The One Who Searches
Letters To the Churches-Revelation 2 & # • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 26:00
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Ephesus-Cold othordoxy; Smyrna-Suffering under persecution; Pergamum-Cheap grace
Ephesus-Cold othordoxy; Smyrna-Suffering under persecution; Pergamum-Cheap grace
These are rough synopsis of where we have been. Craig Keener in his commentary, NIV Application Commentary, summarizes this way, “Ephesians Christians were tempted by rigidity and lovelessness, Smyrnean Christians by persecution, Pergamum’s Christians by persecution and prophets of compromise...”
The pressure to compromise is strong.
The pressure to compromise is strong.
As it was in the first days of the church so to it can be in our day. Each and every generation of believers must understand how strong the culture will press us to “fit in”.
The pressure to compromise may be subtle.
The pressure to compromise may be subtle.
Though it is strong it is not maybe as overt as it was back then. This we must be careful to truly think through Biblically each and every day. But I admit this is extremely hard.
We must know Scripture.
We must know Scripture.
This is the antidote to many things in life but one we do not always invest in, myself included.
Thyatira faced compromise from economic pressures.
Thyatira faced compromise from economic pressures.
The city, as were many in the ancient days and similar to Pergamum, had guilds one felt “forced” to be part of in order to survive as a business owner. These guilds had a “god/deity” who was in “charge” of them.
The question asked, “can I get away with this”?
The question asked, “can I get away with this”?
Some may have been asking, or as the case of the individual named Jezebel may have encouraged, no one will really know or see so it is okay. A little bit here and a little bit there won’t matter because Jesus loves me.
Jesus sees & knows all.
Jesus sees & knows all.
The imagery of Jesus reminds us he will see all. The eyes of blazing fire are to comfort but also to convict.
The church continues to press on.
The church continues to press on.
This is not a church that gives up easy. It is doing more than when they first thought possible.
Jesus searches and always finds.
Jesus searches and always finds.
This warning answer the question we posed earlier. Though no one else may know Jesus does.
Jesus asks we keep going.
Jesus asks we keep going.
I know for many I work with we continually state, one day at a time. Let’s be honest sometimes it is one hour at a time. See the heart of Jesus; he will not require anything else in times of hardship.