In Our Storm 9.24.23
Where He Meets Us
In Our Storm
En nuestra tormenta
September 24, 2023
How do you handle storms?
¿Cómo manejas las tormentas?
I have a friend whose mother used to get them up as kids whenever severe storms would come at night and make them bathe and get dressed in case they died they would look presentable.
Recently, a tornado warning in our area was sounded and in the chaos of getting the Vorse family into a safe room, Pastor Dustin's daughter was heard to say "Has anyone considered praying?"
When we consider storms, we must accept that storms can come in many forms and at the strangest of times...
* The ringing of the phone in the middle of the night and the announcement that someone in your family has passed, was injured, or has been taken to the hospital makes that a storm!
* The message from your doctor that you need to come back for a follow up to your recent scan because there is something unusual makes for a storm.
* The announcement of your spouse that they want a divorce is a storm.
* The layoff or loss of a job can be a storm
Anything that shakes up our normal...that unsettles the calm of our typical world can be a storm that threatens to take us out!
The management of storms is not a group activity because nobody understand your storms like you do.
Our personal storms define us
Nuestras tormentas personales nos definen
-they shape the way we feel about God, how we feel about faith, storms can break us and cause us to give up our hope!
But they don't have are some principles found in Scripture that can help us prepare for our own storms...
Remember Whose In the Boat With You
(Mark 4:35)... He said to them, Let us cross over to the other side.
Recuerda quién está en el barco contigo
(Marcos 4:35)... Les dijo: Pasemos a la otra parte.
* Loneliness is a powerful emotion.
* Research suggests that loneliness increases stress and increases the risk of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and sleep problems.
* We were made for relationship and when we feel disconnected, we are out of our element.
* What is happening to these disciples is they are in the midst of a crisis and they feel disconnected from any source of help.
* No matter what you are facing matter how bad it thing is certain--YOU ARE NOT ALONE...he is not sending you into the fierce winds by yourself.
(Hebrews 13:5-6)
For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we may boldly say: The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?
(Hebreos 13:5-6)
Porque Él mismo ha dicho: Nunca te dejaré ni te desampararé. Por eso podemos decir con valentía: El Señor es mi ayudador; No temeré. ¿Qué puede hacerme el hombre?
Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus
He's the only one who cares and understands
Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him
And you'll know Him by the nail prints in his hands.
* When the storm is fierce ...
o (these were seasoned sailors and they are afraid)
o they forgot who was already in the boat with them.
* Our tendency is to panic (We will talk about panic next week)
o Jesus asked, Why are you so afraid?
You have a testimony of faithful Jesus
Remember the Greatness of Our God
(v.41)... "Who is this man?" they asked each other. "Even the wind and waves obey him!"
Recuerda la Grandeza de Nuestro Dios
(v.41)... "¿Quién es este hombre?" se preguntaron unos a otros. "¡Hasta el viento y las olas le obedecen!"
* Do we realize how GREAT God truly is?
* Our God is so GREAT that He knows where you are, who you are and what the future is for you.
* The God who created the wind and waves can make them stop.
* He said "Silence..."
o Was this for the disciples and those who were calling for him?
o Or was it a direct command to the elements of nature?
* He said "Be still"
o the moment Jesus spoke the words "Suddenly, the wind stopped and there was a great calm" (v39)
o There was what? ...CALM!
* How big is the God you serve?
o The prayers of the Old Testament
* To the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
* I know who you are...
* I know what you do...
* I need you to show up in my life
What is your storm today?
Where are the winds and waves crashing in on you?
He manages the storms-ask Him?
God, I'm a sinner
I'm sorry for my sins
I believe Jesus died for my sins
I believe Jesus will forgive my sins
I choose Jesus
Dios, soy un pecador
Lo siento por mis pecados
Creo que Jesús murió por mis pecados.
Creo que Jesús perdonará mis pecados.
elijo a jesus