A Spiritually Split Personality

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Hebrews 4:12
“For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
In the medical world, a split
personality is called a dissociative
identity disorder or D.I.D. People with
D.I.D have two or more distinct
personalities. The thoughts, actions
and behaviors of each personality may
be completely different. We call it a
split personality. It’s the presence of
two or more identities that
continually have power over a
person’s behavior.
Now, I’m not a psychiatrist, and I
haven’t studied medicine, so I have no
desire to diagnose anyone who
struggles with this very real and
perplexing disorder. But I know that
we are all born with a split personality
of sorts. This type of disorder can’t be
found in a medical journal, even
though it has already been diagnosed
and prescribed a cure.
Think about it. We are all born with a
sin nature. That’s one identity that
comes with us at birth.
But we also have the capacity to do
good. We all have the same
opportunity to become what
God desires for us. Still, it’s a struggle.
Listen to what Apostle Paul said about
this struggle within his own body. He
said, Romans 7:19 TLB“When I want to do good, I don’t; and when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway.”
One thing is certain. Good people do
bad things. James said the only way to
avoid this is to “Submit yourselves therefore unto God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”(James 4:7) Paul
said something similar. He said he had
to bring his body into subjection to the
Will of God. Listen to 1 Corinthians 9:26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: 
27  But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 
It’s clear from the testimony of James
and Paul that we are all fighting a war
between our carnal and spiritual
nature. But listen. Outcome is
determined by input. Garbage in…
garbage out. If you want your car to
move, you fill it with gas. You wouldn’t
fill your tank with water and expect to
get anywhere. Likewise, if you want
your life to head in the right direction,
you need to feed it from the right
source…the source for good, not the
source for evil.
Our source for good is the Word of
God. Let’s look through the words of
Paul in Hebrews 4:12 at how the Word
impacts us.
Paul says…the Word is Quick.
The word quick here doesn’t mean
fast…it means living. Acts 10:42 says
that Christ is the Judge between the
quick and the dead…in other words,
the living and the dead.
Paul is saying that the Word is alive. It
is as alive as God Himself who uttered
it. It is a living, breathing bestseller
filled with the character and the Will of
God. You can’t read it without it
impacting your life because it is alive
with the sound doctrine of salvation.
You’ve heard it said that our
constitution is a “living, breathing
document”. By living and breathing,
they mean the Constitution was
written as a ‘dynamic’ or flexible
document, so it can change with the
times. If there are mistakes in it, they
can be corrected simply by redefining
the role of government. But God’s
living, breathing Word is different. It
has no need to be flexible, because
God never has and never will make
any mistakes. His Word was perfect “in
the beginning” and it’s still perfect…
because He is perfect.
Jesus warns us not to change a single
word or definition of His Father’s
living, breathing masterpiece. Jesus says: Matthew 5:18  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 
The jot and the tittle were small marks
added to Hebrew letters to change
their emphasis and meaning. They
were similar in appearance to our
comma and exclamation point, but
with far greater impact. It sounds like
Jesus is saying , ‘Don’t you dare mess
with my Father’s Word, if you know
what’s good for you!’ Or maybe He’s
saying, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’
God’s Word is not just paper and ink. It
is a living reality. His Word remains the
same yesterday, today, and forever.
And His living Word will continue to
breathe on us for all eternity.
Then Paul says...the Word is Powerful.
This means that the Word is operative
and effective in its purpose. It’s not
dormant and inactive, no matter how
long you leave it on your coffee table
and let it collect dust. The Word is
God’s energizing promise that “though [a man is] dead, yet shall he live.” (John 11:26).
When you read a novel by any other
author, it’s nothing more than
entertainment. You don’t run out and
act like the characters in the book. But
when you read God’s Word, it touches
your heart and compels you to BE
better…and to DO better Or be worst
by remaining the same. God’s Word
becomes a part of you. Even if you
reject what you read, it will still impact
you, because His Word is a living
power over you. If God can’t be a song
in your heart, He will be a thorn in
your side.
God’s word is so powerful that it can
nourish the spirit of every believer
with exactly what he needs to become,
and to REMAIN a child of God. By its
sheer power, the Word turns believers
into overcomers. Paul said in 2
Corinthians 4:8 - 9 “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed…”. And that’s all because of the POWER of the Word.
Finally, Paul says…the Word is Sharper than a two-edged sword.
This means it cuts. It can penetrate
and cut out what needs to be
eradicated with the precision of a
masterful surgeon. It is so precise that
it can separate the soul and spirit from
your very bone. And it can do it
without causing a wound because
Christ was already wounded for our
transgressions. He was bruised for our
His scalp was wounded with a crown thorns.
His back was scourged with a bony whip.
His hands and feet were wounded with nails. His side was wounded by a Roman spear.
Paul says God’s Word can penetrate
the marrow, the deepest part of your
bone structure and detect every sin
that eats at your spirit. It’s cleansing
power is unlike any other. With the
utmost precision, the Word can
“cleanse [us] from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit” (2 Corinthians 7:1)*
Nothing hides from the Word’s scalpel… A greedy spirit. A proud look.
A vulgar tongue. A sinful desire.
A foolish decision. A jealous stare.
An offensive remark. A dirty joke.
A wicked imagination.
An impure thought. A filthy habit.
A quick temper. A rebellious attitude.
A hardened heart.
Maybe you’re one of those people who
thinks you are too far gone to be any
good. You’re wrong! Even though
God’s established law says you are
guilty, here’s the good news from Galatians 3:13“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse FOR us.
None of us are worse than the other.
“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”(Romans 3:23).
If you think you are ugly from the
inside out, I’ve got good news for you.
Christ can make you beautiful.
Sin may have made you greedy, but
Christ can make you generous.
Sin may have made you hateful, but
Christ can make you loving.
Sin may have made you corrupt, but
Christ can make you pure.
Sin may have made you selfish, but
Christ can make you sacrificial.
Sin may have made you fearful, but
Christ can give you peace!
You can’t avoid the Word. It is quick,
and powerful, and sharper than a two-
edged sword. The Word of God wants
to take your split personality and give
it a single-minded purpose…to accept
Christ and reject sin. There is no other
source of help. There is no other way
out of sin. There is no other method to
get the job done. No other formula will
work. No other remedy will do. Only
Christ can put that song in your heart
that you so desperately desire…a song
that will let the world see you, not as a
split personality, but as one who…
Responds to the Word of God.
Trusts in the promises of God.
Yields to the Spirit of God.
Is faithful to the House of God.
Has a relationship with the Son of God,
and fellowship with the Saints of God!
Paul said in verse 11, let us make every
effort to enter into God’s rest.
What is the secret of entering into
this rest? The Word of God. Hebrews
4:12 is the answer to every spiritual
condition; if we allow the Word to
judge us and expose our hearts, then
we will not fail to inherit the blessing.
Warren W. Wiersbe
The conclusion is clear. God acts
through his words, the Word is “alive
and active” (Heb 4:12), and therefore
the way to have God dynamically
active in our lives is through the
Bible. To understand the Scripture is
not simply to get information about
God. If attended to with trust and
faith, the Bible is the way to actually
hear God speaking and also to meet
God himself.
Timothy Keller
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