Prop: Take sin as seriously as God does
Thesis: 3 scenes that require us to take sin as seriously as God does
Context while you turn
Acts written by Luke is here to record the birth and growth of the church. We find ourselves today looking at the very early days, just 3 chapters after the sermon at pentecost. So, really this is one of the most crucial moments in church history. they can either set bad habits or good ones as members and God will show His church how He will be interacting with them.
1. The Congregant’s Sin (v. 4:32-5:2)
1. The Congregant’s Sin (v. 4:32-5:2)
a. A faithful giver v.36-37
a. A faithful giver v.36-37
Now to provide a backdrop to ananias’ sin is Barnabas’ offering.
This was quite possibly the most unified the church could be. They were sharing everything that they had. It was in this church that the people found community, identity and security. This was truly the family of God.
They did not have to sell their possesions to give to the church but they did so anyways out of love for one another. One author says that it may be because they remember Jesus saying that Jerusalem would be destroyed, so they figured they would sell now and put the money to good use.
But the camera zooms in on this one man Joseph or Barnabas - who sold a tract of land (likely a large undeveloped field outside of town) and he brought ALL of the proceeds to the apostles.
Illus: Imagine if someone was to do this now. They sold their million dollar home and gave the church all the money. O the things you could, missionaries you could support, widows you could care for. You’d be SO GRATEFUL to that person.
Well as was the case here, this man gives a large, sacrifical offering and no doubt word spreads amongst the church, he’d be the popular guy on Sunday morning, he’d have the childrens ministry building named after him. And he gets the nickname Barnabas meaning son of encourgament because everytime he comes around YOU are encouraged.
App: Barnabas’ example does challenge us to be faithful givers, it challenges us to look at our finances and intentionally give sacrificially unto the Lord. We have become to mindless in giving because of reoccuring payments right out of our bank accounts. We need to consider if we are being faithful, sacrificail givers.
But there was one who watched this scene take place and that of course was Ananias
b. A hypocritical giver v.1-2
b. A hypocritical giver v.1-2
They saw the love and attention barnabus got from their pastors and their friends and no doubt wanted the same BUT didn’t want to actually give it all to God.
So they plot out together to sell their land, say they are giving ALL of it but keep back some.
So we see sin entering the church for the first time in its history.
App: Why might you not want to give sacrificially?
Unprecedented times
lack of trust
Love for money
App: But the focus is not so much on the lack of giving BUT the hypocritical spirit they gave with.
They wanted to be seen as generous, having great faith, influential, they wanted to be recognized, they wanted their names known
Does this sound familiar? Might you too BEFORE CASTING JUDGEMENT on this couple, might you to have hypocricy in your heart?
Singing just a little louder and longer during worship to get your good voice noticed
Using big theological words and common christian lingo to cover up whats going on in your heart
trying to seem concerned as a way of covering up gossip
or maybe just FLAT OUT lying like ananais and saphira
You say you’ve been pure when you havent
You say your family is fine when they are struggling
You say its nothing when its something
We need to take sin seriously, and that is how it was taken in the early church look next at POINT #2 The Pastors Response
2. The Pastor’s Response (v.3-4)
2. The Pastor’s Response (v.3-4)
a. The nature of Sin v. 3
a. The nature of Sin v. 3
Sin is satanic. The influence behind this sin was Satan. What good works are to God, si is to satan. Sin is what satan desires and prescribes YOU to do. So, when we
Luke 22:31 “31 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat;”
b. The absurdity of sin v.4a
b. The absurdity of sin v.4a
There was NO NEED!
Why do you sin?
c. The aim of sin v.4b
c. The aim of sin v.4b
Personal offense
3. The Lord’s Judgement (v.5-11)
3. The Lord’s Judgement (v.5-11)
a. Husband dies v.5
a. Husband dies v.5
b. Wife dies v.6-10
b. Wife dies v.6-10
c. Church Fears v.11
c. Church Fears v.11
1 Peter 4:17 “17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”