(2)Giving Biblically Pt. 1 • 2 Cor 8:1-12
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Review & Overview
Review & Overview
1. Previous Study’s Review
1. Previous Study’s Review
The book of 2 Cor. deals with 3 major things:
1. Ministry: chp.1-7
2. Money: chp.8-9
3. Motive: chp.10-13
Chapters 1-7: Paul Explained His Philosophy for Ministry and we learned 7 things about Paul’s Ministry:
Christ gives us Victory in Ministry
Christ gives us Approval for Ministry
Christ gives us a Proper Attitude in Ministry
Christ gives us The Motivation for Ministry
Christ gives us His Example of Ministry
Christ gives us Commands for Ministry
Christ gives us Comfort in Ministry
2. Current Study’s Overview
2. Current Study’s Overview
This brings us to chps.8-9: that deal with Giving: we’ll be looking at 3 things about Giving:
1. Power for Giving: chp.8:
2. Principles about Giving: chp.9:
3. Promises in Giving: chp.9:
So let’s pick up our reading in vs.1 reading down through vs.12 in our study today... Read...
Context deals with Paul’s 3rd Missionary journey as he desires to bring relief to the poor saints in Jerusalem... There are 2 reasons why they were so poor:
1. Famine in the Land: mentioned by Agabus in Acts 11:27-30... so food was very scarce & expensive...
2. Faith in Jesus Christ: when Jews got saved they were shunned by family & friends & fired from their jobs.
So there was great poverty in Jerusalem among the believers and Paul wanted to send them aid...
So let’s come to the first section in dealing with the Power for Giving... which is the Grace of God...
The Power for Giving Involves Grace Vs. 1
The Power for Giving Involves Grace Vs. 1
So the Power for Giving involves the Grace of God...
And Paul uses the churches in Macedonia or mainland Greece, Philippi... Thessalonica... & Berea... as an example to prove it:
Because these were very poor churches... yet they gave of what they had... how, by the Grace God...
Grace: charis, 156, 4 times here... getting what we don’t deserve... unmerited favor... our word Gift...
We understand the Grace of God for Salvation:
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
But God’s Grace goes far beyond eternal life... it’s for every aspect of life... here it’s the resource we need to make Giving possible... & the Macedonians are proof of that fact...
Now, if we’re truly Giving by the Grace of God it will be seen in 7 ways, involves 7 things...
1. God’s Grace Enables Us To Give In Poverty Vs. 2
1. God’s Grace Enables Us To Give In Poverty Vs. 2
The word liberality is the word generosity - They gave freely, with all liberality.
The Macedonians had great trials, affliction... & deep poverty... but they had an Abundance of Joy... & gave with all Liberality...
APPLICATION: Do you ever wonder why the Lord has given us so much...
look at chp.9:11... it’s just for us but for others...
11 while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.
turn Luke 21:1-4... because often times we give out of our abundance... when things are going good, the bills are paid & we have a little extra cash left over then we give... but what about in our poverty...
1 And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2 and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.
3 So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; 4 for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”
APPLICATION: Here is the point, is that, the only way we can give out of our poverty with all liberality is by the Grace of God...
2. God’s Grace Enables Us To Give Willingly Vs. 3
2. God’s Grace Enables Us To Give Willingly Vs. 3
2.1 Giving Freely Vs. 3
2.1 Giving Freely Vs. 3
Paul wasn’t heavy handed... he didn’t give them some sad story... he didn’t put a burden on them...
ILLUSTRATION: About pastors telling their congregation if they don’t give them this will happen - Pastor mad at congregation because he can’t buy a certain watch.
APPLICATION: That’s one reason we don’t pass a plate, not that it’s wrong... we don’t want anyone to feel pressured into giving.
There are no thermometers saying, let’s get hot for God... no fundraisers... commitment letters...
It’s like in Lev.1:3 with the Burnt Offering is to be a free will offering... it’s an offering made because you want to make it... not because you have to make it...
giving willingly involves 2 things:
2.2 What We Do Vs. 10-11
2.2 What We Do Vs. 10-11
A year earlier they committed to giving... they were willing... but they didn’t do it.
Being willing to give is great... having a desire to give grand... but if we don’t do it... well....
22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.
2.3 What we Have Vs. 12
2.3 What we Have Vs. 12
we’re to give what we have... & not worry about what we don’t have...
So, God’s not concerned about the amount we give... there’s not a set amount the Bible tells us to give...
Wait, isn’t it 10%... well actually if ya want to get technical it’s about 33% ...
It’s not about the amount in our hand... it’s about the state of our heart...
1 Sam.16:7 God looks at the heart.
3. God’s Grace Enables Us To Give Eagerly Vs. 4
3. God’s Grace Enables Us To Give Eagerly Vs. 4
3.1 Imploring us with Urgency Vs. 4a
3.1 Imploring us with Urgency Vs. 4a
Imploring us: earnestly... fervently...
The Macedonians implored them... they begged them with much urgency to receive their gift...
They were begging to give... they were eagerly giving...
ILLUSTRATION: Can you imagine people saying, hey let’s pass the plate again... I want to give more... Grace...
3.2 There is Fellowship in Giving Vs. 4b
3.2 There is Fellowship in Giving Vs. 4b
This kind of giving resulted in Fellowship which is how they ministered to the saints...
ILLUSTRATION: Over the years the Lord has blessed us... so in turn we’ve been able to bless others...
We’ve had fellowship with others churches who needed chairs... tables... sound systems... etc...
There is a type of fellowship that comes from giving.
4. God’s Grace Enables Us To Give with Priority Vs. 5
4. God’s Grace Enables Us To Give with Priority Vs. 5
4.1 Exceeding Paul’s Hope Vs. 5a
4.1 Exceeding Paul’s Hope Vs. 5a
They did give... but not as we have hoped, why? because they gave more then we had hoped for...
Why did the Macedonians exceed Paul’s hope... because their priorities were right...
APPLICATION: Talk about priorities - Sometimes we give to everyone else but God. We give our time to friends, entertainment, how about God?
4.2 By Giving Themselves to the Lord First Vs. 5b
4.2 By Giving Themselves to the Lord First Vs. 5b
They gave or dedicated themselves to the Lord first... when they put Jesus Christ first in their lives... then they found it easy to give what they had to others...
APPLICATION: Now the context deals with the Grace of God... so when we put the Grace of God first... giving will follow...
APPLICATION: Pop off regarding what it means to give yourself to the Lord First… What does that mean...
5. God’s Grace Enables us to Give Bountifully Vs. 6-7
5. God’s Grace Enables us to Give Bountifully Vs. 6-7
5.1 Urging Titus Vs. 6
5.1 Urging Titus Vs. 6
We’ve seen how the Grace of God worked in the Macedonians to enable them give liberally, freely, eagerly... so we’ve urged Titus to complete this same Grace in you, Corinthians...
5.2 Abound in Giving Also Vs. 7
5.2 Abound in Giving Also Vs. 7
The Corinthians were abounding or bountiful in everything...
5 that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge,
they were enriched in everything so that they fell short in no gift... & that’s because of the Grace of God... they had it all...
So Paul encourages them to abound or be bountiful in the Grace of God for Giving also...
Maybe because they thought they were bountiful in having the gifts & in the exercising of the gifts that they didn’t need to Give...
APPLICATION: We can make the same mistake, we think well I’m serving here or I’m serving there & that’s my giving.
We’ll that might be our giving to the Lord... but that doesn’t help as it pertains to giving to others...
Those who are in Need...
We have Benevolence fund here at the Barn...
6. God’s Grace Enables us to Give Diligently Vs. 8
6. God’s Grace Enables us to Give Diligently Vs. 8
The Macedonians gave diligently... faithfully... consistently... even though they were in deep poverty, all of that showed their love for the Lord & for Paul...
But you Corinthians are rich... so I’m testing the sincerity of your love in of your diligence in giving.
The giving by the Macedonians we not hit & miss... it wasn’t sporadic... it wasn’t irregular...
They were consistent... faithful... diligent...
2 Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.
7. God’s Grace Enables us to Give Sacrificially Vs. 9
7. God’s Grace Enables us to Give Sacrificially Vs. 9
Giving sacrificially is illustrated here by Jesus..
Paul said Jesus was rich pointing to the fact that Jesus is God Almighty...
But He choose to become poor in at least 2 ways:
1. By becoming a Man: Phil.2:7 He mad Himself of no reputation taking the form of a man...
1. By becoming a Man: Phil.2:7 He mad Himself of no reputation taking the form of a man...
7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.
2. By dying on a Cross: Phil.2:8 humbled Himself to the point of death even the death of the cross…
2. By dying on a Cross: Phil.2:8 humbled Himself to the point of death even the death of the cross…
8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
So because of His great Sacrifice in becoming poor, we have become rich... having eternal life...
APPLICATION: Point: True Giving involves Sacrifice... we saw it in Luke 21:4 the widow who gave all she had...
We see it in the life of David, 2 Sam.24:24 David came to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord, Araunah offered to give David everything he needed... but David said: I will not offer to God that which costs me nothing...
24 Then the king said to Araunah, “No, but I will surely buy it from you for a price; nor will I offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God with that which costs me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.
Of coarse Jesus is the perfect example for us...
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Throughout history, countless gifts have been given and received. Some precious, others invaluable. But none can compare to the unparalleled sacrifice of God when He gave His one and only Son to redeem us from our sins.
Jesus Christ did not come to earth with pomp and grandeur, but as a humble baby, destined for a rugged cross. His life was the embodiment of love, service, and sacrifice. He healed the sick, raised the dead, and broke cultural barriers. Yet, in His ultimate act of love, He willingly gave His life on the cross, a sacrifice for our sins. This act, so profound and immeasurable, becomes the hallmark of the greatest gift ever given.
In light of this, what should our response be? Jesus not only served as the propitiation for our sins, but also as our role model. He set the standard for giving, not out of compulsion, but out of love.
7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
APPLICATION: As recipients of such a profound gift, we are called to reflect Christ in our own lives. This doesn’t just mean giving in terms of finances or material possessions, but also giving of our time, talents, love, and even our very lives in service to others.
Today, let’s take a moment to ponder the depth of Christ's sacrifice. Let’s commit to seeing the world and the people around us through His eyes of love, and to respond to His gift by giving of ourselves to others.
32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?