Trouble Brewing
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Last week we met this group of men who were “set apart” for service
Though the service—seeing to the needs of the widows—was specific, their requirement for selection was even more specific 6:3 gives us...
…men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom...
Here, for a short period of time, the action shifts from the apostles as a group, even the church as a whole, to one man, Stephen, the first man in the list of chosen, set-apart servants
The account of Stephen starts with a flourish…and then we’ll watch over the next few weeks as the trouble brews for Stephen…as he recites the history of the Jewish people…and draws then a conclusion they cannon bear
Stephen’s Standing
Stephen’s Standing
A man
...full of faith and of the Holy Spirit..
That from v. 5
Full of grace and power
It follows that grace and power only come to those full of the Holy Spirit
This will show us…should show us....that without faith, there is no action of the Holy Spirit
Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11)
Doing great signs and wonders among the people (v.8)
The words used here are most often used in both the OT and NT to describe events which were clearly acts done in the power, and showing the divine nature, of God
Stephen was the first non-apostle to be noted as being the workers of miracles
Spoke with such wisdom and power, those against him could not withstand, I read as could not refute what he had to say
Stephen’s Critics
Stephen’s Critics
Synagogue of the Freedmen—slaves taken to Italy, freed because their religious devotion made them of no value as slaves
NOTE: some translations, make this synagogue a compilation of those listed following them; ESV gets it right
The Cyrenians—from the north coast of Africa
The Alexandrians—then the capital of Egypt
The Cilicians and Asians—western portion of current Turkey; Paul associated with Cilicia
All of them rabble-rousers, instigating problems for Stephen
The could not withstand the power and wisdom with which Stephen spoke; had to resort to recruiting liars to push their claims against Stephen
The Council—the Sanhedrin, the ruling council for Jewish affairs within Palestine,
A government within the government
“a group consisting of priests and religious teachers who meet to decide on legal matters with religious, political, and social ramifications”
This is the same body—more or less—that took Jesus to Pilate to have Him condemned to be crucified
In absence of the facts, they had resorted to mob justice
If you read through all of chapter 7…and further…you’ll soon see that the purpose of bringing Stephen here was not much more than a glorified lynch-mob, using the council to validate what they wanted to do
The accusation: Stephen said that he blasphemed Moses and God (seems to worry more about Moses(?))
That he spoke against “this holy place” and the Law
That he claimed Jesus would destroy “this place” and change the customs of Moses
The threat of destroying the temple echos the solicited statements at Jesus’ trial before the Council (Mk. 14.58)
Which was a misquote of Jesus’ words in John 2:18-19 “So the Jews said to him, “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”” Not a reference to the physical temple; but to His body, (most scholars)
As for destroying the Law of Moses: Matt 5 17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”
Stephen’s Demeanor
Stephen’s Demeanor
Thus far, we see no record of Stephen making any statement or taking any action in his own defense
He was the victim of mob action, yet remained calm
When pulled before the council, he was noted as having the face of an angel
Many different thoughts:
Some suggest the face of one who has been in the presence of God, as Moses, as Jesus Himself at the transfiguration—might make sense
Or, others suggest the absolute calmness and presence that comes with delivering the message of God; also makes sense
Either way, there was a visible manifestation of something other than earthly man about him
…and that’s all before he opened his mouth to speak
First Lesson
First Lesson
If we’re out doing God’s work, we must expect adversaries
The words of Jesus warn us
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
That certainly was prophetic for Stephen
Some additional words from Peter
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
We might ask the question: Are you being persecuted? Really?
Our persecution is NOT NEARLY what others suffer, if we suffer at all
Second Lesson
Second Lesson
Liars, rabble-rousers and mobs are often found together
We saw that in our text this morning
We saw that in the Gospels with the treatment of Jesus
We have seen it already in Acts and will see more of it as the account unfolds
Third Lesson
Third Lesson
If you think it’s not happening, you’re doing an ostrich imitation!
Who gets the most criticism in the world—those espousing a Biblical worldview…even a conservative worldview that leans to Judeo-Christian values
If you can stomach it, pay attention to a mix of media source
Watch what happens
Dr. Jordan Peterson—not a Christian, by our understanding; but has to be retrained to keep his certification as a clinical psychologist (Canadian); over the matter of transgenderism
California—if you disagree with your child’s sexual identity you may lose custody
Coco Gauff—tennis sensation, praying after winning a major tournament…waiting for that to unfold a bit
Fourth Lesson
Fourth Lesson
Expect lies and half-truths
Can we trust anyone anymore?
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story &
Never let a good story get in the way of your agenda (Bob Chatt)
Final Lesson
Final Lesson
Hold fast to Scripture; it and it alone is absolute truth
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Why did I chose two illustrations of a hot-button topic?
The issue at hand in them is a key Biblical issue
The matter of gender, all matters regarding sexuality are a matter of the Image of God
Laid out in Gen 1 27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
The truth is being attacked at its very foundation
…and then there is the matter of truth as Stephen was going to address: the truth regarding Jesus
We’re often asked to believe a distorted truth
Jesus came to save us from our sins, is truth
We needed salvation because we’re sinners, is truth
There is no other way to Heaven without Jesus, is truth
Without Jesus, we’re bound to Hell. is truth
Each of those statements is being compromised
To stand on the truth of Christ might be risky
We may face ridicule, maybe even a measure of persecution
But, We Must Stand on Truth
Know the truth of Scripture—it will make you free
Stand on the truth of Scripture