The LORD, our Shield

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CIT: We shall find comfort, through faith, in God, our shield, from any perceived threats to his plan which he wills forward.


Setting up Exodus
We wont have the normal 3 points and the truth this morning, but we will look at sections of this passage and then put them together for the truth
God is a good author.
By the time Moses pens all of this down, everybody knows wether or not Abram had children
It’s like a good prequel series ex. The Hobbit


Immediate context
previous promise in chapter 12
“After these things” is a clear division from what comes before
The word of the LORD- prophetic formula
the test established later is “does it come true”

1. We Shall Find Comfort

God’s words are clear: do not be afraid
what is there to fear? he has just been blessed
his reward will be very great
Abram is not confused, he immediately turns to his doubts of having no children
Abram’s question, “what can you give me” is after the context of being blessed monetarily many times.
This reveals Abram’s heart. His heart longs for an heir
God comforts by clarifying that he means what he says
a child from your loins
as numerous as the stars (a little sarcasm from God

2. Comfort in the LORD, Through Faith

the focus of the LORD’s original statement is in himself as the shield.
The LORD’s encouragement is in the hope of his’s protection
The LORD doubles down on this by reminding Abram what who he is and what he does
this is incredibly similar to the beginning of the law in Exodus 20, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.”
Abram’s faith is his righteoousness
Paul and James will both expound on this passage.
Romans 3:28 CSB
For we conclude that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.
James 2:24 CSB
You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.
At first glance these statments will seem contradictory, but once you dig into their meaning, and how they each use certain words, they have great harmony.
Paul uses this passage to point out that the law does not save, only faith can.
James uses this passage to show that faith without works is no faith at all.
The harmony of these two NT authors is shown in Gen 15 because of vv. 2-3
In his frustration, Abram’s faith is illustrated. He knows that God is the one who provides

3. The Covenant

Abram asks how he can know he will posses it. This is to say he wants assurances to trust in, so God makes a covenant
This covenant seems to be a common practice in the ANE
Abram does not need explicit instructions, and the author does not feel the need to elaborate
Abram becomes afraid. Don’t forget that this all began with the word of the LORD, “do not be afraid”
The smoking fire pot and a flaming torch
God’s presence
all over Exodus
acts ch 2
God takes both sides of the covenant
normally both parties walk hrough
imagery of the carnage you will go through if you break it

4. God’s Sheild for Us, Today

Understanding how this passage relates to us today can be difficult because God has not come to us in a vision with promises like in this chapter with Abram, but there are some very clear takeaways
Nothing can stop his plan.
God’s word is not a guarantee. It is fact.
He is in control of it all.
Our hope and comfort is in him, our shield
the things we fear will end his promises can not penetrate our defenses
This passage has ministered to me this week as I studied it.
I often find myself wondering what God’s plan is
What am I to do with my life
What’s my next step
When do I take that step
Is there a next step
all of the general fears:
Will I amount to anything
My desires will be fulfilled or dashed based only on If they are God’s will.
the promise is accomplished in Jesus
Jesus is Abram’s seedd
“I am the God who brought you out of…slavery to sin”
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