The Mystery of the Gospel

Ephesians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  51:51
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Ephesians 3:1-13 The Mystery of the Gospel Sunday, July 16, 2023 Pastoral Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for the way you have blessed us in Christ. Thank you for bringing those previously dead in sin to life in Jesus by faith! Thank you for opening eyes to see and ears to hear this truth. And Father, we pray that even this morning for others to have eyes and ears opened. Some for the first time, and others that their eyes and ears would be opened even more. May you help us to see your beauty and glory, Father. We pray this here for our gathering, as well as for gatherings around the world. Father, we pray for Bangkok City Baptist Church in Kangkok Thailand, as they met hours ago. We pray that your glory was made known and the saints were built up and edified. We pray for the lost who may have been there for them to come to belief. Father too, we pray for the thousands of unreached and unbelieving there in Thailand. May the light of the gospel shine brightly, so that all may hear and believe. Father, too we pray this morning for your Spirit and your word to comfort our troubled hearts in the midst of grief and struggle and despair. May our hearts be reminded of the hope of the gospel and the riches we have in Christ! Father, will you do this work now through the proclaiming of your word! Introduction Have you ever considered all the mysteries of the cosmos? There are mysteries still here on earth. There are those things which once were mysteries that have now been found. Consider with me for a moment the great mystery of gravity. Once it was unknown why we didn't float through the air. But that mystery was discovered with the understanding of gravity. Then there are the great mysteries of space. Sure, we can look up and with the right setting see the night sky with the stars and the moon, but there are so many mysteries. Even after men landing on the moon, and space flights since the first man entered space in 1961, there are still many other mysteries to be discovered. But each of these mysteries that have been discovered so far, have been done so through exploring, through study. But there is one mystery that study and exploring would never have found, never would have discovered, never would have unfolded on their own. And that mystery is the great mystery of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A mystery that was previously hidden in the previous ages, but now has been revealed. And it is this mystery that we will be focusing on this morning as found in Ephesians 3:1-13. As we return this morning to the book of Ephesians, we would be helped to recap where we have been to know where we are. The letter to the Ephesians started announcing how God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. That he has lavished his grace on us. And how he guarantees an inheritance in Christ. But then in chapter 2, there was an emphasis of all of salvation being by God's grace, his grace to bring those who were dead to life in Jesus. And this being extended to both those of Jewish and Gentile background if they were united to Jesus by faith. In fact, the two were being called to be one in Christ, fellow citizens with one another, members of the same household, and a holy temple for the LORD. And it is here that we pick back up this morning in Ephesians 3:1-13. Main Idea: The promises of Christ Jesus in the gospel belong to God's one new people, the church, and it is through the church that the wisdom of God is now revealed to the entire cosmos. We will unfold this in 2 parts this morning. Part 1, the eternal mystery of the gospel now revealed. Part 2, the eternal mystery of the gospel now proclaimed. I. The Eternal Mystery of the Gospel now revealed. From eternity past, the LORD our God, had an eternal plan. Verse 11, this was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord. But until the right time, the fullness of that plan was hidden, it was left a mystery. But now, that mystery has now been revealed. A mystery that has been given to the Apostle Paul. Verses 1-3.... It is probable here that the Apostle Paul is referring to the revelation that he received on the Damascus Road as recorded in Acts 9. A revelation where Christ was made known to him, but further instruction came as well. But even if the Apostle Paul here is referring to another time revelation was given to him, it is abundantly clear that God has entrusted to Paul a stewardship of this mystery by his grace. To be a steward, especially a good steward, is a call to carefully handle and manage that which has been entrusted to them, that which has been given to them. Paul is to carefully handle and manage this mystery that has been made known to him. A mystery previously hidden from the previous generations, but now made known. Verses 4-5.... In order for us to know the mind and will and plans of the LORD, he himself must reveal them to us. And until they are revealed, they cannot be searched for and found. The mysteries of God are unsearchable by the best of trackers until the LORD himself chooses to reveal them to the world. And in the case of this one grand mystery, there were tiny hints to the mystery throughout the Old Testament, but until the mystery was revealed, the fullness of God's eternal plan was unclear. What was that plan? What is this mystery that was previously hidden, but now has been revealed by the Spirit to God's holy apostles and prophets? The mystery now made known to Paul, the mystery in which he has now been given the stewardship to care for? Verse 6.... The grand mystery hidden from the sons of men, the generations before, is that God's eternal plan not only included the Israelites, but the Gentiles too to be his people. Yes, Israel was first chosen as God's people. But their goal was always to be a light and a blessing to the nations. That much was clear throughout the Old Testament. A few examples of this are found in: ● Genesis 12:1-3, Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." ● Isaiah 49:6, he says: "It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth." ● Isaiah 55:5, Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know, and a nation that did not know you shall run to you, because of the LORD your God, and of the Holy One of Israel, for he has glorified you." But how this looked was a mystery. How the nations were to come to salvation, how that was to look was left unclear, it was left a complete mystery hidden for the ages, until it was finally revealed to God's holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. The Spirit that called for Paul to be set apart for ministering to the Gentiles. The same Spirit that revealed to Peter in Acts 10 that none were to be considered unclean. This Spirit, the third person of the Triune God, has made known the mystery of the gospel in Christ Jesus. That Jews and Gentiles were to be united in Christ by their mutual faith. They were to not only be united, but they were to become fellow heirs with one another of all the promises of God. And they were to be members of the same body, that is the body of Christ. God first chose the Jews, but his eternal plan was always to include the Gentiles by uniting the two together in Jesus. This means, no matter one's background, whether one was a Jew of Jews like the Apostle Paul or whether they were of a Gentile background, that is non-Jewish, like most in the Church of Ephesus, they were both fellow heirs of all of God's promises in Christ Jesus. The two were together members of the same body, the body of Christ. And the same rings true today. All who have believed in Jesus, regardless of interests, background, history, or any other thing, are being joined together into one new body, one new people as fellow heirs. And this one new people is best defined as the church. The church is the body of Christ, it is the bride of Christ as Paul will later go on to describe her. And the church is made up of many members, all making up the same body. And while this describes the universal church, it is best put on display as the local church. This is one reason church membership matters. Because commitment to the local church shows one's true commitment to the universal church. It's easy to say we love the universal church, while keeping our distance from the local church. How are we to show we are members of the same body in caring for one another if we are not connected to a local church to carry out that care? To carry out the one anothers? We can't. This is why church membership matters. Because commitment to the local church shows our love for Christ and his bride, the other members of the body. The local church is where God's mystery of uniting people in Christ becomes clear. This is the mystery that has now been revealed in the gospel. The mystery that God's eternal plan was to make a new people, the people of God in the church. It is the church, both universal and local, that God's blessings are poured out on. It is the church that is to be the heirs of all of God's promises. And it is this mystery that we must grasp, church. There is well known verse that has been royally maligned and misrepresented in the American Evangelical Church. And that verse is 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says, If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Let me ask the question, why do you think this verse has been royally maligned and misrepresented in our context? Because we have exchanged my people with our nation. This verse never has or will have anything to do with any geo-political nation outside of Israel. And only then, it was a promise made under the old covenant. But now, who is defined, according to Paul here, as the people of God? Is it not the one new people? The Church? The church made up of those who were of Jewish and Gentile background? The church, made up of those found in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Egypt, Morocco, China, Indonesia, Burma, and on and on. We must grasp the mystery that has been revealed, God's new people is the church. And therefore all the promises of the Old Testament now belong to the church, including the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14. So, what if we grasped that the new people of God is not a geo-political nation, but that God's people is the church? And then, what if instead of praying that a people who are not God's people would turn to God, what if we prayed for God's people, the church, to turn to him? And that God would heal his people in the church so that we might shine brightly before the world and be a light for the nations? We actually will see this pushed further next week in Paul's prayer for the new people of God in Ephesians 3:14-21. We must grasp the mystery that God has now revealed to us, the eternal mystery of Christ to create one new people who together are heirs, who together are members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel. The very mystery we are called to proclaim can only be proclaimed if we understand that which has been revealed. The church is the people of God, those set apart for his glory, and to be a light to the nations. And now that we hear the mystery that has been revealed, we must go and proclaim it. That's where we turn here with our second point this morning. II. The Eternal Mystery of the Gospel now proclaimed. It is this mystery that Paul labored to proclaim as he preached the gospel. That God was working to create one new people in Christ Jesus. But there was a problem, not with the mystery itself, but with those who heard Paul proclaim it. The people, particularly that of the Jews, did not like this mystery being revealed and now proclaimed. They did not like that Paul proclaimed that the Gentiles now were to become fellow heirs with them in God's promises. That God had one new people in Christ. They would rather shut the kingdom door and keep out the Gentiles than let them in. And so, Paul was imprisoned because of the mystery he proclaimed. Return with me to verse 1.... Paul is imprisoned for proclaiming the mystery of the Gospel, the mystery that in Christ, God is creating a new people for himself. But note what Paul writes, "I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles-." Wait Paul, aren't you a prisoner in Rome? Aren't you a prisoner under first the Jews, then the Romans as stated in Acts 28:17? Well, technically yes. But note how the Apostle Paul acknowledges all of this is under the sovereignty of God in him stating that he is a prisoner of Christ Jesus. John Stott writes, "He called himself a prisoner of Christ Jesus, so convinced was he that the whole of his life, including his tiresome imprisonment, was under the lordship of Jesus."1 Paul does not begrudge his imprisonment, in fact, he writes to encourage these once Gentiles, now Christians, in their faith in Christ, so that they may be strengthened. He wants them to not lose heart over his situation, as noted in verse 13. This is the eagerness of Paul to proclaim the mystery that has been revealed, regardless that it cost him his freedom, and even might cost him his life. How far have we strayed in our cultural Christian context? In the American Evangelical Church we love to boast about being free to gather, and yet we struggle to evangelize. While the Apostle Paul boasted about being in prison because of his proclamation of God's mystery in Christ. Let the hearer hear. Let the one who has understanding, understand how we have exchanged the glory of this mystery for comfort and ease. Our call to evangelism is not out of mere duty, but for the glory of others. Again, look at verse 13, but now the last phrase, which is for your glory. The Apostle Paul labors to make the mystery known to the Gentiles so that they may enter the glory of the LORD and be glorified in Christ. Paul's labors are not simply out of duty, but for the love of his neighbor, of his fellow man. But note that this proclamation isn't done in Paul's strength. The Apostle Paul here, as great of a servant of Christ as he is, he is still a servant. He acts not according to his strength. It is the power workin in him, the power of God in the Holy Spirit. The call to gospel proclamation is aided by the power of God's Spirt to strengthen us and equip us to this task. And part of that power at work is the reminder of God's grace on our own lives and the great privilege it is to proclaim this very grace that has saved us. Verse 8.... Paul eagerly preaches the gospel because it was a grace given to him, though he was undeserving of it. He considered himself the least of all the saints, not just the apostles here. For Paul knew who he was. He was an enemy of God who previously persecuted the church. But now, God has saved him by making himself known and the mystery of the gospel known to him. God's grace was poured out on Paul. And because of this grace, Paul is eager to preach the grace of God to others. Brothers and sisters, what about us? Is part of our reluctancy to proclaim the mysteries of Christ because we fail to remember who we were and the grace that has saved us? Let us stop thinking evangelism is a mere obligation that must be done. Let us start seeing that we are invited in to proclaim the great mystery of the gospel, a message of utter grace that has entered the world through the one man, Jesus Christ! For it is in this gospel message that the unsearchable riches of Christ are proclaimed. Kent Hughes in his commentary writes, "Christ never subtracts from life; he always enriches it with untrackable riches."2 In proclaiming the gospel, the riches that come in Christ are declared so that they may be found. That the untrackable is now discovered. That which was hidden is made known. The riches of God's grace and mercy that are poured out that all who come to Jesus and be untied to him in faith can drink the living water and eat the living bread. The riches of his grace lavished on in every spiritual blessing. But how are these to be revealed if not proclaimed through the preaching of the gospel? For it is through the preaching of the gospel that light shines into the midst of darkness. Verse 9.... As the gospel message is proclaimed, the message declaring of God's grace to the world in Christ, a light pierces through the darkness of night. It begins to cut through the darkness of hearts. This is how God has always worked in transforming hearts, through the power and truth of his words being proclaimed so that others may hear. Christian, you want to be the light of the world? You want to alleviate the darkness of the world? Proclaim the gospel, for it is that of pure light that shines in the darkest of night. It brings hope where there is no hope. The gospel brings peace where there was no peace. It is this gospel mystery that shines when it is proclaimed! This proclamation is given to the church, the universal, but more practically to the local church. Verse 10.... The reason we note that practically the local church is that we see here that the manifold wisdom of God is made known through the church. Now while many might think this is primarily talking about the universal church, how is the wisdom of God seen without commitment to a local body of believers? How is this manifold wisdom seen if there is not a body being joined together of both those who were previously alienated as Jews and Gentiles? The local church is where we see this manifold wisdom most clearly revealed. It is where the universal church is put on display, where the one another's of Scripture are carried out. It is where the two together take part of God's grace and together proclaim these mysteries to the world. But not just the world as we have seen. To even the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. There is much speculation around what is fully meant here. But I think we would do well to understand this, that in saying those in the heavenly places, it is referring to the angels who did not depart from the LORD when Lucifer, that is Satan, fell. But, though they remained with God, they had not yet themselves experienced the mystery of God's grace, his grace that extended to unite a people together to form one new people in Christ. Again, the local church is the fullest display of God's wisdom and grace in making all things new. The local church is where God's eternal purposes are declared and put to work. Where his great mystery is put on display, a mystery that reconciles sinners to a holy God and sinners to one another in Christ. This was God's plan from eternity past as noted again in verse 11. The plan that was previously hidden, but has now been realized in Christ Jesus and has been made known. The great mystery that we desire to proclaim. Friend, this is the great mystery that we hope you who have yet to believe will come to grasp and believe this morning. It is this gospel, this good news, that is shining brightly now that we want you to see. Come to the light, come out of the darkness of sin, and place your faith today in Jesus! Come and see the riches of Christ, the riches of his grace! I'd love to talk with you more following the service. For it is only through the riches of Christ that we can have boldness and access with confidence to enter the heavenly places ourself, to enter the presence of the Holy God. Friend, your unbelief will keep you from access, but repentance and belief will grant you access with confidence because of who Jesus is. And brothers and sisters, this is already our hope in Christ! By our faith in Christ, we with confidence can know we have access to the Father through the Son! With boldness we can draw near! Rest in that hope, brothers and sisters in Christ! Let's pray.... 1 Stott, John. The Message of Ephesians: The Bible Speaks Today Series. (IVP: Downers Grove, IL, 1979) 83. 2 Hughes, R. Kent. Ephesians: The Mystery of the Body of Christ. (Crossway: Wheaton, IL, 1990) 106. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Ephesians 3:1-13; Page #1
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