Lord, please open my eyes...

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Subject: Lord, Open My Eyes. (I’ve got inside information)
Text: 2 Kins 6:8-18
Harmon Stockdale / General

2 Kings 6:15-19

8 Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, “I will set up my camp in such and such a place.”
9 The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there.” 10 So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places.
11 This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”
12 “None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”
13 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.”
14 Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.
15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.
For the time that is ours to share together today, I want to talk from this thought, “Lord, open my eyes.”
If there’s one thing that I have learned about the enemy, it is this - he always thinks he has the upper hand on God.
If there is one thing, I know about the enemy it is that in his arrogance and pride he thinks that he is more cunning and clever than he really is.
And I share this with us today because it is important that we know that while we are often caught off guard by the enemy’s attack, while we are often caught un-aware and un-prepared by what would be the onslaught of the enemy - God is never caught unaware or unprepared because God is never not in the know.
Which simply means that there is nothing that the enemy can do, will do, or plan to do that is outside of the all knowing and ever seeing eye of God.
In fact, there is nothing that the enemy can think up, there is nothing that the enemy can conceive, concoct or create; there is nothing that the enemy can plan, strategize, manipulate or maneuver that God has not already thought about and made a way out of for those who believe in Him.
And it’s important that we know this because as believer’s we are on the enemy’s hit list. As believers we are most wanted by the enemy. Because the enemy knows that if he can take us out, he will be able to succeed in some small way - by ensuring that our testimony, our witness, and word of faith is silenced from the conversation.
But even this shows the naivety of the enemy because scripture clearly tells us that even if we should hold our peace, the rocks would immediately cry out unto the glory of God – the praise that’s due unto his name.
Nevertheless, the enemy’s aim is to silence us, and this is critical for us to understand as believers – because the truth of the matter is this: the enemy sees more in us than we do in ourselves.
More often than not, the enemy sees our greatness before we do. More often than not, the enemy sees the power of our influence, the power of our testimony, and our witness before we do. And because of this the enemy stops at nothing to attack and tear down what he sees in us so that we will never see it in ourselves and rise to the level of greatness that God has prepared for us.
That’s why we’ve got to be careful what we say about ourselves. Because everything time we say what we can’t do, what we are not good at, and what we will never be able to accomplish we are doing the devils work for him. Every time we look down on ourselves and allow the opinions of others to trap us and entangle us in a web of woe – we are doing the devils work for him.
We know that the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy - and sometimes we do all of that to ourselves before the enemy even has an opportunity to do it to us. All because our eyes are closed to the power and presence of God in our lives.
And what I like about this text is that in this text we see one in the prophet Elisha who was keenly aware of the power and presence of God. In Elisha we see one who was not frustrated by the attack of the enemy because he knew come what may – if God be for you – He’s greater than the world against you.
We first learn about Elisha in 1 Kings 19 when his master the prophet Elijah finds him working in the fields and calls him to follow him. Of which Elisha drops what he’s doing and becomes an assistant to the prophet Elijah until 2 Kings 2 when at the end of Elijah’s ministry, he anoints Elisha and is taken up into heaven by a whirlwind.
It is then, when Elijah leaves earth, that Elisha is granted a double portion of the prophet’s power and begins to do his ministry work for the Lord. Although Elisha doesn’t go head-to-head with any of the Israelite kings, he does advise them as he dedicates his ministry to finishing what Elijah set out to do which is to eliminate with worship of Baal in the lives of God’s chosen people.
Some of the miracles that take place through the ministry of Elisha include his parting the Jordan river in two recorded in 2 kings 2 and the famous healing of Namaan the leper in 2 kings 5. In fact, we read that the power on Elisha’s life was so strong that event after he dies – a dead man is raised back to life just by touching Elisha’s bones.
I tell you my brothers and sisters the prophet Elisha is one who is keenly aware of the presence and power of God on his life. No doubt this is why, when confronted with the plot and plans of the Syrian king his is not troubled in the lest.
As we enter into the opening scenes of our text, we find in 2 Kings chapter 6 the story of Israel’s continued confrontation with the Syrian nation (also referred to as the Aramean nation).
In this particular text we find Elisha in the middle of a ongoing feud between the king of Israel (Jehoram) and the king of Syria (Benhadad).
The Syrian king; conferring with his officers, planned a series of secret attacks against Israel by several groups of his special forces. The strategy by raiding parties was to take place over an extended period of time.
But each time God the attackers got ready, God would reveal the attack to Elisha by giving him a divine download – laying out the plans of the Syrian king so that he could in-turn warn the king of Israel – to let him know where the attacks were to take place.
Time and time again the information proved to be true, and the army of Israel was always prepared. What they didn’t know – God knew, and He sent the prophet to inform them about what the enemy had prepared. What they couldn’t see – God saw, and He sent the prophet to open their eyes to what the enemy was about to do.
When they could have lost their life – God sent the prophet with a word that open their eyes to the attack of the enemy.
And I’m sure if I were to pole the house today – and if we were to look back over the course of our life – we too could share our testimony about how God knew what we didn’t know – how God saw what we couldn’t see – and how God opened our eyes through a Word – to prepare us for what the enemy had laying in weight for us.
Is there anybody in this place that can say God I thank you for sending your word!
Lead In:
Yes, God sent a word of revelation through the prophet Elisha to prevent the attacks of their Syrian enemy – and – as a result He frustrated the army and infuriating the king.
So much so that the king Benhadad, finding himself frustrated and infuriated, suspecting that his army was unable to succeed because of treachery within his ranks, he called his servants together in grief and indignation, and asked who is the traitor among you.
He reasoned that the only way Israel was able to escape the Syrian attack time and time again was because they had someone on the inside. So, the Syrian king asked the question – which one of you is the traitor – which one of you is giving out inside information?
Because Israel’s got to have someone on the inside.
However, his officers assured him that they were all faithful, but that the secrets whispered during his private time were revealed to the king of Israel not by one of them but by Elisha the prophet of Israel.
And it is with this turning of events that our text reveals to us several things that are pertinent to our walk as believers. Number 1: this text reveals to us that Purpose bring Opposition.
Look at what the bible says in verses 13-14:
1. Purpose brings Opposition
13 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.”
14 Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.
Elisha’s fame had spread into the Syrian nation. Everyone except for the king was talking about Israel prophet and his ability to do what no one else was able to do.
And when their repeated surprise attack on Israel were met with Israel preparedness - they reasoned that it could only be the prophet who was informing Israel about the movements of their military forces.
Once this was shared with the king of Syria, no longer was his focuse on Israel – because his attention is now on Elisha. For he knew that as long as Elisha lived, he would not be able to succeed in his plan to successfully attack and defeat Israel.
It’s interesting to note that the Syrian king did not have a problem with Elisha – when Elisha was out parting the Jordan River. The Syrian king didn’t have a problem with Elisha while he was out ministering to widows and curing men of leprosy. No it was not until Elisha prevented him from having his way – that Elisha got in the way.
It was not until God started speaking to Elisha about the plans of the Syrian army to attack Israel that Elisha shows up on the radar of the Syrian king. It was not until Elisha ministry got in the way of the enemy’s mission that Elisha shows up on the radar of the Syrian king
It was not until Elisha’s purpose interfered with the plans of the Syrian king that Elisha meets opposition.
And this is important to take note of because whenever you stay out of the way and allow the devil to have his way – you ain’t got nothing to worry about. Because the enemy ain’t fighting nobody that’s not fighting with him.
The enemy ain’t bothering nobody that ain’t bothering him! Because long as you allow the enemy to do what he wants to do – he doesn’t perceive you to be a threat.
Oh, but whenever you walk in God’s will for your life you can expect to be attacked. Whenever you are intentional about walking in God’s purpose – you can be sure that you will experience opposition from the enemy.
Because walking in God’s purpose for your life means that you will not be able to set silent on the side-line and allow the devil to have his way. It means that you will not be able to receive God’s Word without sharing God’s.
It means that you will not be able to see something without saying something. It means that you will not be able to see a need without using what God has blessed you with to provide for that need.
It means that whatever and how ever God chooses to use you – you will be ready willing and able to be used by the Lord – saying Lord send me I’ll go!
And now don’t get it twisted - just because you are willing to go, just because you have a heart to serve – and just because God’s call, God’s anointing, and God’s power rests on your life does not mean that you will be exempt from demonic attack in this life.
Just because you can preach, pray, and speak in tongues – does not mean that you will not experience demonic opposition.
And this is what we see in the shift that takes place in the text.
So frustrated was the king that he sent men out looking for Elisha – saying when you find out where he is come back and let me know so I can send my army to capture him.
Because Elisha’s purpose is messing with my plans…
Not only does this text teach us the Purpose brings Opposition – but it also reminds us that God’s Promise brings Peace.
Look at what the bible says in verse 15-16:
2. Promise brings Peace
15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
This text shows us that God’s promise brings peace.
I told you earlier that Elisha was not born a prophet. In fact, when Elisha is called into the ministry he was found working in the fields.
He was not one who came from a line of prophets nor was he one who came with a resume that would commend him to the ministry of a prophet.
Rather, all he had to commend himself to this ministry was that fact that he was chosen for it by God.
And it is interesting to note that when he is called into the ministry, he doesn’t start out on the level we see him at here in our text. No, before he was called to serve in the ministry of a prophet, he was called to serve the prophet Elijah.
And no doubt through that service up until the prophet Elijah got taken up into heaven Elisha had learned that the call of God on one’s life also come with a promise from God.
Yes, as a minister, as a prophet, and as a believer God promised that he would be used by God for the glory of God. And no doubt this promise was confirmed when he received the double portion that he prayed for so that he could be used by God just like Elijah was used by God.
But beyond that – I believe that Elisha also found out that his call by God came with God’s promise of presence. Which literally let him know that no matter where he was in life God would be there with him.
And no doubt it is promise of presence that brings Elisha peace even in the face of a fearful servant who comes to him with the report of an army surrounding the city where he lived.
Look at the scene church family because if you do you will see that the Syrian king knowing that he would be unable to make any further plans against Israel as long as Elisha was revealing his plans to Israel - decided to go after Elisha.
He decided to send his army after Elisha by night to surround the city and take Elisha hostage. What is interesting to note here is that while he was unable to surprise Israel because of Elisha, he still thought he would be able to surprise Elisha.
More so than that, it never occurred to the Syrian king that Elisha, who knew all his schemes, might know this one too, or that horses and chariots were of little use against a man who had Heaven to back him up.
It’s almost as if he failed to put two and two together. Nevertheless, the Syrian king went after the prophet Elisha who was living in Dothan 12 miles northeast of Samaria.
And when his servant got up and saw the army – he immediately went to Elisha and said: “What shall we do?”
And I like Elisha he doesn’t get flustered or flabbergasted – he simply responds by saying: “Don’t be afraid,”... because “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
And I believe I could stop my little sermon right here and right now. Because that will preach all by itself!
And you need to know child of God that as a believer the same promise of presence that Elisha had is the same promise that you and I have.
To the extent that no matter where we go – we don’t go by ourselves.
No matter what we have to handle – we are not handling it by ourselves.
And no matter who comes against us – they are not coming against us all by ourselves.
Because we’ve got a promise of presence that lets us know that we don’t have to be afraid - because those who are with us are more than those who are with them!
Is there anybody in here who can thank God for His Promise that gives you Peace?
But, not only does this text teach us the Purpose brings Opposition – and that God’s Promise brings Peace because we’ve got God’s Presence – but this text also reminds us that God’s Presence brings Power.
Look at what the bible says in verse 17-18:
3. Presence brings Power
Lord’s/Savior’s Power/Presence
17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So, he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.
I like what Elisha does here next for his servant. He doesn’t leave his servant with a promise of presence without proof of God’s presence.
While Elisha is a man tried and tested in the faith by now – his servant is young and in need of encouragement to know that God will show up for them in their time of need.
Because the only thing that Elisha’s servant see at this time is that the city is surrounded by the enemy’s army and they have no way to escape. This is why he goes to Elisha in panic and ask, “What shall we do?”
He acknowledges that the problem in front of them is bigger than they can handle together – so aside from some supernatural show of strength from Elisha – he doesn’t see a way out of this for them.
And Elisha no doubt hearing the fear in his servant’s voice and seeing the fear on his servants face instead of trying to claim his fears with a word of explanation he takes time to pray.
And I like this because notice what Elisha prays for. He doesn’t pray that the enemy army would turn around. He doesn’t pray that the enemy army be struck with fire from heaven or even a plague from the earth.
No Elisha prays that God would open the eyes of his servant so that his servant would see what he had not been able to see before.
Elisha prayed, “Lord, Open his eyes, so that he may see.”
And the bible says that after Elisha prayer – God opened the servant’s eyes and he looked and he saw!
And right now Kayne Avenue I’m praying that God would open your eyes! Not so that you can see better the problem – but so that you can see better God’s presences!
I’m praying right now that God would open your eyes – so that you can see that there are more with you than there are against you!
I’m praying right now that God would open your eyes so that you will be able to see that – If God be for you – He’s greater than the world against you!
I’m praying that God would open your eyes! In the same way that He opened the servant’s eyes.
Because when the servant’s eyes were open that bible says that he saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
When the servant’s eyes were open - where he had seen only barren rock and vegetation, he now saw the fiery host of heaven’s army enclosing them within a flaming ring of fire –
…so that no weapon of the enemy would be able to prosper against them!
If that’s your testimony, you ought to lift your voice and say Lord open my eyes!
I don’t want more money – I just want to see you better!
I don’t want more clothes – I just want to see you better!
I don’t want more material things – I just want to see you better!
So, open my eyes so I can declare: “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered.
Open my eyes so I can declare: If God be for me – He’s greater than the world against me!
Open my eyes so I can declare: But the Lord is faithful, He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. (2 Thess. 3:3)
Lord, open my eyes so I can declare: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
Lord Open up my eyes!
Because I know if I see you better – I will be able to make it just a little bit further.
The message of this text is this: it reminds us that even in our darkest hour when it seems that the while world has come against - and the enemy has planned for our demise - this text reminds us that those who are with us are more than those who are with them.
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Open the eyes of my heart I want to see You I want to see You
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Open the eyes of my heart I want to see You I want to see You
To see You high and lifted up Shinin' in the light of Your glory Pour out Your power and love As we sing holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy We cry holy, holy, holy You are holy, holy, holy I want to see you
Holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holy You are holy, holy, holy I want to see you
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