Notes on Hermenutics
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Mark Chanski
Mark Chanski
13-part 1 ancient to modern
apocalyptic literature- needs to be interpreted in a unique and special way
wisdom literature- job and proverbs. Not a air tight message like that which is more logical in its theology. wisdom literature is not universally true but instead should be seen as what is mostly true unless acted upon but outside sources. consider how the child raised in the faith will not depart. how many children of believers have gone astray and not because of the parenting of the children
songs of solomon. depends on how you look t his book. is it s lvove letter from the christ to the church, husband to bride, Yahweh to Israel… this will differ the interpretation.
the gospels are profound theologies. It is a portrate painting. It is historical but also a has beautiful meaning that is often seen in symbols and parables. Jesus is healing a leper is beautifully symbolic for us being made new in Christ. however it is historically true at the same time.
when i write a letter for a class notice Ruth in the covering possibly
there is theological truths and implications that is found in narrative genre.
Historical in the gramatical and historical interpretation means that we must remember the bible as written by men. they are written in their style with their situation while their perspective.
the book of ruth is not a story of christ and the church but rather a book that shows Gods sovereignty in the midst of a dark and hard generation in how God would bring about David and then Christ. by chance she appeared in the land of Boaz.
when preaching you must go into a time caplse and go to the place that the text is speaking in. then take that present it to the church in the present situation that they are in, by picturing for them what you had seen.
We need to know what the text was like in the day it was written as this will shed more light on the text.
Lecture 15
the bible is gramatical because it is written as by men, it is interpreted with history because their is context that is fitting to that day, and we interpret it with a theological interpretation because God is the author and becuase of that their is a great theme and continuety within.
fundementally there is only one author of the bible, God.
all 66 books will be correspondent and not disagree with one another.
the lord of the rings that we see carry on throughout the books of a glorious narrative of the creator. like this we can see this in the bible but the amazment is that it was written by several hands throughout history.
the theological interpretation shows that one paragragh greatly fits in the whole.