Evangelism Testimony

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Romans 10:13-15 NRSV
13 For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”14 But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? 15 And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
I have been asked to talk about my testimony regarding how I share the gospel with people.
When talking about how I share the gospel, I think a good place to start is when I first heard the gospel.
I was at a point in my life where I felt as if I had hit rock bottom.
I had no idea what to do with my life.
I was a grown man still living upstairs at my mom’s house with no plans for the future.
I would say at this time I was in a deep state of depression.
During this depression, I started a new job.
The guy I worked with there was unlike anybody I had ever met.
He Didn’t cuss, had no care about the worldly things I liked, and often opened up his bible on lunch break.
I thought to myself there is something different about this guy and I bet what I have been missing is in that Bible.
I went out to my car on lunch break and started reading an epistle from Paul where he mentioned the type of people that would not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
I realized that was me. I had been living my life wrong.
He then recommended I watch a Paul Washer sermon and from that point on, I found myself following Jesus.
This guy didn’t have a fancy recipe for sharing the gospel with me at work but simply the way he lived testified to what he believed which led me to wanting answers.

My Story

Here I am, I around 7 years later and I have not forgot about that situation.
It was not long ago where a guy I worked with came up to me and said Corey, there is a kind of peace about you that I want in my own life. I am going to start reading the Bible.
This is simply from practicing what I believe.
There is far more to what I do in sharing the gospel with people other than doing my best to live a godly life.
One of the things I do in order to steer conversations towards these kinds of things is to try to always mention church when asked how my weekend went.
When I say I had a good time at church, that then leads to the opportunity to ask what church do you go to?
If they don’t go to church, what do you believe and why?
From these conversations I can usually enter into the realm of apologetics and ask them questions about their beliefs and defend what I believe.
Others I try to find common ground with.
Do you read any books? Do you listen to any podcasts?
Many people fit one of these categories. They will often go on for a while about books they have been reading or what they have been listening to followed by the question of what about you?
This is my golden opportunity.
I read the Bible and theology books. I listen to different Christian podcasts.
For example: I am studying the book of Romans where Paul is explaining salvation.
Then I explain what I am learning about that.
One guy told me his name was John and I said interesting, that is the book of the Bible I have been studying which led to many more Bible conversations.
I get that many of you may have fear of just sharing your faith with someone you don’t know very well.
I was in the same boat.
I thought to myself what if they ask me something I don’t know about, how will I answer.
Truth is, I have had quite a few people ask me questions I did not know the answer to.
But what I did have is a response the next time I saw them or an answer the next time I was asked that question.
One night while at work, I was reading some theology book and I was really excited about it and felt I needed to tell someone about Jesus.
I was scared to walk downstairs and tell the guy working down there at the time.
By God’s grace, I walked down there and got the opportunity to share the gospel.
He even thanked me for coming down and said he needed to hear that.


Opportunities are everywhere if you have the mindset of Evangelism.
Two things that I have found to be extremely helpful in evangelism is this.
1. Don’t assume just because somebody says they are a Christian or go to church that they are saved or even know the gospel.
I often ask these people how they would describe the gospel to me which in turn often gives me the opportunity to share with them the true gospel.
2. Don’t stop at simply sharing the gospel.
If they do not believe, continue to put rocks in their shoes to give them things to think about.
If they do believe, walk alongside of them.
Continue to meet with them and share what you have learned and help them in their journey.
I believe discipleship and evangelism go hand in hand.
May God Bless You All In Sharing His Good News!
Thank you.
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