I Can't But I WIll Part 2 - Yom Kippur
Recap of last week
Grandma Mayberry and Her Dumplings
We need to know where we came from
Jesus is a fulfillment…not an abolishment
But I’m not jewish
Introducing Yom Kippur
A day of fasting, self-denial, and rest on the tenth day of the seventh month (Tishri) on which the sanctuary is cleansed of impurities and the Israelites’ sins are sent away on the scapegoat.
The most serious day of the year
The parallel in the present
1. Atonement required a humbled high priest
My salvation started with a humbled high priest
Oh! my soul, adore thy Jesus, who when he made atonement, humbled himself and wrapped around him a garb of thine inferior clay. Oh! angels, ye can understand what were the glories that he laid aside. Oh! thrones, and principalities, and powers, ye can tell what was the diadem with which he dispensed, and what, the robes he laid aside to wrap himself in earthly garbs. But, men, ye can scarce tell how glorious is your High Priest now, and ye can scarce tell how glorious he was before. But oh! adore him, for on that day it was the simple clean linen of his own body, of his own humanity, in which he made atonement for your sins.
2. Atonement required a spotless high priest.
3. Atonement required a persistent high priest.
More than a years penance
Sin has always had a cost
A serious day turned celebratory
In this year there was a proclamation of liberty to Israelites who had become enslaved for debt, and a restoration of land to families who had been compelled to sell it out of economic need in the previous 50 years.