Immediately following service, everyone is encouraged to go downstairs, eat and explore the various ministries that are happening here at KNaz. What is all this about anyway?
We want everyone to be exposed to what God is doing in this church. More than that, we want everyone involved in some form of ministry. That involvement, depending on your current context, may be directly involved (i.e. a teacher), indirectly (through resourcing), or receiving (being discipled). Biblically, every Christian is called into the service of the King - Jesus. Jesus said, “Where I am, there will be my servant.” We’re all called to participate with God in our transformation and in transforming the world. So, this ministry fair is about helping your find your place to serve – some within and some out there.
Shift gears a little. Whether you know it or not, like it or not, Knaz (Klamath Falls Nazarene) is in transition. What we were, what we are, and what we will be – it’s in transition. It’s changing …. Here’s the reality –
The Church is always in transition. The Church is a living physical and spiritual organism.
God designed and expects His Church to grow, expand, advance - never called to be static. If you’re looking for a church that doesn’t change, doesn’t transform, – you’re looking for a dead church.
In January, we averaged 59 in attendance. Last month we averaged 80. 95 on Labor Day weekend. That’s without any intentionality. So there’s transition taking place. Why? We didn’t orchestrate it, so obviously God is doing something here. And
When God is doing something, His people have a responsibility to go along with what He’s doing and manage it well (i.e. stewardship).
Couple thoughts about transition before we move on. Understand that change is rarely a problem – but transition is. It’s in transition where we find chaos, confusion, bugs to work out, problems to solve, misunderstandings, frustration, we’re being stretched, growing paints, and heading into the unknown, etc. That period of transition can be extremely difficult. Right now, like it or not, intentional or not, KNaz is in transition.
How do we survive transition? Communicate!
Leaders must communicate with the congregation; the congregation must communicate with leaders; everyone must communicate with everyone. This message is about starting the conversation about transition.
Let me assure you,
Our goal is to follow God and not our own preferences.
Our goal is not to cater to a specific generation and neglect another. Rather, we ask all generations to navigate this transition together and do what is best for the continuation of the Church and KNaz.
With that being said, our focus is not organizational growth – I’m not trying to build KNaz. Our focus is not on maintaining status quo, either.
Our focus is not organizational growth. Our focus is on Kingdom growth.
– souls. However, we have a responsibility to manage the organization – again, that’s called stewardship. For example, King David, 2nd king of Israel managed Israel by assigning some to oversee the temple, music, administration, the army …. Jesus assigned disciples to help with the ministry and expand the Kingdom of God. The apostles assigned some to oversee food distribution. Paul assigned overseers and deacons to manage local churches. That’s good stewardship. Or, as someone recently told me, it’s called
“Working the mission.”
God has given this church a mission – meaning we have a collective responsibility to participate in whatever ministry God has given us as a church and as individuals. So the question is,
How do we work the mission? How do we best manage what God has entrusted to us?
Try to keep this short. Sticking with What does a good church look like theme, when we look in the NT, we will discover that a good church has
And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers,
(i.e. pastors or overseers), which Christ has given to the Church. Elsewhere in the NT we also find deacons (ministers) who help oversee. Collectively, these offices have a responsibility to feed the flock, to protect doctrine, and
to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,
to equip (to help become adequate – to empower, to train) the saints (Christians) for the work of ministry (service), for building up the body of Christ …. In other words – the pastors, prophets, evangelists equip the leaders, the leaders equip the people and when we work in tandem … verse
until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,
from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
How do we do this? Several things, but one is this - if we’re going to steward well, if we’re going to work the mission, our focus must shift from what’s best for me, the individual, to what’s best for the Kingdom.
We must shift our focus from what kind of a church I want to what kind of a church God wants.
This is where I believe God is taking us – and believe me, God is stretching me on this. As the pastor/shepherd/teacher, my responsibility is the whole church. But how can one person effectively “pastor” 80, 90, 100 or more people. Can’t. My primary focus (not only) needs to shift from trying to personally pastor everyone to pastoring the ministry leaders. Which means equipping and empowering the church leadership to “pastor” the people within their ministries.
Let me put it this way – if I pour myself into 100 people during the month – I’ll be a mile wide and an inch deep and I guarantee people will fall through the cracks – that’s not good. But if I can pour into and equip 10-20 leaders, and those leaders pour themselves into 10-20 people ….
So, that’s part of the transition we’re in. God is doing a lot in this church – and I believe this shift is how we can best care for, and disciple, and reach the lost. What exactly will this look like? I don’t know, but I’m excited because God is putting people in place to expand His Kingdom.
So, who are the church leaders? Let me introduce to you the Ministry Leadership Team. We have seven current board members – Sylvia, Tim, Tom, John (B&G), TJ (board secretary and NMI), Jordan (church treasurer), Mike (Hospitality Ministry). We have five Ministry leaders – Sarah L and Bruce (EE), Becky M (children), Pastor Mike (Sr. Adult), Pastor Connie Jo (Women’s ministry), and Pastor John K (support groups). Two leaders missing – Music and Youth.
You’ll have a chance to talk with them after service.
What am I asking of you, the church?
Prayerfully navigate this transition.
Communicate constantly.
Be patient with everyone.
Be excited for Jesus.
Be part of the solution.