Viviendo en la Eternidad

Cristo, El Principio y El Fin: Estudios en las Profecias de la Biblia  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Buenos dias hermanos y feliz Sabado!
Cada buena cosa, tiene que tener su fin verdad y les quiero decir una vez mas gracias a los lideres de esta Iglesia, al Pastor Mario por ser buen amigo y por abrir su casa a mi familia y de darnos esta linda oportunidad de estar con ustedes. Espero que haya sido de bendicion el tiempo que pasamos juntos y deseo que el Senor siempre los bendiga en cada momento.
A man was visiting a certain school and made a promise to the pupils that he would give a prize to the one whose desk was found in the very best order when he returned. He gave no indication, however, when he might come back. Shortly after he left, a little girl, noted for her disorderly habits, announced that she meant to win the prize. Her schoolmates jeered and laughed at her, saying, “Why, Mary, your desk is always out of order. It’s never cleaned up.” “Oh,” she replied, “but starting right now, I’m going to clean it up the first of every week.”
Someone questioned, “Just supposing he comes at the end of the week?” “Well then,” Mary answered, “I’ll clean it up every morning.” “What if he comes at the end of the day?” another asked. At that suggestion, Mary was silent for a moment. Then, with her face lighting up, she said, “I know what I’ll do, I’ll just keep it clean all the time!”
Esta semana hemos estudiado un poco lo que son las profecias de la Biblia, y ahora hay que traerles la conclusion. Al final del dia, que es el mensaje que les quiero dejar a concluir esta semana? Primero es, mantenganse firmes en la fe de Jesus y lo segundo es, tenemos que estar preparados.
Hay muchas cosas que estan pasando a nuestro alrededor que hacen que este lugar sea mas y mas incomodo para vivir. Lo que quiero meditar en esta manana es sobre la gran recompensa que nuestro Senor tiene para nosotros.
En el ultimo mensaje les animo que nos preparemos, pero que mantengamos la meta siempre en mente: el hogar celestial que nuestro Senor nos esta preparando.
Por cierto estamos viviendo en tiempos profeticos, como lo vimos esta semana. Los Estados Unidos es un pais de abundancia, pero la abundancia se termina tarde o temprano y pronto hasta este pais tendra su parte en los tiempos finales.
Todo lo que vemos nos ayuda ver que necesitamos alghuien que nos salve y nos ayude sobrevivir este lugar.
Gracias al Senor, que tenemos una ayuda y tenemos una salvacion en la presencia de Cristo Jesus.
Psalm 121:1–8 RVR95BTO
1 Alzaré mis ojos a los montes. ¿De dónde vendrá mi socorro? 2 Mi socorro viene de Jehová, que hizo los cielos y la tierra. 3 No dará tu pie al resbaladero ni se dormirá el que te guarda. 4 Por cierto, no se adormecerá ni dormirá el que guarda a Israel. 5 Jehová es tu guardador, Jehová es tu sombra a tu mano derecha. 6 El sol no te fatigará de día ni la luna de noche. 7 Jehová te guardará de todo mal, él guardará tu alma. 8 Jehová guardará tu salida y tu entrada desde ahora y para siempre.


Turn with me in your Bible to the book of Revelation 21:1-2
Revelation 21:1–2 RVR95BTO
1 Entonces vi un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva, porque el primer cielo y la primera tierra habían pasado y el mar ya no existía más. 2 Y yo, Juan, vi la santa ciudad, la nueva Jerusalén, descender del cielo, de parte de Dios, ataviada como una esposa hermoseada para su esposo.
Overview of Timeline
This already describes something beautiful and beyond anything we have ever seen on this earth or ever will see again. In our previous message, if you’ll remember we discussed the sealed people of God victorious at the Second Coming of Christ and ready to enter into heaven. Entering heaven at that point led them to the 1,000 years in which they would investigate all the questions they have ever had. The best thing is that God Himself will be there to answer all of their questions. This morning I want to focus on Revelation 21 which takes place after all the evil of this earth has been removed and when Satan, the great adversary, has been defeated forever. The faithful return to this earth and this is what John sees will come to pass.
Kainos vs Neos
Verse 1 of chapter 21 talks about a New Heaven and a New Earth. The word “new” used there in the original Greek is the word: “Kainos” This word is used four times in the first five verses of 21 and it is interesting that John would use this word rather than the word, “Neos.” The Greek word “neos” is used when you want to talk about something new in time. The other word “kainos,” however, is used when something old has become obsolete and needs to be remade. In this verse, the old heaven and the old earth which we stand upon in this very moment, have become obsolete and needs to be replaced with something new.
No More Sea and Oppression
God is the one who brings about this change. The next thing that John notices is that the sea is no more.
This always comes as a shock to many people. Many of us would love to embark upon a journey with no danger of peril on the waves of the sea.
However, we must look at this from the point of view of the Hebrew mind. John had been trapped on this island of Patmos surrounded by the sea. His fellow brothers use to make their living by fishing upon the water, but it was never the vacation we may imagine it to be sometimes. It was hard work because the sea and the waters were always so unpredictable.
There is a saying that goes, “red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailors delight.” For humanity, the sea has always represented this beautiful, yet oppressive force. Something to be overcome. John notices that it is no more in the new earth and he is glad. For John, the lack of a sea symbolizes that anything that ever oppressed the people of God would no longer exist.
Complete Freedom
Do you feel oppressed right now? Do you feel like you try and try so hard to get ahead, but the very system seems like it is working against you? The good news is that in the promised kingdom of God, all of that oppression you feel every day, will be no more. You will explore the millions of galaxies in the universe, will work the land and watch it effortlessly bring forth delicious fruit, you will never again see any form of darkness because everything will be shrouded in magnificent light. You will wear a crown of glory and you will see the face of God with nothing to hold you back or hide Him from your sight.
The Wedding Moment - Homesickness
History, my friends, is fast moving towards this beautiful reunion and the Bible paints the picture of a wedding and I cannot help but think back to my wedding day. When my beautiful wife, whom I had not seen that entire day, finally appeared, all I could do was place my hand to my heart as she took my breadth away. What I remember the most about that moment is that there was nothing new to be said. This moment was simply the culmination of a commitment I had already made to her in my heart. Essentially, my heart had already been in her possession for a long time. The same is true for us as well, whether you are single or married. The moment that Christ appears, it is simply the public culmination of a promise He made so many years ago to His faithful, and which you accepted the moment you invited Him into your life. When we see Him, it will be because our hearts have been in His possession a long time already. His love has never left us. This will be the moment that true eternity begins.
We continue reading in verses 3-5 that says. Revelation 21:3-5
Revelation 21:3–5 RVR95BTO
3 Y oí una gran voz del cielo, que decía: «El tabernáculo de Dios está ahora con los hombres. Él morará con ellos, ellos serán su pueblo y Dios mismo estará con ellos como su Dios. 4 Enjugará Dios toda lágrima de los ojos de ellos; y ya no habrá más muerte, ni habrá más llanto ni clamor ni dolor, porque las primeras cosas ya pasaron». 5 El que estaba sentado en el trono dijo: «Yo hago nuevas todas las cosas». Me dijo: «Escribe, porque estas palabras son fieles y verdaderas».
Anticipation From Both Sides
I know on my wedding day there was an anticipation on both the part of myself as well as my wife.
“Los primeros creyentes no buscaban que algo sucediera, buscaban que alguien viniera.
Buscar que llegue el tren es una cosa, pero buscar que alguien a quien amamos venga en ese tren es otra cuestión.” - Havner, Vance
God is looking forward to this moment as well. There is a longing in the heart of God to be with His people and to never again be separated from them again. This is why this work is so important because all of the things that God is wiping away, are all the things that ever separated Him from His people. Death especially has been the greatest separation than anyone can ever experience. Humanity is literally powerless against death. We can do as much as we can to keep a person from dying, but when they cross that threshold, our power over death ends. There is nothing we can do to get them back.
No More Death
Praise God, that Jesus Christ holds the keys over death! He will destroy death and He will be glad to do it because no more will that horrible darkness claim His people. Death shall be no more.
More Than Wishful Thinking
I know it is hard to believe and even more difficult to imagine a world like this, but all of what we have spoken about this morning is not wishful thinking. God Himself even provides the very dimensions of the temple of God so that you can see how clearly He is working to plan all of this. Verse 5 encourages us further saying “these words are trustworthy and true.” This is going to happen my friends! You cannot miss it.


We have reached the end of the matter, and what more can I say? Each one of us needs to recognize that we are not home yet. I ask you to decide once and for all today that this home is not your permanent home, you are simply passing through on your way to a better land. We are pilgrims and this world has nothing of value for us.
People Want To Escape
There is far too much pain and suffering in this world, and people know it now more than ever. A recent study showed that people going to the movies has hit an all time high. In an interview, Ben Comer of Kernersville, North Carolina stated that the reason he has been going to the movies more lately is because,
“Honestly, I go because it’s my escape. With all the political drama and news-I like to escape from reality.”
Our mistake comes when we treat this planet like it is our permanent home. Even though in the Constitution of this country is that we each have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the real truth of the matter is that as long as we have pain and death in this world, our happiness will always be interrupted. This is why we will see more and more people who are not liking the conditions of this planet. A home is meant for you to feel safe, loved, and it is a place you never want to leave. Yet, here are people who will tell you that this is a place they want to escape from if even for just a little while.
En esta tarde el Senor nos invita a tomar una decision de nuevo estar con el para siempre. Mientras esperamos, trabajamos para El y nos aeguramos de estar listos para su pronta venida.
Hay un dicho que dice lo siguiente,
“Planifique como si Cristo no fuera a venir en diez años, pero Vive como si Él viniera en diez segundos.”
I have presented the Word of God to you this morning and it has promised each one of us a new home, a new heaven and a new earth. The invitation for each one of us this morning is clear. Revelation 22:17
Revelation 22:17 RVR95BTO
17 El Espíritu y la Esposa dicen: «¡Ven!». El que oye, diga: «¡Ven!». Y el que tiene sed, venga. El que quiera, tome gratuitamente del agua de la vida.
Call to Come
The Spirit that is God says: Come! God is not angry with you. He does not hate you. He misses you! He has a home that He wants you to be a part of.
The Bride that is the church says: Come! This is our mission to share with the world! Come to the celebration and be a part of this new earth.
The One who Hears this message now has to tell others: Come!
The One who is Thirsty for something better and for a new home: Come!
To the One who Desires this new home, God is calling you this morning! Come!
“Si no encontramos placer ahora en la contemplación de las cosas celestiales; si no tenemos interés en buscar el conocimiento de Dios, no nos deleitamos en contemplar el carácter de Cristo; si la santidad no tiene atractivos para nosotros, entonces podemos estar seguros de que nuestra esperanza del cielo es vana.
La perfecta conformidad con la voluntad de Dios es el objetivo elevado que debe estar constantemente ante el cristiano. Le encantará hablar de Dios, de Jesús, del hogar de bienaventuranza y pureza que Cristo ha preparado para los que le aman.
La contemplación de estos temas, cuando el alma se deleita con las benditas seguridades de Dios, el apóstol la presenta como gustando “los poderes del siglo venidero.
Si estás bien con Dios hoy, estás listo si Cristo viniera hoy.” - Elena G. White - Testimonios Para la Iglesia, 5:745 (1889).
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