Too Many Bad Reasons
Words & Works of Jesus • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Bad Decisions
Bad Decisions
Some of the most important questions we will every consider in our lifetime is, Who is Jesus and Who is Jesus to me?
Many of us in the room this morning have settle these questions. Some, maybe haven’t, yet. But, everyone must at some point in their life decide on these questions.
Is He who He claimed to be? Can He do what claimed He could do? Have I done what I need to do in light of my answers to these questions.
If you are looking for reasons not to believe in Jesus, you can come up with many bad ones.
But, if you’re looking for a reason to believe, there is only 1 good one.
As you can imagine, as a pastor, I’ve been told directly or told about a number of the bad reasons why ppl have chosen not to believe in Jesus. It’s as if they believe they have found the one key point, key brick, that if it’s removed, the entire faith collapses. And, they believe on some level they have removed it.
The conspiracy theory of all conspiracies.
Here are a few that I have heard.
On the issue of abortion. How can Xians be so pro-life, anti-abortion, when in the OT priest would induce an abortion. What?
In Numbers 5, if a wife was suspected of having an affair and may have conceived as a result, she could be taken to the priest who would give her a mixture of water and some herb that would induce her and cause her to lose the child. If she did not lose a child, she would be considered innocent of the charge.
What’s going on? First of all, God alone has the right to give life and take life.
It is totally inappropriate and accurate to compare ancient Israelite priests to modern-day abortionists.
Today, less than 4% of all abortions have anything to do w/ rape, incest, or the mother’s life being in danger. The vast majority have something to do the inconvenience of the child. To varying degrees.
A teenage girl w/ her whole life ahead of her and the loser of a boyfriend who did this to her. A career woman who cannot maintain her career and motherhood at the same time. A family who already has 15 kids and cannot afford another.
The historical context of Numbers is, Israel was coming out of Egypt where they were slaves and their lifestyle was rough and barbaric to say the least. God needed to educate them and train them for what a godly lifestyle would be.
He gave them the law. Then warned them of the consequence of disobeying the law. The law referenced in Numbers has to do w/ the sanctity of marriage and the marriage bed. This was not something the Israelites had a high value on coming out of slavery. So, heading into the PL, where God called them to be a holy ppl, set apart for his purposes, he had to re-train them and eradicate bad habits and practices like this from them.
Yes it was serious. But that is how serious God considers the marriage vows. He doesn’t do this any more. But to establish the change in the first place, it took extreme measures.
This is not a good reason to not believe in Jesus.
Noah’s Ark. It’s a major story in the OT. It has numerous tangential issues. Like, does God or man control the climate? Does God judge ppl and send them to Hell for their disbelief and disob? And, does God have a standard for morality, or do ppl determine right and wrong?
And the Ark is a type of Christ. There was 1 door, one way in. Noah and his family were saved by their faith. They bel’d in God and bel’d a flood was coming so they worked to build the Ark. Their work didn’t save them, their faith did. BTW, it had never rained prior to the flood. The climate and environment were entirely different before the flood as compared to how the climate works now.
Disprove Noah’s Ark, and disprove some key points in the foundation to a belief in God. Maybe, it was just a myth, a story ppl told to encourage a moral lifestyle.
When I was in Seminary, Paul Meier came to speak at one of our chapel services. Paul Meier is an MD, psychiatrist. He also earned a degree from Dallas Seminary in biblical studies. He, along w/ Frank Minerth, established the Minerth/Meier counseling centers around the country. The first was in Dallas. There was also one in PHX.
Paul Meier told the story of being the doctor on an expedition to find the petrified remains of Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat. His firsthand account.
The ppl that control the mountain range do not allow any groups to hike in to record anything up there. They are Muslim and they have no interest in any Jewish or Xian group finding evidence that supports their religion.
They interviewed a young, USAF airman, who flew reconnaissance missions out of Turkey and into what was the USSR. The planes take off and immediately begin taking pictures of the ground, eventually finding Russian troop movements.
They explained to this airman what they were looking for, a picture of Noah’s Ark. He told them they many pictures of it. Meet him here, at this place and time and he’d bring them one.
They showed up. No airman. They looked him up on the base. He said, “I don’t know you or what you’re talking about.” The pictures are classified.
The USAF, most powerful military in the world, has pictures of the petrified remains of Noah’s Ark, a man-made hull of a boat, sitting at 16K feet on a mountain, but cannot release them b/c they are classified.
Believing you have disproved the story of Noah’ Ark is a not a good reason to not believe in Jesus.
Slavery. Why doesn’t the bible come right out and speak against slavery?
Well, it does. We just studied one of the passage Wed night in our BS.
I read an article by an Atheist historian. No belief in God whatsoever. But, he admitted those who do believe in God have had a profound effect on culture over the centuries.
He said, the c.1 culture was barbaric. The treatment of women, children, and slaves was horrendous by today’s standards. They were objects to be treated as the men in authority wished. Rape, incest, torture, were regularly accepted practices and encouraged to establish control and authority in the household and community.
He went on to say, by asking this question, how did we get from there to here? He admitted Xianity had a lot to do w/ it. Husbands, love your wife the way Jesus loves the church. Don’t provoke your children. Treat your slaves as brothers, w/ respect. This changed society worldwide wherever Jesus had an impact.
So, for Paul to write this:
Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
He went to teach ppl how to treat one-another. Radical teaching in how to treat ppl.
So, to say a societal and cultural anathema like slavery disproves the bible about loving one-another is a bad reason to not believe in Jesus.
If you’re looking for reasons not to believe in Jesus, you will find many bad ones. But if you are looking for a reason to believe in Jesus, then there is 1 good one. It’s true.
There is more historical evidence for the bible than Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, and Homer combined. If you studied these men, read their writings, read about what they did and believe it; then you have more sound reasons to believe in Jesus, what He said, and what He did.
There have been many cases of bad reasons not to believe brought out throughout history. This morning we are going to see 2 more. They are written about in Mt. 13 and 14; Mark 6; and Lk. 9. We are looking at the Mt passage this morning.
First, let me set the context. Not just where we’ve been, but where we are going in the next few weeks as Matthew laid it out. Context matters. Not just past, but future. I’ll give more explanation in the weeks to come. But, for now, here is the lay of the land where we are going.
You know Jesus was rejected by the Jewish leadership. He was not what they expected for a Messiah. They wanted a Messiah they could control, a Santa Claus, One who affirmed their behavior even if it wasn’t what God commanded of them.
Jesus wasn’t so they would not believe in Him.
Since they wasn’t what they expected, they had a choice to make. Change Messiahs or change expectations. Another bad reason not to believe in Jesus.
Passage today.
From here Jesus is going to feed 5000 Jews. More like 15,000. He is the bread of Life and He’s going to give them what they need.
In the midst of all the rejection, Jesus is still compassionate and provide ppl what they need.
He will walk on water.
If you bel in Jesus, and are all in w/ Jesus, He will call you out of your boat. If you’re all in w/ Jesus, then you’ll end up all out of your comfort zone.
A Canaanite woman will tell Jesus that even the dogs get to eat the crumbs the children cast off the table. Gentiles we considered dogs by the Jews who were the children of God. So, even a crumb of Jesus is enough to save you even if you’re not Jewish.
Next He fed 4000 Gentiles, more like 14,000. Again, compassion to provide what ppl need even when He’s being cast off and rejected. But He is the bread of Life for anyone who accepts Him.
Then He got Peter to accurately ID Him. He is the Messiah. The Jews have rejected Him. But he has proven to anyone who is open and paying attention that He is the One who is the Son of God, the Lamb of God who came to save sinners by faith.
So, in the midst of all this compassionate care and provision by Jesus, Peter believing and being called out of his boat; many are rejecting Jesus for their own bad reasons.
Here are two more.
Too Familiar
Too Familiar
When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” And they took offense at him.
But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.”
And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.
Remember, Jesus started teaching by using parables once the Jewish leadership rejected Him. A different method to teach a different way of life during this age while waiting for the kingdom in the age to come.
Jesus went back to the synagogue in Capernaum, his home town. Like all other Sabbath Saturdays, he taught there as one of the rabbis. As always, the ppl were amazed.
Remember, amazement does not save you, faith does.
Why were they amazed? Wasn’t this Joseph’s boy? Isn’t he trained as a carpenter? He didn’t go to rabbi school. He hasn’t been trained in the law and prophets.
He’s Mary’s son. His brothers and sisters, we know them. We watched Him grow up.
Sure, He was a unique kid. Kind of odd in his approach to spiritual things. Smart as whip. Socially, a little awkward maybe. But, maybe the other kids couldn’t relate to a kid w/ a Messiah complex.
The heard his amazing teaching. They saw his powerful miracles. But they also watched him grow up. They knew his background. They were very familiar w/ the entire family.
How could He claim to be God’s son when we know that He is Joseph’s son?
Not doubt they heard Mary & Joseph’s conception and birth story. But is that more believable than what their own eyes saw?
HIs appearance. Where did all this come from? God, maybe. No. Joseph and his carpentry shop.
They believed His appearance proved his impotence. But His omnipotence was proved when He demonstrated He was capable beyond His appearance.
They had a choice to make. Believe what they saw as He grew up. Or believe what they saw of Him as a man who taught amazingly and performed powerfully.
They chose the side of the little boy and missed the Man who is their Messiah.
They could not believe in Jesus b/c He was too familiar. So, He stopped doing what He could do in that town. They didn’t believe, no faith, so He moved on.
Next, Matthew wrote about another bad reason not to believe, when he wrote about what happened to John the Baptist. This is also a story about rejecting Jesus even though it’s specifically about the death of JB.
Pride is an ugly thing. And if anything blinds us to the truth, the truth that hurts sometimes, it’s our pride that will not allow us to consider that we may be wrong and in need of a change of direction.
Too Proud
Too Proud
At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus, and he said to his attendants, “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”
Now Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, for John had been saying to him: “It is not lawful for you to have her.” Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, because they considered John a prophet.
On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for the guests and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.” The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request be granted and had John beheaded in the prison. His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother. John’s disciples came and took his body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus.
It is amazing the lengths ppl will go to, to avoid facing the truth when they are wrong.
First, a little history of the Herods.
Herod the Great was in power when Jesus was born. He is the Herod the Magi visited and ordered the killing of all the baby boys in the region in hopes of eliminating Jesus as his competition to the throne.
As if he was competition for Jesus.
Herod the tetrarch, is also knows as Herod Antipas, is Herod the Great’s son. Nothing short of a miracle he survived to inherit the throne as his father executed several of his wives, sons, and daughters b/c he falsely assumed they were plotting his overthrow.
This Herod, Herod Antipas is the Herod who oversaw the trial of Jesus at his crux. Father Herod at Jesus’ birth. This Herod in power at Jesus’ death.
Roman royalty. Roman government and powerful on the world’s stage.
Herod Antipas married Emir of Arabia as a young man. It was an arranged marriage for political and military power and alignment. It joined the Romans w/ the Arabians.
Herod’s brother Philip was married to Herodias. Herodias was also Herod’s niece, daughter of another brother.
Philip and Herodias were wealthy. But Herodias wanted more. She wanted to be queen. And, Philip was not king, Herod was. So, she schemed and seduced Herod to become his wife.
She divorced Philip and Herod divorced Emir. Herodias threatened to kill Emir so she ran home to her father, King Aretas, for safety.
There was no good reason nor grounds for either divorce or for her to threaten Emir w/ her life. She was greedy, immoral, egotistical, and evil.
Herod gave in. He gave into her advances and gave into her scheme to become queen in place of Emir. Herod was more interested in building buildings and leaving a legacy of architecture than any spiritual or religious affiliation.
John the Baptist did not hesitate calling them out for their arrogant and immoral behavior. He was a powerful preacher, a courageous prophet of God, who called out sin wherever he saw it and called the people to repent. Admit their wrong, own it, apologize for it, and stop it.
John was influential among the ppl. A grassroots preacher, did not come up thru the typical rabbinical education. Clearly spoke the word of God and challenged the leadership. The common folk loved him for it.
Herod was afraid of John. At first, not b/c of any connection w/ God, but b/c the ppl listened to him and were a threat to rebel. He was afraid of his influence over the ppl.
Herodias didn’t like the message. How dare he call them out for their immoral divorce, death threats, and incestuous relationship between an uncle and niece.
Conviction is an ugly thing b/c sin is even uglier. It hurts. No one in that position would want to face the guilt of their actions. And God determines right and wrong, not ppl. It is not up to majority vote. God hard-wired our consciences to know right from wrong and it takes some powerful compartmentalization to avoid the guilt.
So, Herod had him thrown in jail. Avoidance was his policy when dealing w/ his own sin. Out of sight, out of mind. No more guilt. Well, that could be pointed out by any crazy preacher.
Something inside Herod, though irreligious, eventually he was also afraid of John and his connection to God. He kept him alive. Those watching would not have understood. Herod killed ppl for much less. Still, something he must have felt or known caused him to protect John at least a little bit. He did not want to face any consequence for taking the life of this preacher.
But then, on his birthday, he threw a lavish party. His step-daughter, Herodias’ daughter w/ Philip, probably 12 or 13 years old, danced for the partiers. He had invited all his most powerful and influential allies. Military, governmental, and civic leaders from around the area.
Salome danced a very provocative dance. Sexual beyond her young years. But, that was nothing for this culture. The leaders, lit from whatever they were drinking, affirmed and encouraged more from her.
The reaction of the ppl was overwhelmingly positive. And Herod could see he had impressed his colleagues w/ her performance.
So, in a very public and overt way to continue to impress, he offered Salome anything she wanted, up to half his kingdom, he would deliver whatever she asked for.
She had little idea what to ask for. She consulted w/ her mother. Herodias took advantage of the opportunity to rid her life of a thorn who had caused her to face her guilt too often and too deeply.
Herod had no option. He would have looked weak in front of his men if he had not followed thru w/ his offer. As afraid he might have been of John, he was more afraid of his wife and losing face w/ his men.
So, he delivered on his promise. It was a foolish vow. He was under the influence of whatever he was drinking. He was afraid. And fear is a sure sign of a lack of faith.
Later, reflecting back on the events, this irreligious man came to believe that Jesus was the resurrected JB who came back to haunt him for his immorality and evil.
He too saw the miraculous power of Jesus and was amazed by his teaching. He knew the 2 were connected in their ministry. Though, he mistakenly thought JB was the greater of the two.
It was his ego that led him to this conclusion believing God would have used His best to haunt him. While JB was a great man, he was nothing compared to Jesus. Jesus is the One. JB was one who who pointed ppl to the One.
He was deeply grieved at the time. And as a consequence to the entire sorry episode w/ Herodias, it led to his downfall.
Some years later, Emir’s father king Aretas invaded and conquered Herod taking his kingdom from him.
Jesus, having been rejected by Jews and his close friends in his hometown, now has been rejected by Roman Royalty. All in power and authority rejected Him as the One God sent to save us from our sins.
So, here’s another bad reason to not believe in Jesus. He will make you face what you do wrong. You will feel guilt. But, at the same time, He has given us a way to deal w/ our guilt so it goes away.
But, that requires belief, faith.
Of all the bad reasons to not believe, he’s too familiar and he makes me feel too guilty are two of the worst.
Jesus is familiar. He makes it possible to be the friend of God. It’s simple. It’s easy. Once we come to faith and come to know Him, then the work begins to get to know Him better.
But it is easy find faith. And some might believe too easy.
So, between being familiar and making us feel guilty, but benefiting from both, the most powerful and best reason to believe is the story of Jesus is true.
He is the One. His teaching is amazing. His miracles are powerful. And, it’s all true.
He is who said He is and can do what He said He could do.
Don’t let your pride get in your way and prevent you from believing and receiving from Jesus all that He offers.
Don’t be. Be loving. Be gracious. Be kind.
Let the message be the most offensive part of you.
JB spoke the message clearly. He did not need to offend. Though there were those offended by his teaching.
When we speak to ppl about Jesus, don’t be offensive. Be loving. The message is offensive enough when ppl realize they are on the wrong side of Jesus.
Let the message offend. Not you.
In the midst of all the rejection and opposition Jesus was able to be compassionate and provide what ppl needed.
When you are in difficult situations, you can still be gracious and compassionate, too.
In fact, helping others can help you dig out of your hole.
Always be compassionate even when you are in a tough spot.
Nothing is more blinding than pride.
It can keep you from seeing the truth about what you need to see.
Stay humble. Think of yourself less.
Believe that you’re not perfect and God is in the process of helping you grow thru your imperfections.
Always be open to what you need to see about yourself and let God help you change them.
Of all the bad reasons to not believe, he’s too familiar and he makes me feel too guilty are two of the worst.
Jesus is familiar. He makes it possible to be the friend of God. It’s simple. It’s easy. Once we come to faith and come to know Him, then the work begins to get to know Him better.
But it is easy find faith. And some might believe too easy.
If you’re looking for reasons not to believe in Jesus, you will find many bad ones. But if you are looking for a reason to believe in Jesus, then there is 1 good one. It’s true.
There is more historical evidence for the bible than Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, and Homer combined. If you studied these men, read their writings, read about what they did and believe it; then you have more sound reasons to believe in Jesus, what He said, and what He did.