Next Level Praise (2)

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The Testimony That Overcomes!
Revelation 12:11 And THEY overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their Testimony!
Who does “THEY” refer to in this passage of Scripture? It refers to the “REMNANT” of Believers who live on the earth!
Who and What do the remnant overcome? The remnant overcomes “that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world . . . the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God, day and night!
The “whole world” has been “deceived” by the Devil, but the “remnant” understands the Power of the Blood and the Power of their Testimony!
God is raising up a remnant of Believers on the earth, it’s almost like a church within the church. The remnant will not be deceived or shaken by the Devil and his assaults against them!
The remnant understands the gates of hell comes against them, but they will not prevail! Why? Because we are overcomes by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony!
The remnant understands and embraces the truths of Psalm 128:1 How BLESSED is everyone who fears the Lord, who walk in His ways! Behold, for thus shall the man be BLESSED who fears the Lord!
What does it mean to be blessed? To bless means to impart supernatural favor into, or onto People, Places or Things! When someone or something is blessed, it means the Presence, Power, Provision and Protection of God is part of your daily life experiences!
Point of Emphasis: Every Believer is blessed, but not every Believer understands the three types or testimonies of blessing.
Some Believers have their EGYPTIAN testimony: The land of NOT ENOUGH! Many are still in Egypt spiritually, physically and or financially! Not enough, joy, peace, provision, healing or deliverance!
Some Believers have their WILDERNESS testimony: The land of JUST ENOUGH! The blood has been put on the doorposts, protection from the enemy has been experienced, daily needs are met, and these Believers become satisfied with JUST ENOUGH!
Some Believers have their PROMISED LAND testimony: The land of MORE THAN ENOUGH! Most people are too passive about their promise of MORE THAN ENOUGH!
The testimony of Not Enough and or Just Enough can become our false identity, and our way of living, but it is not the testimony of the overcoming remnant!
The overcoming remnant has not been deceived by the Devil but has come to embrace the Power of the Blood and the Power of their Testimony!
What is the testimony that overcomes?
Psalm 128:1 How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walk in His ways! Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord!
If you have asked me how I am doing, you have probably heard me say, “I am blessed!” I’m not trying to be flippant, arrogant, or come across conceited in any way.
Neither am I trying to imply that I don’t have any problems, pain or negative circumstances in my life! I’m simply choosing to declare the truth that God says is true about me!
I can’t afford to have a single thought in my mind and heart that God does not have about me! Every day, I choose to declare the truth that I am blessed, God’s supernatural favor, His Presence, Power, Provision and Protection is in me and on my life!
As a result, I am too blessed to be stressed because regardless of my circumstances, I KNOW that:
A. My SIN has been PUNISHED!
Psalm 32:1 How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!
The person who should be stressed today is the person whose sin has not been punished and forgiven by God through the finished work of Jesus Christ!
All of us have done things we wish we had not done, but just because you have done sinful things, foolish things, regrettable things does not mean that you can or should try to punish yourself for those things. Listen to what God says about your sin being punished and forgiven:
1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit!
Since Jesus has already been punished for your sin, why are you still allowing the spirit of guilt, shame and or condemnation to punish you for something that has already been punished?
Some of you can’t walk into your destiny because you are stuck in your history!
You can continue trying to punish yourself if you choose to do so but it will never do any good and it will keep you from enjoying the blessings of God.
2 Cor 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him
When you became the righteousness of God, it means that you came out of a wrong standing with God, and you came into a right standing or relationship with God.
This means that God is satisfied with the punishment that has been given to your sin, and you are now free to enjoy the blessings and privileges of being God’s son or daughter!
I am too blessed to be stressed because:
B. My SPIRIT has been made ALIVE!
Eph 2:1 And you were dead in your trespasses and sins . . .
Eph 2:5 even when we were dead in our transgressions, He made us alive together with Christ!
I am too blessed to be stressed because:
Romans 8:15 . . . but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, Abba! Father!
I was born as a spiritual orphan. I did not have a Father and because I did not have a Father I did not have an Identity, and because I did not have an Identity I also did not have a Purpose and because I did not have a Purpose I did not have a Destiny, but praise the Lord, Hallelujah, on October 21, 1980 God adopted me into His family and began treating me as His Son!
But you know, because I did not know that my sin had already been punished enough by God, and because I did not know all that it means for my spirit to be alive, I did not enjoy all the benefits of being adopted into God’s family by grace through faith!
I believe there are some of you today that need to receive the spirit of adoption and allow your spirit to cry out Abba! Father! I believe that you need to stop trying to be God’s son or daughter and start believing you are God’s son or daughter! Notice what God says about it:
Eph 1:5 He predestined us to adoption and sons and daughters through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will!
The reason you were born is because God chose to love you before the foundation of the world. That is what your Bible means when it says “He predestined you to adoption”! Yes, He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, but the truth is that God so loved YOU that He was willing to punish Jesus with your sin so that He could BLESS you with His righteousness (right standing).
Some of you are Too Stressed To Be Blessed today because you have not allowed God in His great love and grace to confirm your adoption with Him yet!
This is what the Bible calls being SEALED with the Holy Spirit of Promise. Listen to how the Apostle Paul describes it in Ephesians 1:13 In Him, you also, AFTER listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation (sin being punished, spirit coming alive), YOU were SEALED in Him with the Holy Spirit of Promise . . .
I am too blessed to be stressed because:
D. A. My ACCESS has been GRANTED!
Eph 2:18 For through Christ we both have access in one Spirit to the Father
Here is where we are able to distinguish those who are Too Blessed To Be Stressed from those who are Too Stressed to Be Blessed.
A person who is too stressed to be blessed is a person who does not realize they can bring all their problems or all of their pain directly to Abba, Father! For through Christ, we both (Jews and Gentiles), have ACCESS in one Spirit to the Father!
I am talking to some people today who are living in stressful situations and in order to cope with your stress you would rather go to a doctor that you don’t know, to write you a prescription you can’t read, and give it to a pharmacist that you can see to give you a pill that you need to swallow so that it will relieve your stress!
How about this, instead of taking your stress to your doctor, why don’t you take your stress to your Abba, Father? Some of you will not do that because you think He will punish your sin, some of you will not do it because you don’t realize that your spirit is alive and your adoption is ready to be confirmed! So today, Jesus says, You will Know the Truth and the Truth you know and believe will set you free!
Let’s be judgment day honest today, o.k.? Are you Too Blessed To Be Stressed or Too Stressed To Be Blessed?
If you are Too Stressed to be Blessed, are you willing to renounce the spirit of unbelief, the lying spirit, the spirit of fear and all other deceiving spirits, and accept the truth about you?
God says, your sins have been punished, your spirit is alive, your adoption is confirmed, and your access is granted, so will you allow your spirit to connect with God’s Spirit tonight?
Eph 2:6 . . . and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ!
E. My HOME is being PREPARED!
John 14:2 In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you!
John 14:3 If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am you may be also!
What is the testimony that overcomes? I Am Too Blessed To Be Stressed!
What is your testimony today? Do you have the testimony of Not Enough, Just Enough or More than Enough?
God is preparing you to become part of the Believing Remnant, but you will need to overcome the world (Egyptian thinking), the flesh (Wilderness thinking) and the deception of the Devil (demonic thinking)?
We overcome through the Blood of the Lamb and through the Word of our Testimony! So, what is your testimony today?
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