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Spiritual Disciplines   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Understanding Spiritual Disciplines

1 Timothy 4:7–8 ESV
Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
American Christianity is lacking the understanding of the Spiritual Disciplines.
Most deem them as religious/legalistic not freeing and life giving, not understanding their nature.
But something that will bring you closer to God and more like Jesus is not “religious” but pure and true religion.
We can be prone to think because something is hard than God would not call us to do it but this is exactly what He has called us to because though the Spiritual Disciplines we find Him deeply.
The Disciplines I am talking about is those found in Scripture: Reading of Scripture, Prayer, Worship, Evangelism, Serving, Fasting, Stewardship, Silence and Solitude, Journaling, and other that are listed.
What most including me in the past but am learning/staring to learn that these disciplines are the means to which our closeness with God grows.
Rather train yourself for godliness
These training tools are ways that we grow in Godliness.
These S.D. are given to us in the scriptures not something we come up with.
If an angel told you I have a way you can grow closer with God you would listen an do them
These are the tools God gave us to grow closer to Him and we must us His tools not our own
People may say “Well I do not need to read my Bible I find God on the golf course.” Or “ Prayer works for you but I have hunting.”
There is no doubt that hunting and fishing are gifts from God but do we know better than God on how to draw near to him.
Many who say this say this because they really have no want or desire to pray or read the scriptures.
But they have no desire because they do not realize what waits at the end of the disciplines
It is closeness with God.
2. S.D. are the means and not the end. The end is godliness.
Some many people make such a ruckus about reading your bible, going to church, and praying but never explain why.
You should do these things?
Because you should do them?
The reason you should do these things as a Christian is because you want to be close to God and be like Him right?
Well these are the means to doing that.
God givens us in scripture the road map for the Christian to experience His presence and be conformed to His image and that is through the S.D.
You want to know him deeper than this is how.
Kid struggling to learn the guitar…discipline without direction.
Many feel this way with the spiritual disciplines
But the purpose to grow closer to God and to be more like Him
God promises to meet us as we walk with Him.
We can not ask him to walk with us if we are not willing to walk with Him
these are ways of walking with Him.
God is gracious to give us very practical ways of coming near Him
They are call disciplines because many times they feel like work or something we don’t feel like doing it but the end result is always worth it
Many people discipline their self to do great things,Then many of these same people will give up quickly if they find that the Spiritual Disciplines don’t come easily, as though becoming like Jesus would not take much effort.
We are not merely to wait for godliness; we are to pursue it
The most important aspect of the S.D. is the purpose in mind.
If you read your Bible all day long etc but your purpose is not to grow near to God and be conformed to his image than you have wasted your time
It has become a todo list to mark off
It is a dead religious act
But if the purpose is to grow in Godliness this is to be praised becasue this is exactly what the command of our text calls for.
Train yourself for Godliness
Dont just train
Dont Just read or pray
Read and pray for with the intent to grow in Godliness
Dont do it becasue your told to do it becasue you want to see God and be like Him.
There will be fruit in it but you must discipline yourself to be constant in the pursuit
Never forget that the S.D. are not the ends but the means. The end is Gods presence manifesting in our life.
Discipline is not a bad word it is one God has commanded us to have in our life to him.
If brings freedom.
On the flip side there is a danger in neglecting the S.D.
May not be a believer if you have no drive to do any of them
You will miss our and end up not have to fruit of the spirit
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