Enjoying a good life.
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Enjoying Life in the context of relationship.
Enjoy life with your wife, you love, in the midst of misery you will face.
a. God gives you a wife. Partnerships. Live happily with the woman you love. God gives you time and you must value your time together; invest in the time you have with your spouse.
b. The wife God gives you is your reward in this life. Prov. 18:22. The man who finds a wife, finds a treasure and obtains favor from God. He wants us to submit to each other, to love each other, to be fruitful and multiply, to subdue the earth and have dominion.
c. What about you single people? Is there no enjoyment for you? In singleness enjoy your life. That’s what God has given you. Matt. 19:10-12; 1 Corinthians 7:2
d. Your happiness is ripped away when you indulge in:
a. Trying to live like you are married when you are not. God wants you to do relationship right. If you are married, live like you are married and if you are single don’t live like you are married.
b. The preacher cautions us against multiple partners. There is no enjoyment in it. He says, enjoy life with the wife God gave you. God requires faithfulness and respect in our relationships and He will give the enjoyment.
c. In the midst of life mystery, Keep Loving.
Enjoying Life in the context of work.
Find something to do! And do it with diligence.
a. God gives you opportunities. Proverbs 10:4
b. Every person has something that you can do and do it well.
c. The preacher warns against being lazy.
d. Do it well. Col 3:23 God will not accept mediocrity.
e. In the midst of life’s misery, Keep Doing. Never quit, never give up.
II. Enjoying Life in the context of chivalry.
Stop being so competitive! Have endurance.
a. The race is not promised to the swift.
b. The battle is not guaranteed to the strong.
c. Bread or riches doesn’t dwell with the intelligent
We teach our children to be competitive, team games, individual competitor in many areas of life. Pressuring them to win but no one taught them hope to cope with loses, leaving them with trauma and mental health issues.
The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, whose hope is in His unfailing love. He delivers them from death and keep them in famine. Ps. 33:19
In the midst of life misery, Keep Hoping.
For those who do not experience such favor, the favor of winning even though you trained hard. The favor of winning even though they eat well. The favor of winning even though they ran a good race. Is God unjust? NO! Success is not dependent on human desire or effort but on God’s mercy. God said to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” (Romans 9: 14-16) When the writer says time and chance happens, he really meant that they are at the mercies of God. Mark 10: 46-52
Blind Batimaeus, son of Timaeous was sitting by the road side and heard that Jesus was passing. He immediately cried out Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!