4-Hs of Christian Discipleship

4H 2023 • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 33:35
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· 30 views4H Clubs make 4 pledges, but Christ-followers focus on 4 priorities
Over 20 years ago I was invited to speak at a youth retreat in rural Wisconsin. The first thing I thought about when thinking of rural teens was 4H. I had to look up what the 4Hs were and found (say it with me):
I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
my heart to greater loyalty,
my hands to larger service,
and my health to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world
I then began to think through these pledges and Christian Discipleship. I concluded that those who follow Christ focus on 4 priorities as well.
I believe God has a purpose for each of your lives, but that purpose can be missed if our vision is out of focus.
Often what we see is very different from what is there.
I was listening this week to an author describing the ideas of a German Philosopher who was alive at the time of our Revolutionary War. Immanuel Kant spoke of what is true for you and what is true for everyone. The author I was listening to summarize Kant as saying “what is true for everyone is a fact. What is true for you is a feeling.”
If Kant were alive today he may use words like “you have your truth (feelings) and I have my truth (feelings) but what needs to shape our ethics is the truth.
I believe that the Bible is the truth, because it came from the one who created everything and is therefore our users manual.
Transition: our first priority is the head. But unlike the part of our body above the neck, the Bible says Christ is our head.
18 And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
Focus on Him (Hebrews 12:2a)
Focus on Him (Hebrews 12:2a)
BIG IDEA: To know God requires a relationship with Christ.
2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Jesus is the Model of Faith
Jesus is the Model of Faith
He exchanged happiness for mission
He wasn’t bothered by image
He received the reward
Jesus is the Beginning of Faith
Jesus is the Beginning of Faith
You didn’t find Jesus, He was searching for you.
3 parables of Luke 11 – Lost sheep, lost coin, lost son
Jesus is the Completion of Faith
Jesus is the Completion of Faith
A. He presents us as “perfect” or “complete”
He completes our relationship with God
1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
He completes our relationship with others
12 and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you,
Transition: If you desire to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, it will require focus. The first object of your attention needs to be the person of Jesus Christ. After we recognize Jesus as our head, next we mush align our affections.
Focus on Your Heart (1 Samuel 16:7, Romans 8:1-8)
Focus on Your Heart (1 Samuel 16:7, Romans 8:1-8)
Machine Does Nothing
When the Crystal Palace Exhibition opened in 1851, people flocked to London's Hyde Park to behold the marvels. One of the greatest marvels back then was steam. Steam plows were displayed. Steam locomotives. Steam looms. Steam organs. Even a steam cannon.
Of all the great exhibits that year, the first-prize winner was a steam invention with seven thousand parts. When it was turned on, its pulleys, whistles, bells, and gears made a lot of noise, but, ironically, the contraption didn't do a thing! Seven thousand moving parts making a lot of commotion... but having no practical use.
With the high-tech era we live in, it's easy to confuse activity with accomplishment, to be fooled into thinking that the sound of gears and pulleys is the sound of something important being done.
When we don’t know what we’re doing and lose focus on what’s important, we can wander off. It usually happens a little at a time.
God is looking for World Changers (1 Samuel 15-16)
God is looking for World Changers (1 Samuel 15-16)
I’d like to invite our guests to consider coming back next week if you are not part of a good Bible-preaching church. We are in a series of messages looking at one king who served himself and it led to his destruction, and another king who did what God wanted and he is still know to this day as Israel’s greatest king.
Earthly focus leads to death (1 Tim 4:7-12)
Earthly focus leads to death (1 Tim 4:7-12)
Biblical Principle: Earthly focus leads to death
7 Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; 8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
Your affections (heart) requires constant attention
Your affections (heart) requires constant attention
Does the name Herb Elliot mean anything to anyone here?
"In Australia quite a few years ago, Elliott had a broken foot. He went up to Coach Percy Cerutty, one of the best coaches in Australia, and said, 'Mr. Cerutty, I want to run the mile in less than four minutes.'
"Cerutty looked at him and said, 'Son, do you know what it takes to run a mile under four minutes? Do you know what it is to run until you can hardly stand up, to suck in hot air until you're almost unconscious? Do you know what it is to run that kind of race?'
"Elliott said, 'I don't care what it takes; I want to run the mile under four minutes.'
"The coach said, 'OK, come out to the track tomorrow.' But Cerutty didn't put him on the track; he took him out to a beach nearby, ran him uphill on the sand, and ran him over boulders and rocks. He ran him over the most difficult obstacle course he could find. The kid kept running; he wouldn't give up.
"Less than one year later, 20-year-old Elliott ran the mile in 3:54.5, smashing the world record. That's what can happen when a person sets his mind on a direction and guards against any distractions.
[For Men Only by J. Allan Petersen, ed., Tyndale House, 1973. Pages 203-204.]
Transition: When our eyes are focused on our Head and the affections of our heart are guarded against distractions, the next realm to consider is what we do with our hands (bodies). Some live selfishly, while God calls us to think about others.
Focus on the Harvest (John 4:35)
Focus on the Harvest (John 4:35)
BIG IDEA: To serve God requires compassion
How many of you recall the movie the Jungle Book? Do you remember the Song that Blue the Bear sings with Boy? It has been so long since I watched the movie that I don’t remember all the lyrics, but I know it is something about the bare necessities? What are the bare necessities?
Sometimes we get so focused on what we think are the necessities, that we miss what is really important.
John 4 tells a story that Jesus used to get his disciples focused on the bare necessities.
Some Miss the Harvest because of preoccupation (John 4:31-34)
Some Miss the Harvest because of preoccupation (John 4:31-34)
A. The disciples were focused upon their appetites
B. Jesus was focused upon the needs of people
C. If we are only focused upon ourselves, we might miss something more important.
Leith Anderson, a pastor from Minnesota tells this story:
When I was a boy growing up outside of New York City, I was an avid fan of the Brooklyn Dodgers. The archenemy in my childhood was the New York Yankees. I had seen them only on television and heard them only on the radio until I was invited by my father to skip school and to go to the World Series game between the Yankees and the Dodgers. Unfortunately the Dodgers never got on base, so my thrill was shattered.
I tucked it away somewhere in my unconscious until, as an adult, I was in a conversation with one of these fellows who was a walking sports almanac. I mentioned to him when I went to my first major league game. I said, "It was such a disappointment. I was a Dodger fan and the Dodgers never got on base."
He said, "You were there? You were at the game when Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in all of World Series history?"
I said, "Yeah, but, uh, we lost." I was so caught up in my team's defeat that I missed out on the fact that I was a witness to a far greater page of history.
-- Leith Anderson, "Unlistened-to Lessons of Life," Preaching Today, Tape 48.
Some Miss the Harvest because of procrastination (v.35)
Some Miss the Harvest because of procrastination (v.35)
A. Some think there is no hurry
There will be no harvest if seeds aren’t planted.
B. Jesus said procrastination will be harmful
The people around you are ready for something positive that will change their lives. They are overripe for something that gives them true hope.
Others Share in the Harvest because of previous labor (vv.36-38)
Others Share in the Harvest because of previous labor (vv.36-38)
We need to be aware of what God is doing in other people’s lives
It all depends upon what you are looking for. If you want to be used by God, look for hurting people and do something nice for them.
Transition: We focus on our Head, guard our hearts, and use our hands to participate in God’s Harvestbecause there is a future reward in…
Focus on Heaven (Hebrews 12:2b & Luke 9:16)
Focus on Heaven (Hebrews 12:2b & Luke 9:16)
BIG IDEA: To endure hardship requires eternal perspective.
Heaven provides Cheerleaders (Hebrews 12:1)
Heaven provides Cheerleaders (Hebrews 12:1)
A. Cheerleaders who have been through your struggles
There is a sport I never watched in person until coming to Chase County. When I attended my first meet in Council Grove I watched curiously because I did not even know how long a cross-country race was. But the people around me who were most interested and cheered the loudest were those who had been involved in the sport themselves.
These are the types of witnesses that are in heaven, looking down and cheering you on.
Heaven provides Rewards (Hebrews 11:6)
Heaven provides Rewards (Hebrews 11:6)
Heaven provides Warning (Hebrews 12:25)
Heaven provides Warning (Hebrews 12:25)
A. God warns us of danger
"A good pilot does what it takes to get his passengers home," writes Max Lucado. "I saw a good example of this while flying somewhere over Missouri. The flight attendant told us to take our seats because of impending turbulence. It was a rowdy flight, and the folks weren't quick to respond; so she warned us again. `The flight is about to get bumpy. For your own safety, take your seats.'
"Most did, but a few didn't, so she changed her tone, `Ladies and gentlemen, for your own good, take your seats.'
"I thought everyone was seated, but apparently I was wrong, for the next voice we heard was that of the pilot. `This is Captain Brown,' he advised. `People have gotten hurt by going to the bathroom instead of staying in their seats. Let's be very clear about our responsibilities. My job is to get you through the storm. Your job is to do what I say. Now sit down and buckle up!'
"About that time the lavatory door opened, and a red-faced fellow with a sheepish grin exited and took his seat.
"Good pilots do what it takes to get their passengers home. So does God."
[A Gentle Thunder by Max Lucado. Word Publishing, 1995. Pages 3-4.]
This morning we have focused on BEING the person God wants you to be by focusing on Himand your Heart. Then we talked about focusing on DOING what God wants you to do by focusing on the Harvest and the rewards and warnings from Heaven.
A South American minnow-like fish called "four eyes" knows how to make the best of both worlds. His secret is his large bulging eyes. The Creator designed them so that he can see above the water and below it at the same time. The fish does this by cruising along through the water with the upper half of his eyes above the surface. This top half has an air lens, and the bottom half has a water lens. Together, the two lenses outfit "four eyes" with a set of natural bifocals, allowing him to see both the upperworld and the underworld.
In a sense, we who are believers in Christ must be like this little tropical fish. We should look up longingly into the idealism of heaven while looking around lovingly in compassion for people who have fallen into sin and its consequences.