Jacob Goes to Egypt

Genesis   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Tonight we tackle chapter 46 in our study of Genesis… and we continue the story of Joseph and his brothers.
Last week, we talked about Joseph’s big reveal.
He revealed his identity to his brothers and they were… terrified! Their brother, they first tried to kill then sold him into slavery and then lied to dad about his death… WAS ALIVE!!!
But Joseph QUICKLY cleared the air… he reassured his brothers that:
One, he wasn’t holding a grudge
Two, he didn’t blame his brothers for what happened but gave God glory
Three, God used this situation to save lives… not take them.
So the brothers are sent home to get their father, and Pharoah sends carts to assist in the move. And when they reach their father… his first reaction is disbelief.
Genesis 45:25–28 NIV
25 So they went up out of Egypt and came to their father Jacob in the land of Canaan. 26 They told him, “Joseph is still alive! In fact, he is ruler of all Egypt.” Jacob was stunned; he did not believe them. 27 But when they told him everything Joseph had said to them, and when he saw the carts Joseph had sent to carry him back, the spirit of their father Jacob revived. 28 And Israel said, “I’m convinced! My son Joseph is still alive. I will go and see him before I die.”
The spirit of their father… was REVIVED.
Something to remember: BEFORE Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers… they had shifted from bearing guilt to being responsible for their past actions.
Judah spoke up… and offered himself in place of Benjamin as a slave.
The situation had turned around.
Now… Jacob’s heart was being revived! What was it being revived from? GRIEF. And… I offer this: Not just at the grief of losing a son… but I believe there is more to it.
Do you remember how Jacob and Joseph’s conversation went prior to his disappearance?
Genesis 37:10–11 NIV
10 When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?” 11 His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.
Scripture tells us that the brothers were jealous… and dad kept this matter in his mind.
Jacob then sends Joseph to the fields with the brothers and then never sees him again.
This is not exactly how any father desires to leave anything with their children. They don’t get a chance to rehash or revisit the matter… but Jacob kept the matter in his mind.
Would’ve, should’ve, could’ve moments are moments we would like to have back.
And in this situation, Jacob will have the opportunity to see his son again… the son he thought to be dead for all these years.
What kind of emotions might he bee feeling in this “revived” state?
Excitement? Joy? A little anxious? Or maybe even… a bit fearful.
Jacob is wrestling with how to feel in this moment. How do we know this? From the first few verses that open Genesis 46. This whole story is coming full circle… and God is in the middle of it… just as He was at the beginning of it.

God Gives Reassurance.

I'm sure we have all been there… in a moment when we needed a bit of reassurance. Jacob stops to honor the Lord, and the Lord begins to speak to his heart.
Genesis 46:1–4 NIV
1 So Israel set out with all that was his, and when he reached Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 2 And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, “Jacob! Jacob!” “Here I am,” he replied. 3 “I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. 4 I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes.”
God begins to calm Jacob’s nerves.
Think about it...
He is leaving the land he knows… in the middle of a famine… to live in a land he doesn’t know.
He is going to see his son… he thought was dead… but is actually alive.
He is going to a place… that he doesn’t really know how to get to (Genesis 46:28 “28 Now Jacob sent Judah ahead of him to Joseph to get directions to Goshen. When they arrived in the region of Goshen,”)
All that Jacob needed to remember was… God IS God. And God was going to be with him through this process.
Jacob is walking through a pretty massive season change. He is experiencing a new location, and a new reality. Things all around him were shifting and changing… but God doesn’t change.
God remains the same. God continues to walk with us and guide us.
I would suggest that for Jacob, this was a GOOD change of seasons! But such changes can still be stressful and sometimes fearful. We may not know what is coming on the horizon.
But I have to believe that Jacob feared… his family and legacy would die in Egypt. Why do I believe this?
Because of God’s words to him in Genesis 4. God promises to bring them back to the land He promised them.
Maybe Jacob felt… that as Joseph’s dream was coming true, God was closing the door on the promise He had given him. But that was not the case.
This was God’s plan… God’s timing… and God giving the reassurance.
God settles Jacob’s heart regarding the move. And then… He does something else through Joseph to preserve His people.

God Sets the People Apart.

How does He do this? In a really remarkable way!
Once they arrive, Joseph gives some… odd instruction.
Genesis 46:31–34 NIV
31 Then Joseph said to his brothers and to his father’s household, “I will go up and speak to Pharaoh and will say to him, ‘My brothers and my father’s household, who were living in the land of Canaan, have come to me. 32 The men are shepherds; they tend livestock, and they have brought along their flocks and herds and everything they own.’ 33 When Pharaoh calls you in and asks, ‘What is your occupation?’ 34 you should answer, ‘Your servants have tended livestock from our boyhood on, just as our fathers did.’ Then you will be allowed to settle in the region of Goshen, for all shepherds are detestable to the Egyptians.”
Whoa wait just one second? Joseph… did you bring us here just to throw us out with the other “detestable” people of the region? Why would we want to reside with the rejects?
This move had NOTHING to do with their status among the people… it had EVERYTHING to do with keeping the people separated from the influence of Egypt.
Egypt didn’t worship like these guys did. God knows this… and so does Joseph.
This is a move to keep the people from being influenced by a culture that would lead them away from the Lord.
The people of God could do their thing without expecting disruption from the Egyptians!
So this got me to thinking… Sometimes God might lead us to go in a direction or settle in a place that is… not at the top of the list.
Sometimes God brings us to a place to protect us… to guard us… or to keep us away from the influence of the world.
This all depends on several factors in the moment… but maybe God is leading you to something you feel… is beneath you.
A location, a career, a calling, a relationship, a conversation, etc. IF God is leading you… follow His Lead.
What the world might label as detestable… might just be God’s deliverance for you!
After all, the world rejects the name of Jesus… but Jesus is the only name that crushes the power of sin!


The family is united but the story continues on. And as we close tonight I want to quickly reflect on the two points.
One, If you are shifting seasons… and feeling a bit anxious or overwhelmed… seek the Lord for His reassurance.
Stay in step with His plan for your life.
Two, if the Lord is leading you to what the world might label as detestable… obey His command as He may be leading you to deliverance.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Our world doesn’t believe that… but it doesn’t make it less true.
Our world has messed up definitions and labels… choose to trust God and His guidance. When we trust in Him, He will make our paths straight.
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