Justification by Faith
Christian Clarity: Galatians • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Building a pile of leaves for my son. He wanted me to keep building it so he could destroy it.
We will see that Jesus tore something down, and Paul warns us to not rebuild it.
Galatians 3:15-21
Main Idea: We are justified by faith
Justification is one of the quintessential doctrines of the Christianity. Legal standing before God. We are guilty because of our sin before God. We owe a debt we cannot repay, but that was taken for us.
Courtroom illustration.
We must put faith in Jesus. We must believe in him who took our punishment and we will be saved. Our debt will be paid. Our sin forgiven. Our wrongdoings blotted out. Our legal standing restored. That is the doctrine of justification. Just as if I’d always obeyed.
Judaizers called for Galatians to become Jews and follow the law. Paul’s argument is that the law is not where we receive justification. He will go into more detail about the purpose of the law in chapter 3.
Command #1: Do not rebuild what Christ tore down
Exp. Verses 15-16. Paul and Peter were born Jews; not became Jews. Why does he say “sinners”? Baiting a trap. Verse 16 explains that Peter and Paul put their faith in Jesus. Not works of the law. What are works of the law? 3x in verse 16. Means doing all the law requires. “by works of the law no one will be justified.” Paul is arguing that Gentiles should be included with Jews, but the opposite. Jews are sinners by birth.
App. No word for legalism in Greek. Works of the law is best. Legalism looks today like: wear the right things and say the right things, but if you don’t, you aren’t saved. Imagine someone saying, “Instead of you wearing a suit and tie, I want to dress like you.” Acknowledging their rules do not justify.
Exp. Verse 18. Transgressor is different from sin. Knowing the line and crossing. What is being torn down? The authority of the law. Because of Christ, the truth of the law has been revealed and its purpose exposed. Paul is saying if he’s been set free, why would he go back?
Ill. Being in prison. Being let out. Experiencing freedom. Wanting to go back.
Arg. Egypt
Christ - Christ delivered us from prison. Christ tore the veil separating people from God. It’s like saying, “Hey we need another veil.”
App. Do not rebuild what Christ tore down. What did he tear down? Works righteousness. You do not have to earn your salvation. We keep rebuilding what he tore down. Here’s some reasons we struggle:
Need fulfillment. Jesus is all we need.
Need proof. That’s a false hope. The heart is the issue. Does the gospel move you?
Command #2: Live in what Christ died for
Exp. Verses 19. Paul’s language switches to the imagery of life and death. Powerful image used in Paul’s writings. Paul wants to explain that the difference in having this new life in Christ is literally one of life and death. One commentator makes clear how radical the break is: it is like dying and being reborn. Following Jesus isn’t simply stopping to the old ways, it is dying. This is extreme.
Ill. Memes about burning a house down when they see one spider. Paul’s argument is an extreme one.
Exp. It’s an extreme argument, but it’s purposeful. Should spark a change. Verse 20. Crucified. 5x in Scripture. Those on the cross with Jesus. Perfect tense. “I am being crucified.” Ongoing crucifixion. I was justified completely on the cross, but I am daily dying.
App. Are you daily dying? Paul calls Peter out for not living daily in the gospel. This gospel calls us to die daily. What does this look like? Rest of verse 20. Christ lives in me. I live by faith in Jesus. I’ve been freed.
Ill. Being set free from prison. Living daily in that freedom. Enjoy walking around people. Eating at restaurants. Watching Tennessee football.
Exp. The life I now live is a new life, and it’s not for me. Verse 19 says I live to God. Verse 20 says that Christ lives in me. My life was Christless, but now his Spirit is in me. I died to the law, legalism, and sin to live a new life.
Arg. Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3–4. Why we baptize by immersion.
Christ - Our unity with Christ is dependent on Christ’s death and resurrection. It symbolizes our death and resurrection.
App. Walk in faith. Walk in newness of life.
Spiritual community.
Great Commission.
Time with God.
Ill. Andy Sprinkle. His life was changed in prison.
Come to faith