Women in Ministry

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Women as Deacons-

Phoebe- Romans 16:1
Romans 16:1 ESV
I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae,
Romans 16:1 NA28
Συνίστημι δὲ ὑμῖν Φοίβην τὴν ἀδελφὴν ἡμῶν, οὖσαν [καὶ] διάκονον τῆς ἐκκλησίας τῆς ἐν Κεγχρεαῖς,

Eldership/ Preaching Role

Kostenberger treatment of the phrase αὐθεντεῖν. He says:

“Exercise (or have) authority” (αὐθεντεῖν) in the present context is tantamount to being in charge of and responsible for a church in its entirety by holding the office of overseer/elder (see 3:4–5; 5:17).169 The contrast with “full submission” (see v. 11 above) and the parallel structure with the term “teaching” make clear that the expression αὐθεντεῖν has no necessary negative connotation.170 Paul’s use of functional terminology (“teach,” “exercise authority”) makes reference to those in the church who exercise these functions by virtue of holding a certain office (i.e., overseer/elder/pastor-teacher; cf. 3:2, 4–5; 5:17; Acts 20:17, 28; Eph 4:11).

The phrase “over a man” (ἀνδρός, like γυναικί used generically) most likely qualifies “have authority over.” Women are not to occupy positions in the church that involve permanent ruling functions over men; these are reserved for males. At the same time, nothing said here keeps women from ministering to other women (Titus 2:3–5) or children (Eph 6:4; 2 Tim 1:5; 3:14–15; cf. Acts 16:1). Neither does the passage rule out the private instruction of men by women together with their husbands (Acts 18:25–26) or their participation in the church’s decision making on an informal or advisory basis

Ezer as helper

I especially appreciated his, Blomberg, understanding of ezer. Since Paul refers to creation in 1 Timothy 2 it is important to address Genesis. Blomberg understands the translation of ezer as helper must imply “that he or she comes to the aid of someone else who bears the primary responsibility for the activity in question,” so we can reconcile the idea that God is ezer of Israel but not subordinate while maintaining that view for men and women in relationship

Church History

I appreciate Schreiner’s opening argument appealing to history, hermeneutics, and terminology. His assertion that what the Church has universally believed for 2,000 years should not be easily thrown out is of much importance.
It is also the case that this rule transcends denominations. The majority of all Christian denominations, especially in history do not have women as overseers.

Woman were not the primary proponents of false teaching

Schreiner pushes back against the egalitarian view that the 1 Timothy 2 passage is merely contextual. Had Paul wished to state that women were the proponents of false teaching he could have. Besides, to ban only women from teaching when both men and women were teaching falsely would have been incredibly sexist

New Roman Woman and the Cult of Artemis

Not convinced. Are we not similar?

Jesus did not include women in the twelve.

Was willing to disrupt culture, died because of it. Didn’t do that here.

Husband is the head of the wife.

Much treatment on κεφαλη. Does it mean source as some some suggest?
Even belleville admits head means place of prominence and it is unconvincing to suggest it has nothing to do with authority. Leaderships primary role is to be a source. At the very least headship must imply role differentiation.
If head has nothing to do with authority what of Jesus in the church?

Leadership as Responsibility

Leadership in the Bible is to take on responsibility. We can maintain that men have authority but that they are not to be domineering. Christ is over the church yet he laid down his life for the church. Headship from this perspective has far less to do with rights and privilege but sacrifice and love.

Appeal to Creation

The way Schreiner deals with Paul’s use of Genesis is perhaps his strongest argument. Schreiner carefully details that Adam’s role in creation was one of leadership and responsibility. While we view leadership as a matter of power and prestige, Adam received it as a responsibility to steward. So, while Eve sins first, it is Adam who is addressed first because he failed to lead his wife (pg. 291). It was Adam who received the command and thus Adam should have led his wife into obedience as well. Schreiner also points out that this happens before the fall, an important point
Gar is a connector. Paul’s flow of thought.
Adam was instructed to lead before the fall. Biblical headship is not a result of the fall.
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