Romans 12
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God’s Discipline
God’s Discipline
Many believe that Salvation only deals with getting to Heaven and not Hell
Salvation covers Here as well as here after
Be saved
Disciples of Lord Jesus Christ
Why are believers weak and restless today
ignored the life of discipline the Lord Jesus Christ demands
God sets forth these demands
As we study chapter 12 the goal is come to appreciate anew the discipline of the Lord Jesus Christ and experience His Word.
Christianity Is Christ
Christianity Is Christ
Romans 12:1
Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.
Christianity is a person,
The Lord Jesus Christ
Christianity is a life
His Life lived in those who have trusted Him as Savior and Lord
Life has to be lived in this world.
its practical
concerns 24 hours a day
every hour and every minute is to be lived for him.
living a life dependent on Him living in us.
This life comes through the redemption of our Loving Father.
Provided by dying on the Cross for us
When Paul uses the word Therefore it has a purpose
Here it s a hinge to the previous truths and is more important than most.
Needed to tie the ethical truths of a holy living that have been studied in the preceding chapters to close the epistle.
Therefore in the Second chapter goes back to describe the terrible sinfulness and depravity of man.
in the fifth chapter builds on the thirty six verses which go before in which inspired Paul to present the doctrine of justification by faith apart from the works of the law.
Therefore in this study builds on all the truth that has been presented in the 315 verses of the first 11 chapters.
Without this foundation the ethics of the end chapters float in the sky like a roof without support.
With this foundation , the life that is demanded from those who have believed in Christ is seen to be the logical development of the work foundation.
Sin and salvation
The therefore of chapter 12 has to look back over all the epistle and divide its revelation under two heads : man’s complete ruin in sin, and, God’s perfect remedy in Christ.
Sin and Salvation is the bu above allo thins and incurably sicrden and joy of the gospel, and is the foundation for the practical day by day Christian life.
Sin and Salvation is the burden and joy of the gospel, and the foundation for the practical , day by day Christian life.
First two and half chapters of the Epistle to the Romans present the darkest picture is to be found in any literature, ancient or modern.
penetrates the depths of the human heart.
shows man’s sinfulness
It is reported that a Hindu man read it he said that the writer must surely have lived in India.
Paul didn’t live in India but he knew the heart of man, universal man, was deceitful above all things. Jer 17:9 states: “The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable—who can understand it.”
Paul knew that the nature of man was a bottomless pit of horror.
During the last generation great advances in the study of the human mind and heart have been made.
100 years ago Sigmund Freud was born and he and his followers have enlarged the knowledge of what makes the mind tick.
Their studies are still far lacking,
They needed the Bible truths to be put into their studies and the whole of psychology and psychiatry would be advanced.
Barnhouse states that the epistle to the Romans is far mightier than all these scholars put together.
It is as high above man’s thinking as the Heaven is high above the earth. God spoke through Isaiah saying, “
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways.” This is the LORD’s declaration. 9 “For as heaven is higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 ““For as heaven is higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”