Worship No Other
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Deut. 5:6-10.
Intro: It is said that, “all sin has I in the middle of it.” “ I” denoting responsibility and culpability. that there is no where to run to, no true finger that can pointed in any direction accept toward yourself. The human self is a master at justifying, down playing, weakening, and disregarding our own sin. we see that very obviously in our own culture today, that sees and bares absolutely no responsibility for our own choices, but passes the buck onto the next fellow in line. “Its because of my upbringing, its because i was born this was, its because the system is against me that i purposely do all of these wicked things.” But the reality is ever sinful choice we make comes straight from us. and the reason it comes straight from us is because we have placed an idol up in our hearts instead of God. For our purposes today, the “I” in sin, stands for idolatry. since that is truly where all sin comes from. We desire to be as god’s, as the devil tempted eve with in the garden. We want to be the master of our fate, we want to be the determiners of write and wrong, we want to develop a system and a god modeled after ourselves, made in our image, not the other way around.
Idolatry is the most prevalent sin in the Bible and the world. from it, all sins come. Romans 1, starts with Idolatry.
We are worshiping creatures, Not worshiping Yahweh, comes with degradation and humiliation
God knows this and tells us what we should do with this desire to worship in Deut. 5:6-10.
Vs 6, There is a Reason
Vs 6, There is a Reason
God’s Goodness to Israel
God’s Goodness to us
he created
he sustains
he saves
Vs 7, No Other God
Vs 7, No Other God
Is this wrong for God to ask?
Vs 8, The Breakdown
Vs 8, The Breakdown
In Heaven
Golden Calf
Ex. 32:4, Calf
Gen. 49:24
misrepresenting God
Pastor Seth in san Diego Christian church Disciples of Christ “We need a world where God’s Love, i made manifest. I love a congregation that God is gay, That God is a lesbian, That God is bi, That God is trans, That god is gender non-binary, That god is black, that god is white, that god is middle eastern and asian, god is differently able, mentally and physically, that god is able bodied. God is you and you are god, because you are in the image of God.”
If you don’t get angry at this
We are His Image
Angels (Messengers, Cherubim, Seriphim)
“Do Not Worship Me” (Rev. 19: 10, 22:8-9)
They want to hurt you, ouji boards
Lev. 20:6
God wants to protect us from that
On Earth
Human worship (Kings, Emperors, presidents)
We should have the same attitude as Peter Acts 10:25-26.
“Humans no more valuable than a cockroach”
Mother Earth
Apple Commercial
Union Theological Seminary “Confession to plants” (2019)
“Today in chapel, we confessed to plants. Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor. What do you confess to the plants in your life?”
1 John 1:9.
He is a Jealous God
qanna - Fiercely protective, unaccepting of disloyalty
Vs 9-10, Cursing and Blessings
Vs 9-10, Cursing and Blessings
Only Worshiping who we were made to will provide peace, satisfaction, and joy