Hebrews Life Group Lesson
Opening Question
Lay Out the Differences between Milk and Solid Food
The series of analogies in 5:11–14 were well known in Greco-Roman writings and may be listed as follows (cf. Attridge 162): infants // immature Christians; milk // basic Christian doctrine; adults // mature Christians; solid food // harder instruction (the author’s teaching on the Melchizedekian priesthood). Lane (1:137), however, notes the importance of recognizing the irony in this section. The author is not suggesting a progression from milk to solid food, but rather is calling attention to the seriousness of the audience’s failure to pay attention (cf. 2:1–4; 3:7–19; 4:12–13). The irony is evident when the author resumes discussion of Melchizedek in 7:1–10.
Common Misconceptions of Hebrews 6:1-12
The exhortation to move on to spiritual maturity precedes one of the most difficult passages in the NT. It is important, therefore, to underscore the pastoral concern and care in 5:11–6:3. The author assumes that the audience has been grounded in Christian basics and is accountable for their immaturity. The strong warning (6:4–8) is followed by the author’s assurances about the audience (6:9–12) and the eventual resumption of the difficult teaching about Melchizedek (7:1–10).