Lesson 9
Our Lord introduces Himself to this church as “ ‘the Amen’ ” (3:14b). The word transliterated Amen (AMĒN) is the Hebrew word for truth and refers to that which is fixed, unchangeable, and trustworthy. The phrase “ ‘the faithful and true witness’ ” (3:14c) simply explains the title Amen. More than seventy times in the gospels Jesus uses the word truly, or “verily,” (AMĒN). One of the most important times is in John 3:3. Write it below:
Jesus is also “ ‘the beginning of God’s creation’ ” (Rev. 3:14c). This means He is the “Origin” or “Source” of creation. In his gospel, John tells us the Word [Jesus] … was in the beginning with God (Jn 1:1–2, explanation added). Then, what does John write in verse 3?
As with the other churches, Jesus says, “ ‘I know your works’ ” (3:15a). He then usually has words of praise. However, our Lord has nothing good to say about the church at Laodicea. Therefore, what does He say in 3:15b?
Therefore, Jesus says he wishes they were “ ‘either cold or hot’ ” (3:15c). Because they are lukewarm, what does our Lord say to them (3:16c)?
Our Lord gives us a description of their nauseating self-righteousness: “ ‘For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing’ ” (3:17a–b). The self-righteous Laodiceans thought since they were rich, they didn’t need anything, not even the righteousness found only in Christ (Rom. 10:3). However, how does Jesus describe them (3:17c)?
Jesus exhorts them to buy from Him gold refined by fire. Spiritually, they only have “fool’s gold,” but His gold is genuine because it has been refined by fire. It represents genuine salvation that has been proven genuine through testing (1 Pet. 1:7). If they accept Jesus’ offer, what does He promise (3:18b–c)?
Christ tells the Laodiceans that He has salve to put on their eyes so they can see their spiritual condition (3:18d). In the Bible, blindness often represents being blind to spiritual truth and one’s spiritual condition. The reason lost people can’t understand spiritual truth or see their true spiritual condition is found in 2 Corinthians 4:4a. What is it?
Many people who attend church every Sunday are like the Laodiceans because they are not true believers. Therefore, every churchgoer needs to obey what command in 2 Corinthians 13:5a?