The Seven Churches
The Seven Churches
1. Ephesus
A. The Meaning = Desirable
B. The Positive = Hast Patience , hate evil , labor, detection of false teachers ,do not grown weary
C. The Negative = Hast Left thy first love
D. The first Church Age (30-110 A.D.). 80 years
2. Smyrna
A. The Meaning = Myrrh the perfumed used in anointing the dead .
B. The Positive = the Church in Suffering
C. The Negative = None
D. The second Church age (110-315 AD) 205 years
3. Pergamos
A. The Meaning = is tower and Marriage
B. The Positive = their Faith and not denying His name
C. The Negative = the doctrine of Balaam lose their separation
D. The Third Church Age (315-500) 185 years
4. Thyatira
A. The meaning , never tiring of sacrifice
B. The Positive = Charity and service , Faith and Patience
C. The Negative= because you let Jezebel to introduced Baal worship and continue their worship of idols
D. The Fourth Church Age (500-1500) 1000 years
5. Sardis
A. The meaning , escaping ones , remnant
B. The Positive = none
C. The Negative = dead works , imperfect works
D. The Fifth Church Age(1500-1750) 250 years
6. Philadelphia
A. The meaning , brotherly love .
B. The Positive = The church of the open door
C. The Negative = none
D. The Sixth church (1750-1910) 160 years
A. the meaning , peoples rights
B. the positive = none
C. the Negative = lukewarm , wretched , miserable , poor , blind , naked
D. The Seventh Church Age.(1910-to the Rapture) 101