The First King of Israel (6)
The Rise and Fall of the First King of Israel • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Saul vs David.
Saul vs David.
Hey guys! I am glad you are here! Special welcome to those of you coming for the first time tonight! If you don’t know, Every week at Imprint we do this sort of thing where we stop the running and playing, and we take a few minutes to dive into the Bible and see what it says. We believe it is the living and breathing word of God and therefore it is the most important part of the night by far.
Okay, to make sure everyone is caught up, lets do our weekly recap.
In week 1 we learned God’s desire for His people was to be what?
Set apart, different.
They disobeyed that by doing what?
Demanding a king
The first three characters we introduced were?
Samuel, Saul, David
We learned God is bigger than our what?
And partial obedience is…?
True or False, God cares about the heart more than he does about the action?
And last week we learned that David did what?
Took down Goliath by the power of God.
Why didn’t Saul do it ?
He did not trust the Lord. But in Himself.
Great job guys.
We are in the second last week of this series in the book of 1 Samuel. And man I wish I could pack so much more into this because this book along with 2 Samuel is some of the most exciting stuff in the Bible with so much to take away from it. However, I don’t have you guys here for hours every week, and none of us actually want that! But I am excited to get into the text here.
Last week, we saw David get anointed by Samuel, then he took down the champion of the Philistines, Goliath of Gath