CCR 1-year Anniversary
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1-Year! Wow!
I remember back when it was 1 year until we launched! We didn’t even know where we were going!
But now, look at where the Lord has us!
Let’s do this, raise your hand if you were here on our opening Sunday and were not from those who came with us from Columbia?
I look around and see so many faces from the last year.
I spent sometime sitting down and thinking about all that has happened since we have been here.
When I think about this last year, I think about:
113 people at Serve Saturday at this school
9614 flyers in the mail
3 Men’s retreats
3 Women’s retreats
30 new members
6 salvations
5 baptisms
7 children dedicated to the Lord
32 people in Connect Groups each week
And now, 8 people in D-groups
5 other men sharing God’s Word with you
25 students at a tailgate talk
When I think about this past year, I think about:
Breakfasts, lunches and dinners and potlucks
Bonfires and taking our boots off in the freezing air
A cow sneaking up behind Payton
Jennifer coming in a suit of armor
Zombie stew
Whatever that great meal was that Chuck made for Candace and I
I think about Sunday afternoons on the Kevin’s back porch
My family’s driveway being replaced by the generosity of the church family
I think about text messages every Thursday to ask how I’m doing or if I need prayer.
I think about the sweetest hugs from Logan Hill every Sunday morning!
When I think about the last year, I think about:
I think about praying over: prodigal children.
Lost jobs and job interviews.
Hospitals and doctors appointments.
Lost loved ones
1 new baby and one on the way!
I think about brake pads, lost keys, flat tires, hacked bank accounts, and bush hogs.
I think about sitting on by the front door of this school with Margie and praying for enemy to have no sway or influence over this school.
I think about praying over dark corners of this school.
I think about breakthroughs in:
people walking back into a building that caused suffering, lost and pain.
I think about the identity of this school being changed from a place of tragedy to the house of the living God
Addictions falling away becoming a thing of the past.
I think about a marriage that was close to failing and redemption was found.
I think about a growing freedom in worship and the name of JESUS being glorified in this building and in our lives!
I think about the heart of Jesus being gentle and approachable.
The servant and sympathetic heart of Christ. Who sympathizes with our weaknesses.
I think about the heart of the Father being full of mercy and grace, abounding in steadfast love for me.
I think about destroying the division between sacred and the secular in my life.
I think about doing all that you can to think about God and applying faith.
I think about servicing of praying as individuals, over each other, and over the school.
I think about people on their knees in these hallways going to war against the strongholds of the enemy.
I think about us breaking bread together at the Lord’s Supper table.
I think about Advent season, the first 4 chapters of Revelations and the ascension of Jesus.
I think about:
Thousands of dollars raised and given to local ministries
Food distributions in the rain, cold and beautiful mornings.
High Chairs
Car seats
Baby wipes
Backpacks with food for the weekend
Krispy Kreme Donuts
Kids in foster care getting free clothes and essential needs
Meals for teachers and Social Workers in Pulaski
When I think about the first year, I think about the dedication and hard work of people like:
Jennifer White
Sharon Meade
Caleb Holtz
Colton Kinnamon
Colin Adams
Bryson Hill
How I can’t beat Anthony Nader to this church
Jeff and Todd who hung these sound panels
I think about my amazing wife, who has been my greatest supporter, friend, prayer partner and encourager.
I think about all of those who have served in the Kid’s ministry,
Security Team,
those who used to show up at 7:30 with a trailer so that we can unload it,
I think about all the greeters and all the coffee that has been made.
I think about the incredibly talented and gifts people who have led us in worship.
I think about all the new volunteers that have stepped up to serve this church every week!
So, many people have come together and served without complaint to make this happen!
As I think about this past year, there so much to be thankful for and praise the Lord for!!
Can we just say thank you to the Lord for all of these things??
For your glory Jesus!
Only Jesus can take the credit for all that He has done in and through this church in the first year. He is the head of this church!
Listing all of these points are not bragging points but praise points! God has lead us to do and see incredible things this year! And I think that that deserves a shout of praise and thanksgiving!
I think about all of this and can’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude, feeling really loved, and really really appreciating being your pastor.
I haven’t always done the right things. I say some really weird things up here sometimes. I have made mistakes and could do somethings better. I could have handled so situations better or been more proactive.
But you have all been so gracious, loving, and kind to me and my family. I can’t thank you enough for coming here and helping build a new family of believers.
Yall, we have only just begun to see what the Lord wants to do in this church, through this church and in our community! And we are not backing off the gas petal.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Let us remember, that our goal is not to grow or even to reach. Our goal is to seek the Lord with all of our heart! To seek the face our God and to glorify His name with ever word of our mouths and action we take!
We are to be seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. All of the other things will be added to us!
My prayer is that we would be a people known for passionately pursuing God!
That people would see our church and say “Those people love Jesus!”
The Lord wants us to be known as a people that love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, and with all of our souls and with all of our minds.
A people who love our neighbors as ourselves.
A people that are here for the welfare of the people of our community.
A people dedicated to rebuilding the spiritual walls around the community that God has assembled us in.
Remember, the Lord has challenged us with the 3,2,1 challenge.
3 new aquantances
2 meals (one with church member and one with someone who is not)
1 gospel conversation
Remember that the Lord has called us to go into the community this year and search out those who need Jesus so that you can connect them with Him!
We are not called to be a build it and they will come church but a going, sending, gathering church!
There are thousands of people in this community that need Jesus and how will they hear unless someone tells them?!
I believe that if we are a people that are fixed on seeking to know the Lord, surrendered to the Holy Spirit, and living sacrificial lives, we will see the Lord take the praise points from the morning and multiply them!
And we are a giving church. I thank God that you are a giving people. And I’m not just talking about tithing. I talking about special offerings and of your time.
I think its fitting to who we are, that this morning we set aside some time to pray for and take up this special offering for Richland Elementary School’s backpack program.
They have a great school over there and great people.
There are 103 students taking these backpacks home every Friday and the food has been cut in half compared to what we were able to give them last year.
This is our community and these are children that need food in our community! This is what we are here for! And I can’t wait for the Lord to bless this offering and multiple that money to last them through the year!
I asked our church Elder, Jim Yancey to come pray over the next year and this offering.