Acts 1:8
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Context + read Acts 1:8
Our mission has a local, regional, and global dimension.
Local — campus, regional — other campuses (next week), global — every people group (week after)
How the Fuel and the Flame shifted my perspective — reaching a whole campus
Not enough for every UA student. Our heart should be for every student, every campus, every nation.
There are people who are lost and dead in sin on campus.
Might sound harsh but we believe it
At least 30K lost surely
Do you really believe people are lost? The Gospel can save?
Those same people will never understand the legitimacy of the resurrection and its impact on their life and eternity until someone tells them.
How many times I’ve heard “Yeah, I guess that makes a lot of sense.”
Don’t take for granted that you understand what Jesus did for you.
Romans 10:14
It’s not all on us—it’s God’s mission and he’s using many other people too, but there are people in each of our lives that we’re in a better position to reach than any other ministry or church (which is a privilege, not a burden)
You have power to fulfill God’s purposes for your life.
1 Peter 2:9 — You were saved to be sent.
As long as you hold onto eternal life for yourself, you’ll never know abundant life.
“God couldn’t use me to do that.” Where do you think that voice comes from? Certainly not from Scripture. (Moses, Gideon, etc.)
Like Jonah — God is going to make his name known and offer mercy to all peoples. We can eagerly jump in or we can resist that and miss out on joy.
Expand your vision.
This is not a hangout for 40 folks who have nothing better to do. This is part of God’s pursuit of lost people he loves and a sending point to the nations.
Reach can be like Crossings (baptized 25 a year past 4 years), Salt Co. (campus ministry grew to 200/became new church, planted 29 churches in less than 15 years), Acts STL (same size group, but 5 planning to become missionaries)
This is why we do Spring Training
Pray, invite, share like Jesus is alive.
God can do mighty things. He already has been! In my mind, it’s as good as done. The question is whether we’ll let him use us.