Gospel Conversations (Acts 8:26-40)

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Matthew 13:44 ““The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”
Matthew 13:45–46 ““Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
would my/your life be described like either one of these parables?
do we realize the supreme value of knowing Jesus and being part of His kingdom?
am I/are you completely sold out to Jesus and His clear command to make disciples?
Matthew 28:19 Jesus — “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,”
as a blood-bought believer in Jesus,
where does making disciples fall on your priority list?
what is ahead of making disciples? will it matter in 1,000 years?
how does God want to reorient your priorities this morning?
“We have lost a biblical idea of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Our definition nowadays of what it means to be a Christian has been reduced to avoiding stuff: don't get drunk, don't commit adultery, don't lie. Jesus didn't say, “Come, follow me and don't do stuff.” No, he said, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Following involves fishing. If you are not fishing, you are not following. Churches are supposed to help their members be successful at catching fish and helping those fish mature and multiply.” Bob McNabb, Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World
what if we were all in?
lived our lives in light of eternity?
had making disciples as our main goal?
our lives would look a lot like a man named Philip

gospel conversations

no plan
no map
even through persecution
God is supernaturally orchestrating the mission
Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.””

A disciple-maker…

Jesus — “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,”
Philip not an apostle
a disciple who is intentional about making disciples who make disciples

is led by the Spirit

make case since not crystal clear
an angel of the Lord said to Philip (8:26)
the angel was God’s mouthpiece
functional equivalent to the HS
And the Spirit said to Philip (8:29)
being led by the HS is not automatic
must be sensitive

are you choosing to be in the right place to be led by the HS?

quiet time
shaped by preaching/teaching
prayer life (listening)
must be intentionally listening
usually when God speaks with a bang, it is not pleasant
distractions distort our hearing (cell phones, children, work, friends)
always something “better” to do than be in God’s Word and pray
watch Astros stomp Rangers
scroll FB
must spend significant time with someone to hear the whole message
like a well-marinated relationship
dad clear throat from choir
Amanda smile with a picture of a puppy
the more we focus on God’s Word, the better we know what He wants of us
the better we pray, the better we hear
Christian, in your daily life are you making decisions to be led by the Spirit?

simply obeys

spiritual maturity is not knowing more
it is obeying more
thus knowing and doing are not the same thing
“Trust and Obey”
Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father
Philip didn’t have to be creative on how to obey
the HS was in the lead
if I only had the HS speak to me…
in Philip’s time, the NT had not been inspired by HS and written
BUT it has now
the Lord did speak
we carry it around in our hands, hearts, and phones
we know far more than we obey
He still speaks
through the same Word that we can so easily neglect
I don’t want to hear when I have to give an account of my life
“Remember that clear command I gave to make disciples?
How many disciples did you make?
Did you even try?
Christian, do you obey what you know?

rejects worldly barriers

Ethiopian eunuch’s goodness wasn’t enough
man of character
a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians,
who was in charge of all her treasure
feared God
He had come to Jerusalem to worship (8:27)
extremely devoted
map (x2)
extreme limits of the civilized world
to SEE temple (x2)
read the Bible
impressive that he even had a scroll of Isaiah (copied by hand)
hope even for this eunuch just a few chapters over (Isaiah 56:3-5)
Philip had every reason to reject Ethiopian eunuch
never able to be full member of Israel
foreigner (black)
plus, Philip was untrained in personal evangelism
yet Philip isn’t the radical, the Holy Spirit is
Gentile, eunuch, foreigner (black) is baptized into full membership through Christ
Jesus said, “I will make you fishers of men
here the fish jumps into the boat
if the gospel is powerful to save anyone,
Christian, who have you written off that you should reconsider?
our world loves to divide age/race/gender
the gospel unites (Gal 3:28)

evangelizes [define] the lost

HS was at work leading Philip
but also at work with Ethiopian eunuch reading Isaiah 53:7-8
evangelism requires
1. opening mouth
Then Philip opened his mouth (8:35)
false: “Preach the gospel. Use words if necessary.
no one can be saved because of your actions
truth: words are required for salvation (Rom 10:17)
evangelism needs an evangel (ēˈvanjəl)
2. telling about Jesus
beginning w/this Scripture he told [εὐαγγελίζω] him the good news about Jesus (8:35)
how can someone be made right with God?
3. baptizing believer (8:36-37; Matt 28:19b)
Ethiopian eunuch has special situation concerning baptism
prohibited from becoming full proselyte
Gentile unable to become proselyte because of physical condition
no matter how close he got to God’s people, he couldn’t be one
enter the good news of Jesus
Gentile, eunuch, foreigner (black)
is baptized into full membership through Christ
baptism is big deal to Ethiopian eunuch
See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized? (8:36)
went on his way rejoicing (8:39)
normative—believe then baptized
not normative—different situation with Ethiopian eunuch
historically Christians have found it beneficial
to make sure baptism candidate knows
what is going on before baptizing
not normally wise to baptize on the spot (except extenuating circumstances)
Kat Von D from witchcraft
plus baptism is an ordinance of the church
not an individual Christian (missionary context)
if you are a Christian, and have not been baptized
Connection Card
what an encouraging account
about Philip
not an apostle
not a pastor
not seminary education
no evangelism training
but obedient to the Lord
about the Ethiopian eunuch
was close to God’s people but never good enough to become one
until Christ
the personal encounter between these 2 unlikely men had eternal ramifications

personal evangelism is the most effective method of evangelism

false “Go into the world and preach the gospel. If necessary, use words.
Rom 10:13-15, 17
your friend will not get saved by watching your life (no biblical promise)
yet your life gives credibility to (or denies) the gospel
highest sense of accountability this side of heaven
where you ask a questionand wait for an answer
slick evangelistic spiels are sniffed as fake a mile away
relationships are the way of Jesus and should be our way too
John 3—Jesus and Nicodemus
John 4—Jesus and the woman at the well
John 5—Jesus ministered to a helpless man
who does God want YOU to have a gospel conversation with?
have a few transition questions ready
Can I share a something that has made a difference in my life?
What do you think about the man Jesus?
In your opinion, what do you think it takes for a person to go to heaven?
If you were to die today, where do you think you would go? Why?
If God asked you why He should let you into heaven, what would you say?
invite to combined service
then have follow up conversation

gospel conversations

1. know the gospel

one and only God created us
but we sinned and are separated from Him
in His great love
God became man in Jesus
lived a perfect live
took on our punishment for sin by dying on the cross in our place
God raised Him from the dead
God calls us to repent of our sins
and trust Christ alone for our forgiveness
Jesus died for my sin
do you know the gospel?
have you responded to the gospel?

2. develop your salvation testimony

before Christ
how came to Christ
after Christ
if you don’t have a clear salvation testimony
then you may not be saved
future—require for all members
someone may dispute Bible
cannot dispute your story

3. pray for lost people

warms our heart
God uses our prayer in salvation

4. pray for opportunities to share the gospel

pray for boldness

5. share the gospel

success in evangelism is in the sharing, not the saving.
Only God can save, but He commands us to share.
Our responsibility begins and ends with the sharing of the gospel.
the main way to fail at evangelism is to not do it

6. ask them to repent of sin and trust in Christ alone

highest level of accountability this side of eternity
ask then wait for an answer
need a nudge? want some help?
evangelism training — Monday, October 23, 6p
who in your life needs you to have a gospel conversation with them?
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