The Spiritual Is Reality (Part 2)

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Reality is found in the spiritual realm.

Last time, we were able to look at the situation and the visitation; what was the cause and the location of this big vision. We got a taste of the reality that what is going on in the spiritual realm is the true reality. For what is taking place in the physical world is a result of what is happening in the spiritual realm.
Once again, I want to remind us that Reality is found in the spiritual realm.

The Explanation - 10:10 - 11:1

In these verses, we probably have Gabriel, once again. Again, this angel is in appearance as a man, as he touches Gabriel to get him up. The angel uses a familiar phrase which Daniel has heard him say earlier. We read about this in Daniel 10:11 “He said to me, “O Daniel, man of high esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.” And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling.” At this point, Daniel is instructed to pay close attention to what is about to be said. This is important, as we’ll see next time we’re together in Daniel. For there are a lot of details which would have been quite confusing to Daniel at that time. Those details will relate to future events.
One scholar reminds us that the prophecies that have been fulfilled were fulfilled literally and exactly. That should remind us and encourage us that the prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled will be done literally and exactly, as well.
So Daniel stands up to listen carefully to what is told. In verse 12, the angel offers encouragement. Daniel 10:12 “Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.”
Then verse 13 introduces us to some strange ideas that are not part of our normal way of thinking. Daniel 10:13 “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia.” We’re introduced to the powerful angel, Michael. Michael seems to be the angel who is tasked with taking care of Israel. We gather this from various Scripture verses which speak of him. Who is this prince of the kingdom of Persia [who] was withstanding [the angel] for twenty-one days? Obviously, no mere human has power over an angel. In the spiritual realm, it would appear that these were demonic beings who tried to control Persia. The angel Michael made it possible for Gabriel to get to Daniel. Details about this skirmish will be dealt with to a degree in another message.
Let me take another side trip with you and elaborate a bit more on this. It would seem that since Persia was the world leader at that time, it would make since that Satan would be intimately involved in the most influential nation on the planet, especially since Israel was still captive. If this prince or demon was actually Satan, which it would seem to be, then it would require the most powerful angel to fight against him.
Now, what does this have to do with us in our day and age? There are three basic things which I believe we can glean from this. One is the fact that angels are indeed real. They are created beings, created by God. Secondly, there are good angels and evil angels. Other passages of Scripture allude to the fact that a third of the angels which God created chose to rebel against God and followed the head of the rebellion, Satan. Finally, angels are involved and can influence the world in which we live. Here, we see it being done with governments and their leaders.
Over the years, we’ve seen multiple leaders and governments who have done all they could to eliminate and wipe out the Jewish people. They tried to destroy the Messiah. Antichrist will also be motivated and empowered by Satan. If Persia is the world leader, it makes perfect sense that Satan would do whatever he could to influence decisions and policies they would make because that would affect the world.
Does this not remind you of what Paul said in Ephesians 6:12? For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. God’s angels work on our behalf at God’s orders.
So why the delay? Isn’t God sovereign and all-powerful? Absolutely. The Bible is silent as to why the delay was allowed. But like so many times, delays are God’s opportunities to do a work in our lives to prepare us for something He has in store for us. We see that as we continually and patiently pray, trusting God to act according to His will. We usually want things to happen immediately so that we can prove the value and worth of God immediately acting. Yet, we don’t see the big picture.
Verse 14 shows us the purpose for this visit. Daniel 10:14: “Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet future.” In the latter days is a translation of in the future. Often this phrase is talking about events that will take place just before and during the coming of the kingdom of God upon the earth. Thus, the angel is going to give a preview of the future kingdom of God. It’s understandable why Daniel was speechless. It required Gabriel to enable him to speak. He was still overwhelmed in the presence of God’s heavenly servant. In verse 19, Peace be with you, being placed in the sentence as it is, was basically an encouragement and assurance that Daniel was safe with him. It seems that this did the trick for Daniel.
The angel is reminding Daniel of the purpose of his coming. He also lets Daniel know that he must go back to fight against the prince of Persia. Thus, the time frame is not going to be lengthy. Gabriel also informs Daniel that the prince of Greece is about to come. Implied in this is that a demonic spirit would later come when Greece rises to power. This is all preparation for what is going to be revealed in the details of chapter 11.
In verse 21, we read of a curious thing. Daniel 10:21 “However, I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth. Yet there is no one who stands firmly with me against these forces except Michael your prince.” What could that possibly be? Most scholars suggest that this is God’s plan for Israel and the whole world. We know that the world’s history happens with God’s full knowledge beforehand of all the events.
Also, we see again that Michael stands for Israel. Listen to what Gabriel says: Yet there is no one who stands firmly with me against these forces except Michael your prince. This is not a wringing of the hands comment. This is not because every other angel was occupied and nobody could be spared to help. The reality is that no one else was needed.
So, verse 1 of chapter 11 is a continuation of the reality that Michael and Gabriel are serving together for Israel. Daniel 11:1 “In the first year of Darius the Mede, I arose to be an encouragement and a protection for him.” Thus, two years before this vision, Gabriel was called upon to be an encouragement and a protection for him. How this works, nobody really knows.
So what took place in the first year of Darius? Babylon fell; the prophecy of the seventy sevens was given; Cyrus made a decree allowing the Jews to go back to their homeland. Obviously, the Jews returning to their homeland would have certainly upset Satan and all those who were opposed to the Jews. Why? Well, if they are allowed to return and are restored, then the prophecies about the coming of the Son of God as the Messiah would take place. Satan did not want God’s chosen people to be delivered from their sin. Satan does not want anyone to accept God’s provision of salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Summation

Angels played a big role in Cyrus letting the Jews go back and rebuild in their homeland. Angels have played a large role throughout history. They do so at the command of God. They do not draw attention to themselves, but point people to God.
As we reflect on this passage today, there’s not any steps we need to take or decisions we need to make. However, the practical application may be as simple as recognizing that Reality is found in the spiritual realm. The world tries to get us to focus on the here and now; that which we can touch and feel. People try to give you programs and procedures to change your lives or become a success; you name it. Some people are convinced that if things keep going the direction they are, that the world will destroy itself. Friends, it all goes back to the spiritual realm. That is where the important wars and battles are fought. I don’t have to lose sleep over all those things which prey upon our time and minds.
It all goes back to a very basic issue. What is true reality? Jesus asked the most basic question, What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? You see, all the stuff that goes on here on this earth that we spend so much time and energy on, has no eternal value. The only thing that has eternal value is the souls of every man, woman, and child.
The question of utmost importance is whether or not you have asked God to forgive you of your sins and then ask Jesus Christ to be in charge of your life. When Jesus came to this earth to die for us, paying the penalty of our sins, that was his sole purpose. He didn’t come to bring about economic equality. He didn’t come to bring about the appropriate geopolitical set up for this world. He didn’t come to make sure you had everything you thought you deserved. He didn’t come to make sure your savings or retirement plan had all the money you think you need. He didn’t come to eradicate sickness and heartache on this planet. In fact, some of the stuff we talk to God about, is frankly quite meaningless. I have to agree with the famous quarterback, Peyton Manning, as he wrote in his book, I don’t think God really cares who wins the football games.
All the other stuff, we can trust God with. Everything we need to do, we work hard at, while leaving the results to God. We are still living in a sinful, fallen world, where poverty, sickness, and heartache still exist. But for the one who has Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, we understand that all of that is just temporary. That which is eternal is that which is true reality. That is taking place right now in the spiritual realm which we cannot see. That is impacting everything that is going on around us.
So, you still want some steps to take? Here they are:
If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior; if you’re not certain that if you were to die that you’d go to heaven; then you need to get that issue settled today.
If you are a child of God, a believer in Jesus Christ, stop looking to this world for answers and satisfaction. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment. When you realize that everything here is temporary and fleeting, then you need to look to Jesus and place everything under His control. You need to trust Him in all areas of your life. Then you begin to recognize all the amazing things that are being done in the spiritual realm and give Him all the glory.
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