Sharing in the Ministry of Christ

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Jesus shares his ministry, including the power in which it comes, with his disciples. As believers, Christ in us compels us to continue his ministry to the lost.



There are many passages of Scripture that cause us to have to, on the one hand, understand the context and how it applied originally, and afterwards understand how the text can be pulled from its original context and apply to us today. This is one of those texts. Jesus is not giving all Christians detailed instructions in this text, he is specifically talking to his disciples at a certain point in his ministry. In fact, we could say that the instructions he gives his disciples here are updated in the Great Commission in Matthew 28. If these instructions are so specific to the time and place and people involved, how can we apply it to ourselves? Surely we are not called to only preach to the house of Israel, for example. Let us explore this text and we will see that here the ministry of Christ expands to those he chooses to represent him, just as it does today.

Jesus’ Instruction to the Apostles

Let us first examine the particular instructions Jesus gave to his disciples, here and only here (vs 2) in the Gospel called ‘Apostles’ as he sends them on this mission.

The Details of the Mission

Let us first investigate the details of this mission, and then discern its purpose from this teaching.
These Twelve. It should be noted that we need to keep this passage in its context. This is not the final mission of the apostles, who would later be sent to the whole world rather than just the Jews, nor should we take every detail in this passage and pretend like it applies to us regardless of circumstance. This mission is specifically for the Apostles at this particular period of time.
They are sent out, going on their way without Jesus personally present. Yet, it is clear that the power of God would be with them to preach, heal, bless, and rely on for their basic needs. Though it is not said, surely the Power of the Holy Spirit was present with them to do this ministry, just as he was constantly in Christ to enable his ministry.
This mission was currently to the Jews only, as Jesus’ ministry had been. Although Jesus had ministered and would minister to gentiles, this was the exception at this time. When Jesus was asked for healing by the Canaanite woman later in Matt 15:24 he replied
Matthew 15:24 ESV
He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
However, this begins to show us how the message, which was originally for the Jews who were waiting for their messiah, would also be for the whole world. This is why Paul says in Romans 1:16
Romans 1:16 ESV
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
The Gospel was first meant to go to the Jews to reconcile the people of God to their God before they could be equipped to go into all the world and share the good news. But since the Jews would reject Jesus, the Gospel went through the Apostles to the Gentiles. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, explains in Romans 11:11-12
Romans 11:11–12 ESV
So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather, through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!
God ordained in his sovereignty that through the rejection of the Jews, salvation would come to the Gentiles and then, through the ministry of Christian gentiles, salvation may come again to the Jews. This removes all boasting and gives God alone the glory.
There is cause for humility for us who are not part of the Israelite nation, for we are granted salvation because of their rejection and it should be on our hearts to bring them the Gospel of their Messiah so that we may all be grafted, as the chosen people of God, into Christ.
The message they are to proclaim is that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near. This is the primary prerogative of their ministry, as it was of Jesus.
Mark 1:14–15 ESV
Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
Mark 1:38 ESV
And he said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.”
Their goal was to preach the same thing Jesus had been preaching. The Kingdom of Heaven had come, the King had arrived and was establishing his Throne. This is the message needed for the lost sheep of Israel who are like a flock without a shepherd. They must know that God’s Kingdom has finally come, that they need not be exiles any longer.
The Healing ministry they are called to perform is not the primary goal of their mission, but rather it serves the same function as the miracles of Christ: to give a genuine display of the authority of the coming Kingdom. The point was not to go and heal as many people as possible, but as they go about preaching the good news of the Kingdom, they were to heal the sick, raise the dead, and heal lepers. This was to have the same effect as the miracles of Jesus, a display of the power of the Kingdom of God. Proof that the King had come in all his authority, authority over sickness, demons, and even death. Surprisingly, he gives this authority to the Apostles so that they may carry on his ministry. Again, this will be further expanded at the end of Matthew 28 when they are sent to all the nations to make disciples and spread that Kingdom everywhere they go.
They received freely and are to give freely. What did they receive? The power of the Kingdom working through them. This power is not to be exchanged for money, but is to be freely given, for the Kingdom of God is freely given to all who would enter by faith. When people seek to make money off of ministry, they are misrepresenting the Gospel in a terrible way. They are communicating that there is a price to be paid, just as Simon the Sorcerer sought to buy this power with money, but his gold would perish with him, for the Kingdom of God is not a matter of buying or selling, but of faith in the true God who offers free salvation and entrance into his Kingdom through the free gift of grace given in Jesus Christ.
What are the Apostles to take with them as they go about preaching? Nothing at all. Jesus mentions money of three denominations, first gold, than silver, then bronze, signifying that they should not even bring a penny with them in their money belts, nor should they seek to acquire these things on their travels.
The worthy house. Jesus gives instructions about who they are to stay with on their journey. A worthy person and a worthy house can mean someone who is hospitable and willing to let them stay with them. It can also refer to someone who is open to the message of the Kingdom which that Apostles are tasked with preaching. The blessing they give is a Spirit-inspired blessing that can be taken away if the household proves unworthy, either by being inhospitable or by rejecting the message of the Kingdom, they are to shake off dust as a sign of God’s blessing leaving that place. The same is said of the town that rejects them.
Jesus ends his instruction in our text that the judgement of those who reject the message will be greater than the judgement of the infamous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. There are two things to take away from this.
One, that judgement comes based on the revelation that has been revealed. Those who hear the Gospel and reject it have greater condemnation on their head than those who have never heard. Likewise, those who once obeyed the Gospel but later fall away are under greater condemnation. 2 Peter 2:21
2 Peter 2:21 ESV
For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.
Second, it shows once again the divine authority of Jesus. Only God can bring this kind of judgement, and Christ here assumes the place of God, for God he is, when he declares this judgement upon those unbelieving cities. Jesus has the full authority to judge as well as to save. Faith and obedience to the coming King is necessary to escape God’s judgement.

The Purpose of their Mission

What was the purpose of this mission? And why does it appear here in Jesus’ teaching? This is a long section of the text, we must understand why it is here before we can apply it to ourselves.
Jesus is empowering his followers to do the very things he himself has been doing in his ministry. He is expanding his ministry and the authority of that ministry to include those he has appointed. In other words, to reject the words of the Apostles is to reject the words of Christ himself. They represent Christ, and this continued on through the ministry of the Apostles after the ascension.
This means that Jesus, even from this early point in his ministry, saw his ministry and even his presence in a way, continuing without him being there physically. 2 Cor 5:20
2 Corinthians 5:20 ESV
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
This is exactly what Jesus is calling his disciples to be: ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. What a high calling, and as we will see, this calling extends to all Christians, though not in the same way it did to the Apostles.

Jesus’ Instruction to Us

So if this instruction is not directed at us primarily, but to the disciples living at the precise time in which they were, how should we apply this text to ourselves?
The Great Commission extends to us. This was not always believed by all Christians, but William Carey successfully argued that the Great Commission extends to all Christians. It is our job on this earth to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. You are not an Apostle with an upper case A, but you are a messenger, and that is what the Greek word ‘apostle’ means. You are called to spread the same message that was given to Christ through the Apostles to us today. Your life is a mission for the Kingdom. You are not an apostle, but you carry on the apostolic ministry of proclaiming the Kingdom of God as it has not only come near, but has come with great power and is coming, for the conclusion of this age will show all mankind the full revelation of the Kingdom and the King. As one author said, there is one thing you cannot do in heaven that you can do now, and that is preach the Gospel. Take on the mission of the Kingdom as your own, and devote yourself entirely to it with your whole heart. Seek first this Kingdom, than propagate this Kingdom, and you will surely be blessed with an imperishable inheritance.
Never seek to profit from your mission to spread the Gospel.
Philippians 3:19 ESV
Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.
It is directly opposed to the very mission of the Gospel if we do God’s work for worldly gain. We are then showing that our God does not care for his people. When Jesus says “for the labourer is worthy of his wage” he says that right after telling the disciples not to take any money with them. In short, don’t worry about monetary needs as you do the work of the Kingdom, because God is good at making sure his labourers are well supplied.
There are few things more disgusting than someone who preaches or serves the church to gain worldly goods, whether that be money, prestige, influence, praise, honour, or anything else that man can give them. If they are not pure in their intentions for doing God’s work, they show a lack of faith in the God who provides and they misrepresent the Kingdom of God and her King.
Live a life that shows the Gospel. Charitable deeds are not our main concern, but just as Christ had his disciples heal those they came across, you are called to bring healing and justice wherever you go because those are actions that citizens of the Kingdom of God do.
Be free from the cares of life as you go about this business. Remember that God pays his labourers well. In Biblical times, labourers would be fed for free by their employer as they worked in the fields. Is your God not more generous than a human employer? This does not mean don’t work, for we are commanded to work and he who does not work shall not eat. But what it does mean is that your concern should not be on gathering for yourself financial security in this world, but rather set your focus on what serves the Kingdom. Your employer will supply all your needs if you devote yourself to this work.
When you and your message are rejected, leave it to God to judge them. The Apostles were commanded to shake the dust off their feet as a testimony against those unbelieving cities, leaving judgement to God. Know that it is your place to preach and live out the Gospel, not to bring judgement on the people who disregard or persecute you. Take assurance that the God of Justice will judge all mankind according to their actions and according to their belief or unbelief. Focus on your task, and leave judgement to God. Do not repay in any way the wrongs done to you, but leave room for the wrath of God, for that wrath is truly just. Leave room also for God’s mercy, for you do not know whether the dust you shake off your feet may lead them to consider their awful state and later repent. There is a time to stop sharing the Gospel, don’t throw pearls before pigs as we say a few months ago, but when you have preached the Gospel and are rejected, let it alone. Shake the dust from your feet and move on to other parts of God’s harvest field.
Walk in the assurance that the power of the Spirit of God goes with you. Just as the Spirit went with the Apostles, the power of the Spirit is at work in you.
Ephesians 1:15–19 ESV
For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might
The Spirit of Christ fills every Christian, and that power that is at work within us, verse 20 says, is the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. If it is the same power that raised Christ, how much more will that power work in you to do all that Christ did on his mission to preach the Kingdom of Heaven? There is a great confidence we can have as we live our Christian lives and bear witness to the world of the Kingdom of which we are a part that we do not go alone, nor do we go of our own volition, but the Spirit sends us just as he was sent by the Father and the Son, and goes with us into this world to fulfill the ministry of Christ. You have the Spirit of Christ in you, walk in the confidence of that fact.


Although we are not all specifically called to go about from town to town without any money preaching the Gospel while relying on the hospitality of strangers in the same way these Apostles were at this time, there is much for us to take away from these instructions that God gave to his followers. We are called to represent the Kingdom of God and preach the good news as we go about our lives. We are called to not care about whether we will have the resources to do so, because we have a heavenly Father who provides for us. We are called to show mercy as we go and even pray that God would do a miracle in certain situations. We are filled with the power of Christ through the Holy Spirit that represents his authority and we can have the same confidence that the disciples had as they went about doing to will of Jesus. Today we are to go after the lost sheep, not just of the house of Israel, but of the whole world. The elect from every tribe, tongue, and nation.
But if you are not in Christ, you are still among the lost. You have no power in you to do God’s will and you are counted his enemy. But now, even this moment, God has sent his messengers to you, one of them is standing in this very pulpit, to tell you that the Kingdom of God has come near. Repent, turn away from your sinful life, and place your faith in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins. Get baptized, get into the church, and experience the power of this Kingdom as we wait for its final revelation in the coming of Jesus Christ. Will that coming be your judgement, or your salvation?
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