1. Rest
2. Response
3. Resources
Jesus suggested that the disciples themselves feed the people, because He wanted them to realize their inability to do so. The word you is emphatic in the Greek text. Having admitted their inability, Jesus’ ability would make a greater impression on them. It would teach them that He was different from them. The disciples’ response shows that they had not yet learned to look to Jesus for all their needs. Instead of asking Him to provide what the people needed, they calculated the cost of the food and concluded that they could not afford to pay for it. Two hundred denarii was the equivalent of an entire year’s wages for a day laborer
The barley loaves in view were small and flat (cf. John 6:9). One person could eat several of them in one meal. The two fish (Gr. opsaria) were probably salted and dried, and were commonly eaten, bones and all, with bread as a relish.