1 Sa 3:1-21

1 Samuel (Jr High) Chapter 3  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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1. The word of the Lord was uncommon in that day because of their sin and hardened hearts. 2. Young Samuel was faithful and God would raise him up and establish him as God's anointed priest. 3. Samuel speaks forth the message of judgement upon the household of Eli. Application: a)Sin can stop the Lord from speaking to you. b) The ways the Lord speaks to us.


Hearing and Responding to God

1. (V1) The word of the Lord was uncommon in those days

a) The word of the LORD was rare in those days because of the hardness of heart among the people of Israel and the corruption of the priesthood. God will speak, and guide, when His people seek Him, and when His ministers seek to serve Him diligently.
There is a history of disobedience: The previous Book, Judges, everyone was doing what’s right in their own eyes and their was a great deal of evil going on
When we are living in sin and our hearts are hardened against God, He will resist us
I’ve had people tell me they no longer hear from God and they believe God is failing them.
But when I ask the question, Do you have sin in your life, they say yes.
Isaiah 59:2 “It’s your sins that have cut you off from God. Because of your sins, he has turned away and will not listen anymore.”
Got Questions.org describes it this way,
Sin hardens us. Ongoing sin is a series of decisions, each one choosing against God’s authority in our lives and substituting our own. Those decisions create a wall between us and our Creator because we cannot have two masters.
Jesus said we “will hate the one and love the other” (Matthew 6:24). Not only are we separate from God when we are ruled by sin; we are His enemies (Colossians 1:21).
Application: Are you distant from God today?
Do you have bitterness in your heart, or un-forgiveness in your heart, or possibly some other type of sin?

2. (V7) Samuel did not yet know the Lord

a) According to tradition, its believed Samuel is around 12 years old and so he was still learning to hear or distinguish the voice of the Lord
A question that I get from adults as well as kids, is how do I hear from the Lord?
I think where people get it wrong and say they do not hear from God is because they are waiting for an audible voice.
God speaks to us through His word
Praying about something and I wake up with an overwhelming feeling one way or another regarding what I prayed about
As we pray, sometimes the Lord will give a specific word or two. Like a large puzzle, God gives a few pieces and sometimes it doesn’t make complete sense until he reveals more
God can speak to you through the message of a pastor or another person

3. (V11-14) The Lord spoke to Samuel about the judgement on the house of Eli

a) Judgement because they blaspheme God and Eli did not discipline them
Blaspheme is to speak with contempt about God which can be a verbal or written reproach of God’s name, character, work, or attributes

4. (V15-16) Samuel was afraid to tell Eli the message from the Lord

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