Vices & Virtues: Lying
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Welcome! Im glad each of you are here!
Read Colossians 3:1-15
-This passage is beautiful because it implies how we should live and it implies there are ways we should not live.
-Paul reminds us that when we became believers, we died to our old selves and now have a new identity in Christ. Our lives are hidden with Christ in God, and we share in His resurrection glory.
-Paul goes on to provide practical guidance on how this transformation should affect our daily lives. He encourages us to put to death the sinful nature and to put on the virtues of Christ.
-we must be Putting Off the Old Self and let the old self die. We must rid ourselves of sinful behaviors like anger, malice, and deceit, greed, lust. These things are contrary to our new identity in Christ.
-we must be intentionally Putting On the New Self: Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
-This series is going to look at the vices that hold us down and hurt us and others. And how through Jesus we have the strength to overcome these vices and live out some of the virtues Paul talks about in Colossians 3.
Quick Reminder:
-a vice is a habitual and morally wrong behavior or pattern of thought that separates us from God's love and guidance.Vices are often characterized by their destructive nature, both in our relationship with God and in our interactions with others.
-Virtues are qualities of moral excellence that reflect God's character. They are cultivated through intentional practice and reliance on the Holy Spirit.
over the last 2 weeks we have talked about the vice of anger and greed and how that impacts us. I pray it was helpful for some and you were able to self evaluate some more this past week.
The Vice Section:
-Now lets look at another vice that affects us all, whether we like to admit it or not – This weeks Vice is Lying.
-Lying is a human weakness that has far-reaching consequences in our lives and communities. This morning we will explore the nature of lying, its impact on individuals and society, and the importance of truth and humility in our lives as guided by our faith.
The Nature of Lying:
The Definition: Lying is the deliberate act of deceiving others by intentionally conveying false or misleading information.
Types of Lies:
1. White Lies: Small, seemingly harmless lies often told to spare someone's feelings.
2. Omission Lies: Leaving out critical information to manipulate the truth.
3. Serious Lies: Deceptive and harmful lies that can have significant consequences.
Why people Lie:
-People lie for a variety of reasons, and the motivations for lying can be complex. Some common reasons people lie include:
-Self-preservation: People may lie to protect themselves from harm, punishment, or embarrassment. For example, a child might lie about breaking a valuable item to avoid getting in trouble.
-To protect others: Sometimes, people lie to protect someone else's feelings or reputation. For instance, someone might tell a friend that they like their new haircut even if they don't, to avoid hurting their feelings.
-To gain an advantage: Lying can be a way to gain a competitive edge or to get ahead in various aspects of life. For example, someone might lie on a job application or during an interview to secure a job.
-To avoid conflict: People often lie to avoid confrontation or conflict. They might tell a white lie to prevent an argument or to maintain a sense of peace in a relationship.
-Social acceptance: In some cases, individuals lie to fit in or be more socially accepted. This could involve exaggerating stories or pretending to share common interests.
-Maintaining privacy: Some people lie to protect their privacy or keep certain aspects of their life hidden. This can be especially true in situations where individuals feel that they're being intruded upon.
-Self-enhancement: People may lie to make themselves look better or more accomplished than they are. This is common in social situations or on social media, where individuals may exaggerate their achievements or experiences.
-Manipulation: Certain individuals may lie to manipulate or control others. This can involve deception for personal gain or to harm someone else.
-Fear of judgment: The fear of being judged or negatively evaluated can lead to lying. People may feel pressured to conform to societal norms or expectations and lie about their true beliefs or behaviors to avoid judgment.
-Habit: For some, lying can become a habitual behavior, making it difficult to break the pattern of dishonesty.
Here are some general statistics on lying and deception:
Frequency of lying:
Research suggests that people lie regularly in their daily lives. Some studies have found that the average person may tell one to two lies per day.However, the frequency of lying can vary widely among individuals, with some people lying more frequently than others.
Age and lying:
Studies have shown that lying behavior changes with age. Children often engage in more overt lying, while adults tend to be more skilled at deception and may lie to protect their self-image or avoid negative consequences.Adolescents may lie more frequently as they seek independence and explore boundaries.
Gender and lying:
Research on gender differences in lying is mixed. Some studies suggest that men and women lie at similar rates, while others indicate that women may tell more prosocial lies (lies intended to benefit others), and men may tell more self-enhancement lies (lies intended to make themselves look better).
Deception detection:
Studies have shown that humans are not very good at detecting lies. People tend to have an accuracy rate of around 54% when trying to determine if someone is lying or telling the truth.
Technology and lying:
The advent of technology has introduced new forms of deception, such as online deception, identity theft, and phishing scams.Social media platforms have also raised concerns about the authenticity of information and self-presentation.
What God says about Lying:
Here are a few key verses that emphasize the importance of truthfulness and the consequences of lying:
Ninth Commandment: The Ninth Commandment is found in the Old Testament of the Bible and is a fundamental moral principle for Christians. It states, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (Exodus 20:16, ESV). This commandment underscores the prohibition against giving false testimony or lying about others.
Proverbs 12:22 “Lying lips are detestable to the Lord, but faithful people are his delight.” This verse from the Book of Proverbs emphasizes that lying is detestable to God, while faithfulness and truthfulness are pleasing to Him.
Ephesians 4:25 “Therefore, putting away lying, speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, because we are members of one another.” The New Testament encourages Christians to put away falsehood and speak truthfully to one another, emphasizing the importance of honesty and unity within the Christian community.
II. The Impact of Lying:
A. Personal Consequences:
1. Erosion of Trust: Lying damages trust in relationships, making it difficult to build meaningful connections.
2. Guilt and Shame: The burden of guilt and shame that accompanies lying can weigh heavily on our conscience.
B. Social Consequences:
1. Broken Relationships: Lies can lead to broken friendships, strained family bonds, and even divorce.
2. Erosion of Community: Widespread deception can harm the sense of community and unity.
C. Moral and Spiritual Consequences:
1. Straying from Faith: Continuous lying can lead us away from the moral principles of our faith.
2. Separation from God: Scripture tells us that lying is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord
Proverbs 6:16–19 “The Lord hates six things; in fact, seven are detestable to him: arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers.”
The Virtues Section:
The Virtue:Truthfulness
The Importance of Truth and Honesty:
Truthfulness is Guided by Faith:
- Scripture teaches us to speak the truth in love Ephesians 4:15 “But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head—Christ.”
-Honesty is a virtue that reflects the character of God.
Truthfulness can lead Healing and Redemption:
- Acknowledging our lies and seeking forgiveness can lead to healing and redemption for ourselves and in relationships.
- God's grace is available to all who repent and turn from deceitful ways. Don’t ever think you have been too deceitful to receive Gods grace. You can always repent!
Living a Life of Integrity:
- As followers of our faith, we are called to live lives of integrity and transparency.
-Honesty is the foundation of a life well-pleasing to God.
truthfulness and avoiding lies are important because they are deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus!
Here some reasons why it is important for Christians to be truthful and not lie:
Biblical Teaching: The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the importance of truthfulness. In the Ten Commandments, one of the core moral codes for Christians, it is stated, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (Exodus 20:16). Jesus also emphasized the value of truth when he said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6).
Reflecting God's Character: Christians believe in a God who is the embodiment of truth and integrity. God is described as unchanging and faithful (Numbers 23:19), and Christians are called to imitate God's character in their lives.
Maintaining Trust: Truthfulness is essential for building and maintaining trust in relationships, whether it's within the family, the church community, or the broader society. When Christians are known for their honesty, it can have a positive impact on their witness to others.
Resisting Sin: Lying is considered a sin. It goes against the moral principles laid out in the Bible, and as Christ followers we must strive to resist sin and strive for holiness in our lives.
Integrity and Accountability: Truthfulness is a fundamental aspect of personal integrity. It means aligning one's words and actions with their beliefs. We are to be a people of integrity and to be accountable for our actions.
Conflict Resolution: Honesty is crucial for resolving conflicts and misunderstandings.We are to seek reconciliation and peace, which often require open and truthful communication.
Avoiding Harm: Lies can lead to harm, both to oneself and to others. They can harm relationships, damage reputations, and have far-reaching negative consequences.
Witness to the World: If you proclaim Jesus as your your savior you are called to be a light in the world, demonstrating the love and truth of Christ. When Christians are known for their honesty and integrity, it can serve as a powerful witness to the world.
The Virtue:Humility
I. Understanding Humility:
-humility is a deep awareness of our limitations, imperfections, and need for God.
Proverbs 22:4 “Humility, the fear of the Lord, results in wealth, honor, and life.”
James 4:10 “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”
The Link Between Pride and Lying:
There is a connection between pride and dishonesty. When we think too highly of ourselves, we may be tempted to lie to maintain a certain image.
-Throughout Scripture we are told about the consequences of pride. Proverbs 16:18-19 tells us that “pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.”
-Pride has kept many people from accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. Admitting sin and acknowledging that in our own strength we can do nothing to inherit eternal life is a constant stumbling block for prideful people.
-We are not to boast about ourselves; if we want to boast, then we are to proclaim the glories of God. What we say about ourselves means nothing in God's work. It is what God says about us that makes the difference (2 Corinthians 10:18).
-Why is pride so sinful? Pride is giving ourselves the credit for something that God has accomplished. Pride is taking the glory that belongs to God alone and keeping it for ourselves. Pride is essentially self-worship.
- humility acts as a safeguard against lying
-Jesus, the ultimate model of humility, always spoke the truth and encouraged His followers to do the same.
-We must be in Prayer and seeking God's guidance.Reflecting on one's shortcomings.Serving others and putting their needs before our own.Share Bible verses that inspire humility,
Philippians 2:3–4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look not to his own interests, but rather to the interests of others.”
Apologizing when we make a mistake.Admitting our limitations and seeking help.Choosing honesty even when it's difficult.
Week 3:
1.Write a lament about how lying has impacted you.
2.Share your lament (if you are willing) , how has lying impacted you?
3.How can you work on having the virtues of truth, humility, and honesty?