The Secrt place of the Most High
God's Voice • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 12 viewsWhat is the secret place? How do I get there?
Worship Intro
Worship Intro
back from Montana (again)
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount, I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.
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Sermon: The Secret place of the Most High
Sermon: The Secret place of the Most High
Turn to Psalm 91. we will read it verse by verse, but first let me tell you a story from my life.
Building a fort
Building a fort
Child hood fascination with building a fort. A fortress of solitude. A place out an away from the rest of the chaos of family life.
I went to an out of the way corner of the yard and began to dig. Outhouse -- no thats the wrong word… clubhouse… no it was only going to be me. I guess a fort is the best word. It was a going to be a secret place. For just me and my thoughts, and for God to. I dug for some time and created a nice bunker.
this hole is a new hole that is not far from the one I started for my fort… it gives you an idea of what i had done…
But unfortunately I never did finish the project. I let it grow weeds and I never did finish it as my fortress of solitude.
I needed help to build a retaining wall and then cover it over and build it into a little shed or tower rising out of the side hill. Without a cover on the southern exposure it would have been too hot.
I was out visit the house where I grew up this last few weeks, and we threw a 90th birthday party for my dad.
My mind has been flooded with all sort of memories from my child hood. And I am my two younger sisters worked together on this party and we swapped stories and remembrances.
I remember several times looking over to that corner of the property and wondering if there was anything left of my excavations.
The great Heron
The great Heron
Driving Saturday morning 7 am crossed a bridge near our house.. I happened to glance to the right and looked down the creak that was flowing under the trees .. And several yards down under the cover of the overarching trees I Saw a blue heron standing tall, in the water. Just standing, and waiting in the shadow of the trees with the water running over its feet.
Immediately I sensed this was a spiritual moment and the first verse of Psalm91 came to my mind.
This is the first verse of a very profound psalm that many of us have been reading and reciting now for several years.
1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
What must that be like?
It was so profound I have drawn a picture from my memory…
What does it mean to dwell there?
To stay to not leave.
30 minutes later I drove passed the place I saw the Heron and he was gone.
He did not stay and dwell.
As a kid I never finished building my secret place.
I never chose to dwell there.
perhaps you are like me and the heron … and have a hard time staying in the secret place.
Yet there is a profound promise to those of us that decide to camp and place down roots and abide in the secret place of the most high.
His shadow will be over us. His shadow is a picture of his favor. Do you want God's favor over your life? His peace?
I want to dwell there. In the secret place With God. I know you do too… The peace. The solitude. The shadow of protection by the almighty God, the God of Gods, the one that is before all things and has no end. That sounds like about the best thing possible. Right?
But What does that secret place look like? I painted a picture so you would know… (joke)… not really, this is but a symbol that god used to speak to me though nature to tell me to spend time with him and study what this secret place is.
The answer is amazingly obvious and something we all know. Lets go to Matt 6
6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
Do you see it? God dwells in the secret place. … He wants you to come and meet him in the secret place…
How do you get there?
Through a magic wardrobe? No.
So simple, go into your room, and shut the door. thats it.
It can be your prayer closet like war room.
Or it can be your bedroom.
Or an apron tent: John and Charles Wesley grew up in a family with other 17 other siblings. (10 survived infancy) Their mother then had little time to spend in the secret place. (she herself came from a family of 25 children) Susanna Wesley, had a difficult life due to her poverty and husband's imprisonment for fraud. However, she kept her faith and prayed every day . When she needed time alone with God, she would bring her bible to her favorite chair, and pull her apron over her head, creating her own unique prayer room. A tent of meeting - her secret place with God.
Her children knew to be quiet whenever they saw their mother throw her apron over her head – they understood this was Susanna’s private time of prayer with the Lord.
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The secret place is the place that you communicate directly with God. You to Him, and most importantly Him to you.
Our world is busy "virtue signaling" showing off their new found morality that is nothing more than demonic deception.
Not so with us -- we do not virtue signal… we retreat to the secret place.
Jesus repeated this statement in Matt 6:18 about fasting telling us that our fasting must not be seen by others, but by our father who is in the secret place. - that our reward comes from him.. Not our friends on social media or at church or work.
Does God need us to beg him? Or smother him with words? What if we are not good with words ?
Jesus continues, so we do not need to guess…
7 “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
GOD KNOWS US AND KNOWS WHAT WE NEED BEFORE WE ASK HIM!… you and I we don’t have and secrets from God. He sees us our in the secret places. He knows what we need better than we do. “I can deceive myself. I’m good. I’m OK. I got this! “ But he knows our frailty. He knows our weaknesses.
But he requires that we ask, for if we do not ask how will we know the answers are in response to our needs.. We will attribute his goodness to chance. So we expects us to ask.
Jesus goes on to model for us the way of prayer
9 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread, 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
This is fine to memorize, but remember God does not hear you because of your many many fine words, even if you repeat this pray a hundred times. Instead it must come from the heart in hour own words, but Jesus is teaching us here to cover the same topics - but personalized in our own words filling in our own needs! (obvious from the context right — we are not to repeat or heap up empty phrases… nothing in the Bible is rocket science… it is for Children like us)
What’s it like in the secret place of Matthew 6:9-13?
What’s it like in the secret place of Matthew 6:9-13?
Write this in your notes if you want. we must camp out for a little while on this famous passage. Everyone teaches on it so I tend to avoid it because I figure you might have heard teaching on this passage before. But this time it is essential in helping us understand that it is this sort of prayer that defines meeting God in the secret place. I will make this breif and fresh and highlilight the most important aspects that we all need to be reminded of from time to time.
It essentially outlines a flow that our prayers should follow if we want to make effective use of our time with God. God can handle prayers in any form… he can loves all communication with his children, but I think this organization was given to us to help us… primarily so WE would get the most out of the time in the secret place… and grow into the ability to stay and dwell in the secret place all the time.
Matthew 6:9–13
Matthew 6:9–13
Praise God
v9: Our father in Heaven hallowed be your name
Praise God
v9: Our father in Heaven hallowed be your name
"worship in spirit and in truth" Either in song or in your own words tell God how great he is, not because he needs to hear it, but because you do… before you pray any further, know for sure the kind of God you are speaking and listening to. This also silences the room and drives any demonic attempt to interfere out of your secret place.
Pray for his will to be done
v10: Your kingdom come your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven
Not our will! -- his will be done. We must let go our will and putting him in charge of our life… In revelation we will see what it means for God's Kingdom to come literally to this earth
God's will that is always done in heaven - but until the millennial reign of Christ, His will must be prayed into effect hear on earth. It is a Job for each of us in partnership with Jesus. All his Children saved by Gods amazing Grace in Jesus MUST pray for his will to be done through our faith and trust in Jesus.
Ask God to meet the needs of the day
v11 Give us this day our daily bread
Your burdens your needs, God know these needs already but now you ask, so you know that when the answers come, they come from him. Don't expect or ask for more than you need. For Gods manna is sufficient for this day. And to cover a day of rest each week. It is good for us to come to him daily with our needs… we forget otherwise were our help comes from.
Daily: We just noted this example prayer is framed such that it is clearly expected that we would pray at least daily like this. Of course we are told in the new testament that we should pray without ceasing… that our heart attitude would be one of consistent communication with God. How amazing and wonderful it is to be a Christian. This allows us to dwell, to stay dwelling in the secret place with God all day long. Not leave before 30 minutes are up like my blue heron.
Ask for forgiveness,
v12: and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Yes you need forgiveness every day. "Oh, no not me - I am a righteous Christian - washed in the blood". If you feel your spirit cry out against the need for forgiveness daily then I have two things to say. 1 you're not listening to the holy spirit. 2 and your very self-aware.
Each day by our actions we go into debt to God, and to others because of our sin. The things we do wrong to god or others, or the things we Should do, but we do not do. These things build up each day there are many. And the closer we get to God the more aware we are of the things we do that build up this debt. Our only hope is God's forgiveness.
This may be the single biggest thing we need in our life!
Doctors and medical studies which (I have lost much faith in in them unless they confirm the bible), tell us that people that live in guilt and stress and turmoil have a much shorter life expectancy. Yesterday At the Gas pump of all places I heard maria Menudo's give one of her health moments, and she told me that simply exhaling slowly could heal me because it relieved stress. I had to start laughing because I thought if breathing can heal just think how much more prayer in this secret place with God can heal me!
This prayer is so amazing because it packs so much into a few words.
How much will god Forgive us?
Answer: about as much as we forgive others… Uh oH! This is serious! More on this in the minute because it was such a big point, Jesus returns to it after the prayer example is done.
Ask for Gods help in resisting temptation
v13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Of course God would never lead us into temptation. James the brother of Jesus explains this too. God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempts no one. (James 1:13)
So this "lead us not into temptation" , is a cultural way they had of saying "guide us on a path far from temptation" which in itself is a huge enormous practical point about avoiding temptation. Don's let yourself travel the path by the temptation so that it has access to your eyes, ears or mind. God will show you the path that goes around temptation. Apply this wisdom immediately.
This part of the prayer is repeated by Jesus as they walked to the mount of olives and enter into the garden of Gethsemane the night Jesus is arrested for crucifixion. He tells them in matt , mark, and luke "Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."
The New testament tells us many times that we must have God guard us from the evil one satan. Our strength alone is not enough… our flesh is weak. Are you struggling with a sin? How often do you praying in the secret place and ask God for power over that temptation? (John 17:15; 2 Thess. 3:3; [2 Tim. 4:18)
matthew 6:14
14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you,
In case we missed the main point…of his prayer teaching, jesus goes backs and underlines "forgiveness"
14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
This time as Jesus effectively underlines the most important part of this prayer "Forgiveness" he uses a different word instead of "debt" he uses "trespass/or transgression". This Greek word is much stronger and is used for sin throughout the New testament. It in means that someone's legal right has been violated. That person of course is God first and foremost it is his right that has been trampled, as we have sinned against him. But very often someone else another human a neighbor, and fellow believer, or even an enemy.
A trespass puts us in debt to both God and that other person. We are debtors, and God expects us to ask him to loose us from our debts.
That word forgiveness is the greek word Aphiemi - to leave, to forgive, to loose. That means "to loose". God is just in loosing us from our debt of Sin, because Jesus has already paid our debt in full on the cross (if we have believed on this).
If we expect God to FORGIVE us, and yet still hold tight to the transgressions of others and not set the free and loose them from their debts… then we are expecting him to hold a double standard. Expecting Him to allow us to be hypocrites. Expecting forgiveness, but not giving forgiveness.
God is simply to Just and to Loving to let that kind of thing work.
Jesus taught that in a parable. of the wicked servant who was forgiven a debt he could never pay only to go out and demand a payment from someone else that owed him a very small amount.
I hope I never forget when I was walking in unforgiveness to a coworker that had wronged me. I was hurt, angry and bitter, and had trouble having any peace at work. Fortunately a friend of mine gently take me aside at work about 20 years ago when I was holding on to unforgiveness against a co-worker. My friend Chuck told the parable and asked me if I could forgive them even if they never asked for forgiveness, even if they continued to treat me the same way -- because Jesus had forgiven me my sin. I did not get made at my friend but agreed with him I needed to change my heart and prayed to forgive and "let loose" my legal rights to being wronged by my fellow employee. (short rabbit trail) My Friend Chuck is my friend to this day. In fact he is that one that has sponsored a matching fund for any building donation we received last year. We received over $6K in matching funds.
So now we know what the secret place is, and what magnificent power is released in the secret place of the Most High GOD.
1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
"pray to your father who is in the secret place" - he dwells in this place, and want us to join him there…
What I want to encourage each of us to do is to:
Take your journal - and practice the two way journaling… in the secret place. Have you been doing that?
Please keep trying to do it and get better at it.
I prepared this message by 2-way journaling. I started by asking God what he would say to our church. I began asking him that over a week ago in preparation for this Sunday sermon. I got pieces of it even before I started 2-way journaling.
You remember the 4 keys? From Habakkuk? 2:1-4
1 I will take my stand at my watchpost and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint. 2 And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
Key #1 Stillness - silence the room. Commit the time to God and cancel the access of the enemy to your time with God. Empty yourself cast your burdens on him, and take his easy yoke as you leave with him your heavy one.
Start with the Lord's prayer example we just did.
Key #2 Vision - wait. Fix your eyes on Jesus. listen, and recognize God gave you eyes in your heart, as well as ears in your spirit and He speaks through them both. Invite god to give you pictures in your visionary imagination.
Amazingly as I opened my self-up to vision he gave me a real manifestation of the vision he wanted me to see… the Blue Heron in the secret place.
Key #3 Spontaneity - tune into the spontaneous flow the spirit that flows like living water. The Hymn "Come though fount of every blessing" says in the first verse "tune my heart to sing thy grace" Tune into God's grace - his full operational power. That’s what his grace is.
Key#4 2-way journal-ling. Ask him a question and then record the flow of thoughts that come. check them with a godly trustworthy person, and gain confidence as there is confirmation that you are hearing correctly.
In revelation .. (the study we start this week on Wednesday (intro to end time prophesy) on and next Wednesday (intor to revelation) … We see that Jesus is indeed knocking at the door of our church to join us in our secret place.
19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
Jesus is knocking. and he is doing this specifically after he has repoved and disciplined… the church has cast Him out. and is no longer dwelling with him in the secret place.
When you receive a rebuke from God, he is not the one that is cutting you off, he instead is asking to be let back in, after we have cut him off.
Back to Psalm 91
Back to Psalm 91
The 2nd verse expands on what is really going on in that secret place.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”
Do you sense in this picture, the depth of the trust that we are extending to God?
This is essential without Faith(trust) it is impossible to please God.
MY God in Him will I trust.
If God is our fortress and refuge… he is one with whom we feel safe. Somone that gives us love and respect.
The sense I have of this secret place is that it is intensely intimate. That it is a refuge of love with the Almighty.
God is calling us to his bosom. Like John the beloved laying his head upon the chest of Jesus at the last supper as they lounged around the table Jewish style without chairs. To be completely at ease with God, and have no secrets between us -- alont together in this secret refuge.
This next part is so exciting to me having just seen this verse highlighted to me via a great blue heron.
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence.
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
In this picture I am identifying as the great blue heron. In the secret place. It is interesting that the Blue Heron is a migratory bird prone to wander.
And the fact that as a bird I am in danger of the fowler… Satan our advisory is prowling and setting snares for me.
Blue herons rarely get trapped now days… but it does happen:
Bitterroot Heron Dies After Caught in Leghold Trap
January 29, 2018
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When we wander out from our secret place with the most high, if we are heading out in on our own in our own stubborn direction, rest assured, the enemy fowler is knows the placed you like to go. He is setting his traps.
My best defense as a christian in the battle (and we all are whether we know it or not) is to dwell in the secret place, the shadow of the almighty.
It might be nice if there were no enemy of our souls. One day that is what God promises.
But for now There is a fowler… trying to foul us up. (if you may allow the use of the awesome pun)
The fowler is foul. And He lies, and he deceives and kills, and wants nothing less to ruin your life, your love and your witness.
The enemy is out there. That is why we need a fortress, a refuge, to run to.
Run back to the secret place of the most high. Run to The almighty, Run to the Great IAM.
And if we have been caught in the open on our own fly home to our father secret place of prayer as fast as we can fly.
He will deliver us. DELIVER US! - if we run to his secret place.
Like the children of Israel in captivity in Egypt forced to make bricks without straw.
The fowler is setting his traps for us.
He is skilled at his craft, he has been doing it hunting humanity for thousands of years.
He knows our weaknesses. He knows how to bait his trap.
He knows when we are weak. He knows the words that press our buttons
He knows how to use our righteous desires for justice against us.
let read James the brother of Jesus speak to us about how we go about resisting the devil, and drawing near to God in the secret place. The devil comes to create turmoil and death among us.
James 4:6–12 (NKJV)
6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” 7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. 11 Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. 12 There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?
From this we learn we will be delivered from the enemy if we stand against enemy and do not give in,
we stand by drawing near to go, humbling ourselves being repentant truly sorrowful of our sin and letting him lift us up (instead of bragging on ourselves).
One may ask if God is Good why he allows the foul Fowler to set his evil snares.
one reason God allows the fowler a little time more before the great day of judgement. IS…
To help us understand how much we need to dwell with God in his secret place.
We need to know we are not as strong as with think, that we must remain humble and willing to accept teaching, rubuke and correction. God clearly tells us that we must listen to his words and not ignore them….
God had to rebuke his people time and time again. You think it is something he enjoys?
15 Hear and give ear; be not proud, for the Lord has spoken. 16 Give glory to the Lord your God before he brings darkness, before your feet stumble on the twilight mountains, and while you look for light he turns it into gloom and makes it deep darkness. 17 But if you will not listen, my soul will weep in secret for your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears, because the Lord’s flock has been taken captive.
GOD weeps over us in the secret place when we are too hard harded to listen to his guidance.
I remember that Jeni Carlson recited Psalm 91 it to us from memory on xx February 2020 just before the Covid lockdown. It was profoundly prophetic. And something I thought about often during the next two years of shutdowns, isolation, masks, and satanic attack designed to relegate the church and congregational meetings as a relic of the past.
V3b - And from the perilous pestilence.
This church was protected from the Covid pestilence. Now one of our people died of Covid. We trusted God. I had 2 close family members (aunt and uncle), and two close friends my age die. I am sure I am not the only one to have had loved ones murdered by that pestilence.
The media and the medical establishment made the plague so much worse with the lies, the disinformation, the attempts to stifle free speech about alternatives, and railroad us all to a dangerous untested vaccine that has now been thoroughly discredited by many scientific medical studies, that most of the media refuses to print.
It was a perilous pestilence, and it was the strength of this fellowship that quickly prayed, received wisdom and tuned into the right preventative treatments, and shared them amongst the fellowship -prayed the power of God down on each of us when we caught it, that pulled us through.
God's secret place is filled with his People.
God intends to bring the kingdom of God to this world primarily through His body - the Church. Each of us together are the very body of Jesus on earth. not primarily by great signs in the sky (though that will happen) - not primarily through angelic vistations (though that will happen -- or visions, or dream (though that is happening more praise God), but the primary method is through groups of his people working together. (congregations) called the Church of the Living god. Working together to show the world Gods love.
[returning to the picture]
I love this picture of the shadow of the almighty giving us cover.
He is not quick to expose us. In fact he will shelter us. We see that a bit further… here in verse 4
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
The image changes here I think and for this Heron, we recognize it is really only a chick -- in the presence of the almighty it is a chick still.
We are all really His chicks, his children. I love baby chicks… anyone here not like baby chicks… there is something just a little wrong with you… :-)
When they grow up and become chickens they are food, but as little baby chicks they are cute. Right?
So we see that God is covering and protecting us with his feathers, his wings.. Keeping us safe and warm from the wind and the storm.
There is a storm raging out side. The devils israging for he knows his time is short. The next few verses show us this storm is not just a naturath thudersorm…
Psalm 91:5–8 (ESV)
5 You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.
Why will this fountain of blessings belong to us?
Psalm 91:9 (ESV)
9 Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge—
We are called to dwell with God forever, that is the mission of Jesus to destroy the dividing wall of hostility that our sin has created and to allow us access to God for the purpose of dwelling with God
But we are so prone to wander… like the song that God has brought to our attention earlier this year through Pastor Nate , "Come though Fount of Every Blessing… "
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
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How powerful that verse is to consider the greatness of our desire for God's good love. And the greatness of the sin in our hearts that would pull us away from that infinite goodness. To leave the God we Love. How sad. To draw close and ask for forgiveness so Good.
The temptations of this life are many, and they are all designed to do two things.
Tear us away from God, and tear us away from loving other people and telling people of God's goodness.
What a desperately sad thing that is to contemplate. "our wandering heart" and how much trouble it causes us.
Our sinful desires.
Tempting us to leave the God we love.
The answer is for us to humble ourselves, and join Jesus in the secret place in prayer.
Look further at the fount of every blessing that comes from dewlling with God in the secretplace.
Psalm 91:11–13 (ESV)
11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. 12 On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.
Last year I specifically did just that. STORY Tread on the Adder/serpent underfoot. (diamond back 2 -3 foot rattle snake) It was a sign to me that God is fullfilling these blessings in our very church.
The Psalm has an anonymous author (though some think Moses wrote it) but at the At the end of the Psalm God is answering directly.
It is like the Psalmist started 2-way journelling and at some point the sponaneous flow of the spirit become so strong that he he moved from documenting the blessings and began record what god was saying directly.
Psalm 91:14–16 (ESV)
14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. 15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
Is that what you want?
For god to hold you fast in love?
For God to Deliver you?
Protect you?
Answer you when you call
Be with you in every trouble?
Rescue you and honor you?
To satisfy you with long life?
This is what God will do for those that know his name, what dwell with him in the secret place.
SALVATION CALL: If you are not sure you know His name. That you know about God, but are not sure you
We we ready to seek go this way
Psalm 91:10 (ESV)
10 no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.
tent --- our body.
one day this body will be called a mansion.