God's Love
God's Love
Where do we find it? It's everywhere.
In the wind, The rain, On mountaintops, Flower petals.
God's Love
How do we find it? It's everywhere.
Turn into the wind,
Go out into the rain,
Climb to the mountaintops,
Bend and touch the flower petals.
God's Love
How do we share it? It's everywhere.
Tell the world to listen to the wind,
Tell the world to look up and feel the rain on its face,
Tell the world to climb to the mountaintop with us.
Give the world a bouquet of flowers to smell.
God's Love
How do we describe it? It's everywhere.
It is as strong, gentle and all encompassing as the wind.
It is as refreshing and life giving as the rain.
It is as lofty and uplifting as the mountaintop.
It is as beautiful and fragrant as a flower.
It is as awesome as Christ on a hard cross.
It is as powerful as the empty tomb.
Peace & Blessings to You and Yours,
Philip R. Taylor
NC Episcopal Cursillo # 25, Sept 1982
Copyright 1985