Speculation on the Two Witnesses' Identities

1. They are literal people, but their identity cannot be definitely decided [LD, Wal]. The fact that their work is described in such detail argues that they were historical people [LD]. These two are prophets whom God will raise up after the rapture from among those who turn to Christ then
The Church fathers attribute this statement to a book entitled the Assumption of Moses, but no such tradition is attested in any surviving Jewish legend concerning the death of Moses
3. They are literal people: Enoch and Elijah, who had been translated to heaven without having died
4. They are symbolic of the Church [BNTC, NIC, NIGTC, NTC, Sw, TNTC]. They symbolize the Church as being royal and priestly in keeping with the symbolism in 11:4 [NTC]. Although modeled after Moses and Elijah [NIC], they symbolize the Church as a witnessing church [NIC, NIGTC, Sw]. They symbolize part of the church since in chapter one there were seven lampstands, here there are only two [TNTC]. They are the Christian martyrs [BNTC, NIC] who will supply sufficient evidence (two witnesses) against the Church’s opposition [BNTC].