Out of the Heart
Make your tree good
Brood of Vipers
Every Word
Not only do a person’s words demonstrate his inner character in the present day, but they will be either his defense or his incrimination in the day of judgment. Words are so easy to produce that we can forget how powerful they are. They have great potential for building up as well as tearing down. They can be used to advance God’s kingdom, or to attack it, sometimes subtly, in ways even the speaker does not realize. Words must be used with care, Careless words are like loaded guns that are handled recklessly. Just as the handler of a gun would have to explain any damage done by his weapon, so every person with a tongue (cf. Jas. 3:2–12) will be held responsible for how he or she has used it.
The Pharisees had responded to Jesus’ exorcism carelessly. Their only interest was in keeping their status and power over the people, and their speech attempted to protect their selfish interests. They spoke out of total disregard for the truth, so their words would return to condemn them on the day of judgment. Judgment would come not only because what they said was false but also because their words led many of their followers astray. We see similar abuse of words among misleading preachers today.