; Heb. 8:6-13.
Remember, to make a covenant, blood has to be shed. In Heb. 13:20
the Blood of Jesus Christ is called the Blood of the Everlasting
Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8; 9:11-15; 10:1-12,26,27.).
The Old Covenant was made at Sinai and the New Covenant at Calvary. The ceremony of the Jewish religion today is only an Aaron's calf.
The New Covenant offers a better sacrifice, a better hope; the New Covenant is to be fulfilled when Christ comes again.
Israel claims by a natural birth; we claim by a spiritual birth.
B. Contents; Three-fold blessing:
Sanctification. The New Covenant was not written on
hard stones, but upon the fleshly hearts (Heb. 8:10).
Knowledge. Through the Bible we acquire a personal
knowledge of Him. The greatest need of any man is God (Heb. 8:11).
Romans 1:22 is the reason for the heathen.
Forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more forever
(Heb. 8-.12). Sins: Forsaken, forgiven and forgotten.
C. Condition: An UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. The Old Covenant (Law)
was a means to an end, the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
(Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8).
The law gives place to Grace (John 1:7). We do not earn it; it is a gift!
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
Ethnic means "races, or people." "Give none offence, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." (I Cor.10:32)
Definition: That principle by which the word of Truth is rightly divided in relation to Jew, Gentile, and Church. In these three
*classes it is seen that God is no Respecter of persons, but He is a REGARDER of classes.
The jew is mostly spoken of in the Old Testament and in the first part of the New Testament. The New Testament speaks mostly of the Church. God deals with the nations (all races) in the first ten chapters of Genesis, but from Genesis 11 through the four Gospels, the Bible speaks of the Jewish nation as the theme of the Book, only mentioning the Gentile races. Then, from Acts through Revelation, the Bible speaks of the Church.
The Bible is written FOR everybody, but the Bible does not speak TO everybody (Romans 15:4). ALWAYS ASK WHEN READING THE SCRIPTURES, "To whom was this written?"
The whole book of Isaiah was written to the Jews. Ephesians was written to the Church. Matthew 25:31,32 speaks of the nations. In Eph. 2:11,14,15 all three are mentioned. The first eight chapters of Romans deal with the Church, and only the Church: no guilt, no condemnation, no separation; but in Romans 11:22,23, there is the "cut-off". Thus, it seems like a contradiction. Explanation: (1) Chapter 8--those who are in Christ. (2) Chapter 9--to Paul's brethren in the flesh (Jews, Israelites). (3) Chapter 10--still talking about Israel. (4) Chapter ll--still to Israel. (5) Chapter ll:13--to the Gentiles. There is your "cut-off".
THE FIG TREE is the emblem of Israel and speaks of her national privileges.
is the emblem of Israel and speaks of her national privileges.THE OLIVE TREE speaks of Israel's religious privileges.
THE VINE is the symbol of her spiritual privileges.
John 4;22 - Salvation is of the Jew; Romans 3:1,2 -Given the Oracles of God; chosen to be (1) Witnesses, (2) Writers of Scripture, (3) A channel through which Christ came into the world.
Ephesians 2:11,12 Ephesians 4:17-19 Mark 7:27,28
Ephesians 1:22,23 Ephesians 2;14,15 Ephesians 5:29-33 & I Peter 2:9.
Matthew 25:32 (Foundation)
Genesis 12:7 (Revelation)
Ephesians 1:4 Ephesians 3:3; II Cor.12:'
Ephesians 1:4 Ephesians 3:3; II Cor.12:'
God chose Israel for His earthly glory (isa. 43:7,21).
Israel chosen after the foundation of the earth - revealed unto Abraham.
God's purpose was to establish a nation distinct from any other nation (Gen. 12:2; 46:3; Num.23: 9; Ex. 33:16).
Israel called out from among the nations (Gen. 18:18).
Israel was called when only ONE, to be many (Isa. 51:2).
Israel, as the Nation, is yet to be called back to the land, (jer. 33:7).
God chose the Church for His heavenly glory (Eph.l:14).
Church chosen before the foundation of the earth.
God's purpose of the Church was to make a separate and distinct body from any other body (Eph 1:15-23).
Church called out from among the individuals ("he that believeth").
Church called from many, to be ONE (Eph. 1:10; 4:4).
The Church,as the Body, is yet
to be called on high (I Thes. 4:13-15)
Relation of Christ is King (Zech. Christ's relation to the Church is its
14:9,17; John 12:12-15).
The inheritance of Israel is the earth.
Blessings of Israel are CONDITIONAL.
Israel had seven great feasts (Lev. 23).
Israel was put under a dietary law (Ex. 12:20; Lev. 3:17; Deut. 14:3; Acts 15:29; Lev. 10: 9-11).
Israel's hope is for National Salvation.
As earthly things are concerned, nothing will excel Israel.
Head, Lord of Glory (Eph. 22; 4:15).
The inheritance of the Church is heavenly (Eph. 1:3).
The blessings of the Church are UNCONDITIONAL.
Church had none.
The Church has no diet (Col. 2:16-3:17).
The Church's hope is for her presentation.
As heavenly things are concerned, nothing will excel the Church.
Psalm 37:25
Genesis 12:1; 13:15
Psalm 137:8,9
Deut. 7:1,2; 20:16,17; Josh.
6:21; I Sam. 15:33. GEN. 12:2; 13:2; 23:6 Exodus 21:23-25
I Cor. 4:11
Phil. 3: 2O
Romans 12 : 19, 20
II Cor. 10:4; Eph. 6:12; Gal. 5; 22
II Tim. 2:24.
Rom. 12:16; I Cor. 1:26; 4:12,13. Ephesians 4; 32.
, 23;
That principle by which we should divide the Word of Truth so as to make a distinction when God makes a difference.
All men are not children of God, but all are the creatures of God. There is more than one father (John 8:41-44; Gal. 3;26). In Matthew 13 there is the wheat, which is the children of God. In Acts 13:10 is the tare, which is the child of the Devil. God is God of all men, but He is the Father of only saved men. God makes a distinction between His children and those of Satan. All people are creatures; all are races that were created by Adam. We all were in the loins of Adam. Man is a creature of God by creation, and man is a child of God by re-creation. Why repeat so much? "Repetition is theological mucilage."
Only the saved person can call Him "Father". The sinner can only call Him God. The creature of God is a ruined creation. Scripture used by those who call themselves apostles of the new thought and preach "the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man" is found in Acts 17:24-29. They fail to read the next few verses. There is none good that is born of Adam. By natural birth we are of the Devil. By regeneration we are of God (John 1:11-13). Salvation does not run in the blood; it is not the will of man; he is only saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8,9), through faith in Jesus Christ. II Peter 1:4: a child is born the first time of his father's nature; he is born again the second time with the nature of the Father (John 3:1-6). All children are not alike (I Cor. 3:1). Babies are carnal, and not spiritual; they walk after the flesh, and not after the Spirit. You can always tell the spiritual state of people by what they want to play with. Babies haven't much sense. They are selfish. We all start out as babies. God does not want babies to remain babies. He wants them to grow. perfection is not gained in a short time. We must grow (I John 3:2; John 3); we ought to grow to be like HIM. The only brotherhood in the world is in Jesus
Christ. The only thing that will bring the races together is Christ. The only brotherhood is in Christ.'
II Cor. 5:9).
A. Acceptable in Christ: Our Position.
Eph . 1:6 means "identification". II Cor. 5:21: He represents us in glory. Gal. 2:20 is also "identification". Romans 6:2,8 reveals what we are. It would do us a lot of good if we could (or would) see ourselves as God sees us. Rom. 7:11: What profit is it to reckon you are dead? Answer: if you count one dead, you won't make any provision for him. (Example of Bob Young (Jew) who took Christ and was reckoned by his family to be dead. His mother knew he was not dead.)
Romans 6:5; Col. 3:1 - in Christ - wrapped up in Him. (Example of a piece of paper in the Bible). As far as our position is concerned, God looks upon us as perfect, as Jesus Himself, for we are in Him. God loves us, and we are as dear to God as Jesus is. Ephesians 1:4 - we are as holy and blameless as the Son of God Himself. You can say this and not be boastful. God looks upon us as in Him.
Our position is in heaven (in Jesus); our condition is on the earth. Paul said he was perfect, and then said he was not perfect. He was perfect in position and imperfect in condition (Phil. 3:10-15). We are saved by Grace, by matter of faith. No man has ever been saved unless he has received the gospel (Rom. 10:13; Eph. 1:13). When God saves you, you will be a new creature in Christ.
B. Acceptableness for Christ; Our Condition (II Cor. 5:9).
Acceptableness means to live a life acceptable unto God,
approved unto Him. Be constant in effort in living a life acceptable unto Him. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet suffer loss (in rewards) (I Cor. 3:15). (Example of the young couple who lose everything in their home, yet a jewel is found unharmed in the ashes. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet be a castaway (I Cor. 9:27). It is possible to be saved and still be chastized (Col. 3:25). It is possible to be saved and yet sow to the flesh (Gal. 6:7,8).
We are accepted the moment we believe; our works are acceptable if according to His Word and Will.
Clearance means "cleansed of all guilt" (Rom. 8:1). God could have cleared us without accepting us.
A saved man has two natures: (1) carnal; (2) spiritual. A. Walk I_n the Spirit (Gal. 5:16,25). That means saying "yes" to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God can communicate with the Saved One. Some think that victory through Christ over an
appetite is greater and more glorious than never having the
appetite at all. ,
B. Walk in Newness of Life (Rom 6:4).
C. Walk Circumspectly (Eph. 5:5). Circumspectly means
"accurately" ( G. Campbell Morgan's illustration of a cat walking
the fence with two dogs, one on either side). "Be sure to be
D. Walk Worthy of the Lord Unto All Pleasing (Col. 1:1O).
The sin of David brings contempt on God even today. Abraharo was
willing that Sarah, his wife, lose her honor just to save his
life; a pagan ruler rebuked him for it.
E. Walk In Love (Eph. 5:2). We are to be ruled by love toward
God and fellow man. This is not a natural love, but a supernatural
love. Man does not love God or fellow man, but loves SELF.
Man is selfish* "Walk in love".
F. Walk in Wisdom and Prudence (Col 4:5). Walk tactfully
so that you will not cause those outside to stumble. Walk so that those who are lost will want Christ.
G. Walk in Truth (III John,vs. 4). It does not make any
difference what people think, but it makes plenty of difference
what God says.
H. Walk in Christ (Col. 2:6; I Peter 2:21).
I. Walk with God (Gen. 5:24; 6:9). To walk with God means "fellowship". When you have fellowship with someone, you want .to do something for Him. You love Him; you obey Him. It is His will, not your will. As in marriage; "His wife for life". To walk with God means "progress".
J. Walk Before God (Gen. 17:1; 24:40). Walk through life knowing that God's eyes are upon you.
K„ Walk After God - Walking with your eyes upon Him, walking in His steps.
L. Walk in the Light (I John 1:7).
M. Walk rn Good Works (Eph. 2:10).
N. Walk Honestly (Rom. 13:13).
O. Walk Worthy of Our Vocation (Eph. 4:1).
Daily cleansing through the washing of the Word of God (Eph. 5:26). Moody wrote in his Bible, "Sin will keep you from this Book, or this Book will keep you from sin."
Compare Phil. 3:15 with 3:12. Paul claimed perfection. Our perfection will be manifested (it is not now) when Christ comes again, both our physical as well as our spiritual bodies. In Phil. 3:11 Paul confesses his imperfection. Resurrection is not an attainment, but an obtainment. Matthew 5:48 is the text; Matthew 5:44,45 is the context. The principle of perfection here is the walk in grace toward our fellow man.
There is a difference between possessors and professors. There are many today who do not have the assurance of salvation.
NOTE: "Never take what seems to be a doubtful passage of Scripture and use it to contradict a dozen clear passages, such as comparing Hebrews 6:4-10 with John 3:16; 5:24; 3:36; 10:28."
Armenianiam believes a man can be saved today and lost tomorrow. Calvinism believes once saved, always saved - saved forever.' The Arian always uses Heb. 6, but he does not believe it, for he says a saved man can be lost after being saved, and then be saved again. Hebrews 6 (if it has to do with being lost after being saved) says, "It is impossible to renew again." Hebrews 6 is talking about the saved person. It does not mention the word "lost". When it talks about tasting, the same Book talks about Jesus tasting death for every man.
Phil. 2:12; "Work out your own salvation". It does not say, "Work for your salvation". Read the context (Verse 13) - God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved - God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot un-son a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God's Word by man's experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for "he brought an offering unto God".
"Work out your own salvation". It does not say, "Work for your salvation". Read the context (Verse 13) - God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved - God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot un-son a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God's Word by man's experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for "he brought an offering unto God".In Matthew 13:24-30 the tares equal the "professors". Tares look like wheat while growing and can only be distinguished at harvest time. There are only a few hypocrites in the Church (those who join only for gain of this world, and not as an act of obedience after salvation) > but there are many in the Church who are lost. The meaning of Christ is unreal to those who are not born-again, but are only members of a church.
God calls us sheep. Sheep is a good word, for we are just like sheep, following someone else in joining the church, not saved, but going through a ritual, a ceremony] It is not regeneration
Only the true possessor can worship God. Worship is the praising of His goodness to us. Some people show by their worship their unreality to God. (By the way, the place for short prayers is in public.)
We need to think of our brethren and their souls' salvation. The rich man fared sumptuously every day; only when he died and went to hades did he think of his brethren.
Abraham believed God; Paul believed God. Do you believe God? Do you believe the Gospel? Do you believe that it is the only
power of God unto salvation? Do you live it? As far as the "good man" (one who is a member of the church, and to whom Christ is unreal) is concerned, he is as much lost as the biggest bum in town.
Christ. The only thing that will bring the races together is Christ. The only brotherhood is in Christ.'
II Cor. 5:9).
A. Acceptable in Christ: Our Position.
Eph . 1:6 means "identification". II Cor. 5:21: He represents us in glory. Gal. 2:20 is also "identification". Romans 6:2,8 reveals what we are. It would do us a lot of good if we could (or would) see ourselves as God sees us. Rom. 7:11: What profit is it to reckon you are dead? Answer: if you count one dead, you won't make any provision for him. (Example of Bob Young (Jew) who took Christ and was reckoned by his family to be dead. His mother knew he was not dead.)
Romans 6:5; Col. 3:1 - in Christ - wrapped up in Him. (Example of a piece of paper in the Bible). As far as our position is concerned, God looks upon us as perfect, as Jesus Himself, for we are in Him. God loves us, and we are as dear to God as Jesus is. Ephesians 1:4 - we are as holy and blameless as the Son of God Himself. You can say this and not be boastful. God looks upon us as in Him.
Our position is in heaven (in Jesus); our condition is on the earth. Paul said he was perfect, and then said he was not perfect. He was perfect in position and imperfect in condition (Phil. 3:10-15). We are saved by Grace, by matter of faith. No man has ever been saved unless he has received the gospel (Rom. 10:13; Eph. 1:13). When God saves you, you will be a new creature in Christ.
B. Acceptableness for Christ; Our Condition (II Cor. 5:9).
Acceptableness means to live a life acceptable unto God,
approved unto Him. Be constant in effort in living a life acceptable unto Him. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet suffer loss (in rewards) (I Cor. 3:15). (Example of the young couple who lose everything in their home, yet a jewel is found unharmed in the ashes. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet be a castaway (I Cor. 9:27). It is possible to be saved and still be chastized (Col. 3:25). It is possible to be saved and yet sow to the flesh (Gal. 6:7,8).
We are accepted the moment we believe; our works are acceptable if according to His Word and Will.
Clearance means "cleansed of all guilt" (Rom. 8:1). God could have cleared us without accepting us.
A saved man has two natures: (1) carnal; (2) spiritual. A. Walk I_n the Spirit (Gal. 5:16,25). That means saying "yes" to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God can communicate with the Saved One. Some think that victory through Christ over an
appetite is greater and more glorious than never having the
appetite at all. ,
B. Walk in Newness of Life (Rom 6:4).
C. Walk Circumspectly (Eph. 5:5). Circumspectly means
"accurately" ( G. Campbell Morgan's illustration of a cat walking
the fence with two dogs, one on either side). "Be sure to be
D. Walk Worthy of the Lord Unto All Pleasing (Col. 1:1O).
The sin of David brings contempt on God even today. Abraharo was
willing that Sarah, his wife, lose her honor just to save his
life; a pagan ruler rebuked him for it.
E. Walk In Love (Eph. 5:2). We are to be ruled by love toward
God and fellow man. This is not a natural love, but a supernatural
love. Man does not love God or fellow man, but loves SELF.
Man is selfish* "Walk in love".
F. Walk in Wisdom and Prudence (Col 4:5). Walk tactfully
so that you will not cause those outside to stumble. Walk so that those who are lost will want Christ.
G. Walk in Truth (III John,vs. 4). It does not make any
difference what people think, but it makes plenty of difference
what God says.
H. Walk in Christ (Col. 2:6; I Peter 2:21).
I. Walk with God (Gen. 5:24; 6:9). To walk with God means "fellowship". When you have fellowship with someone, you want .to do something for Him. You love Him; you obey Him. It is His will, not your will. As in marriage; "His wife for life". To walk with God means "progress".
J. Walk Before God (Gen. 17:1; 24:40). Walk through life knowing that God's eyes are upon you.
K„ Walk After God - Walking with your eyes upon Him, walking in His steps.
L. Walk in the Light (I John 1:7).
M. Walk rn Good Works (Eph. 2:10).
N. Walk Honestly (Rom. 13:13).
O. Walk Worthy of Our Vocation (Eph. 4:1).
Daily cleansing through the washing of the Word of God (Eph. 5:26). Moody wrote in his Bible, "Sin will keep you from this Book, or this Book will keep you from sin."
Compare Phil. 3:15 with 3:12. Paul claimed perfection. Our perfection will be manifested (it is not now) when Christ comes again, both our physical as well as our spiritual bodies. In Phil. 3:11 Paul confesses his imperfection. Resurrection is not an attainment, but an obtainment. Matthew 5:48 is the text; Matthew 5:44,45 is the context. The principle of perfection here is the walk in grace toward our fellow man.
There is a difference between possessors and professors. There are many today who do not have the assurance of salvation.
NOTE: "Never take what seems to be a doubtful passage of Scripture and use it to contradict a dozen clear passages, such as comparing Hebrews 6:4-10 with John 3:16; 5:24; 3:36; 10:28."
Armenianiam believes a man can be saved today and lost tomorrow. Calvinism believes once saved, always saved - saved forever.' The Arian always uses Heb. 6, but he does not believe it, for he says a saved man can be lost after being saved, and then be saved again. Hebrews 6 (if it has to do with being lost after being saved) says, "It is impossible to renew again." Hebrews 6 is talking about the saved person. It does not mention the word "lost". When it talks about tasting, the same Book talks about Jesus tasting death for every man.
Phil. 2:12; "Work out your own salvation". It does not say, "Work for your salvation". Read the context (Verse 13) - God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved - God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot un-son a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God's Word by man's experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for "he brought an offering unto God".
"Work out your own salvation". It does not say, "Work for your salvation". Read the context (Verse 13) - God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved - God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot un-son a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God's Word by man's experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for "he brought an offering unto God".In Matthew 13:24-30 the tares equal the "professors". Tares look like wheat while growing and can only be distinguished at harvest time. There are only a few hypocrites in the Church (those who join only for gain of this world, and not as an act of obedience after salvation) > but there are many in the Church who are lost. The meaning of Christ is unreal to those who are not born-again, but are only members of a church.
God calls us sheep. Sheep is a good word, for we are just like sheep, following someone else in joining the church, not saved, but going through a ritual, a ceremony] It is not regeneration
Only the true possessor can worship God. Worship is the praising of His goodness to us. Some people show by their worship their unreality to God. (By the way, the place for short prayers is in public.)
We need to think of our brethren and their souls' salvation. The rich man fared sumptuously every day; only when he died and went to hades did he think of his brethren.
Abraham believed God; Paul believed God. Do you believe God? Do you believe the Gospel? Do you believe that it is the only
power of God unto salvation? Do you live it? As far as the "good man" (one who is a member of the church, and to whom Christ is unreal) is concerned, he is as much lost as the biggest bum in town.
power of God unto salvation? Do you live it? As far as the "good man" (one who is a member of the church, and to whom Christ is unreal) is concerned, he is as much lost as the biggest bum in town.
The fundamental difference is that we are to rest upon the facts and plead the promises.
Fact: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them " (Matt . 18:20). This is a divine fact. You need not plead for His presence; you can rest and know that He is there, if at least two or three are gathered together in His name.
Promise: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come - this means a certain condition. "Come" is the condition.
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come - this means a certain condition. "Come" is the condition.Fact: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" -a divine statement, an eternal fact. No believing sinner is to plead for eternal life. Eternal life is bestowed the moment one believes. Too many times we ask God to do something that He has already accomplished.
Distinction between fact and promise will enrich our prayer life. We will learn more of consecration.
The fundamental difference is that we are to rest upon the facts and plead the promises.
Fact: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them " (Matt . 18:20). This is a divine fact. You need not plead for His presence; you can rest and know that He is there, if at least two or three are gathered together in His name.
Promise: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come - this means a certain condition. "Come" is the condition.
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come - this means a certain condition. "Come" is the condition.Fact: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" -a divine statement, an eternal fact. No believing sinner is to plead for eternal life. Eternal life is bestowed the moment one believes. Too many times we ask God to do something that He has already accomplished.
Distinction between fact and promise will enrich our prayer life. We will learn more of consecration.
Faith: Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: "I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead". "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God " (Rom. 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Eph. 2:8,9), then cometh works (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Eph. 2:10).
Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works(Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, "If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?" Man is not saved by works, but by faithj What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone.' Salvation bringeth good works (Heb. 13: 16; Gal. 6:9,10).
Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: "I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead". "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God " (Rom. 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Eph. 2:8,9), then cometh works (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Eph. 2:10).
Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works(Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, "If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?" Man is not saved by works, but by faithj What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone.' Salvation bringeth good works (Heb. 13: 16; Gal. 6:9,10).
Faith: Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: "I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead". "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God " (Rom. 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Eph. 2:8,9), then cometh works (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Eph. 2:10).
Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works(Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, "If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?" Man is not saved by works, but by faithj What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone.' Salvation bringeth good works (Heb. 13: 16; Gal. 6:9,10).
Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: "I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead". "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God " (Rom. 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."
Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Heb. 11:6 - Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. "By grace are ye saved through faith." Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: "believes with his whole being."Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Eph. 2:8,9), then cometh works (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Eph. 2:10).
Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works(Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, "If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?" Man is not saved by works, but by faithj What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone.' Salvation bringeth good works (Heb. 13: 16; Gal. 6:9,10).
Works: Works done by man before salvation never have been accepted by God (Example of the man with leprosy, bringing a glass of water; you would not drink it.). What kind of a God do you think we have? Only what we do as saved people will be rewarded, and that, alone, in the flesh (alive in the body).
Works done by man before salvation never have been accepted by God (Example of the man with leprosy, bringing a glass of water; you would not drink it.). What kind of a God do you think we have? Only what we do as saved people will be rewarded, and that, alone, in the flesh (alive in the body).IX.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SALVATION AND Rewards are '*£ or the saved Salvation is an obtainment Salvation is a free gift Salvation is a present gift
is emancipation Salvation is unmerited Salvation is never lost Salvation secures heaven
Salvation depends upon God's faithfulness.
Judgment is for th'e sinner , Reward is an attainment Rewards are earned Rewards have to do with the
compensation of the future Reward is compensation Rewards are merited Rewards can be lost Rewards secure a position in
heaven Rewards depend upon man's
Luke 19: 12-19; I Cor. 3: 11-13; II Cor. 5:1_0; Rev. 2J2:1_2; i Thes. 2; 19.
They may be confused, but they cannot be mixed (John 1:17).
Law; That legal system instituted at Sinai through the mediator, Moses.
Grace: By this we mean the expression of righteousness and favor of God in Christ Jesus. "'Tis grace of God that gives for nothing."
Law; In its principle it demands righteousness of men.
Grace; Its principle bestows righteousness upon man (Rom. 3: 21,22; 8:4; Phil. 3:9).
Law: Demands works.
Grace: Asks for faith.
Law; Blesses the good and obedient (Eph. 2;1,2).
Differs in Purpose
Law was never given to save anyone. No one has ever been saved by Law, nor has it ever made a bad man good, or a good man better.
The Law is for perfect beings and grace for imperfect beings (Psa. 9:7,8; Romans 7:12). The Law is holy, good, and just unto God. The purpose of the law is to show man his sins and how hopeless he is.
It is easy to make people believe they are saved by grace, but it is terribly Jfard to make people believe they are saved by grace alone.' But there is Ephesians 2:8,9.' Man always adds works. This is true of every man-made religion - saved by works. When you add to grace, grace loses grace, and grace is no more grace.'
By grace alone are we saved.'
19: 12-19; I Cor. 3: 11-13; II Cor. 5:1_0; Rev. 2J2:1_2; i Thes. 2; 19.X. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAW AND GRACE
They may be confused, but they cannot be mixed (John 1:17).
Law; That legal system instituted at Sinai through the mediator, Moses.
Grace: By this we mean the expression of righteousness and favor of God in Christ Jesus. "'Tis grace of God that gives for nothing."
Law; In its principle it demands righteousness of men.
Grace; Its principle bestows righteousness upon man (Rom. 3: 21,22; 8:4; Phil. 3:9).
Law: Demands works.
Grace: Asks for faith.
Law; Blesses the good and obedient (Eph. 2;1,2).
Differs in Purpose
Law was never given to save anyone. No one has ever been saved by Law, nor has it ever made a bad man good, or a good man better.
The Law is for perfect beings and grace for imperfect beings (Psa. 9:7,8; Romans 7:12). The Law is holy, good, and just unto God. The purpose of the law is to show man his sins and how hopeless he is.
It is easy to make people believe they are saved by grace, but it is terribly Jfard to make people believe they are saved by grace alone.' But there is Ephesians 2:8,9.' Man always adds works. This is true of every man-made religion - saved by works. When you add to grace, grace loses grace, and grace is no more grace.'
By grace alone are we saved.'
Law; That legal system instituted at Sinai through the mediator, Moses.
Grace: By this we mean the expression of righteousness and favor of God in Christ Jesus. "'Tis grace of God that gives for nothing."
Law; In its principle it demands righteousness of men.
Grace; Its principle bestows righteousness upon man (Rom. 3: 21,22; 8:4; Phil. 3:9).
Law: Demands works.
Grace: Asks for faith.
Law; Blesses the good and obedient (Eph. 2;1,2).
Differs in Purpose
Law was never given to save anyone. No one has ever been saved by Law, nor has it ever made a bad man good, or a good man better.
The Law is for perfect beings and grace for imperfect beings (Psa. 9:7,8; Romans 7:12). The Law is holy, good, and just unto God. The purpose of the law is to show man his sins and how hopeless he is.
It is easy to make people believe they are saved by grace, but it is terribly Jfard to make people believe they are saved by grace alone.' But there is Ephesians 2:8,9.' Man always adds works. This is true of every man-made religion - saved by works. When you add to grace, grace loses grace, and grace is no more grace.'
By grace alone are we saved.'
Law shows you what you* are; grace shows you what God is. Salvation is all of grade, and grace alone.
Gal. 3:19 - The Law was added because God wanted sin to become transgression ... Romans 4:15; 5:20; 7:7,13 all combined equal Gal. 3:19.
There was no sin before there was a law. From Adam to Moses men sinned, but there was no transgression; then law was given, and sin took on transgression. We are conscious of sin when we break God's law.
Sin without transgression: Example of a little boy writing upon the new wall paper; he was not spanked until after he was told not to write upon it.
Romans 3:19,20 - The law will shut their mouths; no one will shout his own praises and his own good when the law is read. The only ONE who could open His mouth was the Lord Jesus, but He opened not His mouth. Why? Because He was taking your place and mine upon the Cross.
- The law will shut their mouths; no one will shout his own praises and his own good when the law is read. The only ONE who could open His mouth was the Lord Jesus, but He opened not His mouth. Why? Because He was taking your place and mine upon the Cross.The Law was to reveal sin and bring out sin in man. Remember, the Law cannot remove sin.' It is a looking glass to see how dirty we are. You can look into a looking glass and see your dirty face, but you do not wash your face with a looking glass, and you do not wash your sins away by the law.
You never needed anyone to teach you to lie. Man is a natural-born liar. The law brings out the fact of sin. When law says, "Don't," man then begins to "do". Man thinks he is a sinner because he murders, gets drunk, etc.; man is a sinner because he sins, but the Law reveals that man sins because he is a sinner.
When the law shines in our hearts it shows the dirt, just as the sun shines in a room, revealing the dust. The law is a microscope that shows what is in man. Law is a plumb line. Law reveals the heart of man. Grace reveals the heart of God. Law is a straightedge, showing how crooked we are. Grace straightens us up (Romans 7: 13; also verse 12).
Twenty-one times the Bible speaks of Moses - "he was faithful". Moses^we know, sinned once. God demands perfection. Compare Rom. 8 with Gal. 3:23-27. We are not under law, but we are under grace (Rom. 6:14).
People say, "After one is saved, he can do anything he wants to." If a person has been saved, born of the Spirit, he is a child of God. What will a child of God want to do? No child has a heart to go and do wrong. If every man loved his fellow man there would be no need for any law. NO CHRISTIAN NEEDS ANY LAW. You will not break the law if you have love in your heart. You will break the law if you do have a heart full of lust.
There is a law of our State saying that parents must take care of their children. What kind of people do we have, anyway? Go into a Christian home and see the mother loving and caring for her babe. Does she love it on account of the law of the State? Love will do what law will never do. Do you want to get perfection of the law? Keep your eyes upon Christ (as one rowing toward the opposite shore with eyes to the other side); Jesus is the focal point. Keep your eye upon the place from which you started • CALVARY.'
A man has a pet cat and a pet goat. The goat has to be chained. Why? To be kept out of the posy bed. Some people have to be chained by the law to be kept out of the posy bed. PERFECTION IN THE EYES OF THE LAW IS CAUSED THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST.
The righteousness of God in Romans is not the righteousness "of" God, but the righteousness"bestowed" by God. Remember, every Christian will say, "Oh, how I love thy law". I cannot keep the law, for it is perfect. I cannot, but the Lord can (Romans 8:1-4). The law is strong, but weak through the flesh, as a fork is weak through an over-done beef roast. The law is a ten-pronged fork that is weak through our flesh. The law is not weak, but our flesh is weak.
The law of gravity pulls a book down, but the hand keeps it from falling; the Holy Spirit is He Who is holding us up. Law is the enemy of Grace. The man who puts himself under the law "FALLS FROM GRACE" (Gal. 5:4). The fact is that everybody is too good; now the problem is to find people bad enough to be saved. Every Seventh Day Adventist is an enemy to the grace of God. Sabbath-keepers are Law-keepers. it is Law and no Grace. Another enemy of Grace is works; ritualism is also an enemy of Grace. Character is an enemy of grace. All are enemies that place themselves as substitutes for the grace of God. The character we talk about in these so-called good men is in Romans 3:9-21. There is no such thing as a good man out of Christ I If one is saved it is because of Christ. Only when you become saved do you have character. For Scripture against being saved by character, read Romans 5,6,7 and 8. Unitarism, Eddyism, etc. speak much about character.
While not under the law, you are not to be a spiritual anarchist (Romans 12:9; I Cor. 11:31,32).
God's wisdom guarantees against mistakes: (1) Chastisement for correction; (2) Discipline for purification; (3) Purging for fruit-bearing (I Cor. 9:19-25).
Dr. Pettingill tells how he thought that if he were a Christian he would not be able to go where he wanted to go, or do what he wanted to do; but after he became a Christian, he found that he could do what he wanted to do and go where he wanted to go. Again, what will a child of God want to do? He should do Service with denial of self. Love went to Calvary, where a denial of the truth would have saved Him from the agony of the Cross.
Law came by Moses. 1. Grace came by Christ.
Law reveals sin of man. 2. Grace reveals love of God.
Law sentences a living man 3. Grace brings dead men to
to death. life.
4. Law tells man what he must 4. Grace tells man what God
do. has done.
Do and live. 5. Live and do.
Law shuts man out. 6. Grace brings men in.
A man has a pet cat and a pet goat. The goat has to be chained. Why? To be kept out of the posy bed. Some people have to be chained by the law to be kept out of the posy bed. PERFECTION IN THE EYES OF THE LAW IS CAUSED THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST.
The righteousness of God in Romans is not the righteousness "of" God, but the righteousness"bestowed" by God. Remember, every Christian will say, "Oh, how I love thy law". I cannot keep the law, for it is perfect. I cannot, but the Lord can (Romans 8:1-4). The law is strong, but weak through the flesh, as a fork is weak through an over-done beef roast. The law is a ten-pronged fork that is weak through our flesh. The law is not weak, but our flesh is weak.
The law of gravity pulls a book down, but the hand keeps it from falling; the Holy Spirit is He Who is holding us up. Law is the enemy of Grace. The man who puts himself under the law "FALLS FROM GRACE" (Gal. 5:4). The fact is that everybody is too good; now the problem is to find people bad enough to be saved. Every Seventh Day Adventist is an enemy to the grace of God. Sabbath-keepers are Law-keepers. it is Law and no Grace. Another enemy of Grace is works; ritualism is also an enemy of Grace. Character is an enemy of grace. All are enemies that place themselves as substitutes for the grace of God. The character we talk about in these so-called good men is in Romans 3:9-21. There is no such thing as a good man out of Christ I If one is saved it is because of Christ. Only when you become saved do you have character. For Scripture against being saved by character, read Romans 5,6,7 and 8. Unitarism, Eddyism, etc. speak much about character.
While not under the law, you are not to be a spiritual anarchist (Romans 12:9; I Cor. 11:31,32).
God's wisdom guarantees against mistakes: (1) Chastisement for correction; (2) Discipline for purification; (3) Purging for fruit-bearing (I Cor. 9:19-25).
Dr. Pettingill tells how he thought that if he were a Christian he would not be able to go where he wanted to go, or do what he wanted to do; but after he became a Christian, he found that he could do what he wanted to do and go where he wanted to go. Again, what will a child of God want to do? He should do Service with denial of self. Love went to Calvary, where a denial of the truth would have saved Him from the agony of the Cross.
Law came by Moses. 1. Grace came by Christ.
Law reveals sin of man. 2. Grace reveals love of God.
Law sentences a living man 3. Grace brings dead men to
to death. life.
4. Law tells man what he must 4. Grace tells man what God
do. has done.
Do and live. 5. Live and do.
Law shuts man out. 6. Grace brings men in.
*7. Law shuts every mouth 7. Grace opens every mouth
before God. to praise God.
8. Law brings knowledge of sin. 8. Grace brings knowledge of
a Son.
9. Law is a remembrance of sin. 9. Grace is a remembrance of
a Sin-Bearer.
Law blots out the sinnet. 10. Grace blots out the sins.
Law tells (commands) us to 11. Grace tells us that God
love God.
12. Law: sheep die for the Shepherd.
loves us.
12. Grace; Shepherd dies for the Sheep.
*DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD.God has but ONE kingdom, and that is the "Kingdom of God". There are different phases of that one Kingdom.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a phase of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of Heaven is to be in the future, to be established here on this earth. The Kingdom of God began with man and will end with man (Daniel 4:3), as far as eternity is concerned; but as far as God is concerned, it has been from Eternity, throughout Eternity. The Kingdom of Heaven is the reign of the Son of God on this earth for a thousand years.
1. Messiah for its King.
Kingdom of Heaven is
under heaven. Limited.
Political in its sphere
God for its Ruler. Ruler
of all beings in Heaven
and on earth.
Kingdom of God is universal
from all time to all time.
Moral and spiritual in its
The Church is a called-out body of people in Jesus Christ. The Church is a heavenly people and a living organism. The Church is never spoken of, or mentioned, as a Kingdom in the Scriptures (Exception: Col. 1:13). Nowhere in the Old Testament can be found the prophecy of the Church (Eph. 3; 1-10). The Church is in the Kingdom of God, but it is not the Kingdom of Heaven.
1. Subjects are mentioned as heirs of the Kingdom, receivers of the Kingdom.
God for its Ruler. Ruler
of all beings in Heaven
and on earth.
Kingdom of God is universal
from all time to all time.
Moral and spiritual in its
The Church is a called-out body of people in Jesus Christ. The Church is a heavenly people and a living organism. The Church is never spoken of, or mentioned, as a Kingdom in the Scriptures (Exception: Col. 1:13). Nowhere in the Old Testament can be found the prophecy of the Church (Eph. 3; 1-10). The Church is in the Kingdom of God, but it is not the Kingdom of Heaven.
1. Subjects are mentioned as heirs of the Kingdom, receivers of the Kingdom.
Kingdom of Heaven
Subjects are not mentioned as heirs of the Church.
2. Kingdom is not spoken of as a body. The Kingdom shall be ruled.
The Kingdom of Heaven is
not here now, but will come,
The Kingdom is the one
subject of prophecy.
The Kingdom is to be set
up (Acts 15:16).
Christ is called the King <
of the Kingdom.
of the Kingdom.The Kingdom has to do with
the nations of the world.
Kingdom of Heaven
Subjects are not mentioned as heirs of the Church.
2. Kingdom is not spoken of as a body. The Kingdom shall be ruled.
The Kingdom of Heaven is
not here now, but will come,
The Kingdom is the one
subject of prophecy.
The Kingdom is to be set
up (Acts 15:16).
Christ is called the King <
of the Kingdom.
of the Kingdom.The Kingdom has to do with
the nations of the world.
2. Kingdom is not spoken of as a body. The Kingdom shall be ruled.
The Kingdom of Heaven is
not here now, but will come,
The Kingdom is the one
subject of prophecy.
The Kingdom is to be set
up (Acts 15:16).
Christ is called the King <
of the Kingdom.
of the Kingdom.The Kingdom has to do with
the nations of the world.
• ;
Spoken of as a body
The Church, with Christ, 3.
will reign over that kingdom.
The Church is now in the
world, waiting to be raptured
out of the world.
There is not one prophecy
concerning the Church in
the Old Testament.
The Church is to be built
up (Eph. 4).
Christ is called the Head
of the Church (see #2).
The Church has to do with
saints of all nations.
The study of Predictive Prophecy. Exodus 7:12 is the prophecy; Exodus 4:15,16 is the divine spokesman. His sole mission is to speak the message God has given him.
We think that a prophet is one who only FORETELLS, but primarily, prophecy is FORTHTELLING. A prophet is one who is a FORTHTELLER, a spokesman for God, a forthteller (John 3:34). A prophet always came at a time of apostasy. He was one who spoke to his people in his day concerning the moral and spiritual affairs of his own people. Some prophets spoke, and what they said was NOT written. If Israel would not repent and turn from her wicked way, then God had men to write His prophecies. The nations of the earth were only mentioned when they rejoiced in the judgment of and upon Israel.
The Prophet
The study of Predictive Prophecy. Exodus 7:12 is the prophecy; Exodus 4:15,16 is the divine spokesman. His sole mission is to speak the message God has given him.
We think that a prophet is one who only FORETELLS, but primarily, prophecy is FORTHTELLING. A prophet is one who is a FORTHTELLER, a spokesman for God, a forthteller (John 3:34). A prophet always came at a time of apostasy. He was one who spoke to his people in his day concerning the moral and spiritual affairs of his own people. Some prophets spoke, and what they said was NOT written. If Israel would not repent and turn from her wicked way, then God had men to write His prophecies. The nations of the earth were only mentioned when they rejoiced in the judgment of and upon Israel.
The Prophet
(1) Prophet's Own Day; (2) 70-year captivity (into Babylon);
(3) Restoration; (4) Messiah (Christ); (5) World-Wide Dispersion;
(6) Tribulation; (7) The Kingdom.
The study of Predictive Prophecy. Exodus 7:12 is the prophecy; Exodus 4:15,16 is the divine spokesman. His sole mission is to speak the message God has given him.
We think that a prophet is one who only FORETELLS, but primarily, prophecy is FORTHTELLING. A prophet is one who is a FORTHTELLER, a spokesman for God, a forthteller (John 3:34). A prophet always came at a time of apostasy. He was one who spoke to his people in his day concerning the moral and spiritual affairs of his own people. Some prophets spoke, and what they said was NOT written. If Israel would not repent and turn from her wicked way, then God had men to write His prophecies. The nations of the earth were only mentioned when they rejoiced in the judgment of and upon Israel.
The Prophet
(1) Prophet's Own Day; (2) 70-year captivity (into Babylon);
(3) Restoration; (4) Messiah (Christ); (5) World-Wide Dispersion;
(6) Tribulation; (7) The Kingdom.
(1) As for the prophet's day, the Word abounds with references to it. (2) jer. 23:11. (3) jer. 29:10; Dan. 9:2. (4) The Old Testament is filled with Messianic prophecies. (5) Amos 9:9; Ezek. 36:24,28; 37:14. (6) Jer. 30:4-7; Dan. 12:1. And Jesus Christ, our Lord, spoke of it (Matt. 24:21,22); (7) Isaiah 2:11; 11:11; Amos 9:14,15.
Practically all prophecy has to do with these seven heads, and has to do primarily with Israel. NOTE: Again we emphasize the fact that there were no prophecies concerning the Church in the Old Testament. The Church is the Mystery, hidden until revealed first unto the Apostle Paul (Eph. 3).
The Minor Prophets are shorter in length than the Major Prophets The best way to study the prophets is by the Chronological Order:
Judah Israel
Isaiah Jonah (Nineveh)
Micah 100 years Amos
Nahum Hosea
(silence for 70 years)
Jeremiah Joel
Habakkuk Obadiah
Exile Daniel Ezekiel
(Ezekiel was carried off at the first deportation. Daniel followed. Jeremiah was at Jerusalem at the same time.)
(Silence for 14 years)
Post Exile Haggai Zechariah
(Silence for 29 years) Malachi (known as the "seal of the prophets")
The next was JOHN THE BAPTIST. Then came the Messiah Himself.' God points to prediction as evidence of His Word as Truth.'
(Isaiah 42:9; 44:6,8; 45:21; 41:21-29). "MAN WOULD NOT WRITE THE
A. Remoteness of time. (Must be so far into the future that
the one predicting cannot fulfill it himself.)
B. Minuteness of detail. No guesswork . When Christ was
crucified twenty-five details in prophecy were fulfilled.
C. Novelty of combination. Something peculiar and strange.
D. Mystery of prediction (I Peter 1:11).
E. Clearness of forecast. History will fulfill the prophecy.
The next was JOHN THE BAPTIST. Then came the Messiah Himself.' God points to prediction as evidence of His Word as Truth.'
(Isaiah 42:9; 44:6,8; 45:21; 41:21-29). "MAN WOULD NOT WRITE THE
A. Remoteness of time. (Must be so far into the future that
the one predicting cannot fulfill it himself.)
B. Minuteness of detail. No guesswork . When Christ was
crucified twenty-five details in prophecy were fulfilled.
C. Novelty of combination. Something peculiar and strange.
D. Mystery of prediction (I Peter 1:11).
E. Clearness of forecast. History will fulfill the prophecy.
A. The prophet gives his own interpretation (Ezek. 37:1-14;
Jer. 18:1-10); Daniel 8 (the horn of the he-goat was Alexander and
Grecian Empirejj always read enough of the Scripture to find the
interpretation) ... (John 2:19-22). Do not become a speculator;
do not be afraid to say, "I don't know."
B. The facts of history often give interpretation. The dreams
of Joseph were predictive dreams. Twenty-twlo years later Joseph's
dream came true when his brothers bowed down to him (Genesis 37, 44
and 45). The tablets on the remains of the storehouses of Egypt
reveal the truthfulness of the Biblical story. Every part of the
world shows signs of a universal flood. The city of Tyre (Ezekiel
26). The doom is pronounced. Nebuchadnezzar conquered Tyrus.
People (skeptics) might say that Ezekiel wrote this during the
siege of Nebuchadnezzar. Tell them what follows. After the
Babylonians left, the Tyrians returned, but forsook their old city
and built a new one a half-mile offshore on an island. Two hundred
and forty-two years after Ezekiel, Alexander the Great fcame and
fulfilled God's prophecy.,
C. Inspiration may give interpretation.
Prophecy Fulfilled
Psalm 41:9 • Acts 1:1-18
psalm 16 (David) Acts 2
Isaiah 6:9,10 (Judgment on Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Israel). Isaiah 29:14
D. Here is an illustration which includes all three; Daniel 2.
The four metals are four empires - world empires. There has never
been any world empire since. Luke 21:24 - "Time of the Gentiles"
is that period of time in which Jerusalem is politically in the hands of the Gentiles. The "Time of the Gentiles" started with Nebuchadnezzar and is still existing today; Israel is without her King.
Babylon, the greatest city of all time, had a wall 300 feet high and 90 feet thick, so that six chariots could pass each other on top. It had 60 gates and 250 towers, which were 50 feet higher on the walls. The River Euphrates flowed through the city, entering one side (under the wall) and passing on through (under the wall) on the other side; the banks were enclosed (under the walls) by marble. Babylon was the first country to be a world Empire, the only real monarchy. Babylon is the Head of Gold.
Daniel 5 tells of the arms of Silver. The two arms, of course, represent the two-headed kingdom, or government, of the Medes and Persians.
The Brazen Empire is the Grecian Empire (Brazen-coated Greece).
Daniel 2, 5, and 8 give us the history of the gold, silver and brass empires. Luke 2:1 gives us the history of the Iron Empire (Rome)J Who has not heard of the Iron Legions of Rome? The nation
of Roae o*»e to dam 1,OOO years After Daniel «ade this prophecy, tbe Ronan Bwpire split in two, becoming the two legs, with on* headquarter in Rone and the other in Constantinople. Then cane the ten-toe Enpire.
*of Roae o*»e to dam 1,OOO years After Daniel «ade this prophecy, tbe Ronan Bwpire split in two, becoming the two legs, with on* headquarter in Rone and the other in Constantinople. Then cane the ten-toe Enpire.
Daniel 7 gives the description of the Antichrist in the Little Horn. Before the Antichrist cones, the ten-toe Kingdon wust cose first. Mussolini introduced the old Rowan symbol of the Fasce. You say Roae is dead? Take a dive and look at it; the picture you see is the head of the Rowan god, Mercury. The days and the nonths are nataed after Ronan gods and nen. Before World War IX Mussolini drew on large naps the proposed New Old Rowan Empire. England and the rest of Europe were included. Of course, England opposed it. Has Rove passed out of the picture, she who united with Germany and plunged the world into the last war? is it not strange that Rove has gotten out of the war with as little trouble and expense as she has? Rone is alive today, and kicking. Doctors write in the language of old Rone. She is coning back into power soon.
The Rock (which is Christ Jesus) will, however, break the Ronan Bapire.
Clay nixed with iron in the toes is communism, the rule of the people. It is not found in the Head or Legs, but in the toes. Zhe Head of Gold was absolute nonarchy. The feet and toes nark the rule of the people.
nixed with iron in the toes is communism, the rule of the people. It is not found in the Head or Legs, but in the toes. Zhe Head of Gold was absolute nonarchy. The feet and toes nark the rule of the people.»****«***««*****
The Application Principle is defined as that principle by which an application of truth nay be nade only after the correct interpretation has been learned. Since the Bible has to do with the salvation of nan, all care nust be taken in interpreting the sane. The reason why the Bible needs interpreting is that nan is a creature of sin.
Good common sense is needful in applying the Bible to the gospel truth.One who does not have connon sense would not know the difference between Mohannedanisn and Christianity, Law and Grace, etc.
is needful in applying the Bible to the gospel truth.One who does not have connon sense would not know the difference between Mohannedanisn and Christianity, Law and Grace, etc.Mental industry nust be applied (Eph. 3:3,4,8,9; Phil. 3:14-18; Col. 4:16; I Thes. 5:27).
nust be applied (Eph. 3:3,4,8,9; Phil. 3:14-18; Col. 4:16; I Thes. 5:27).x
A. A desire for the applause of the world.
B. Vanity on one hand and flattery on the other. Any
flattery is an ungodly bribe. If an old sinner cones up and
says, "That was a good sernon", you had better go hone and
get down upon your knees and find out what is wrong.
C. Sectarianisn.
*A. A desire for the applause of the world.
B. Vanity on one hand and flattery on the other. Any
flattery is an ungodly bribe. If an old sinner cones up and
says, "That was a good sernon", you had better go hone and
get down upon your knees and find out what is wrong.
C. Sectarianisn.
A. Mystical Method - originated in heathenism - Catholicism.
B. Allegorical Method - Swedenborginism is today's believer in
allegorical spiritual interpretation.
C. Rationalism Method - modernism; (Modernism = not Exegesis,
but Exit Jesus).
B. Allegorical Method - Swedenborginism is today's believer in
allegorical spiritual interpretation.
C. Rationalism Method - modernism; (Modernism = not Exegesis,
but Exit Jesus).
D. Apologetic Method - maintains every statement as truth.
Always ask, "Who said this?" When a person is inspired, he was
always inspired (Peter at Antioch, or Balaam's ass).
E. Literal Method - Sometimes it is good to take everything
literally.F. inductive Method - Get all facts together and let them
speak for themselves.
speak for themselves.A. Mystical Method - originated in heathenism - Catholicism.
B. Allegorical Method - Swedenborginism is today's believer in
allegorical spiritual interpretation.
C. Rationalism Method - modernism; (Modernism = not Exegesis,
but Exit Jesus).
but Exit Jesus).D. Apologetic Method - maintains every statement as truth.
Always ask, "Who said this?" When a person is inspired, he was
always inspired (Peter at Antioch, or Balaam's ass).
E. Literal Method - Sometimes it is good to take everything
literally.F. inductive Method - Get all facts together and let them
speak for themselves.
speak for themselves.III. THE APPLICATIONS:
THE KINDNESS OF ODD - GRACE (Mephibosheth) II Sam. 9
(Mephibosheth) II Sam. 9David was Saul's bitterest enemy after the death of Goliath. David began with a staff and ended with a scepter. II Samuel 9:1 shows kindness and grace. David would not have been judged if he had killed all the members of Saul's family. All of the blessings that came to the lame man came by the authoritative word of David. Our grace comes by the authoritative Word of God.
The lame man was totally incapacitated. So it is with the sinner. He is incapacitated - can't walk] How did he get lame? He had a. fall - at the hands of another (II Sam. 4; 4). So it was with man. Sinful man had a fall by another ... even Adam (Rom. 5:12) Mephibosheth came from a family of failures. We, who came from Adam, came from a family of failures. A sinner cannot walk. After Adam sinned, the Lord walked through the garden in the cool of the evening and asked, "Adam, where art thou?" David had asked, "Where is he?" The Lord always seeks us; we do not seek Him. If David had not sought out Mephibosheth, Mephibosheth would not have sought out David. Man will not seek the Lord.
Salvation, from first to last, is the work of God. "Where art thou, Adam?" Adam hid himself from God. David asked, "Where is Mephibosheth?" "Behold, he is in the house of Machir." It is the same with the sinner; he is in the house of bondage, the house of slavery - SIN. Sin is the greatest slave-holder. "Behold, he is in the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, in Lodebar." "Lodebar" means "no pasture", beyond Jordan - no pasture. The sinner is in Lodebar - no pasture. When you see cattle resting under the trees near a brook, in a grassy meadow, chewing their cuds, you see a perfect picture of peace. They are satisfied. They would not be, nor could they be satisfied, if there were no pasture. It is the same with the sinner; he is not satisfied if there is no pasture - Lodebar.
*David said, "Go fetch him." "Fetch" is a wonderful word. Go fetch him out of the land of Lodebar. The lame man was afraid of the King. The sinner is always afraid of God, afraid that God will take everything good away from him, including his filthy, ragged clothes. But it is not subtraction; it is addition; not only that, but, it is multiplication.
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
*David said, "Go fetch him." "Fetch" is a wonderful word. Go fetch him out of the land of Lodebar. The lame man was afraid of the King. The sinner is always afraid of God, afraid that God will take everything good away from him, including his filthy, ragged clothes. But it is not subtraction; it is addition; not only that, but, it is multiplication.
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
THE KINDNESS OF ODD - GRACE (Mephibosheth) II Sam. 9
(Mephibosheth) II Sam. 9David was Saul's bitterest enemy after the death of Goliath. David began with a staff and ended with a scepter. II Samuel 9:1 shows kindness and grace. David would not have been judged if he had killed all the members of Saul's family. All of the blessings that came to the lame man came by the authoritative word of David. Our grace comes by the authoritative Word of God.
The lame man was totally incapacitated. So it is with the sinner. He is incapacitated - can't walk] How did he get lame? He had a. fall - at the hands of another (II Sam. 4; 4). So it was with man. Sinful man had a fall by another ... even Adam (Rom. 5:12) Mephibosheth came from a family of failures. We, who came from Adam, came from a family of failures. A sinner cannot walk. After Adam sinned, the Lord walked through the garden in the cool of the evening and asked, "Adam, where art thou?" David had asked, "Where is he?" The Lord always seeks us; we do not seek Him. If David had not sought out Mephibosheth, Mephibosheth would not have sought out David. Man will not seek the Lord.
Salvation, from first to last, is the work of God. "Where art thou, Adam?" Adam hid himself from God. David asked, "Where is Mephibosheth?" "Behold, he is in the house of Machir." It is the same with the sinner; he is in the house of bondage, the house of slavery - SIN. Sin is the greatest slave-holder. "Behold, he is in the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, in Lodebar." "Lodebar" means "no pasture", beyond Jordan - no pasture. The sinner is in Lodebar - no pasture. When you see cattle resting under the trees near a brook, in a grassy meadow, chewing their cuds, you see a perfect picture of peace. They are satisfied. They would not be, nor could they be satisfied, if there were no pasture. It is the same with the sinner; he is not satisfied if there is no pasture - Lodebar.
*David said, "Go fetch him." "Fetch" is a wonderful word. Go fetch him out of the land of Lodebar. The lame man was afraid of the King. The sinner is always afraid of God, afraid that God will take everything good away from him, including his filthy, ragged clothes. But it is not subtraction; it is addition; not only that, but, it is multiplication.
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
*David said, "Go fetch him." "Fetch" is a wonderful word. Go fetch him out of the land of Lodebar. The lame man was afraid of the King. The sinner is always afraid of God, afraid that God will take everything good away from him, including his filthy, ragged clothes. But it is not subtraction; it is addition; not only that, but, it is multiplication.
David said, "Don't be afraid, it's not for your sake, but for Jonathan's sake." Did you ever hear the phrase,"Because of Jesus' sake?" "I will restore all that Saul has lost, plus extra; eat at my table." Jesus^gives us more than what we lost through Adam. When Mephibosheth heard this, he said, "What is thy servant that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" That is what we are in His sight - dead dogs] This is what we will have to realize, that we are nothing but dead dogs. You cannot show a man the Saviour unless he realizes he is lost, "a dead dog in His sight."
Mephibosheth then dwelt in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. From Lodebar (no pasture) to Jerusalem (the City of Peace).
The last verse (II Sam. 9:13) says that he was still lame on his feet, but that he kept them under David's table. Keep your lame feet under the table of His perfection; don't show your lame feet. God does not want you to put your feet in everyone's face; keep them out of sight, under the table of His perfection and grace.
The Master of Death Eph. 2:1
Is God holding up a corpse, picturing the sinner? A sinner is dead. A dead man has eyes that cannot see, etc.; he has all the machinery of movement, but he cannot move. Eph. 2:1 says "quickened" - made alive. A dead roan cannot make himself alive. Love cannot make him alive. Nothing can bring a person back to life. It is the same with the sinner; he is dead and cannot be made alive. Only God canj D.L. Moody was going to preach a funeral sermon and looked through the Gospels to see what Jesus had spoken at a funeral. He found that Jesus never preached a funeral during His ministry, but broke up every funeral He came to.
Three times dead people came alive by His power: (1) Mark 5: 38-43; The Child - even the children in your homes are lost.
Luke 7:11 -15; The Son - yes, even your own sons are lost.
John 11:1-46; Lazarus - a full-grown man.
(1) The first had just died. (2) The Son was going to be buried. (3) The man had been buried for four days. The child was as much dead as Lazarus. In fact, all were dead; but Jesus is the MASTER OF DEATH1
(1) The child was raised up at home. All children should be quickened (saved) at home. Yes, they should be led to Christ in the home. "Damsel, arise" - she arose and walked. Walking is
evidence of life. Eph. 1:17 - "Walk not as other Gentiles walk". He commanded that she should be given something to eat; she was given an appetite. She needed food for nourishment; it is the same with the newly-born child of God; he needs to feed upon the Word of God.
(2) The young man - Jesus was moved with compassion. John 3:16-
"For God". Our salvation moved the heart of God. Jesus saith
unto him, "Arise". Luke 7:15 - "began to speak" - testimony.
"And he delivered him to his mother." What makes separation today?
(3) Lazarus - "If thou hadst been here." "You're too late!"
The old down-and-out sinner may be considered too far gone.' No
one is too far gone for God. Jesus commanded, "Take ye away the
stone"; there was something for them to do. Have a revival, prayer
meeting, give out tracts, etc., but be sure to remove the stone.
"Lazarus, come forth.'" He came forth, although bound up. He
came forth by the Words of the Lord Jesus. There is no one saved without the Word of God. Lazarus was alive, but not free from his bonds. Plenty of people in the Church have not gotten out of their grave clothes. Their hands are bound with work, all bound up. "Loose him." "Who?" YOU.' Help the convert. The Lord made him alive and they unwrapped him. His face was bound, so he could not see; his feet were bound, so he could not walk; he was all bound up. The sinner, too, is bound up, but in sin (Rom. 6:23). Thus, we are to preach the Word, which liberates men from sin. The miracle was performed by Jesus. It was nothing to roll away the stone and unwrap the grave clothes. Christ will save; we can only point men to Christ, and after they are saved, help them to walk the Christian life.
"Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over-wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself?" (Eccl. 7:16).
"Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?" (Eccl. 7:17).
"There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour," Eccl. 2:24a.
"A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance " (Eccl. 3:4).
"For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them; as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast; for all is vanity " (Eccl. 3:19).
Erdman says, "The Book of the natural man." A natural man is a lost man. There is a difference between the carnal man and the natural man. The natural man is lost, and the carnal man is a saved man, but lives like a lost man. Elohim is used 40 times; man is used 40 times; (Adam) man of the earth is used 28 times;
"under the sun" is used 3 times; "under heaven" is used 4 times; "on earth" is used 12 times.
"I said in mine heart," speaks of the natural man. This is not what God says, but what a lost man says in his heart.
Key: Ecclesiastes 6:12 - "For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? For who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun."
sun."Vanity is emptiness - to toil, to suffer. Feel unsatisfied with things under the sun and on earth. One night of bliss, and one thousand nights of hell.
Dr. Neighbors says that the word "vanity" should be translated "soap bubbles". Our cities are filled with chasers of soap bubbles. A man who had $3,000,000 put a bullet in his brain; $3,000,000 is a soap bubble without Christ.
Alexander the Great became the world's conqueror at 3O years of age and said, "Oh, for other worlds to conquer.'" This old world we live in is a soap bubble without Christ.
Ecclesiastes 1:5 - "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose." "Sunrise" - always comes back to the same place of emptiness.
Ecclesiastes 1:7 - "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again," - God's water works. Things of the world bring you back where you started from. Take all the rivers today of wealth, amusement, etc.; all of them without Christ lead back to a life of remorse.
Ecclesiastes is the darkest book in the Bible. Judgment.' Ecclesiastes is the most up-to-date piece of literature today. Where Ecclesiastes ends with "under heaven", Ephesians begins with "man in the Heavens."
The climax of the Book is found in the 12th Chapter, the 1st, 13th and 14th verses: "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them ... Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
The Scarlet Cord Joshua 2:21
Entrance of the children of Israel into the land of Canaan.
Rahab dwelt in a condemned place. The world is condemned by God.
The purpose of the Christian is to save men out of the world. Jericho means a "city of fragrance."
"under the sun" is used 3 times; "under heaven" is used 4 times; "on earth" is used 12 times.
"I said in mine heart," speaks of the natural man. This is not what God says, but what a lost man says in his heart.
Key: Ecclesiastes 6:12 - "For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? For who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun."
sun."Vanity is emptiness - to toil, to suffer. Feel unsatisfied with things under the sun and on earth. One night of bliss, and one thousand nights of hell.
Dr. Neighbors says that the word "vanity" should be translated "soap bubbles". Our cities are filled with chasers of soap bubbles. A man who had $3,000,000 put a bullet in his brain; $3,000,000 is a soap bubble without Christ.
Alexander the Great became the world's conqueror at 3O years of age and said, "Oh, for other worlds to conquer.'" This old world we live in is a soap bubble without Christ.
Ecclesiastes 1:5 - "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose." "Sunrise" - always comes back to the same place of emptiness.
Ecclesiastes 1:7 - "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again," - God's water works. Things of the world bring you back where you started from. Take all the rivers today of wealth, amusement, etc.; all of them without Christ lead back to a life of remorse.
Ecclesiastes is the darkest book in the Bible. Judgment.' Ecclesiastes is the most up-to-date piece of literature today. Where Ecclesiastes ends with "under heaven", Ephesians begins with "man in the Heavens."
The climax of the Book is found in the 12th Chapter, the 1st, 13th and 14th verses: "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them ... Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
The Scarlet Cord Joshua 2:21
Entrance of the children of Israel into the land of Canaan.
Rahab dwelt in a condemned place. The world is condemned by God.
The purpose of the Christian is to save men out of the world. Jericho means a "city of fragrance."
The spies came at Barley harvest; harvest equals Judgment. Jericho's reaping time had come.
Rahab was a harlot, a woman of bad character, a scarlet woman. Scarlet is a symbol of sin, the color of sin. Scarlet men and women are sinful men and women. There was nothing in her to commend her to God, and there is nothing in you to commend you to the Lord.
Man is not imperfect; he is unperfect. Rahab's grace did not save her; she was a disgrace. She was a sinner. We are sinners (Romans 3:23). She was saved by Joshua's grace. She was a liar. We are all liars. A sinner is a bad character, a scarlet character, living in a condemned place (the world). Rahab had faith-"faith cometh by hearing". "I know the Lord hath given you the land " Joshua 2;9. Rahab was interested and concerned about her family. Are you concerned over the salvation of your families, including your parents, brothers and sisters? She had faith; then came salvation. She was assured, then secured. she was assured by the spies and secured by the scarlet thread in the window. The scarlet cord was her salvation. The scarlet of the Cross of Christ is our salvation. It was not the looking upon her by the spies, but the looking upon the scarlet cord that saved her. God looks upon the scarlet Cross, and not us, which turns to our salvation.
The two spies spent three days in the mountain; then they went into the presence of Joshua. It was the same with the Lord Jesus; He spent three days in the tomb and arose to appear before God on our behalf. Rahab's salvation was sure and complete, just as our salvation is sure and complete - "There is therefore now no condemnation ..." (Rom. 8:1).
She married Salmon and had a son named Boaz. Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David ... on down to the living Saviour today, Jesus Christ, our Lord. The conclusion is, therefore, that when God saves you, He not only saves you from something, but saves you to something.'
The "400" Club I Samuel 22:1,2
David, the anointed king, was driven away from his throne. Jesus has also been anointed and driven away from His throne. Read the text again. This is an account of the 400 (not the society of the upper-crust of New York), but the 400 who followed David.
The spies came at Barley harvest; harvest equals Judgment. Jericho's reaping time had come.
Rahab was a harlot, a woman of bad character, a scarlet woman. Scarlet is a symbol of sin, the color of sin. Scarlet men and women are sinful men and women. There was nothing in her to commend her to God, and there is nothing in you to commend you to the Lord.
Man is not imperfect; he is unperfect. Rahab's grace did not save her; she was a disgrace. She was a sinner. We are sinners (Romans 3:23). She was saved by Joshua's grace. She was a liar. We are all liars. A sinner is a bad character, a scarlet character, living in a condemned place (the world). Rahab had faith-"faith cometh by hearing". "I know the Lord hath given you the land " Joshua 2;9. Rahab was interested and concerned about her family. Are you concerned over the salvation of your families, including your parents, brothers and sisters? She had faith; then came salvation. She was assured, then secured. she was assured by the spies and secured by the scarlet thread in the window. The scarlet cord was her salvation. The scarlet of the Cross of Christ is our salvation. It was not the looking upon her by the spies, but the looking upon the scarlet cord that saved her. God looks upon the scarlet Cross, and not us, which turns to our salvation.
The two spies spent three days in the mountain; then they went into the presence of Joshua. It was the same with the Lord Jesus; He spent three days in the tomb and arose to appear before God on our behalf. Rahab's salvation was sure and complete, just as our salvation is sure and complete - "There is therefore now no condemnation ..." (Rom. 8:1).
She married Salmon and had a son named Boaz. Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David ... on down to the living Saviour today, Jesus Christ, our Lord. The conclusion is, therefore, that when God saves you, He not only saves you from something, but saves you to something.'
The "400" Club I Samuel 22:1,2
David, the anointed king, was driven away from his throne. Jesus has also been anointed and driven away from His throne. Read the text again. This is an account of the 400 (not the society of the upper-crust of New York), but the 400 who followed David.
Saul, a choice young man, a 1.
goodly person (I Sam. 9:2).
Saul was blameless for a 2.
Saul in rebellion. .He be- 3.
came a self-approved man. The king
dom rent from him (I Sam. 15:23).
Saul is rejected; in re- 4.
jection (I Sam. 15:23).
Lucifer was perfect (Ezek.
Lucifer was blameless for
a time (Ezek. 28:15).
Lucifer in rebellion (Isa.
14:14). Kingdom is rent from
him (Isa. 14:15).
Lucifer in rejection (Ezek.
David anointed (I Sam.
16:1,11-13). Seven sons passed
by Saul (I Sam. 16:7).
Saul clung to his throne
after it was taken away from him
(22 years) .
The anointed king driven
out. Saul cast out David.
In the place of rejection:
David in the cave of Adullam - the
gathering of the "40O". Look at
verse 2 (of text) - what manner of
men. David took them in and became
a captain over them.
9. Both Kingdoms brought to the
9. Both Kingdoms brought to the
Israel was defeated by her enemies. Saul lost out and so did Israel.
The Reign: Saul overthrown.
David became King over Judah, then
over Israel.
What became of the "40O"?
(II Sam. 2:3). They came back with
David and lived with him.
Jesus anointed (Acts 10:38;
Mark 1:10,11; John 12:2,3).
Jesus was born in a stable,
born King of the Jews.
Lucifer's time has come; yet
he still rules (John 14:30;
Lucifer, with the aid of
Judas, cast out Christ.
Christ is cast out. Look at
those who followed the Lord.
Christ's 4OO are the salt of
the earth. Look at the ones
who have come unto the Lord.
He took them all in and frank
ly forgave them. Parable:
Luke 7:41-43; I Cor. 5:9-11.
depth of distress with both Kings
ss with both KingsThe world is in a dreadful state and is being destroyed because her real King is not on the throne. The rejected King (of God) is in power, nevertheless.
The Reign: Lucifer shall
be overthrown.
So shall the Redeemed come
and live with Christ for
1,000 years.
Emancipation Exodus 10:21-23
The plague of Darkness came before the last plague of Death. Men today are smitten with darkness before they taste of the second death. The plague of Darkness was an intense darkness, one that could be felt. Sometimes the darkness of man's sin, the darkness of man's superstition, and the darkness of man's lawlessness can be felt. Darkness in Scripture is a symbol of "God's Abandonment". Ephesians 6:12 shows us that there is a dense darkness in the world today.
1. Why was it dark in Egypt? Because Pharaoh would not believe in Jehovah.
Jesus anointed (Acts 10:38;
Mark 1:10,11; John 12:2,3).
Jesus was born in a stable,
born King of the Jews.
Lucifer's time has come; yet
he still rules (John 14:30;
Lucifer, with the aid of
Judas, cast out Christ.
Christ is cast out. Look at
those who followed the Lord.
Christ's 4OO are the salt of
the earth. Look at the ones
who have come unto the Lord.
He took them all in and frank
ly forgave them. Parable:
Luke 7:41-43; I Cor. 5:9-11.
depth of distress with both Kings
ss with both KingsThe world is in a dreadful state and is being destroyed because her real King is not on the throne. The rejected King (of God) is in power, nevertheless.
The Reign: Lucifer shall
be overthrown.
So shall the Redeemed come
and live with Christ for
1,000 years.
Emancipation Exodus 10:21-23
The plague of Darkness came before the last plague of Death. Men today are smitten with darkness before they taste of the second death. The plague of Darkness was an intense darkness, one that could be felt. Sometimes the darkness of man's sin, the darkness of man's superstition, and the darkness of man's lawlessness can be felt. Darkness in Scripture is a symbol of "God's Abandonment". Ephesians 6:12 shows us that there is a dense darkness in the world today.
1. Why was it dark in Egypt? Because Pharaoh would not believe in Jehovah.
1. Why is there darkness in the world today? Because the world does not believe in Jehovah (Jesus).
1. Why is there darkness in the world today? Because the world does not believe in Jehovah (Jesus).
Israel had light - super
natural light - a light from God.
Here is a people having light in
its dwellings.
Blood - then light.
Is there light in your dwelling? (Matthew 5:16.)
The Blood of Jesus Christ for redemption; then the Light of the Holy Spirit for revelation. What is earthly light? Culture,etc, Earthly light is not supernatural. The Light of the world is supernatural.
Parents, are your lights shining in the home?
, are your lights shining in the home?The Egyptian I Samuel 30
The Egyptian was in the 1,
Everything is taken and 2
he is left to die by his master.
He was an Egyptian. 3
4. He was sick and needed a 4, physician; he was starving to death; thus, he needed bread and water.
What was he eating? 5.
Nothing.1 Vanity.
He was deserted; he had 6.
a terrible master.
Helpless. 7,
He was a slave (although 8,
he was an Egyptian), a slave of an
He was found in a field of 9,
seekers of sinners.
10. They brought him to David. 10.
The Sinner is in the field
(the world).
The sinner is stripped of all
he has by his taskmaster, the
When a sinner goes to Egypt,
he goes down, not up to Egypt.
Egypt in Scripture always
means bondage.
The sinner has the disease of
the heart (sin) and needs the
Great Physician. The man of
the world needs the Bread and
Water of Life.
The sinner is feeding on
nothing: ashes and soap
The Devil is a hard master,
one who works and receives
wages (Romans 6:23).
Sinners have two masters-.
inner and outer, sin and
Christians, are you seeking
the sinners?
Philip brought Nathanael to
They sought him. He did 11.
not seek them. He was helpless.
David received him. it 12.
is a wonder that David didn't kill
him. That's gracej David saved him.
He not only received him, 13.
but gave him something to eat and
drink. (
He then entered into the 14.
service of David.
Verse 15 - Assurance of 15.
Security, then service.
His security was not 16.
secured by his service, but through
the grace of David.
17. The Amalekites were under 17.
a curse (Ex. 17:14-16). They were
having a merry time with things
that did not belong to them.
Judgment came upon the 18.
Spoils taken by the 19.
Amalekites regained.
The Egyptian became the 20.
servant of David.
Christians, are you seeking
the sinners?
"Him that cotneth to me I will
in no wise cast out "
(John 6:37).
This is what the sinner gets
when he is received by Jesus.
??????????How aboht you??????? John 3:16; Romans 19:9.
Eph. 2:8,9 - no "boasters" in Heaven.
Sinners are living under the curse (Gal. 3:10), living on things that do not belong to them.
Judgment is coming upon the Devil and sinners. Through Christ everything taken by sin can be restored. We should become "bond slaves" for Jesus.
That principle by which God initiates the believer into His truth through the mysteries revealed in His Word.
The mysteries in Scripture do not mean that knowledge is withheld, but that knowledge is revealed. Truth is revealed by God. Man would never have known of a Redeemer unless it was revealed by God in His Word. Abraham would never have known that he would have seed as the sands of the sea unless God had revealed it.
The Church was never revealed to Old Testament prophets. I Cor. 4:1: God does not want His people to be ignorant; therefore, let us be "stewards of the mysteries of God."
Church: the Body of Christ (Eph. 3: 1-30; Eph. 1:22,23). This mystery is the uniting of the Jew and Gentile into the body (Body of Christ). God makes the Lord Jesus the Head of the Body . In Ephesians 5 the truth emphasized is the Headship of Christ over the Church. This Scripture does not reveal the secret of marriage, for marriage is revealed in Genesis 2.
I Thessalonians '4:13-18: This was indeed a new truth revealed. The rapture is revealed for the first time.
I Cor. 15:51-58 reveals for the first time the fact that we
shall not all die.
II Thessalonians 2:7; I John 4:3 - "Not of God"; Spirit
of Antichrist. The lawlessness will consutnate in the lawless
man, in the one who will set himself up as God. It has to do with
a man who claims to be equal with God - THE ANTICHRIST.
It is revealed to us by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 13.
The mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are not found in the Old Testament. The prophets foretold the Kingdom, the suffering, the rejection of the King, and later, the rule of the King. They did not foretell what was between the two.
A mystery in the Word means a truth revealed for the first time.
First parable: The Sower (Matthew 13:1-22). The son of Man is Sower.
LSecond Parable: Tares (Matthew 13:24-30). What happens to the seed which does produce? Tares are sown in the good ground. Tares look like wheat. Tares are wheat of the world; they are not in the Church. Paul says to put the wicked persons out of the Church (I Cor. 5:13).
(Matthew 13:24-30). What happens to the seed which does produce? Tares are sown in the good ground. Tares look like wheat. Tares are wheat of the world; they are not in the Church. Paul says to put the wicked persons out of the Church (I Cor. 5:13).Third parable: Mustard Seed (Matt. 13:31,32). it grows into a tree from a very small seed. Who ever heard of a mustard tree? Untimely growth is what it is speaking about. It is not speaking of, or referring to the Gospel, which the Church preaches and converts the world with, for the world shall never be converted as a whole. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church that Christ is speaking of.
(Matt. 13:31,32). it grows into a tree from a very small seed. Who ever heard of a mustard tree? Untimely growth is what it is speaking about. It is not speaking of, or referring to the Gospel, which the Church preaches and converts the world with, for the world shall never be converted as a whole. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church that Christ is speaking of.Fourth Parable: The Leaven (Matt. 13:33-35). Leaven is always spoken of in Scripture as evil (Exodus 12:5; Lev. 2:11; 6:17; Matt. 16:5; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). Woman (in the Bible) is a common sign of evil. Look at the "isms" of today. Most of them have been started by women. Leaven is corruption. The Leaven will take place fully after the Church is taken away out of the world.
(Matt. 13:33-35). Leaven is always spoken of in Scripture as evil (Exodus 12:5; Lev. 2:11; 6:17; Matt. 16:5; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). Woman (in the Bible) is a common sign of evil. Look at the "isms" of today. Most of them have been started by women. Leaven is corruption. The Leaven will take place fully after the Church is taken away out of the world.Fifth parable-. The Hidden Treasure (Matt. 13:44). God's people (Israel) are the Hidden Treasure. (Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4). Remember, this is talking of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church.
(Matt. 13:44). God's people (Israel) are the Hidden Treasure. (Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4). Remember, this is talking of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church.Sixth Parable: The Pearl (Matt. 13:45,46). The Pearl is a choice jewel and speaks of the elect remnant of Israel.
Seventh Parable: The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.
The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.VI. MYSTERY OF ISRAEL'S BLINDNESS
Seventh Parable: The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.
The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.VI. MYSTERY OF ISRAEL'S BLINDNESS
It is revealed to us by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 13.
The mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are not found in the Old Testament. The prophets foretold the Kingdom, the suffering, the rejection of the King, and later, the rule of the King. They did not foretell what was between the two.
A mystery in the Word means a truth revealed for the first time.
First parable: The Sower (Matthew 13:1-22). The son of Man is Sower.
LSecond Parable: Tares (Matthew 13:24-30). What happens to the seed which does produce? Tares are sown in the good ground. Tares look like wheat. Tares are wheat of the world; they are not in the Church. Paul says to put the wicked persons out of the Church (I Cor. 5:13).
(Matthew 13:24-30). What happens to the seed which does produce? Tares are sown in the good ground. Tares look like wheat. Tares are wheat of the world; they are not in the Church. Paul says to put the wicked persons out of the Church (I Cor. 5:13).Third parable: Mustard Seed (Matt. 13:31,32). it grows into a tree from a very small seed. Who ever heard of a mustard tree? Untimely growth is what it is speaking about. It is not speaking of, or referring to the Gospel, which the Church preaches and converts the world with, for the world shall never be converted as a whole. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church that Christ is speaking of.
(Matt. 13:31,32). it grows into a tree from a very small seed. Who ever heard of a mustard tree? Untimely growth is what it is speaking about. It is not speaking of, or referring to the Gospel, which the Church preaches and converts the world with, for the world shall never be converted as a whole. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church that Christ is speaking of.Fourth Parable: The Leaven (Matt. 13:33-35). Leaven is always spoken of in Scripture as evil (Exodus 12:5; Lev. 2:11; 6:17; Matt. 16:5; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). Woman (in the Bible) is a common sign of evil. Look at the "isms" of today. Most of them have been started by women. Leaven is corruption. The Leaven will take place fully after the Church is taken away out of the world.
(Matt. 13:33-35). Leaven is always spoken of in Scripture as evil (Exodus 12:5; Lev. 2:11; 6:17; Matt. 16:5; Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). Woman (in the Bible) is a common sign of evil. Look at the "isms" of today. Most of them have been started by women. Leaven is corruption. The Leaven will take place fully after the Church is taken away out of the world.Fifth parable-. The Hidden Treasure (Matt. 13:44). God's people (Israel) are the Hidden Treasure. (Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4). Remember, this is talking of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church.
(Matt. 13:44). God's people (Israel) are the Hidden Treasure. (Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4). Remember, this is talking of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Church.Sixth Parable: The Pearl (Matt. 13:45,46). The Pearl is a choice jewel and speaks of the elect remnant of Israel.
Seventh Parable: The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.
The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.VI. MYSTERY OF ISRAEL'S BLINDNESS
Seventh Parable: The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.
The Net (Matt. 13:47-52). it is a picture of angels coming in judgment upon Israel. It is not a picture of the rapture of the Church. Remember, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the Church.VI. MYSTERY OF ISRAEL'S BLINDNESS
See Romans 11:25. Sometimes it is called the "Mystery of the Olive Tree". The truth that is revealed is the duration of Israel's blindness (Isaiah 6:9,10). Israel's blindness is foretold by Isaiah, but the duration is not given to the Old Testament, but to |£he Apostle Paul. Israel was blinded only in part; not al], of Israel was blinded. Some were and are blind. Elijah thought he was the , only one left who loved God, but the Lord held back 7,000 who worshipped Him. Even now God has) His few (remnant) (Rom. 11:5).' (1) Blindness not to all Israel (John 1:11,12). (2) Temporarily, until the FULNESS OF THE „ GENTILES BE COME IN. (There is the difference between the fulness of the^. Gentiles and the time of the Gentiles).
See Revelation 17:5,18. Babylon is Babylon, not the Roman ,< Catholic Church. She could be in it along with others who are left after the rapture. The Scripture tells you the Mystery.' The seven kings reign one after another. The ten kings are those who reign at the same time. One of the seven kings shall die, but will be raised again - the Antichrist.
See Revelation 17:5,18. Babylon is Babylon, not the Roman ,< Catholic Church. She could be in it along with others who are left after the rapture. The Scripture tells you the Mystery.' The seven kings reign one after another. The ten kings are those who reign at the same time. One of the seven kings shall die, but will be raised again - the Antichrist.
The Godhead of Christ (Colossians 2: 1-11 )- 'Mystery of God, even Christ ' .
The Godhead of Christ (Colossians 2: 1-11 )- 'Mystery of God, even Christ ' .
See Revelation 17:5,18. Babylon is Babylon, not the Roman ,< Catholic Church. She could be in it along with others who are left after the rapture. The Scripture tells you the Mystery.' The seven kings reign one after another. The ten kings are those who reign at the same time. One of the seven kings shall die, but will be raised again - the Antichrist.
See Revelation 17:5,18. Babylon is Babylon, not the Roman ,< Catholic Church. She could be in it along with others who are left after the rapture. The Scripture tells you the Mystery.' The seven kings reign one after another. The ten kings are those who reign at the same time. One of the seven kings shall die, but will be raised again - the Antichrist.
The Godhead of Christ (Colossians 2: 1-11 )- 'Mystery of God, even Christ ' .
The Godhead of Christ (Colossians 2: 1-11 )- 'Mystery of God, even Christ ' .
Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory". Not only is Christ at the right hand of God; not only is Christ coming again in glory, but Christ is living in every Christian.'
See I Tim. 3:9. If it had not been for the Word you would not have known that salvation comes by faith. Faith demands acceptance. A Christian becomes a member in the body of Christ the moment he is saved. This is revealed through the Word (Eph. 3). It was revealed to Paul first; it is not in the Old Testament.
Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory". Not only is Christ at the right hand of God; not only is Christ coming again in glory, but Christ is living in every Christian.'
See I Tim. 3:9. If it had not been for the Word you would not have known that salvation comes by faith. Faith demands acceptance. A Christian becomes a member in the body of Christ the moment he is saved. This is revealed through the Word (Eph. 3). It was revealed to Paul first; it is not in the Old Testament.
I Tim. 3:16 - it is without controversy. It means "how men
I Tim. 3:16 - it is without controversy. It means "how men
Colossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory". Not only is Christ at the right hand of God; not only is Christ coming again in glory, but Christ is living in every Christian.'
See I Tim. 3:9. If it had not been for the Word you would not have known that salvation comes by faith. Faith demands acceptance. A Christian becomes a member in the body of Christ the moment he is saved. This is revealed through the Word (Eph. 3). It was revealed to Paul first; it is not in the Old Testament.
/MYSTERY OF THE CHRISTIANColossians 1:27 - "Christ in you the hope of glory". Not only is Christ at the right hand of God; not only is Christ coming again in glory, but Christ is living in every Christian.'
See I Tim. 3:9. If it had not been for the Word you would not have known that salvation comes by faith. Faith demands acceptance. A Christian becomes a member in the body of Christ the moment he is saved. This is revealed through the Word (Eph. 3). It was revealed to Paul first; it is not in the Old Testament.
I Tim. 3:16 - it is without controversy. It means "how men
I Tim. 3:16 - it is without controversy. It means "how men
become Godly, how Godliness is restored unto us". it is restored only by Imroanuel, which means "God with us".
Six things were declared: (1) His Incarnation, which is, "God was manifest in the flesh", and the name of the Incarnate One is JESUS (Luke 1:35; John 1:1,14). Without incarnation in the flesh there is no salvation (I John &-:*)_. Man may have religion but not have salvation. (2) His Resurrection: . "justified in the Spirit" (Rom. 6:1-11). (3) His Manifestation: "seen of angels". Angels means "God's messengers". (4) His Proclamation: vpreached unto the Gentiles", to all people of all nations. (5) His Salvation: "believed on in the world", salvation that came from Him, salvation which is free and eternal (Eph. 2:8,9). (6) His Ascension; "Received up into glory";
That Principle by which God explains the reason or grounds for His action through the use of the words "wherefore" and "therefore".
Luke 1:35 - "Therefore" - Because the humanity was created by God.
Acts 13:35 - "Wherefore" - To give us an ever-living Saviour, an all-powerful Saviour.
Phil. 2:9 - "Wherefore" - He took the steps down to humilia-tion, and God takes Him up to exaltation.
~Heb. 10:4,5 - "Wherefore" - the blood of bulls and goats could not take away sin, so One had to come Who had a sinless life and sinless blood to give and shed for sinful people.
Heb. 13:12,13 - "Wherefore" - He went to the place of death to die as the Lamb of God. "Therefore" (vs. 13). if our lives are to tell for Him, we must be willing to suffer reproach for Him, serving Him outside and away from those who think we are abnormal.
The word "therefore" is found 27 times in the book of Romans. Romans is the foundation epistle.
Romans 2:1 - "therefore" - a shame to glory in one's own
Condemnation. The first chapter of Romans speaks of moral corruption, the blackness of sin, men who would not worship God, but made idols to bow down to. Jews (in chapter 2) are just as bad. judgment upon all men - (2:6). No man living has the knowledge to sit in judgment upon his fellow man. In judging another, he judges himself. Take a liar, for example: you do not like a liar, but when you condemn a liar, you condemn yourself. You hate the Jew because he delivered Christ up to die? Who nailed Him to the tree? You did.1 When you condemn
another for it, you condemn yourself.
g^"Romans 3:28 - "therefore" - brings to us "justification by faith". It means to clear the slate of any record against us. It is by faith and not by works.
Romans 3: 20 - "therefore" - take a look at yourself in
the light of the Law and you will be condemned. The law of
God never saves a man; it condemns him. The law pronounces
a curse upon him (Gal. 3:10). t
- "therefore" - take a look at yourself in
the light of the Law and you will be condemned. The law of
God never saves a man; it condemns him. The law pronounces
a curse upon him (Gal. 3:10). tRomans 4: 16 - "therefore" - justification is by faith so that it can be by grace, a gift of God's love; never earned.
- "therefore" - justification is by faith so that it can be by grace, a gift of God's love; never earned.Romans 5:1 - "therefore" - having been justified by our simple faith in the finished work of Christ upon the cross, there is peace in our hearts; it is the peace with God. justification does not mean the feeling in your heart , but peace with God.' In Egypt there was the blood on the door posts; no doubt there were many of the first-born of the Israelites who were very restless during the night the LORD passed over. The same is true that there were many of the firstborn of the Egyptians who were not even troubled at all, although living under the curse and soon coming to destruction. Man is not safe because he thinks he is safe.
- "therefore" - having been justified by our simple faith in the finished work of Christ upon the cross, there is peace in our hearts; it is the peace with God. justification does not mean the feeling in your heart , but peace with God.' In Egypt there was the blood on the door posts; no doubt there were many of the first-born of the Israelites who were very restless during the night the LORD passed over. The same is true that there were many of the firstborn of the Egyptians who were not even troubled at all, although living under the curse and soon coming to destruction. Man is not safe because he thinks he is safe.Romans 8: 1 - "therefore" - throws back to what? - to the Cross of Calvary I
- "therefore" - throws back to what? - to the Cross of Calvary IRomans 12: 1 - "therefore" - to do something for Christ, because He did everything for us.
- "therefore" - to do something for Christ, because He did everything for us.Romans 14:19 - "therefore" - saved by grace through faith; this is true, but let us work as Children of God.
- "therefore" - saved by grace through faith; this is true, but let us work as Children of God.THE EXHORTATION PRINCIPLE
That principle by which God makes an appeal to the heart and conscience of the individual to do something that is worthy and important and that leads to a practical end.
"Let us" starts the exhortation.
Rom. 13: 12 - Things to put off (vs. 14); then put on the armour of God.
- Things to put off (vs. 14); then put on the armour of God.Gal. 6:9 - The child of God can sow to the Spirit and to the flesh.
I The s . 5:6 - Sleep is the wrong condition of the soul (vs. 8).
- Sleep is the wrong condition of the soul (vs. 8).Heb. 4:11 - There is a rest from sin; there is a rest from the power of sin.
Heb. 4:11 - Give up our unbelief.'
Heb. 6:1 - We are to grow into maturity.
- We are to grow into maturity.Heb. 10:22,23,24 - Draw near to God always in sweet communion; stand for your faith, and cooperate with one another in the
- Draw near to God always in sweet communion; stand for your faith, and cooperate with one another in the-47-
service of love.
Heb. 12;1 - Unbelief is the besetting sin of the believer.Heb. 12:28 - Exhortation to service.
- Unbelief is the besetting sin of the believer.Heb. 12:28 - Exhortation to service.
- Exhortation to service.Heb. 13:1 - Let us love everyone.'
- Let us love everyone.'Heb. 13:5 - Praise God for what He has provided.
- Praise God for what He has provided.Heb. 13:13 - We are urged to pick up the cross daily.
- We are urged to pick up the cross daily.THE SUBSEQUENT MENTION PRINCIPLE (Sometimes called "The Subsequent Narrative" principle)
That principle by which,, in later Scripture, adds details
of prior events, or gives events never before recorded.
service of love.
Heb. 12;1 - Unbelief is the besetting sin of the believer.Heb. 12:28 - Exhortation to service.
- Unbelief is the besetting sin of the believer.Heb. 12:28 - Exhortation to service.
- Exhortation to service.Heb. 13:1 - Let us love everyone.'
- Let us love everyone.'Heb. 13:5 - Praise God for what He has provided.
- Praise God for what He has provided.Heb. 13:13 - We are urged to pick up the cross daily.
- We are urged to pick up the cross daily.THE SUBSEQUENT MENTION PRINCIPLE (Sometimes called "The Subsequent Narrative" principle)
That principle by which,, in later Scripture, adds details
of prior events, or gives events never before recorded.
Acts 7:23,30,36 - Is there a contradiction? No.' Genesis 31:7,8 - Nothing before this tells of Jacob's wages being changed ten times. Revealed for the first time.
I Sam. 12: 12 - An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling of
- An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling ofJoseph being put in irons.
Amos 1: 1 - Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.
- Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.Amos 2 : 1 - Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.
- Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.Amos 5:25,26 - Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).
- Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).Ezekiel 20 (especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Matt. 2:23 - Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.
- Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.Acts 9*22,24 - The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —
- The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —II Tim. 3:8 -[jhe magicians' names given.
-[jhe magicians' names given.Heb . 9:19 - The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.
- The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.-48-
- Is there a contradiction? No.' Genesis 31:7,8 - Nothing before this tells of Jacob's wages being changed ten times. Revealed for the first time.I Sam. 12: 12 - An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling of
- An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling ofJoseph being put in irons.
Amos 1: 1 - Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.
- Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.Amos 2 : 1 - Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.
- Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.Amos 5:25,26 - Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).
- Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).Ezekiel 20 (especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Matt. 2:23 - Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.
- Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.Acts 9*22,24 - The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —
- The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —II Tim. 3:8 -[jhe magicians' names given.
-[jhe magicians' names given.Heb . 9:19 - The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.
- The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.-48-
Acts 7:23,30,36 - Is there a contradiction? No.' Genesis 31:7,8 - Nothing before this tells of Jacob's wages being changed ten times. Revealed for the first time.
I Sam. 12: 12 - An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling of
- An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling ofJoseph being put in irons.
Amos 1: 1 - Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.
- Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.Amos 2 : 1 - Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.
- Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.Amos 5:25,26 - Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).
- Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).Ezekiel 20 (especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Matt. 2:23 - Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.
- Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.Acts 9*22,24 - The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —
- The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —II Tim. 3:8 -[jhe magicians' names given.
-[jhe magicians' names given.Heb . 9:19 - The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.
- The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.-48-
- Is there a contradiction? No.' Genesis 31:7,8 - Nothing before this tells of Jacob's wages being changed ten times. Revealed for the first time.I Sam. 12: 12 - An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling of
- An event (King Nahash) never before revealed.
Psalm 105: 18 - Not a word before in Genesis telling ofJoseph being put in irons.
Amos 1: 1 - Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.
- Never mentioned before in the Bible of earthquakes at this time.Amos 2 : 1 - Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.
- Never before revealed of the burning of the bones.Amos 5:25,26 - Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).
- Idolatry never before mentioned, nor were the idols that Israel worshipped in the wilderness (with the exception of the golden calf).Ezekiel 20 (especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(especially the 7th and 8th verses) - Not mentioned in Exodus that the Children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt. The children of Israel worshipped idols in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan. The only thing that kept the Children of Israel from being destroyed was the promise God had made unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Matt. 2:23 - Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.
- Called a Nazarene because he lived in the city of Nazareth. Spoken by the prophets; not a line in the prophets of the Old Testament speaks of this. Remember, it says "spoken"; some prophecy is spoken and some is written; some is spoken and written; some is spoken and never written.Acts 9*22,24 - The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —
- The conversion of Paul; something is added each time. I —II Tim. 3:8 -[jhe magicians' names given.
-[jhe magicians' names given.Heb . 9:19 - The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.
- The Sprinkling of blood is not found in Exodus. Heb. 12; 21 - Sayings of Moses are not recorded in Exodus. James 5:17 - Not told in I Kings of Elijah having prayed that it might not rain.-48-
•q.aqdo;id ib sbm qooug 3-ieqq. apnr ut xoj pai^aAaj sbm ^i "[aTjqBO q.ou '^.aduin st laeqotw 'apnr ut ^t paicaAaz q.ou pieq poo j ^.,up-[noM aM fiacqoTW st laSu^qoav ^^X 'TS^aTW puie uaaMq.aq aq.ndsTp aq^. 3.0 (^uaaa«q.sax MaN JO ^.uauie^sax PTO ut asxa ajaqAvAuc jo) Xmouoja^naa ut PTO^. ^.oN - 6