Living Without Regret- Parable of the Talents

All I Needed I learned in Sunday School  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Good morning!
We are in a Sermon Series on the Parables.. entitled.. All I needed, I learned in Sunday School.
This morning we are looking at the Parable of the Talents
we going be talking about “living without regrets…
If you been alive along enough — high probabiliy that you have some regrets…
I was reading that Bill Gates said that he regretted creating (Control/Alt delete key) On the computer.. When a PC froze up.. - the Control Alt delete keys.. resets your computer…he..wished it was just one button… to do that one function.
Robert Ebeling was the engineer with NASA WHEN the the Challenger exploded on it's Launch in 1986 — he had a feeling something was wrong the evening before
and regretted not canceling the launch…
Regret is.. to feel sorrow or remorse..
It can be regret over things that have been said or things were not said —or thing done or left undone..
It can be both a action or inactions..
The parable of the talents is part of a larger portion of scripture known as the Olivet Discourse
It is well known passage where
Jesus is teaching a large crowd on the side of Mt of Olives.. that overlooked the the the city of Jerusalem —
Jesus talks about the last days and the things to come the end of age.... It deals with time between his first and second coming..
The parable of the Talents about being a good steward of all that God has has given us..and living without regret..
T/s How do we live without Regrets? first..

1. Choose to live in space of Blessings!

The word blessing speaks of the goodness and the favor …
In the Hebrew the word “barak” - is a verb that mean to bless -
Barak is often in the form of prayers and benedictions..
Prayers that invoke God’s favor… Like In Numbers 6.24 - there is this Highly prayer of priestly of blessing.
The Lord bless you and keep you - make his face shine upon you and give you peace
There is something powerful about blessing --
There is this beautiful Irish blessing that says..
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Author unknown, Irish blessing
Speaking blessing is important.
We should all look for opportunities where we can bless other with our word..— ‘
Especially over our families. our spouses, our children, and extended families.
We should speak over our church ---ministries
… blessing over our leaders..
Another form of blessing is the noun.. Baraka..
“Which speaks of being blessed… (state of blessing)
blessing Goes back to Abrahamic blessing where God said to Abram that through his seed all nations of the earth would be blessed…
in the NT JESUS fulfills this promise..…Christ is the ultimate reversal of the fall in the garden and through his plan of the salvstion brought about blessing.. Favor.. Paul tells in Eph 2 that it my Gods Riches…or by his grace..unmerited favor we have been saved.
Ephesians 2:5–6 ESV
even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
Through Christ we immense blessing.
What find in the Parable of the Talents is what it looks like to live in this space of Blessing…
How to live in his kingdom now…
Jesus tell us that the Master goes on this long journey and entrusts his servants with all of His resources..
let read our text....
Matthew 25:14–18 ESV
14 “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. 17 So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.
Jesus is talking about his absence—this period — between His first coming and second coming ..
He says this period is like a master that takes a long journey...
and During his absence he intrusts his possession to his servants..
He gives them Talents according to their abilities.
He gives to one servant 5 talents, to another 2, and the last servant 1 talent.
Now a talent are not an amount in dollars — a talent is a weight-- It was about 66.6 Pounds.. (basically the same weigh as a a recliner)
Talents were valuable because they were measured in precious metals…like gold, silver or bronze....and represented a considerable amount of value
— it is estimsted that.
1 talent was equal to fifteen years of labor -
2 - talents represented 30 years
5 talents represent - 75 years…
Here is the thing..
Jesus often used hyperbole or exaggeration to make a point.. A couple weeks ago we saw ths The unforgiving servant.. Was forgiven 100 talents.. Billions..but held on to his debt of just a few hundred dollars…
This what Jesus does in parables he makes contrasts..
What Jesus saying in the parable of the talents is that...
God has given each one of us something of value to manage… it is not just money…
It could our be knowledge, health, strength, time, intellect, advantages, opportunities,
“various responsibilities”Like our jobs or vocations
we have the gift of our families, our spouse, children, friends)
The master had chosen these 3 servants out of all the servants and he gave to each exactly what they could handle…according to their abilities…or ableness.
Jesus teaches us what it looks like to steward his blessing..
The two faithful sevsnts
a. Viewed life as Series of Blessings -
If we are going to live from the place of blessing —We have to recognizing that everything that we have is a gift or grace from God.
James wrote to the churches scattered through out Rome .. going through difficulties and persecution.. he reminds them to hang on their faith.. He reminds them God gives good gifts
James 1:17 ESV
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
It is important— to connect the dots and see the sequence of Blessings.. Even more so in the difficult seasons…
The two faithful servants connected..the dots.. They recognized favor..
1. The master had chosen them.. Out of all the servants in his house the master the worth worthy of His riches.
2.The two servants were given Freedom -
Jesus didnt tie them down with binding instructions and conditions…
He did not mico manage them…he gave them freedom…because he wanted them to use their initiative
The were trusted....
. He chose them because he could place his confidence in them and he went on his journey...
We don't put anyone in charge of our stuff when we are absent…
The master saw in each servant the potential to multiply the gift and do good with what was given.
— The two servant responded with Enthusiasm towards the masters generosity ..
they did not waste any time.. "Immediately" -- Looked for an opportunities and invested their talents-
We are told doubled their investments…
God gives us blessings to be a blessing… not to consume on ourselves..
These two servants expanded.. what they had been given…
..IN contrast..
the servant with the one talent viewed life through a different set of lenses — He..saw his as
b. a Series of Burdens
Is it interesting..that we can eithER string together all of God blessings or we can string together all of the burdens of life..
Instead of seeing blessings of
being found worthy,
having freedom
and being trusted..
This servant saw the responsibility of life as a burden..
The servant who took his one talent... and Immediately dug a hole... AND HE Hid the masters money...--
Here is the problem.. He
- Did not considering all that God had given him.
And he lost out on the rewards...
If only we could see what blessings we forfeit when we bury our talent.
the servant lost the joy of seeing that one talent grow.. And multiply.. Bless his family.. His friends… his neighbors… and the world...
— We learn that it is important take is easy to see life as a series of burdens..
Often we phrase things - With we have too..
WE HAVE TO GO TO THIS .. we have to go to our kids game.. Or we have to go to church… or we have to go to some family deal.. (it's a burden) blessing…frames it as an opportunity..
We get to do something… We get to go and be with our extended family.. We get to worship God.. It changes everything..
T/s How do we live without Regrets?
Choose to live in the space blessings.

2. Choose Live is the Space of Growth!

... When our kids played sports — there were parents — that took it so seriously you would think their children were trying out for for the MBA - NFL -
but the reality is that percentage of kids that profession sports is really low..the department of Eduction released this statistic..
only 0.02 to 0.03 percent of high school players end up playing in the NBA or NBA.
Think about that number.
That means out of 10,000 high school players, only one or two will ever get the chance to play professional basketball!
It so easy to get focus on the wrong things..
Matthew 25 makes clear that It is not the amount of the talent but our attitude towards our gifts..… we each have various gifts at different capacities.. Jesus is saying don't look at others make a difference with the gift you have been given.
Some people are born with certain natural gifts.. I could spend my whole life throwing basket ball and I never be a Michael Jordan…Lebron James.
Matthew 25:19–23 ESV
19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. 20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ 21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.’ 23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
After some time the master returns to settle accounts.
We told that the servant who had received five talents - He doubled the investment -- gained 5 more talents....the servant with 2 talents had gained 2 more..
The talents represented an opportunity...challenge to grow...
They Took their unique talent they had been given and they invested it..
They invested because they were both motivated by the Masters return
Often we living our lives for the approval others... Whether our parents.. or someone else… We are looking for approval — We either want impress or not disappoint someone..
Jesus teaches in the parable we are to be focused on the master words when he returns.... We are to long for his approval…
There are three rewards mentioned..
First when the master returns he gives praise-filled approval:
Well done, good and faithful servant.”
There is something about words of encouragement and affirmation...
Kent Hughes - talks about a time in his life and ministry where he felt he had this Huge stone on his back.. He wanted to be free and want to fly...
He wanted to implement strategic ways to implement ways to the gospel to my city and the world, but he struggled to move forward even two steps.
He struggled with Discouragement… He then had one person encouragement to give him Hope… Encouragement goes along way..
Encouragement is oxygen of the soul.
God gift to us his encouragement — we can go to him —
He is the God of all encoragement.. Paul sid
2 Corinthians 1:3–4 (ESV)
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
The second reward…is more responsibility.. ‘You have been faithful with a little… I WILL GIVE YOU is counterintuitive
Responsibility is a reward.. the two servants grew in their ability to manage more… They used their gift and it was increased..
THE last reward is to enter into the the Joy of the Master..
This is the reward of knowing that there so more than now —Where ever the the Lord is there is going be joy… there isnjoh now and there is joy that last forever..
- Enter the joy of the master..
Once again Jesus makes a contrast.. the three servants..
b. The Man with One Talent also Anticipates master return…but is for a different reason…that is to return the one talent..
now what is is interesting is that he immediately starts ,
making excuses.
He has a good excuses..
Matthew 25:24–25 ESV
He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’
The servant with the One talent... immediately goes on the defensive… and he makes excuses..
He said he knew that his master worked hard for his money… He reaped in fields that he did not sow… (everything he touched turned to gold) -
I couldn’t ever be as successful as the Master..… How could I look after your wealth..
He said "I was afraid" — so I hid the talent..
That was his excuse…
Jesus confront him… Because this man lost out on so many blessings
--- He never understood the blessing of the Stewardship.. ...
Every responsibility is opportunity to Grow…
--- Our work is an opportunity to grow.
--- Our children is an Opportunity to Grow.
--- Our church and service in the church is opportunity to Grow...
How Many times have we not done something because of the fear of failure…Fear can keep us back from experiencing greater opportunities?
Instead of Growing — He preserved the Gift… He buried the gift --- so that there was no chance of Growth..
It is possible that the one-talent man thought that his one talent was not really very important. He did not have five talents, or even two. Why worry about one?
Most of the world is run by One talented people… those who just use what they have been given..
T/s How do we live without Regrets?
Choose to live in the space blessings.
2. Choose Live is the Space of Growth!

3. Choose to Live in the space of Expectation.

The parable of talents is about living with Expectation and anticipating.. The master is absent but he will be arriving.. Jesus made it clear that we don't know the day of the hour but he will come when we least expect it..
. Jesus says that nobody knows the day the time or hour…
You may have seen the predictions of Jesus coming in September.. they used Rev 12 alignment of the stars… the peace treaty in the UN this week..
It is amazing how people get caught up, in this teaching..
The point of the second coming…is not escapism…it is anticiation..
It is not about checking Out... it is about checking in…
There is clock in a church in Strasburg, Germany, are these words: “One of these hours the Lord is coming.”
This is what Jesus meant in Matt 24-25..
We as believers are to live in the space of expectation.
. Why because when you except something you get prepared.. It is likely that you have something on your calender that you are anticipating.. you know that you have to be prepared.. You have a trip - a family reunion…
The second coming of Christ is not an escape plan… it's an engagement plan in God mission..
When the master returns the servant has nothing but excuses.. And Jesus gets straight to the issue....
Matthew 25:26–27 ESV
But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.
Jesus ways gets to the heart of the issue.…
The Problem was with the servant he had the wrong theology /belief . The man thought that life was about living for himself.... He just had to be a good person..
That was his theology —
That is what he had told himself.. — You tell yourself something long enough - You start to believe it..
Master Confronts the Servant on His Wrong Belief (Bad Theology)
Was you wicked and lazy servant...
The servant was wicked because of his bad stewardship, which the second adjective ὀκνηρέ, “lazy” , “useless,” in v. 30).
Jesus ways gets to the heart of the issue.…
2. Master deals with the pain of Regret.
The question --What if the man with the one talent... came up short? ...
If took his talent (15 years worth of labor) and --put in the market and he lost all the money...
How do you think the master would have responded?
The master would have been proud of the servant for having tried even if he failed .. rather have not even given it a shot...
The least your could have down with your talent is put the money in a bank — let it get accumulate interest..
Here is the good news..
We don’t have to live with regrets..
Repentance is not regret (feeling sorry for the consequences of sin). It is, rather, a “rethinking” (as the Greek term metanoia signifies) that leads to a “turning” from sin (as the Hebrew term shub indicates)
Jay E. Adams
Living without regrets means we Choose to live in the space of God blessings.— Choose to live in the space of Spiritual growth... We choose to live with expectation...
In the early 1900’s William Borden was an heir to the his families wealth..… He could have just relied on that for future… but something else transpired in his life…
When he graduated from High School his parents graduation present was a trip through Asia, the middle East and Europe.. During this time God worked in his heart and he began to feel a calling to go into the mission field…
He wrote in the Back of His Bible the Words “No Reserves.”
William went to Yale University and became a pillar in the Christian Community… at this time he journaled in his diary the words - “Always, say yes to Jesus.”
He started a prayer group his freshman year that mushroomed form 150 students and when he graduated there were more 1300 students in these groups.
When he went on to Graduate from Yale he wrote the words “No Retreats” and he went to Egypt to learn Arabic… within a month he actually came down with spinal menigitis and lost his life and the young age of 25.
In William Bordens Bible were the Words
No Reserves....No Retreat..... No regrets...
The best preparation for the future is to live fully today.
The parable of the talents teaches us that
We are to live every day with anticipation
No reserves.. No retreat and no regret..
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