All In: Belong Activation 2
Come on.
Right now yes when come on. Right now, but God doesn't wait for the wait for tomorrow for you to say I want to live and have a relationship with you. You know we talked about God gave us every gift that's in the future, If you know what I wrote. There's an infusion those who read it that's in there. and you did it because we belong to
come on.
Yeah, it says that.
I like your translation, bro.
You got the
come on.
Just in the beautiful part of that is and it says it's is there because we belong to Jesus?
Does Jesus we belong to him?
You know what the other time Jesus said that in scripture. He said I love the scripture. He said this in a few read the gospels you guys available to put me here. It says this that all that the father has given me I have not lost none. And then it goes on to say except. This dude is the Son of Perdition which means the sun. Let me just tell us the perverted son. Cuz you wasn't mine in the first place.
That's what that means. And I love the fact that you said did not I choose to follow you and one of you is a devil.
Why would not want you to dwell with me here for a second? Why would Jesus say that?
Go back to the fusions to show his great love, right? houses rain falls on the just and the oranges because God is love. And regardless of how someone Acts or behave is he loved and does he still love them and does he still treat them the same? Okay.
He still treat them the same cuz he loves them. You can't change that about him.
I guess following me. Maybe you don't believe that one. So let's go to scripture for a sec. Cuz I do I feel it. So if someone was born again, it's on wasn't born again with Jesus treat them the same. Do you really believe that? Are you really believe Jesus would treat the born-again people in The Unborn again the same? Call me if you don't believe it's okay. I see I see some hands. Okay, let's talk about don't be a shame. We didn't understand it like listen to the gospel. Have a look at the ology for one second. Let's look at the one who is the express image of the invisible God.
What do you mean study of god? So let's look at God in the flesh being Jesus Jesus. Did he treat people the same?
That her to know and I already yes. So we should see this is good stuff. So why how do we know he treated people the same and how we know he didn't treat people the same.
Yes, yes.
Yes. Yes.
So what you're saying is Jesus. I'm just a phrase about you. Jesus treat everyone the same and people have what they choose.
based on their decisions
sometimes or sometimes it's based on other people's decisions. Or sometimes it's based on circumstances. You understand that? The reason why I'm teaching you guys has to understand that Jesus till he's loved and he doesn't treat people differently. How do you know? It's true. Let me let's talk about the fairy. Thank you. So you got the Pharisees that right and it will Jesus treat people different. What was she was purpose to draw men to the father, right? So Jesus wanted to bring people to God. But the Pharisees didn't want you to have got right. They wanted people to go through them to get to God. Their former religion, right? So Jesus at first we talked with them. He's demonstrating so they can understand so you see the Miracles and the streets are like dude. We have never seen someone like this instead of in their heart than getting understanding. They then turned to jealousy.
They didn't turn the jealousy. They look they're like parking on the street
There it is. So jealous, he's born first in them after you have the birth of jealousy then they ended up paying false Witnesses, right every time they would go to Jesus. It wasn't really to get to know him. It was always to see where they can get them at. To trap him. Finally. Jesus said okay, you guys are perverting the way and he got upset bendy. What's his heart to send them to hell or was it hard to redeem them? Thank you. So his heart never changed toward them. It was about Redemption. actions led to him say what he said because he was around a dinner table with tax collectors and lawyers and the Pharisees were sitting there in their hearts ridiculing him and Jesus said you brood of vipers.
Sounds different. It does you brood of vipers we can literally we got get into it a brood of vipers eat then devour themselves because they do weird. They're cannibals.
There were born within and they eat their way out of the month beat themselves. I told you it's weird you and you were seeing you guys are devouring what God wants to save. So who is Jesus's heart never changed? The way he expressed it did. It's rough to understand if we don't get that will think God's changing and different with each person. And we will say well as we read Ephesians you'll stay with us for some but that's not for me.
You guys know what I'm talking about how many people ever felt when they read Sunday scripture and it like was asked for them, but it's not really.
Dude, I have this is the last time telling you I have. Well, you know, maybe that's for them cuz you know. And God says it's Richard says he's given us every spiritual blessing.
Just me. All of us when Paul pray you said Paul pray that we have the spirit right now. I'm not mistaken. We going to put a little bit the spirit of wisdom and Revelation, right? Which version do you have?
Yeah, that's some good news. It may be different. But it's Vision. If you have a cake King James to that's why I remembered it in this is afraid that you would have the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Please praying for the sake of all of us. Not just not just the same since that time. All those whoever calls on the name of Jesus to be safe. He says I want you to have the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Why?
So you can get to know God. We also found out as we looked in there that got him picked as when you said didn't you that we finally got chosen from the foundation for this thing that he knew was that he loves us. He made us. Holy who remembers read that in there the guys made us. Holy in Ephesians 1 Who's holy?
Who who's whose Oli? Who's holy? Your son is too. He's over here calling School.
But God says God himself said he made us holy.
You know me people struggle with that one word. You know, which religion is talk this out of God's word?
Religion will talk you right out of it with Fusion says because it's a well that doesn't that doesn't line up with our systematic way of thinking.
Or do you want the way God says? You always think of my heart. I'm like, okay. We we quote scripture. His ways are not our his thoughts are not our but when it comes down to it, we like it our way.
Who wants to be honest? When it really comes down to it. We like it our way. Today I asked for your way. And if God's way leads you outside of your way. You'll think it's not God.
If you don't know what that references from this when it is not the first time the It's not the first time the Gentiles got boarding in the first gen tie to be born. Again New Testament is the Ethiopian who got born again live by Phillip. Now when God was going to express the go up to the Gentiles. You talked to Peter and gave him a vision of me coming down from heaven. Now the meat that he saw was me that was forbidden to be eaten by Jewish people. So let me tell you what was in there pork chops. Break it. Okay, you know bacon was in there shrimp.
Tell me the catfish. Yeah, cuz it was close to a cat.
And he saw anything. I can't eat that. I'm Jewish. I never get anything done cleaning my life. And God says Do What I Call clean. You must not call dirty filthy. And then I'll be the man came to take him with them to take Peter. Master whose name was Cornelius because an angel came and gave him a vision. As we look at that statement right? There was Cornelius a Christian.
What's your newest a Christian?
No, but who was with was your Christian not yet?
So who wouldn't talk to Cornelius?
No. Who came and talked to Cornelius or what? They've been telling me that the angel went to a person who is an unbeliever. And by the way, he's a gentile and angel came to him.
And told him to come get Peter who was an apostle. from Jesus so they got you sweet for the same. Doesn't it? Come on, pick up a pig with me this man.
Who in the Bible?
Thank God. They got me. Can you imagine that got to know if you got to be Christian every one of you got to be circumcised got to make baptisms look a lot different one day.
Yeah, just think about that place. Computer goes to them and why because got him picked him out of we know this man was praying ministering to the god of Heaven not knowing who he was just saying God Of Heaven whoever you are. You know, I really want to know you I'm trying to do good to people love people and Angel is oh, he says Hey Cornelius, you're always have come before the Lord and the Lord says send for Peter a job, but God says, I see your heart Camellias, even though you don't know me. I see your potential. I see why I created you and why I created you you're getting ready to understand to send for Peter. Peter goes
Romans, does it say that?
Yeah, I think you do. I think of God willing himself into creation to remind me that there's a God.
So what man doesn't their best-ever is a talk come up with the theory of concept that God doesn't exist called evolution.
What is the it is evolution or even the Big Bang but someone had to pull the trigger.
That's right, bookstore.
Absolutely all because he wanted to now we're going to pick right up in the fusions. Why should we going to start at and then we're going to do an activation here. We go to the Overflow and kindness to give you a heads-up reasons why I'm going to go 7 to 13. So the overflowing
Is his kindness towards us that took all the took away all our sins through the blood of his son by whom we are saved how much of a sin did it take away? some of the path ends the president sends the future Sam's
Are you sure all of it? Cuz because religion don't eat was that? No, no. No, you're still a center. Look look how you you know, I'm talking to you.
Just so you know the send that you're going to do tomorrow. Sadly you up for failure, right? We're hoping for the best. Well, you know, you're going to send tomorrow. So how much did you just forgive? Future sends. Oh, okay you hope so it come on. You don't have a little more or is it? That's the kind of hope you're using. Let me help you. I like helping people. Do you know that the word hope in the Bible means confidence? It can be translated to the confidence to the way they use. Hope they use it in the form of confidence. So give a give a confident answer. Right. So the way that we use hope is Disney's Wishing on a Star but the way the Bible use hope is saying be confident cuz it's going to happen. That changes your whole perspective. Doesn't it? Think about that? Oh my gosh. This be confident. So are you forgiving tomorrow? I'm confident that I am are you born again? I'm confident that I'm born again. Are you saying I'm confident. I am so confident that I'm going to be with Jesus if I fall over dead and you're right. I'm confident. That's what that hope means. Just want to help. So as we move forward on he forgive all sins and he has showered upon us the riches of his grace for how well he understands us and knows what's best for us at all times. Anybody ever wants Tangled? Who was Tangled in here the Disney show? Yeah, I see your hand up, you know and the movie tag know it's a Disney show, right and it's about Rapunzel with long hair. Just so you know. What is a Rapunzel? Yeah, it's all about Rapunzel, dude. Thank you long hair and her mother is sitting there singing the song and the song is she seems to Rapunzel cuz she wants to keep her locked in. This Tower is Mother Knows Best. Right and some what they did with that whole movie was they made you have an Oscar review of parents?
You have enough screw you have parents. Because of how mean this mother treated her daughter. But if you read this structure, it's his father's Knows Best.
It literally said he saw our down upon us the richness of his grace for how well he understands us and knows what's best for us at what? sometimes are you sure it's all times?
So God knows what's best for all time. Sunday through Thursday, so we get to have Friday and Saturday for ourselves.
He must not be using the Gregorian calendar, huh?
Ole Times to go and look God has told us his secret reason for sending Christ a plan. He decided on and what long ago
duh way before he even created mankind. He said hey guys. I have a great idea, but we're going to lay this thing out with Mercy.
and this was his purpose that when the time is right, he will gather us all together from wherever we are in heaven or on Earth to be with him and what forever I like that. Moreover because of what Christ has done we have become.
How do I
Moreover because of what Christ has done. We have become.
You mean I'm wrapped up in package for for who?
Put the Bell on top. Jolly man
And why because God that he Delights? Where is part of God's Sovereign plan? We were chosen from the beginning to be his and all things happened. Just as he decided long ago God's purpose in this was that we should praise God and give glory to him for doing these Mighty things for us. Who were the first to trust in Christ? Oh, I love this. And because of what Christ did all you others to who heard the good news about how to be saved and trusted Christ were marked as belonging to Christ by the Holy Spirit who long ago have been promised to all of us Christians.
You have a beautiful thing about that whole passage is that he's trying to get the Believers to understand you belong to God. You're his you are his why I don't feel like his today. You're his Worse than Christians do with their feelings is allowed their feelings to talk to him out of Truth.
That is so true that did you ever get to your parents?
You don't remember because they're laughing like we know that from experience. I don't think it's too much Nikki.
I love Zack.
Inhumans versus 5. You have a mom today. could you
you know, I can't do that. I'm only 13. I think about this you do want you to realize you be long this whole thing is like you guys belong to me you belong with me you are so my I am still yours. Will you just get over yourself so you can believe it?
We have always reason why we don't believe it, right. We put reasons in front of why we don't believe God.
Do you know that we we did a man come on and that's why I don't believe.
No, not only get to that teeth person. They know you've been long. The number one. Let me just cut to the Chase and be excited about stuff. No more reason. Why. We don't. Go out and share truth because we don't really believe we belong. The Bible says we're not of this world. Well great. That's wonderful. If I tell you another strewth you are a dual created being. And this is the only time you'll ever be able to live in two different worlds at one time.
You guys want me to go deep there for a moment to explain that? Okay, follow me?
You live in a fallen World agreed. Are all creation is waiting for the Redemption of this Fallen world, right? But when you got bored again Christ made you knew which means according to God's word not Taps Theory. God says you are seated with him and Heavenly know how the world. Can you be seated with Christ and live on Earth at the same time.
So we are literally our Spirits inside of us. We are in Christ and his kingdom sitting with him where he sits at and what has Jesus said the what? You told me Jesus is at the right hand of God. And then the Bible says I'm seated with him.
At his right hand to God.
That's because we're his children. I just want you to follow truth because you follow religion. No talk you out of this. Promise you they'll give you the whole religious Narcan. I'm taking your test. a worm or nothing and you're going to believe it or nothing and your whole Christian experience. You going to be like I try my best every day.
Are you think that's being humble and it's really it's really Pride. It's so much pride in that. You have no idea. I'm trying. Oh, yeah, I need a little bit of bread. I go to God. I really look up because I don't know if he actually likes.
Jesus like do you did you see the cross when I did you have access my face integration with you hoping stand did you read Romans? Why did you think I gave it to impulse it the way you could understand before my throne with Thanksgiving. Why do you have your head hung down? So low?
But if you understand your dual creative being in this moment, we walk on Earth but live in heaven.
Okay. Did I did you guys you guys want some more explaining on that or did you want more you want me to move on you walk on Earth, but you live in heaven?
Come on.
Come on, the truth is we won't walk on earth and live in heaven if we're still living from Earth trying to get to heaven.
A lot of religion a lot of Christians live from Earth trying to get to heaven. And because they live from Earth trying to get to heaven. All they can relate to as Earth.
You guys did you do what I just did the Earth? Only can relate you is other people from Earth other human beings is the only thing they know how to relate to.
Absolutely. Let me explain what you just said tell because we don't under cuz God's knowledge passes our knowledge, you know, the only way you get into the knowledge of God is through the love of God.
I'm going to take the ferry back off.
Get into the knowledge of God through the love of God. So if you chasing those who got a part from the love, you've no nothing.
Hope you don't believe me. So let me give you scripture. I feel like a yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Yes, yes. Keep going.
I know you're at faces at work today, but it says nothing. I just have her face activated by love. Yeah, I knew you were there though. I felt it. Come on. dress
it is Christ. the knowledge of God
in Christ is the wisdom of God because it leaves the father. That in him the fullness would dwell.
Do you understand? This crisis is not. What is Christ represent? Christ literally represents the love of God on display for Humanity Come on. That's what price represents the love of God on display for Humanity that what matter of Love is this that yet while we were sinners Christ died for us know something right this time. He died for a righteous man, but who would die for centers without any hope of even wanting or even an inkling to want to know God?
And in that it demonstrates his great loss. You can't no you can't have knowledge of God without the love of God because you have an awesome God apart from the love of God. You have a lot of head knowledge and you really have no understanding.
story time
so I understand I belong to him. I belong to him dude like me. Let me share something with you.
This week. I had like a crazy. visitation from God it was awesome. I'm not saying it takes off my phone saying that you guys have visitations from God. k
it was so awesome because the father spoke and I heard his voice. And when he spoke you spoke about me. and in that Vision, he said something that was so
I woke up until I woke up immediately. I woke up at like 4 in the morning and I was up and he said I love him.
I don't know about you, but I know God I know God loves me, but it's crazy when you said I love him flipping flabbergasted me and I was all giddy and when I think about I get Lucy in my head and get it. McDonald's, I love him. All done is already sealed.
Put one. Let me see this other one the story time again without an encounter without an encounter from. You can't give it encountered others.
Without an encounter from God you can't give an encounter to others.
nothing You have nothing to give think about this. You have nothing to give. You have to give someone an encounter with him like bro. Do you understand the scripture that says your words are not what make people come to Christ. What about my actions? My actually can make someone come to Christ if you believe that did a lot of uvsaves already. So it's not our actions either.
So you guys know there was a guy in the gym kid. His foot got healed, right? Prince video, I guess I didn't remember that Ben was with me and help me with this story because the story you know, it says in scripture. I know it's true. But hey, it's sometimes it's good when someone else does this true, your buddy, don't be scared.
No, cuz I'm taking you over yourself. Let go.
I looked and he's like, can I just sit here tap? Like now? I like been getting over himself and it's actually hanging with me a lot and he's got busy, but we're going to hang out again.
I'm kids foot his ankle. Sprain a couple months before and it never really healed.
We prayed for it and got healed completely so been like no this happened right in this.
Exciting. So the owner of the gym. He walked to the video happened. I didn't know I didn't know that happened buddy. I didn't know it either I was like you because someone told him like someone told him like Hey, do you believe anything that they were talking about? And he said listen, I don't know everything but I know that kid got heels.
Did the owner of the gym? Yes. Yes soap too so silently, I've been slowly sewing feed at Paul and his wife murdered his wife and said her what's crazy. What's been happening to let me see that kid got his foot healed I go to the gym this week. He's like me and my shoulder is really messed up.
Anime, why are you telling me you're so messed up? Do you think I'm so why you tell me you showed him as he's like, well, I'm trying to fix it. And so you tried to fix it for a while and I said once you're done trying we're going to get it fixed. That's why I said to him because I'm like once you're done trying to fix it got blown out in a football injury. And you his shoulder was like this and it never went back to normal on the bench press and you have been crooked and it was crazy. I saw it when arm was longer than it was weird. What's up, bro? When you're done, we're going to get it fixed and he's like, okay, and finally if you got done trying to stretch it out fix it himself. I said you already suggested Jesus. Thank you for killing.
He got back on the bench. He looked up at me and his eyes getting his eyes this time a little water. He's like
good now he's just like I said bro. Do you do you do you believe that? He's like I started to believe in God after my foot got healed. I said have you gave Jesus your heart? No? And I said what Jesus did for your your foot would you just did for your shoulder? He wants to do with your life and your heart he wants to make everything new and he wants to take you in a relationship with you. And God be going to give me a word for when am I going to detail there? But do also he said I want Jesus and right there on Thursday at the barbells. He put his hand. I don't go to a corner and hide and hide this thing. Maybe that's the problem. We have too many Corner Christians.
That wasn't me being mean. We're in the middle of the gym. I said lift your hands. He's like this. And I still come over going to do this thing and right then and there he Jesus entered him and he's like this tension. Leave me what's going on. You just got born again, buddy. I said here's my number. You're going to need it me and you were going to link up. He's just like okay, dude. When what time the service starts going to try to get there or Sunday? I might come on do you have to do is no pressure but I invite you and done it all and then Jesus radically set him free. So I thought that was the end.
That was Thursday. But Wednesday, I get a phone call from a person I knew in the gym. It was another girl from the gym, but I don't know if I'm supposed to show up for a crazy leg day. She never showed up. So I said, okay. And I guess you should give her life to Jesus in the gym and all she had any anxiety and panic attacks sense. So she end up texting me and saying top. I know you just maybe we're down of this ever happened to you before but could you please come to my store where I'm working at? Because my coworker is in a lot of pain. I didn't mess up my car. This is weird. Look at that. Okay, I'll be there. So I had to go to the store is right here at Middlefield and then going to the store people came in. It was crazy. But I looked at the dude I said bro. He's like I don't believe any of this.
But your belief ever stop Jesus from being Jesus.
And he looks at me cuz I don't believe any of this stuff, but she said she's like dude is freaky and she's the one who went to the owner of the gym and told him about what I've been telling her and the owner said dude, I seen Jesus.
Dude, I just want you to know that Paul his wife were getting saved. Look at the end. It's a done deal. What's going to happen? Cuz I'm there to store and I'm praying.
And I pray don't say any music shoulder. He's like locked up.
Is it all the way down now? I'm feeling a little Jesus thing for removing all of it.
chief I know you always have stories of what happens during the week with God.
I wonder if the apostles did too. I wonder if the early church to to I wonder if that's what made the it's so exciting even when they were going to the persecutions you remember the neighbor. We were praying for she just came to Christ. You know, Paul you member the people that you freeze two years ago. They just came to Jesus. So why he's writing in prison and he's in the prison right now be the epistle. It's worth it these chains.
So next thing you know, the guy looks at me. He's like what you do I said it's not me it's cheese. I said, have you ever heard the gospel? He's like never So we're going to give him the gospel. By the way the kid in the gym. Who's so God. He'll never heard the gospel either until it till Thursday. So I told this guy the gospel, that's it, bro. After I told him the gospel. I said man. There's nothing I can do to make you believe what I just told you.
Every time we think it's persuasive words, right? We try to persuade people to believe what we believe so that they got persuade it but dude how many people know that's so humanistic.
Who draws them? Not my words not my ability. Holy. The Holy Spirit draws you to God. What teach you is God.
Oh, well, I like just wondered if the Holy Spirit drew me to God there whose job is it to keep me? I totally spirits. I'm sending this out for a reason. Holy Spirit has to do it looked at me and I shared the gospel with them and I said can I just pray that the Holy Spirit comes and starts drawing you to the father. He said you have to have an appraisal. Why am I tingly?
I put my hands on what's up, bro. It's not me right, it's not me. It's Jesus Holy Ghost. And then I said I looked up with you more of your spirit. So he knows Jesus. He's like, oh my God it increase I was like, yeah. I asked him to do it one more time by the third time. I said magnified Jesus 10 because I know you want him. His eyes get all big he's like there's this or all around me. What is the Torah? They said that the presence of God. Jesus is real body and next thing you know I said, do you want to give your life to him? He's like, yes. The right in the middle of a store on a Wednesday to do gives his life to Jesus.
So Wednesday person gets born again Thursday person gets born again. You know what happened to Monday or Tuesday? Do got completely deliver Direct by God. Damn. This came out of him and everything. You know, what happened on Friday?
Amazon dude went Thursday. The Amazon dude came to drop off a package at my house.
No unsafe like bro. Are you always trying to realize this? Let me see the Amazon guy. He did not speak English.
He spoke Spanish. I said
Is dude his shoulders are messed up and I'm like, okay I said hey buddy, he's like no English. I said, okay, I start playing up. That's all I need to do, but I don't know your language were going to sign language. I don't think what's the word for God is that gobbler deal was Jesus's name in Spanish, Jesus Jesus. Tell me you have shoulder pain shoulder pain. I said up here. He's like
good Lord. I need you to translate this. I think next time I'm just going to start speaking in tongues and see what happens. And I looked at him and said if I pray Jesus is going to kill you. SI senor Jesus, thank you. I said you were just poop. He is gone. I had to check I said he's like I'm just like also exactly Jesus, it's Jesus. He's like hey, dude.
What's the reason why I'm saying this with you is because you can't share an encounter unless you've been in counters. I want you encounter. You become so the more you encounter got the more you become like him on top. So you can't say that. Okay, so let me help you guys because religion teacher says you can't be like God, right? I'm not a god some people get freaked out. You tell me what the father about the sun. Are you talking about the Holy Spirit?
I know they're 301 like an egg, but it's hard for you to understand. So when I say Christ Jesus said be like me right did not Jesus is Jesus God and then Jesus say he like me.
just as I'm wholly so my goal is to be like who who is Jesus?
Religion says you can't say that because that's expensive. I know it's in there, but you got to realize religion done like that.
I know it's in there. It's in the Bible, but it's crazy. How much of the Bible that is in there that we just don't deal with. So my goal is in about me. It's about Jesus. So what you become the more I encounter the Lord the more I read his work. Then why allow him to did you take my heart is somewhere I'll end up looking acting and being like him between Chivas must be black.
I'm just playing with you guys. I'm playing with you guys. And usually give me what Jesus must be wise and right we should be having fun doesn't know it doesn't matter that you begin to share what you've become what you are because of your lifestyle. I'm not trying. I'm not trying to get God to love me. I'm not doing this to prove the people. I love God. This is a overflow because I do and he loves me the Overflow of your life is
the Overflow of your very life will be the salvation of others.
You have to be born.
So it my life's not overflowing.
What you say? You can't if my life it doesn't overflow.
Come on. See, I'm not being mean. I want you to understand truth because when we read this in a fusion about dude, you you can comprehend with all the saints. What is the depth of his love and if you're not focused on knowing the death of his love and what is the whole point then? But if you don't know the love of God that surpasses knowledge, which means that your heart has to get a hold of God and he has to begin to say hello. He just loves to me and you just do I rather you live in that place with him for 5 years. I just say God loves me. Can you cook 20 scriptures at me?
You can drive.
Come on. And realizing you belong with him.
Is your wife along with you? Are we back to wishful thinking again? Are we confident? I think about this dude. To live in a place where God said I know. I belong with God and God belongs with me.
What do I feel like it today? He belongs with me. He's he lives inside of me. You know what? I think we got one God chose us. I believe God was shot in the market one day. Cuz he was looking for a house.
I don't know where you were when he goes house shopping. I mean, you know, you be pretty particular cuz you want what you want right now shopping wise but don't want this. I'll settle for that. I need some.
Terminated if his house has a curse on it.
How shots he says look at this one.
Yeah. Look at this one.
To God is constantly going looking around the market saying I want this one. I want that one. I want this work. I want to live in all the time. And if you got any listening and you like what I have the belly well got like the porch, too.
I want you to have fun with him man. God wants you he loves you and he's dying to get in you so just be okay with that. I realize he likes the house he lives in. Don't like the house he lives in. So why don't you like the houses in?
Come on.
Yes, and if we realize that and ourselves, do you know the truth this it just overflows then on to other people?
I could but then how has you?
This other one just recently. She was just like I think what's going on with your leg. I don't want to talk about it. All right. I have my own priest. I think you have your own priest.
I was just like, okay. Kaweah drive to take the car back slowed
No. No, we don't back away we go you go to Saint Mary Claret. Let me tell you about the time I hung up in a monastery.
And I proceeded to her about me hanging out in the monastery with my wife at with a group of non-human that money. Antifreeze from Romania. It was trippy dude. He comes in with this big Smokey ball and started swinging it. just like this he's just like
it was just like wow, this is new experience for me.
Yeah, welcome to the Catholicism is right. So it's just like I was just like wow, this is cool. And I'm like, well, what are you guys thinking about you? That's fine. I just sold your leg. Do you want to be healed? She's just like I have a priest.
That's what I was thinking too. But but the guy who just got healed was behind the counter. That's it, buddy. Can I tell her you just got healed by Jesus Jesus like yeah, he's a pain in my chest got completely fine. I can see she's getting annoyed with me now. Because now she's just like I don't want your prayer. I want you to leave me alone and I want to walk away crippled the way I've been for somebody hears.
What are you do? What you do at this point now, that's something we like Wildcat. She doesn't want prayer. She doesn't want nothing. Why don't you just respect your boundaries and leave her alone?
Excuse me. How much is the phone that they're paying for cost?
Cuz you're in the phone store is how much does a phone cost?
Why why did you ask that? I got to pay for it. It was 200 plus dollars.
Do you know why you looked at that so persistent that was just What's the worst that can happen? She called? The guy was pretty trying to pray for me and then he bought my phone I felt it. You keep talkin about Jesus.
What's the price of my leg?
Put that in the good news right now. Middleville, well, it's okay. I mean, can I just say this? I'm not being proud for anything. I want to understand something like do you understand? I ran into two people who won was 31 was like 24th. Do never heard the gospel.
I'm quite frankly.
I don't know because we're not signing.
They don't know cuz we're not signing.
You guys are the salt of the earth. City on the hill
Yeah, she said the light of the world. if your salt has lost its play what good is it is nothing good with the be trampled underfoot. And if you hide the light that U-Haul have what good is that? How would anyone be able to see what you're really Evangelistic? No, I just love Jesus and I realize Jesus was on Mission when he walked the Earth.
Come on, he loves those people and he just doesn't want Converse. He wants to Cypress. He wants people who become wholehearted followers and that doesn't happen if we don't love them before Jesus and love them after Jesus. So what does it look like for a to DeLong? At this point in the message that I do see the time if you have to leave I want to dismiss those who have to leave. I don't want you to feel like I'm holding you out cuz I've never my heart. I want you to have freedom to leave. There is no judgement here. If you leave doesn't mean you're not spiritual if anyone ever says that to you. I'm going to kick him in the rear.
with the Holy Spirit
just want to say that cuz it's not my heart. But I want you guys to dream with me. Imagine imagine people coming in. How do you make them feel like they belong and I don't mean belong to a church building. Okay so many times when we think Church were like how much YouTube Along we got make you feel accepted in this church building.
Stop with the building on how do you make people feel like they belong?
Pink with me. Let's talk about it.
let's talk about that the things she said the things you have in common.
The first thing to make people feel like they belong do you know the first thing that God wanted us to know that we've long is that the first thing to every human being has in common is that I knew you before you were created.
Don't try to get you to realize you belong with him before you were born. I knew you so for us being God's children. How do we make people feel like they belong?
Like we know them let me let me say this. glasses
If you were new to an area. I'll give you moved away from all your family.
That you grew up with all the friends that you knew and you moved to a brand new community.
how would you feel part of that community?
Well, I like that tell me about the Welcome Wagon. To tell me about it sounds interesting.
Do they give you coupons in the invite out to the community, right? So so Invitations yardstick. I like that. I like the coupons and through the community cuz you who said Starburst. Oh, yeah, that does sound wonderful. How would you how would you feel?
Take him a loaf of bread. How many people talk to their neighbors they live around?
How many people haven't talked to any other neighbors they live around? It's okay. It's okay. Let me let me know. What are the first ways to teach future how you belong is by talking to them said hey, how's it going? I just wanted to introduce myself to talk to me. Ray-Ban
Justin what do you think about that? That's true.
For sure. I just I just talked to you don't I? It's like hey, how's that? We have new people coming to the gym and it's so funny cuz here I see a bunch of newbies coming and I do hey buddy your fresh me.
That's where the singers do the Freshman. Yeah, why would you say that like that? Because I'm just joking with them and they know if they'd get offended by and I tell him to the gym. Do you know what I did this one person it was so awesome. I wish I would have recorded it. I was wearing a shirt and so this girl was on a piece of equipment.
And she have to wait on the bar and I walked over and I'll take the weight off the stairs me. I said I need it. she's like I need it.
Okay. I'm just playing with you.
I know you would have liked George. I was having so much fun. Are there was so much fun just being me. Don't play with my name is Ty. What's yours? Rachel and I just had to come here like a month ago. I said you were just don't let me take it to like I didn't want to do it. I don't know what to do.
On our Roku at the gym, by the way. Do you understand just being friendly playing with people enjoying this week society and life has taught us to stop being children. Do you know that Society has told us to stop being children?
But I'm not saying go to hurt people and put Frank on them to hurt them. It's not when I'm preaching. But we stopped being children. Don't really kind of cool Pastor said prank people.
I pranked you for Jesus.
But one way is just just be yourself like a we know before we learned. I'm going to say some stuff down what you understand you learn. This thing called Boundaries. And we use boundaries not just to keep us safe. But to keep people out or for us to stay isolated to ourselves before we learned that people didn't like us and we didn't leave because of other people's reject Tomatoes reject ourselves before we learned all that you were just a child who would say I want to go to the playground and maybe you weren't saying but I was always shy as a child. But how many people know when you're playing or are you in the sandbox? Some kid hadn't talked to you you like you got a blue truck and yeah, I got a red truck. right We lost the Simplicity of it all. Just saying hey man, but I found a secret that everyone still a kid. Summer just kids in a grumpy mood. It's really the truth. I see my son in a grumpy mood ticket just to get grumpy but we're just children. And if you understand that then you can just say hey man, it's fine because why do I have to allow your insecurities to make me insecure?
Do do something I do at the gym is so funny. That's how about the temperature there? I told all the guys at the gym. I love them.
Come through that makes men and t-shirts.
That's true in the bed. Adjusting the first just didn't know how to take I love Justin. He's just like he gave me this look like pretty loud, too.
But I turned to another guy's I love you. I love you too, man. It's so much fun to just just be you and not worry about how people feel about it. And love them regardless if they don't like it, but I told us a little more time. You just like to know it's funny some guys a top. I love you. I love you too, man.
I made this is turning out to be a love Jim hung the brome the bromances building.
I'm telling you guys is this you? I want you to stick learn how to teach people they belong and sometimes the easiest way you would they belong you just didn't do. I love you man. You cool. I like you do. Let's connect. Apple guy asking me hate you when we're going to go back out for wings, but you know Garrett from the gym Jared's like that. I want to go out for wings with you guys. Justin's in the wings Benjamin the wings in the wind has yet?
One simple way of making people feel like they belong is inviting them to share a meal.
This is going to be a church challenge right now. So what I'm say, they sound very harsh but it's not going to be very mean. It's going to sound very hard because I don't want to be harsh, but I want you guys to understand. How many people started attending this year?
Distance this year how many you got born again this year and started attending?
How many times have you been invited out by some of the people have been here?
How many people have invited new people out? I thank you. Thank you, two three four. Yeah. I know. I'm up on my hand.
You did. Yes, you did look very lovely didn't it had a beautiful accent doesn't he? I know it's so rich.
I like accents cuz they they just tickled me sometimes when I was younger. I used to talk in different accents all the time. It was so much fun. But but I'm telling you this because how are people going to feel invited or feel welcome Even in our community if we're not willing to invite them over for a meal or out for a meal.
It's okay for me to invite people. I already went out with but when are we going to invite?
Are you following me?
I can promise you in scripture. One of the biggest ways Jesus let people that know that they belong he ate with them. Play with them dude. He ate with prostitutes. He is Haley swearing Sailors. He would Tax Collectors. I mean
Do you know that it's so funny to me if you would like?
I said what you was called a drunk so it wasn't grape juice.
Did that offend somebody? Good luck trying to rap.
technical foul
Yeah, yeah.
Oh boy.
It doesn't rub off. It's funny. But yeah, cuz I want to share this with you. So we're not going to do this is like a church set up saying like, you know where the church gets people and we can people together. I want you guys as an activation to invite someone to a lunch a dinner or coffee.
k I want you to take a look. I'm going to write this and it cannot be your family.
like really that out right now and if it's been someone you've been out with the four can't be then
What's a lot I'm telling you to do this right now because he helps you get over you so you can love people do break a meal with someone that you haven't broke a meal with. I get to know that. And you try to find out that wow. I just I just want to warn you if you're single.
If you're single.
And you ask the opposite sex out?
He may think it today. so
if you want to do it in the group setting that's fine as well. If you don't want to Bear any of that, awkwardness. Is that okay now, so all right. I like what am I asking the same sex? So you can do that. That's a that's a given. Just wanted to make some guidelines cuz I'm just saying. Because you told me to take them out now. I'm catching feelings.
This is not matchmake. So let's let's pray. Okay.
Papa or horses to embody your word and embody Your Truth. We don't just want to go to church want to be at the church. We want to know Jesus intimately and love others intimately you want to be real and we love you Jesus and we love people and we ask that you would just sign your heart your word through us so much. Until we look like you completely. And your mighty name if anyone needs prayer if anyone says Hey top, I don't know about this Jesus thing. I'm not born again. I want to know about him and I want to get born again. You can meet me up here. We're going to chat with you and we're going to watch Jesus do a work in your heart if you just need prayer cuz you're going through something will pray for you. But other than that, God bless you all and you guys are dismissed.
Thank you.