Getting Through Life's Ups and Downs
What do we know?
For Whom?
Everybody likes the first part of 8:28, where all things work together for the good of those who love God. Most people, though, ignore the second part—which is even more important. God is working in our lives for our good, but not so that we’ll live on Easy Street. Rather, he works for our good according to his purpose.
He wants to make us clones of Christ, people who mirror Christ’s character and conduct. Sure, he wants to give us “all things,” but we can only receive them if we are conformed to Christ.
Those who love God.
If believers are not loving God and progressively being “conformed to the image of” Christ, they will not see things working together for good.
Tribulation and distress and persecution and famine and nakedness and peril and sword all work together for the good of those who love God.
So the rugged hope of the believer is not that we will escape distress or peril or hunger or slaughter, but that Almighty God will make every one of our agonies an instrument of his mercy to do us good.