Sunday AM February 4, 2007
Memory Verses
Benevolence Offering
Tithe Offering
Children’s Church
Women’s Retreat
Acts 2:14-36
Opening Prayer
Acts 2:14-36
Okay, they have seen Jesus crucified,
they have seen Him rise again,
they have seen Him ascend to the Right Hand of the Father,
they were obedient and waited for the promise from God,
they received the promise from God,
and now people are saying they are drunks.
God uses Peter.
Peter tells of the words spoken by Joel.
He tells them this is a prophecy being fulfilled.
What is happening now was told of long ago.
They were surrounded by skeptics.
We are still surrounded by skeptics today.
They think we are:
Holy Rollers,
Pew Hoppers
Devil Worshipers
There will always be skeptics in this world.
Unfortunately most are Christians.
Those in the Upper Room received the Promise of God.
They received the Power of God.
That Power of God back then.
It is still the same Power of God, today.
We have the Power of God.
Each person sitting here today has the Power of God.
It is time to start seeking God:
How do we use Your Power?
Where do we use Your Power?
Teach us to use Your Power.
Where You need us to.
The fields are white for the Harvest.
We don’t have time to sit in our comfy chairs.
We don’t have time to sit in our comfort zones.
It is time we get out of our comfy chairs.
It is time we get out of our comfort zones.
The lost is not someone else’s job.
The lost is OUR jobs.
God needs Laborers.
WE are those Laborers.
It is time we start acting like we have the Power of God.
Closing Prayer