Untitled Sermon (9)
Good-morning Church!
We’re going to be all over the Bible this morning, but I want you to turn first to Philippians 2. We will be looking at verses 9-11 as we begin.
We are starting a new sermon series this morning, we’re calling it Haunted House.
This is a very popular topic this time of year, especially with halloween!
The haunted house industry brings in about 300 million a year in the united states, and there are 1,500 Spirit Halloween stores.
Needless to say, people are talking during this season and I thought the church should talk as well.
We are going to be taking the next THREE weeks to study about demons and their involvement in the Bible and their involvement today.
We are going to have a lot of fun. We are going to learn a lot. And at the end of the sermon today, we are going to take some time for you all to ask questions and we will answer and talk about them on the spot.
When I announced that I was going to be preaching about demons I got a few various reaction. Some were excited. Some weren't bothered at all about it.
I feel sometimes when it comes to the dmeonic or the spiriutal realm there can be two extremes. As bible readers and theologians we have to find a right perspective and balance.
Some see the demonic as not real. Figments of biblical imagination.
Some, see the demonic and get over excited.Maybe think too much about it. Like everything that happens in life is a demon.